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Everything posted by Rendril

  1. It was not a bug but has been changed to improve usability. Also, don't call your spell things like "i"...
  2. Fixed
  3. Santa is confused, is the name not clear enough? [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1324840755' post='98571'] ... A percentage that once it has gone below the required it cannot be reached again, it will just remain equal if you log on every day. Therefore making it near impossible to ever gain the required active days. ... [/quote] This is not the case. If you are active both values increase at the same rate, total activity percentage therefore tends to 100 as activity tends to infinity. [quote name='stavaroiu' timestamp='1324853983' post='98608'] And here i almost thought i was alone with my impression of "a not so very Merry Murmas". Indeed, Activity days hurt more then they do good. This has been my third Christmas with MD and probably due to my relatively low activity days(677 out of 889 days), my third disappointing Murmas. The days that have been lost due to some reason you didn't log in scar you for your entire MD life. The Confused Santa was also very random at best. The way he distributed the gifts and the very gifts themselves were chaotic. Some people received overpowered gifts like ou de dragon(a lot), darkling and reindrach egg, while others received joke rewards like scouts,Toxicodendrite Seeds and imps(i checked the logs). [/quote] You have the required activity, you should not be having a problem with the GoE tree gifts.
  4. Fixed the repeated mailing for inactive clickables.
  5. No it should only mail you that a script has gone inactive on the day it goes inactive, not repeatedly for the same script.
  6. Known issue, it will be fixed.
  7. It shouldn't be displaying empty clickables anymore.
  8. Yes it is possible for your research to be added as a new clue.
  9. It sounds a like a adobe plugin issue, they are not very stable. [quote name='Pentdragon' timestamp='1322525606' post='96786'] would be nice to be able to switch off the sorting cloud in some kind of "options panel" [/quote] This was a joke, right? This option has been available for months.
  10. Has anyone actually [b]tried[/b] using the needles?
  11. Player names are not forbidden from scenes. It is the scene title change wish which may not be used to add player names.
  12. Carroll's work is public domain.
  13. These are [b]public[/b] logs[i]. [/i]No semantically meaningful information can be derived from "." by the public because it lacks context. An inside joke will of course it not seem like spam to you but if it is just between you two, does it really need to be publicized? If it's a quest is it that difficult to indicate as such on the post? [quote] . ------------------ Part of my halting quest. [/quote] The problem is not with the message per se, but that is has no context with which to be understood. As for the PL mods, they are monitored.
  14. [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1320211590' post='95090'] 2. The problem is that Eon likes to use her stat damage a little too much, and is incredibly overpowered. That is the Communities fault, not Murs [/quote] Eon might like using stat damage, but he does not have a choice about it. That is the double-edged sword of stat damage. Eon may be strong, but he will never be as strong as he could have been.
  15. I like the idea Laphers proposed of having a chance of failure on a spell stone. It does not necessarily have to be based on age or activity, there could be a spell casting stat (for which a high stat would correlate with high age of course), even a function where the more stones a player has used in a day the greater the chance of failure to cast, etc.
  16. Rendril


    It's transitive: Achievements can give WPs WPs can give research points. Therefore, achievements can give research points. It's possible to get research points in other ways too, and more might be added later, I don't see why they should be given from achievements specifically. By the same reasoning it could be said that creatures should be rewarded from achievements, why stop at research points? The reward for getting an achievement is the achievement itself. Remember it's the journey that matters.
  17. [quote name='Mighty Pirate' timestamp='1318066829' post='93540']I got "Work in progress" when I unlocked a second level clue.[/quote] That would be because work was in progress. [quote name='DarkPriestess' timestamp='1318298386' post='93831']Same here. Will those that are still in progress and be obtained be automatically added in our library once they are submitted? Or we will have to spend another research clue to get it again?[/quote] Are you saying the clues were not added to your library?
  18. [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1318095502' post='93593'] So, dst's "punishment" was not made public because Grido didn't want me to know? What do I have to do with dst's punishment? O.o Who's choice was it to keep it from me, and what is the reasoning behind this? I don't care what the punishment, I just want to make sure something was done. [/quote] Grido cited you as the reason for not making it public. I neither know nor care what is going on between you two. [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1318095502' post='93593'] And that's not true Rendril. I sent several emails to the Council. [/quote] Then you are sending them to the wrong email because none were received. @Deatznce0: see this topic regarding dst's alleged crime.http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10349-chat-ban-abuse/page__fromsearch__1
  19. The issue with unlocking the second research depth has been fixed.
  20. Grido did not make dst's punishment public because he did not want Seighart to know what it was. The council did not investigate because the case was never brought to them. The previous poll resulted as it did because it brought into question Grido's suitability as the LHO leader instead of the way he handled the recent LHO cases.
  21. You are not submitting an essay, writing 1k characters for a submission should hint to you that you have gone beyond the scope of describing the clue. Keep the research in line with the clue you are exploring, having a thesis is not going to nett you additional clues. Get creative if you are desperately in need of more space.
  22. Didn't the announcement already say players who got those certain wishes had them refunded but still had the effects?
  23. Rendril


    I think the request has been pretty clear, Grido.
  24. Rendril


    At what point was this thread about Grido getting demoted or punished in general?
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