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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. I'm even more confused how he intends to sponsor it...didn't peace already sponsor one, how is a 2nd going to be added then? 1 wp already seems huge, 2 wp seems like overkill...
  2. A clarification would be nice as to exactly what is allowed..I'm getting confused here, Esme did something but Zentao said it's okay, when the rules seem to say something else....
  3. I'd say anyone who rejects it should not be eligible- so if someone nominated refuses to take part, we remove them. It is entirely in their right to do so, though I personally don't see why not.
  4. 6gc rein, 3 gc nut.
  5. when you keep refreshing the bhc contest page and think this is funnier to watch than any sports show if you just had a commentator....
  6. Note though, voice is currently still kinda bugged (may take multiple casts to work, refresh, etc, whoknows what is needed) and it only lasts 15mins. Plus, it is currently not accessible. If it were permanent, one use would have to WP based and the song should be reviewed/removed under similiar rules to renaming- if it's just the spell, I think early stages in wishshop would do fine.
  7. Cursed !"§$%& mechanics.

    1. ChildOfTheSoul


      Some mechanics, right? like unlimited access to the fields of fear... :P

    2. Shadowseeker


      Not those, Mechanics III, engineering.

  8. Sorry, try to make it two posts. Meaning, after this one. We can merge but not split.
  9. What was the most interesting thing you did as the council so far?
  10. I think this discussion simply tells us that we wish for the improved mp6 more promised, a more fluid one, especially since creatures would now need mp6. I wonder if it really will be better or not...then again, currently we can only sustain maybe 4 mp6, and hopefully this number will be greater after the change.
  11. [img]http://static.theurbn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/spiral-1.jpg[/img] *Shadowseeker*, Golemus, 420 land loyalty currently.
  12. BHC. It seems those who signed up can take heads now, but it will not increase score.
  13. Best Artist For the person thought to be the most skilled at art in the realm. Generally speaking this refers to drawing/painting, rather than other forms of art. + Paragon Papers For the player with the best presented papers. This is a purely objective vote, as every player finds different things nice looking. It also encompasses the player's backstory as presented in their papers. Merge, to Best Beautification of the realm for either artwork or papers, or both maybe. Superlative Orator For the player viewed to be the best at debating. It should be noted that the player doesn't have to win every debate, but argue their case well in it. The debates should have been publicly accessible, and taken place in game or on the forum, with no exceptions. - remove, can#t think of public debate events as such to warrant this Best Quote For the person who authored the best quote or PL entry. "Best" is determined by the voter, whether this be for humorous, witty, clever, or any other reason the voter chooses. -remove, can't think of anyone who really kept track of quotes Makes 15 total. I wrote it before in the suggestions one, just to make it easier on your side for centralizing.
  14. That's a bug that occurs probably because you move too fast. The game does a check when you enter a new scene, and if you move ahead while this check still hasn't been performed, you might get this window. Either delay the moving for a bit, or get a faster internet/pc speed. I'm not sure which, but most of the times it should be the pc influencing it (I assume you have dsl).
  15. How are you going to keep track of those reliably anyways? I'm more thinking you will probably end up in statdmg very soon, and with no wp rewarded at all. It would be safer if you were to just hire a handful of people silently to do it.
  16. Still, it seems relatively easy. 6 causes with more won than lost fights would then result in 100% skills taken away, 12 if more losses....that sounds like not too much, considering we're talking 100% of the stats now.
  17. The one question I have is... How can you differentiate from stealing and getting gifted/rewarded? I "took" Mur's 3 7sided rare dice a while ago. I don't think he'd consider it stealing, and they are mine now, but I wouldn't call it stealing either. So where is the line between stealing and getting?
  18. Which, were it a real auction, would have been a binding offer. Fine. I will change my highest bid to 3gc 5sc, anyone bidding over it can have it. Try to see it from my perspective for once- I see someone raising a price, then silently removing, and then refusing to tell why until I say I refuse to pay the higher price? Edit: And actually, no, to me the resource is not worth a lot more, on accounts that I can gather them "for free". It takes time, but that's what I have plenty of in MD...but no outlet for. I simply loathe being "scammed" now, because that's simply what it looked like to me.
  19. Well then, I retract my bid fully until the original one before you raised the bidding war. Sorry, but to me it looks very much as if you solely did it to trap me into a higher bid now. No offense stav, but right now it looks exactly like that. I did not even get an information because you used PM to overbid, okay. Then I see nothing and suddenly you retract, possibly me causing to miss it and then pay so much? No. Simply no.
  20. You were the one, you alone, to cause me to jump from 2gc something to 5gc. Now you retract it, and wash your hands? I wished to know if your older bids still stood or not simply- because if you retract, do you retract all or what? I refuse to pay the raised price simply because it feels like malicious bidding. So, do you stand at 4gc1sc, or what now? I am not going to remove bids/alter or do anything else until I know.
  21. Another option to me seemed to simply reduce the votes to 5 major ones. 4 main, 1 neutral (everyone else), and this way if the votes are low/high, the majority will compensate. However, I would say it should be a minimum of 3 votes for each, else it can't really be called a land vote. The total score would then be based upon the average. We might want to change categories as well though...not sure if we want to keep the old ones 100%. EDIT: Okay, I finished writing my thoughts, so here the suggested changes: Superior Orlator seems hard to determine for me, and ultimately based upon forum? I never was sure how this category was determined, but I think we might want to change that..how, not sure. Maybe just keep it. Most influential- I suggest changing to most informed. Influence seems very subjective, but it is really funny to notice how many people never get informed properly, or overlook things. Information is power or so one says. This is also not a very sure option, we might just keep it as it is. Best quote- how are we going to determine this even, has anyone kept ANY? I think we will miss many nice ones if we hold it, and lack them amountwise. If not, keep it, I am however inclined to believe we will lack some. Best Artist- sorry to all the artists out there, but namely I can think about a handful of artists. Will we even fill the requirements? I suggest we merge this with the best papers and create best improvements to display (rename to something better), because of the art and papers provided. Best Spellcaster- to me, this always would be based upon Inner Magic. Since we somehow always were basing it off outer magic, fine, but...should we really reward it? (I'm saying this as someone who won it once, I never felt it was that great)
  22. BP, that's pretty lame. If you do not intend to bid, why raise the price? I am refusing to pay the raised price until you give an offer you currently stand at.
  23. Sorry, how much do you value the item in as coins? Hard to determine whether to offer or not seeing as item vs coin is subjective.
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