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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. I personally can confirm I got mine, but that was directly from Eon. I don't think I saw him getting his 10gc either, though.
  2. [url="http://magicduel.com/pages/info.rules.php"]http://magicduel.com.../info.rules.php[/url] in realm laws as well, I think. I'd include a copy at the very least, even if it's not in forums- it still has the majority of rules. also rules regarding alliance, Mur's recent statement in phantasm's topic. There's a lot more, I'm not bothering to remember them now. This will however be a great help to whoever does write the rules later/law advisors.
  3. Well, I have been wondering whether to write it or not before I went to sleep...guess here's my overall rating of some of the people involved. If I wrote it wrong somehow or was misinformed, pardon me, I'll correct it if you tell me. If I missed any major actor, inform me as well please. A wedding is in essence pure roleplay. One of the most joyous occasions to have it even- now we have a wedding crasher, bridesnatcher, but how do the people react? With roleplay? Open the spoiler tag if you want to know what I think about the actions performed- 1 to 10 is the score, 1 the worst, 10 the highest. [spoiler]Eon: 8.5 Came prepared, actually delayed it for a whole while, but not prepared enough. There were a few more things that could have been done as the villain. But, highest score overall. Fyrd: 7.5 Hero in making- or pickling rather, he was the one who seemed to rush to the bride, supplying pickles to leave golemus. offering traces and pickles for those who wished to search for her, I do think he did well on this occasion. Sephirah, Amber: 7 Unless I am wrong these two silvertongued or toadspeaked eon at least once to prevent him from casting more spells. Arrived at the lighthouse very fast to do this as well. Azull: 6 Apparently did not run after them when the bride was abducted- as the ceremony master, that is not exactly what I would like to see happen, and I'd burn whoever tried this. Still, he used lockinchaos at the very least to toss Eon away. Only reason he gets into the positive scale. dst: 2.5 Very low rating for copying Eon and then failing to really wreck chaos in the same degree or new methods. She does not hopelessly drop, but at the very least she gets a negative score. Dragual: 2 I'm not fully sure why, but the groom seemed to be shocked out of his mind or simply not reacting right after the abduction. Given that it was his wedding, I would have expected a bit more, especially taking Fyrd up on his pickle offers or listening when we said where she was previously. He did manage to walk to the Gate of Ages later, so not a total loss. Brulant: 2 Offering advice on location and whoever cast the spells, fine. That would have been 5.5. Actually using a silence spell and leaving it openly in chat afterwards at an RP occasion, then quoting announcements- there will never be punishment as he quoted, but it was a very poor roleplay choice, given the options. Fyrd said he bit the bullet, I disagree, that's like someone bringing a gun to a swordfight. Katt: 1 As the damsel in distress, there could have been a lot of good elements. I sorely miss the roleplay involved however- when Eon whisked Dragual and Azull away to the GoE, she spoke her vows to the air and audience...and actually did not repeat them later. For a bride, this romantic event ought to be emotional, and important. Not repeating them just to hurry the occasion, big minus. Add to the fact that she left alliance simply to teleport- an alliance is more than just a fancy sign and a free teleport or statboost. Waiting for rescuers, hitting Eon with fists...a lot could have been done, but it just had to be the simple way. Minus. I think Tipu has been wrecking (or trying to) havoc, but one piece of advice to him: Profanities are not the way to go. Interrupting in a certain manner yes, but as I was not personally involved anymore afterwards and thus did not see what happened later, I am not giving him a score, but I estimate it would be a 3 based upon previous incidents. Better than dst, yes, because of a different approach. At the same time I'd like to point out he will probably get jailed sooner or later if he continues like that, maybe even ban at the very end. Overall rating of roleplay: 2/10. Main characters from the wedding: Ceremony master, groom and bride did not actively do anything that would have been befitting for such a theme. Some people managed to do something, and "pay back" Eon properly, but it could have been much more emotional, romantic, essentially better roleplay.[/Spoiler] Edit, it seems people seem to object to my role of impassivity at the wedding. Fine, a small rant as well: [spoiler]People automatically seem to assume a knight equals to a good person, a paragon of an example, a paladin? A knight is not that- the term is only connected to the code of conduct each knight holds standard to, and there are different strands of those. I'd be shocked if Tarquinus suddenly stopped helping damsels in distress or Burns, Shem, etc would stop being helpful in general. Z is the protector type. Mur..well, his invitation later was more to restore the sancticity of the Order's book, but his, similiar to mine, is a dedication towards a certain goal. While people seem to confuse me with the cuddly helpful knight person, I'm actually one who attempts to stay neutral (meaning I do good and bad things alike- sue me), solely because the Knights Order is NOT only for good people- it's just that the worthy applicants all were of the "good" side. A dark knight would eventually be admitted as well, given the standards, applications and the like. In case people do not actually realize what my tag says: I'm a knight pretty much semi-retired and reading scrolls, looking at nature, etc to search for something. I still follow my own personal code (no I will not dissect my entire character just so you can be satisfied), still fight at times, do things to help/not help. I have made a pledge to help, yes. But that help does not mean to help you every time, including when you do not actually need it, when you ought to consider what you are asking and especially if you do not realize what you could do aside from asking for help. If I hunt, it's more comparative to the wild hunt, not a tamed dog sniffing a trail. If you cannot live with that I challenge you to become a knight so good I have no other choice but to flag you.[/spoiler]
  4. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1323332350' post='97464'] that is so amazing. 7 morphs to best seven artists (one each). p.s. this is not tk sponsorship its personal. morphs will be passed to organizer NOW. p.s2: why so much? because its something anyone can do, its fun, its THEMED to current period [/quote] I assume he forgot again? I think I remember seeing something being transferred, but I'm not sure if it happened or not. Might be mistaking it for some other transfers as well.
  5. Just to compare... You shouting : RELEASE ME NOW! (maybe not literally, but in that kind of manner) is supposed to get you a release? It is common courtesy to adhere to a certain standard of politeness when voicing requests- what you did in the moodpanel the whole time was issueing commands. Is it really that hard to tell Grido "Release me please?"- if you are angry about the jail time as such, you also direct it to the wrong jailer. I see a lot of people hoping to see you out again, but if your pride forbids you from simply asking, not begging as you put it, then you'll have to mail council simply.
  6. Pip, you disagree with almost anything. [color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1519 - [2010-06-08 11:56:01 - Stage 10][/color] If someone gets out of jail sooner than he should (escapes) , his penalty will be increased to a lot more and if he does it again he received a permanent IP ban. Careful how a small penalty can turn into a much bigger one, jail is jail, not a tourist attraction. As for Neno, if he demands to be freed in a rude manner, then he can wait for council/mur to unban him, or not? I mean...why should someone with no obligation unban someone who is rude to him.
  7. For only the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the mute to speak. Walk in darkness, amidst deepest shadow- and watch out for the darkness stares back at you.

    1. Nimrodel


      Sounds like a mine...

    2. Myrrdin


      i nominate +1 :)

  8. Just like dowsers or woodcutters sell their resources. (Dowsers getting undermined heavily though) I'd really like to see the land vault from the different lands finally done as promised, with each land having their respective set of tools: My guess is Mur either forgot or wants to test how differently they are governed. As it is however, Golemus has the tools that are "worth" more, with other lands being promised but not receiving. Tools can be grouped into: Restricted to land (with few exceptions), no restrictions, restricted by location. If we go by that...land, or the exceptions sometimes still deplete or break land rules, no restriction means complete depletion usually, while location allows governing better but is also imperfect (theoretically a renegade could mess it up badly). Then there is the case where independent is actually better than shared (sand melters), which really makes me think Mur was testing and watching results and then forgot.
  9. From what I saw it seemed to be that no matter what it seemed to stay at 0.25 after the reset- if that was planned or not, no idea. It doesn't show until something with fenths is sacced though.
  10. Name: *Shadowseeker* Activity days: [b]99% [/b] (A total of 1288 out of 1304 days) Reason: I have been in the realm for a long time and know a lot of the rules as they were created or how some unspoken ones are, also regularly discussing with people. I'd like to try, if only to try to create a code that is neutral, to polish it till there are as little loopholes as possible.
  11. Ally bonus only. I think it was tested that the statboosters from MD shop do not boost it, even if the ally bonus exists.
  12. I saw it happen. Apprently BHC can remove the headshill.
  13. I find it weird that you name me in regards to SD, when I barely toss out any at all. I can safely claim that ever since I won BHC, I probably have won less than 300 fights. I'm actually thinking only 100 or 150 were from me outgoing, the only ones who would inflict SD.
  14. Semi-offtopic: You know what happened at the Boston Tea Party, chew? Edit: Mod as you like, I think that comment fits especially after chew made his
  15. With that said, discussion closed.
  16. 1gc rust, 2gc sw.
  17. [quote]Ann. 1519 - [2010-06-08 11:56:01 - Stage 10] Excommunication period and asylum An unforeseen aspect of the king jailing ability was the jail time. I hereby put the default jail time for being jailed by your king to a period of two weeks. In special cases kings may negotiate this time with me , but only for good reasons on rare occasions. If someone gets out of jail sooner than he should (escapes) , his penalty will be increased to a lot more and if he does it again he received a permanent IP ban. Careful how a small penalty can turn into a much bigger one, jail is jail, not a tourist attraction. Note: This update was made to clear the situation of Princ Rhaegar that got out of jail as soon as he was placed in. I will move him back without any aditional penalty because this matter was not very clear yesterday, but make sure it won't happen again Note 2: To solve the matter of rebellion and prevent kings from silencing people on political reasons by putting them to jail, a jailed player can do his jail time outside the jail if an other king grants him political asylum and support for his cause for a limited time.[/quote] Just remembered to post this since Azull seems to believe the ban was indefinite.
  18. 4gc 5sc for nutcracker.
  19. As I stated before, I am not one of the land leaders- I provide counsel, but am not. Alliance leaders are supposed to be (I gather Kiley was on probation period or she actually has access- idk exactly). Grido, Yrth, Ak(inact regarding land matters), Burns, Indy, MB(inact), MRA (probational? idk at all, ask them), ought to be the list last I checked. At the very least Grido and Burns are clear people to talk to, even if the others are not known. In case anyone wants to say I am one, defacto, well..I do not have land leader forum access, so I am not.
  20. Written under starlit night, gazing upon the lonesome cup. In case that was not clear enough: Yes, an original.
  21. Shadowseeker


    Of strings you shall dream, of fate it will be. Boredom comes and goes. Visiting you at oddest times, Striking you from behind, jinxing you, eating you. Of glory you hear, of might and magic! Once, twice, even thrice you hear. Boredom shaves the entermainment off, Leaving you with a stale taste and empty cup. Come at me, you taunt the foe. Come at me, you ask the blade, Come at me, oh danger and joy! I miss you all too much. Tapping my feet to unknown rhythm, Silent steps of death echo. Drink from malice, chalice full, Eat the wounds, festering ichor. Countless times, countless thoughts, Pool together in this. Cleansing you? Perhaps you shall. Perhaps you shall not. Dance upon fires, burn to ashes, Hear the whisper, sense the stillness- For fleeting moment, exist. Routine passes, waiting awaits, Resting you shall, seemingly forever. Lost in stupor, clouding thoughts, Act in haze, raze it all! Burn, Burn, Burn it down. The inner sanctum, The unfelt loss, Soak in sadness, loneliness, and watch it shatter to pieces. Mirror, Mirrors in the lands? I dare you, tell me what I am. Blinded by shining things, I seek the path. Mirror, Mirror in the lands- I wander across your shards, feeling your shards cutting me, bleeding me, but always keeping what I keep. For only the worthy shall receive, for only the worthy shall receive- truly. In name of the boredom, the entertainment and the loneliness. Echos fall, unheard in silent scattering on parchment's tearing. Await, for that is the last resort. Edit: Before anyone asks, this is offtopic. And I corrected a typo I made.
  22. Terror Time? Maybe I'll go and break some stuff. Boredom shall not reign, entertain me!

    1. ChildOfTheSoul


      I'm not here for your entertainment...

    2. Amoran Kalamanira Kol
  23. 3gc nutcracker.
  24. Until we get a ruling from council it it pointless anyways, but if you ask me, yes. If you have a ruler, you getting citizenship, even through proxy of alliance, puts you under rule of that leader. (Arguments will make no sense till we get an answer to whether the kings are still defacto regents or not from council). Why do you need a rule, when common sense explains it? Edit: No point making a new post now, but...it is clearly stated that if you join a land, you obey that leader. So if you think Handy is still the leader right now, ofc it makes sense to ask her first. If you don't you don't ask her. So what else am I supposed to say to that?
  25. I am hardly someone who is officially a voice for GG. Kelle'tha holds neutrality, to a certain degree. That would be Grido, Burns, etc. And no, it was not. Your PM to Grido was neither requesting, nor informing of you ever retreating if requested- it was a bold proclamation saying I will do this, essentially. Regarding lack of official leadership: If you say you accept some people as golemian leaders who could request you to stop doing it- why did you never ask any of these before it happened, and instead complain now afterwards? Kiley never asked any of them either, as far as I heard. So again- why should anyone ask you, the [i]intruder[/i], if you never asked first? Edit: Since you mentioned you having no homeland- that was caused by the TW being taken over. Which, is not our fault. And, the ban could easily be lifted if your king was still there, using his abilities to remove the tag and granting you refuge. If council states this usage of power was correct, then that usage would also be correct. Again, also not our fault that you no longer have one. If council states this was misuse, then you would get fixed up as well.
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