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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. clicky probably needs refreshing, isnt active (unless it now needs a password)
  2. some of these images can be clicked to use the item, so it becomes more than aesthetic.
  3. Syrian


    My cat Serian, i changed a letter and didnt realise Syrian was already a word, oops!
  4. what if i like rabbits and bring them into the darkness with me? we can mutate them into killer bunnies that are cute for us but will bite the heads off of our enemies edit: on a totally unrelated note, holy hand grenades are suddenly banned inside the grounds of NC
  5. why has access to MD being blocked for these 3 countries?
  6. so im not allowed to create stones to aid someone in this contest?
  7. it bothers me that one of the bricks in the zig zag pattern should be pink but its actually purple , other than that, its super pretty and i like it!
  8. i clicked other but i agrree with phantasm, if hosts would like it and its needed for them, it should be an option for them to ask for
  9. thank you to everyone that wished me a happy birthday, be it here or ingame :)
  10. i have bunch of research on the scene letters over a few months that i collected with the help of a few people, what would stop me from drawing on this knowledge and having semi permanent access whenever i want it?
  11. Syrian

    Creature Reset

    what are you essentially asking here is (if we take the least valuable option) is that for eg, someone has a tokened elemental they would like to have cleared, they pay someone to take that tokened creature (which gives them no profit from the ownership change that they could potentially get from selling it), in return for a fresh elemental that they could just get themselves. if the creature that has tokens on it has useless tokens, they can sacrifice for no cost, and get a fresh one , without having to pay someone to get rid of it. if we take rarer shop creatures, its similar, if someone wanted to reset one of these, they could just sell the one they have with tokens, and buy a fresh one, generally for less coin than they just gained (tokens also have a value), there would be no sense in paying someone to take a more valueable creature (value also in age and heat, as these have their own worth too, even if just for alter purposes) then we get to super rare creatures which for obviousl reasons, wouldnt be able to be switched because that would include things like darklings and tainted angiens. TL:DR,(i heard people like these) youre asking people to pay for something they could easily do themselves without loss of coin
  12. in that same vain, i'd like to know who /you/ purchased it from and what legal right you have to say that you own it :P
  13. Happy birthday! hopefully you get to do all kinds of happy happy birthday related stuff and things!
  14. @asthir, grammer is wrong :P i can help with the englishing!
  15. if you mean the splitting of resources its been said that this wont be made possible and there are reasons for why not
  16. theres an old saying, "you have to get lost in order to find yourself" it sounds a little chiché but sometimes you have to lose everything in order to find the something youre looking for, its also a pretty common thing that after you find the one thing youre looking for, when youre not looking for it, and in some cases, that you forgot you were searching for it
  17. weather rock Chalk fragments handful of dirt frozen berries
  18. totems are indeed named after their family/species name, however an unholy priest is just a "creature totem"
  19. with the addition of the new list im looking to buy as many of these as possible, trade for coin or other things, there is many of them but i would like to avoid buying multiple of the same item, pm me ingame or on the forum Sy
  20. my rewards have been given out and the leftover heat stone reward was given to lintara for getting first place Sy
  21. i have 42/42 so this topic can be closed now
  22. bumped because main topic was changed significantly
  23. as the title now doesnt quite suggest, i have a total of 41/42 of the items and im currently looking for the last one, price is always negotiable but im willing to pay 5sc for the last one, below is a list of the ones i currently have Russian roulette jelly b Rose eyepatch Bottled ship Paper Crown 'Soon' note Barrel Drama potion Handle Splash Cymbal Oddly Shaped Mug 10 Nuts and bolts Yellow snow Luggage tag Santa Clause Scarecrow Living frog leg Broken string bracelet Jar of fly wings Sac of Drachorn Dung Wet mineral oil White Flag 20 Heavy weight Boxing gloves keyring Fish Skeleton Ambiguous Lock Fake nails Snow in a Jar Red glass fragments Large empty vial Ambiguous Key 30 Dream of better places Pocket watch Preserved white iris flo Huge Tomato Petrified seed Imprisoned hope Immobilized Tear Tinfoil hat Mini Sun Mosaic Petrified starfish 40 Frozen rose
  24. ohh, sorry, i was just going off of the initial post and didnt check myself, oops!
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