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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. The Name of your character in game. *Syrian* Your ID.245645 Duration of enslavement (1 week to 3 months): 3 months Reason for you being a good slave: i can be nice, depending on who buys me, rebellion may be default if and when i choose :P Limitations or special wishes (optional): Creatures are off limits, items can only be asked for, but not demanded, and i maintain the right to refuse to give them, i also maintain the right to misbehave :D Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 25%) : 25% Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid.: 5 silver Sy
  2. @dst, do you even need to be present to be sold? you can always log out at the well of tears before hand and the gold can be passed to you on the day Sy EDIT: never mind i see the problem :)
  3. i like that pub already, chew, sadly i live too far north to go there :P
  4. nimmy never specifically said it was a spoiler Sy
  5. on the topic of freeze, its also worth noting that auras apply attacking player first and if you attack with antifreeze auras you have no chance against freezing because your antifreeze goes before the freeze and makes it entirely useless anyways Sy
  6. and havnt been around since :P Sy
  7. theres nothing saying they arnt allowed, at least to my knowledge, and i would never discourage people if they wanted to train a certain way, its all up to them to do whatever they like, but people have to understand that certain things are going to tick people the wrong way, intentionally or not. people dont take kindly to the idea of rules. you (aeo) have every right to set up a training area if you wish to, i just suggested an alternative that worked for me, organised training in a non authoritative way, something like this is much less likely to receive public backlash. my post wasnt intended to be demeaning, nor anything i said. on the topic of Nimmy and her disregard for the rules, they are player rules, set by players for players, they are not realm rules that should not be broken, they are in a different context entirely and it is up to her if she wishes to break those or not, there is no rule saying that she must follow rules set by other players, LHO or not. Her role as LHO is not relevant to the situation, judge her based on her actions to you on a personal level (which i am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with). Sy
  8. if its LR only thats a post for LR only forum Sy
  9. rules arnt needed :) there was a mini training ground type thing for mp3s at MDP, there was no rules, no official training even went on there, we just did what we needed, talked about what each person wanted, and set specific rits to try and help each other out, there was non damage, and damage attacks flying about everywhere, but it was controlled, no rules, no formality, just a few friends (me ary and asthir) teaching and helping each other and newer mp3s that came along and found us, rules turn people away, rules make people want to break them, they are authoritative and not needed, just be friendly, train, have fun, be kind to one another and if needed, take precautions against people outside your group, because it will happen that rits get broken, you should expect it, and if you want to train in your own way, work to mitigate it from your own standing, not through trying to control theirs, set extra rits, tell each other to hold on while you set another, set cover rits, make sure you dont random, there are things you can do YOURSELF that dont need you to impose on others Sy
  10. transposition NC Wind (i could have just as easily justified water for the same reason that i picked wind, but i just like wind better (: ) Sy
  11. if the info i have is right then bullet is ID 7 Sy
  12. jester has been back a few times, just not in the past few weeks/months Sy
  13. both the spells did appear in the trigger box, you just have to refresh after the spell has been cast to have it show up there, since i refreshed a few times to recheck my ap and luck stat, i saw triggers for both spells, with no changes to my ap or luck Sy
  14. sorry, it wasnt meant as i start to a discussion Sy
  15. i actually like this as a permanent feature for everyone to have access to, adds a nice new dimension to the game that id like to see, allows you to work off your heat without grinding combat (which can only be done well at high VE levels) by doing work in other ways. (i wrote this while my head mas fuzzy so excuse the possibly terrible english, i cant think much now) Sy
  16. Independent memory stone detector independent water bucket (something that gathers Water) Send to fountain of the lost path (regenable casts) send to deathmarrow (regenable) Custom item crafted (my bear as an item) Summon (any target to my location) (regenable casts) Chase (regenable casts) Sy EDIT: because i was supposed to list what i would personally buy, not just ideas about stuff that could be sold. EDIT: Again to be more specific
  17. Just a thread for people to post ideas and stuff :) Sy
  18. Mostly the title, im looking for 2 heretic/chaos archers (BW) with the minimum of claw II, age and heat doesnt matter, but around 120 age is ideal. price of creature can be negotiated but ill pay 1s per 2 tokens, but would rather not pay for tokens i wont need Sy
  19. oh, i did yes, and it did seem very weirdly high priced for resources, ill re think and get back to you about it :) Sy
  20. i have 89 resin, 75 rainwater and 2 cups of cold tea that id be willing to trade 1:1 Sy
  21. i will sponsor: 2 pickles for the winner of the MP3 bracket 1 pickle + silvertongue stone, for the winner of the MP4 bracket 1 pickle + toadspeak stone, for the winner of the MP5 bracket Sy
  22. i will sponsor this quest with a pickle for every participant and a silvertongue stone for the winner Sy
  23. *Syrian* ID 245645 AD 460
  24. if you need pass papers you can try asking a lorerootian to get them for you, they wil lallow you to enter loreroot :) Sy
  25. i dont want your spicy pickle ._. Sy
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