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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Mur didnt let me kill him, so i killed MD
  2. As some of you know, my HD died a couple months ago, but luckily i have backups so didnt really lose anything. Or so i thought. Council contacted me yesterday asking the progress of some work, which i had no clue i was meant to be doing. Turns out i didnt back up a specific folder, and in said folder was all my current MD work, including wookie points details and similar. If you are waiting on any piece of coding from council, please send a reminder to bugs@magicduel.com and cc in contact@ magicduel.com Sorry guys, i didnt realize this wasnt backed up, and have been working on a different outdated list that was on dropbox.
  3. It shall have a use soon. Using it to water plants will also be considered. More buckets are also being considered.
  4. Reminder for all: Reporting bugs in random posts, means the bugs never get fixed. The one you describe is known however and when i get time i will rewrite the emailing so its better.
  5. [quote name="Ackshan Bemunah" post="140018" timestamp="1373804133"] Shush.[/quote] If you wish to run a quest, then surely you will do the curtsy of being prompt with results and such, No? Or, at the very least, update us as to whats going on, We all get busy sometimes, and if you need some time to do something, fine, but not knowing is annoying.
  6. 14 days isnt soon :)
  7. The quest is extended. If someone can write a nice piece, stating why the guards are not defeatable, including stats and such, that both passes my, and some combat experts judgment, the winner shall be crowned. But this piece should also be publicly criticized, so it is not to be easy.
  8. I heard a rumor there is possibility for continued pay for the winner or those who do exceptionally well.
  9. Indeed, Have a good birthday :)
  10. im closing this, repeating something 50 times just to continually bash DD is not nice. I think he gets it after the first time.
  11. Im a mod, and agree, so fair point. Next time, go talk to people and find out information yourself.
  12. It would be interesting to see a poll, with the information i posted as its first post, because since i first saw this and posted, no one else has voted yes.
  13. It's not a decision I can just take. If we have been marked as a spammer then we are goin to have issues again if we start sending out a lot of emails. I wouldn't have disabled it if we weren't having issues because at some point, again no one reported it so I don't know when, someone started to block all our mails. If we lose all mail sending ability we have massive issues, so for the moment I would prefer we do have it and not risk all email sending ability. The poll needs this information, I want it back, but in light of this info I know, I don't want it back for now.
  14. This is what anyone needs to do if they suspect anyone is spamming them. Sending the list to any mod who will look into it.
  15. You went back to when you were posting things, and now are unhappy that they did it when you were posting stupid things? Show me examples of it happening recently, i dont think it does
  16. aka it will be fine for all new votes yes, unless it decided to change all the previous ones also
  17. its caching because the forum is stupid, it only counts positive votes until someone votes and recaches it.
  18. Agreed, especially for someone who apparently has little time. And shem is right about the neg repping also. If you want to complain, provide examples where it is undeserved. Again, privately and not as an angry post demanding nothing. Who says the numbers are right also? I dont doubt they are, but i see no proof to the contrary. THIS DD you write things as if you know best, all the time, and many of the times you dont, and it makes people angry and they neg rep you. I thought we had got over this, but it seems you are doing it here and now, so perhaps it still lingers. PM me if you want to discuss it more, but what i have said above still stands, this isnt a report of rep spamming, this is an angry rant.
  19. For mdscript suggestions make new threads please and not leave misc comments on bottom of threads.
  20. Then i cant fix it, if you are not going to do what i specifically asked and be offensive in doing so, then i cannot help you. The difference between you repeatedly asking me questions LHO's should be asked, and really simple ones at that, is MUCH different to me asking you to PM me if there is an issue. Send it to any other mod then Tom, they wont be able to help you though.
  21. Clear +/- reputation has been put onto the forum. All members should be able to see who has given them reputation, if you havent your permissions are broken for that subset of groups, and please PM me to tell me you cant.
  22. Ann. 2670 - [2013-07-10 23:45:37 - Stage 12] GG Voting Open GG voting for their new government is open and available for voting. Voting shall last a week. ----------- Much thanks to Burns for helping me test it out to ensure it works and preparing the links/Manifestos so they dont look rubbish (because what was sent was rubb ish) Original Manifestos: MRAlyon - http://magicduel.com/votings/gg2013/General%20-%20MRAlyon.txt Change - http://magicduel.com/votings/gg2013/Sec,Dip,Treas%20-%20Change.txt Dan - http://magicduel.com/votings/gg2013/Events%20-%20Dan%20Planewalker.txt Grido - http://magicduel.com/votings/gg2013/Sec,Dip,Treas%20-%20Grido.txt
  23. Sounds like a race condition. Sounds fun and unlucky. I will look into it when home. Will probably give you the flowers back
  24. I second this, it is a very good piece of artwork.
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