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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. no drawing/computer graphics, sorry for not clarifying, the quest is to BUILD something Sy
  2. Title: Craft a Christmas Creature Description: This event is to build a Christmas related MD creature, participants will build either a Snowman, a Santa, or a Nutcracker. Instructions: Create any of the above mentioned creatures out of anything you like. Drawing/computer graphics excluded Take 2 pictures your creature with your hand and an MD tag, upload these images to an image sharing site (picasa, imgur, tinypic) and send me a forum PM with the link to the album/pictures. Point Worth Value of the Quest: Winner will get 7 points to compete for Champion Quester prize. Sponsors: The rewards will be sponsored by the Council (HC) and are still to be decided. Deadline: The Deadline for this quest is January 16th, 23:59 server time. IMPORTANT NOTES: Only one entry per player, No alts allowed.
  3. the nomination for lanaya, is it the name that was intended? as i havnt seen anyone by that name and the account that comes up is this one : http://magicduel.com/players/lanaya i dont know if this has already been checked but it would also make sense to check the age of the people nominated for the rookie award Sy
  4. andur, given time you can eventually get most if not all of them by yourself and maybe with a little help, it just takes time, start some research, and then maybe write some descriptions and see what happens :) Sy
  5. i prefer the forum message system, allows for grouping of messages into conversations which fills up the inbox less Sy
  6. 2 of the judges are inactive, i asked rik to judge the contest without them sending in submissions but it seems he hasnt yet Sy
  7. helping with creating and running a PC holiday quest/event Sy
  8. more badly edited pictures, yay! http://imgur.com/FSOZJvI Sy edit, page 2, and buttons to change from page 2 and 3 would not be shown if the player has no tag
  9. from arys mockups, and some of my own thoughts, i dont think the more info button is a very "clean" idea, the "protected by" adds a fair bit of space under the tag and isnt needed, though could be added for the stat page. i think the MAX HONOR, is a bit redundant and just takes up space as well. i would also put an imag in the thread but i have no idea sooo...heres the link http://imgur.com/I8JzeCk Sy
  10. when i used to draw a lot i would use a standard eraser, but a decent make, and use a craft knife to cut the rubber into different pieces depending on the shape/size that i needed, so if i need to do something really small, i would cut out a tiny point into a piece of rubber, or a flat wedge shape for small broader pieces like neatening lines Sy
  11. the "little arrow things" are called chevrons, they are to represent a persons age you dont need a water bucket to collect pure fountain water for the quest im not sure what you mean with the herbs, so i cant help with that, what was the item called? Sy
  12. EDIT: never mind, i got confused Sy
  13. Since the results have already been decided and the rewards have already started to be given out, The results of the Halloween Story Telling contest are as follows: 1st Place - Rophs: Tokened Aramor, 1 Gold Coin and a trophy 2nd Place - Bash Chelik: Tokened Archer and 1 Gold Coin 3rd Place - *Nimrodel*: Tokened Knator Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all that participated. It should also be pointed out that Lazarus was disqualified from the contest due to plagiarism and his entry was not counted. We would like to thank the TKs for providing the rewards for our Halloween quests and apologize to the questers for the lateness of the results of the Story telling. Apologies as well for the lateness of the announcing of the rewards Sy
  14. could use [ ] or + - , these are in the same places for most, though the + - is different for keyboards like mine(dvorak), but they are still close enough to work Sy
  15. little to no tokens (preferable none) low age Sy
  16. regarding the rule and my apparently confusing post, ill just make it clear that, i do not think that this quest was valid to receive a WP. and with learning of the rule mentioned in "Ann. 2008 - [2011-09-02 20:52:08 - Stage 11]" (that i only learnt of after my initial post) then i would say that no, this quest has no merit to be worthy of a WP and should not have been awarded one, and the WP should be revoked Sy
  17. i find it hard to think of this as a quest at all, there was no effort involved in doing something "productive". the quest was counter intuitive, counter productive, and served only to be damaging in the case of chews absence while on this quest, the others did not really submit much that could be considered a quest entry, or something that could be proved of them as having met the conditions of the quest, which, were highly subjective and without much of a way to prove them. This quest was a considered waste of time. i do think though, that it is down to the sponsor if they want to sponsor a WP or not, and this would be a reason for it not to be removed, considering the circumstances, and chews decision to want the WP removed, im inclined to say that i would agree for chew to have the WP removed and for the person who sponsored it to have the WP returned Sy EDIT: the above, and my post below are my own personal opinion and will be discussed more with the other members of the PC
  18. you can do improv stories if you like Sy
  19. Syrian

    Midnight Drive

    an extension of his subconscious, brought into existence within his mind to help him deal with his emotions and his reality, sort of like a disconnected persona Sy
  20. There will be a story telling competition held at Tranquil Plains at 18ST and at 12ST on the 1st of November. Competitors will write a short and original MD-themed halloween story, the more unique and scary the story the better. The best 3 stories will be selected for rewards. The winners will be chosen by the Public Council. If you want to tell a story, enter below the time tha tyou think you will be able to make, just as an idea of numbers There will also be another event held on 31st of october, at 23ST that will be announced at the time Sy
  21. you can always log off instead of going idle Sy
  22. first person is more personal, its a personal recollection, a memory of past events, or a past life. a memory is more character focused, as its from that character (yours?) perspective , whereas third person would be more event focused, and just telling a story of what happened, from an outside perspective, sort of like an omnipresent onlooker surveying the events you are writing about. both styles can be really powerful and emotional if written correctly, so it all comes down to if you want it to be a memory or a story Sy
  23. 17.62 took the occasion walk around NC when i found myself inside, just to get a little more volition, soon got tired of it and stopped after a day or 2 Sy
  24. im sure you will figure "something" out Sy
  25. @ dante, kitchen utensils can work for tools quite easily, (flat edges, bend fork prongs to model with a single prong, knife and spoon is good for smooth/ flat edges and line detailing. theres plenty of things if you get creative :P Sy EDIT: also generic craft knife sets can work really good too
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