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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Actually, honesty does have a reward: The belief unto one's own mind. As long as you believe into yourself, you shall not waver. But we#re going offtopic.
  2. Hm..nothing happening anymore, eh? I'll leave my own conclusion be then and just close this, seeing as it seems people won't bother with it. Awiiya, if you see me ingame in the same location please remind me to give oyu my spelldoc. Kafuuka got it as well.
  3. Hm..vote issued, now I can't edit it anymore. Oh well. I'm against him being forced to hand over the cube though: Even if it would be seen desirable by many, an item one possess cannot just be taken because so many people want it to happen, it would have to be proper RP. As for Necrovion access...her bidding to call for the shade sentinels help.
  4. Hm. I only have one issue, that the vote is being taken outside of golemian hands as well, seeing as it is a golemian matter. Since it's something affecting with global impact...well, I can see the reasons, still it's a bit weird, having people from other lands vote for it as well. politics. Edit: grido's petition is missing, perhaps wrong link or not uploaded..idk. I only see error 404, file missing.
  5. No, that was the number he got out of the stars I think..or did he just use it in binaries? I only remember he looked into the stars, thought and then went to her.
  6. *joins in with the coins..had to transfer too many manually to be happy* *puts up a sign saying: WHO DARES to say that is a bad idea?* *goes off yawning*
  7. I somehow doubt yrthilian is a king as in the definition of being a military leader. You shouldn't forget, he was a researcher first, and in terms of combative ability I am rather sure he's not amongst the first 2..3rd is negotiative, because of the powers given. And the issue with a mandate of kingship is..if nobody accepts it, or so little that it has no use in the lands, then it's no real reign, even if he has power. And currently it seems to me that there is little public support from golemians for him.
  8. Nice one, awi. Well, my conclusion of all this is...success is something we strive for and never achieve, for humanity is unsatiable (or at least I am, thus to be it's not). As for the abstract idea of it..the concept of survival, completeness..Hm..several I think which blend in. (if my comments make little sense, it's my random thoughts here.) Still have to get back on you, grido.
  9. Er... What you suggest pretty much implies ignoring the powers of yrth, you know..he issued a royal decree (as disputed that royalty is right now, it's still royalty). And he even formally announced it. Do you think a king should be that light on his words?
  10. *steals the towel* HA, what do you do now?
  11. I say let's stop thinking of the mice Cryx..let's just do it by ourselves! Pick the brain of Debug, to see what it contains! The ANSWER!?!
  12. That's why I started thinking of that number
  13. Did anyone ever notice 101010 in binary means 42 in decimal code? And, for the versed readers of certain books..this should be something funny Came onto this number for a random reason, but I find it funny.
  14. I guess so, the old Pattern got changed manually..now I think it's done automatically to prevent copying of answers.
  15. Actually for that Guybrush... I recommend reading the AL of Shade Ballance and the time before. Shades never were supposed to be friendly....They just became friendly because of people trying to communicate.Khalazdad trying to talk with them could've led to him being killed/or worse, it just happened that he was of use etc.
  16. Actually, I got hit 3 times: First was a victory for me, 2nd two complete loss for the army, me not even getting hit at all. Then, right before it vanished, I struck it fast and violent. (As for the blood/whatever flows in the veins on my sword, I then used a tissue to clean it and sealed it into one of the small bottles I had with me.) That's all I know of.
  17. Hm. I am just a simple fighter, of no big importance. But if you ask me, there is no king of golemus. Titles in general mean nothing, or little at all to me. As such, I can only say that I do not support yrthilian, however I do not supposed the so called new king either, because he's not revealing himself. As for Grido: I see why he banned you, Grido, however that was harsh. His own choice to declare war led to the current fiasko (yes, it's that to me), and letting it out on subordinates isn't exactly the best way to go, only cutting down on what he has. And speaking of kingship..having a crown will stay a crown, although it can turn out to be an exiled king. Honestly, the way he is doing it I wonder just how much more damage there will be until this war finally ends. As for yrthilian: Now go, ban me as well if you want for voicing this. Not like I actually have access to Golemus anyways, like Grido used to. However I agree with Cryxus here: Don't mistake your own power too much, for every person is mortal in the end, even if ending it is a sin in itself. Do not blame me if I step aside if you do not trust me; I defended at the Stone of Twisted Souls for you because it is my duty as a Golemian, not because it was my will, as I declared neutrality. As for the so called new king: As long as you lurk in the shadows you are not fit to be one. I will not support this.
  18. Hm. If anyone does get a hold of any of these, please tell me. I may be interested in purchasing.
  19. I was always wondering why it's supposed to contain his white soul.. The box was the container yes, but I think the white was back inside of khalazdad.
  20. Meh. If my account were ever to go public... I'd be angry and sad, very much so. A character is something you yourself develop, and the work invested in trendemous sometimes...not to mention the personalities never perfectly match. That's why to me my account going public would be...actually ever harsher than a permanent ban.
  21. Theoretecially speaking..I know of a method to destroy the item. Theoretically.
  22. There's a skill called googling. And logic, and..intelligence.
  23. Well, if you think way, then it's easy: I used the spell, so I was the winner. The others were copying me, and attacked after me.
  24. If you want my few cents, simple enough: your challenge rules were not defined clearly. That's why I was able to create the current status where you can discuss at great lengths who should get it or not. So, in my opinion, rehost..or just admit that even the strongest has his weak times, and keep the stone because it's unclear who won.
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