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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. for everything i am able to take for granted. and my cat. i love my cat
  2. the fact is that peoples reactions to you are a direct consequence of how you treat people, you are incredibly rude and hostile to many people, you do not communicate your words well, even when you have the best of intent(this is important). you blame people for misunderstanding your intent when the underlying flaw with that interaction lies with your inability to communicate your intent in a well worded manner. this is a problem with how you communicate, you just hide behind the excuse that its the communitys fault because they interpret you wrong, you look at it backwards, which is evident by the fact that you have alienated and pushed away many people in MD, if EVERYONE has a problem with something about you, thin its a problem with you, and if you refuse to change this (its your right after all) then you cannot get angry when people respond to you negatively, people have told you many many times what is wrong with the way you act with people, why they dont like it, and you continue to do it, and instead of reflecting on this issue you attack them, and push them away more.
  3. if you give a new player 1million attack what are they realyl learning? "oh, i have high attack so i win now" its like an MMO, you dont learn by being given the best tools, you learn by starting from nothing and dealing with having no tools, and learning as you aquuire more tools
  4. @rophs. why?
  5. being dead has nothing to do with the ghost spell, also ghost has more functionality than you listed when its at higher levels Sy
  6. why?
  7. my rewards have been passed to intrigue :) Sy
  8. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost. Meanwhile Mur and BHF did nothing to stop the streams of fiery chicken shaped shade-demons, but instead both refined their grammar drinking sake allot with green elephants while twerking on the GoE steps, holding a huge chained wrecking ball. It exploded and the cube refolded. Chewett died horribly - STOP KILLING PEOPLE! Or I shall kill you all with rainbows, fluffy kittens
  9. see, i was trying to avoid direct token spoilers :P
  10. in a no stat environment claw II seems like it would be incredibly unfair, especially when paired with target all
  11. then create a detailed list and present it to the people who are in charge of pointing people in the right direction, if interaction is such a big deal. a 1000+ AD LHO should know that if they dont know something then they should find out or point someone in the right direction, if they are giving false information knowingly because they dont want to look like an idiot, then they are not good to be an LHO. Sy
  12. ohh, im a derp ._. thanks neno
  13. i dont think avatar uploads are going to get done as per ann. 3123 Sy
  14. people become related to a land by having an emotional (player) leaning to a land, and acting on it and putting effort into it to develop it, some elements have to be preformed for the idea to grow. if you cant put it into proper words, then you are not ready to be putting it into words, and you should reflect about it more and explain when you have the words to do so. not only will this help others understand your view, but it can also help you as well. how can you expect people to understand when you cant give a proper explanation? deciding a land should be a big deal for everyone, but if he has to be sure, why was he so sure about LR? was he wrong?(this isnt accusatory, im just curious) the labyrinth for me is..not entirely about isolation, but about self reflection, if you are alone in there you have the time to concentrate on yourself, and your own being and thought process, and to learn about your own mannerisms and reasons for doing things. i.e. why you are so drawn to the labyrinth and how to put this into explainable words. Sy
  15. happy birthday!
  16. if im not mistaken the book is currently held by Zyrxae, who is inactive
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. In memory of a friend no longer around, i would like to share this here, a poem that was written for me by Bash, it was written for Ilidria, the flower of the forest, and touches on her defensive mechanism and bipolar nature.I'd like people to be able to see it, and not have it sitting unread in her personal papers. It was the nature`s daring dream The soul in flesh and blood and leafs Where spring would follow all her trails And wounds of past forever healed… Anger and light, sorrow and spite Her life is now by nature`s side To bring the spring wherever she goes And eternal winter to all her foes… One flower that holds so many One soul made of two sides Countless colors where karma is changing Like a rainbow in the dark -- Bash Chelik
  19. i reserve the right to set arbitrary rules about who i give them to, rules that can and will change randomly without reason :P also i reread my previous post and i honestly have no idea what i was even replying to, it makes no sense in this topic, i know i post pretty late in the early hours of the morning but damn...my brain clearly wasnt working o.O Sy
  20. http://magicduel.com/players/*syrian* edit: the badge is a button
  21. you should still run it for the designated time, you cant tell if the reasons for lack of people are because of interest or people are busy/working on it, or plan to do it. theres no rush for you to end the quest early, and it doesnt have any practical purpose. Sy
  22. so its more practical to ask a citizen that would give you one for free?
  23. certain weaken boosting tokens wouldnt hurt :P Sy
  24. clearly... good luck with the application witty! :D
  25. your link appears to be broken, and it might be easier for people if you listed what tokens it has, they are important to a potential buyer Sy
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