the fact is that peoples reactions to you are a direct consequence of how you treat people, you are incredibly rude and hostile to many people, you do not communicate your words well, even when you have the best of intent(this is important). you blame people for misunderstanding your intent when the underlying flaw with that interaction lies with your inability to communicate your intent in a well worded manner. this is a problem with how you communicate, you just hide behind the excuse that its the communitys fault because they interpret you wrong, you look at it backwards, which is evident by the fact that you have alienated and pushed away many people in MD, if EVERYONE has a problem with something about you, thin its a problem with you, and if you refuse to change this (its your right after all) then you cannot get angry when people respond to you negatively, people have told you many many times what is wrong with the way you act with people, why they dont like it, and you continue to do it, and instead of reflecting on this issue you attack them, and push them away more.