I think I'm going to bring up my suggestion again, drowned a few pages back. What do you think of tokens giving a percentage bonus to the stats, kind of like how armor works. Therefore, stats will still matter, because having tokens would benefit you much less if you have no stats. The amount of principles can determine the maximum amount of bonus that the token can give. So for example, let's say token A gives bonus to attack by 50% to a creature, with a cap of 10% of principle B. So if someone has 1000 attack and 2500 principle B, it would originally boost his attack by 500 (50% of 1000), but is capped at 250 (10% of principle B which is 2500). Raising the value of principle B will allow the person to fully enjoy the benefits of the tokens. This way, stats and principle are both important, and neither will be effective without the other.
I like dst's idea of toke combinations granting auras, that could be a good way to make interesting tokens.
As for using principles as currency fo spells, it is supposed to be like that with inner magic, but since inner magic hasn't been implemented....
And anti freeze? Certainly should be removed. At least the one that gave 100% antifreeze. Chance based ones are still acceptable, IMHO.