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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Until Rophs and Vertu post their opinions here, i cannot go any further, In discussion with Mur he was open to the idea provided we all felt jail was wrong and you should be freed.
  2. As discussed with burns, you could keep the other contents, or remove them and take the charm. I believe you choose the first option.
  3. If anyone has any "Gift Boxes" please pass them to me, or send me their ID's so i can remove them. They are not finished since rendril left before finishing them, somehow this one broke a LR raincollector, hence why i want any moved away until they work.
  4. Rendril was working on them, i have no clue what they do, from what i know the code isnt finished or similar. iv no clue how you got an improvised rain collector as i just make those items recently. Will look into it.
  5. Fool me once, Shame on you, Fool me twice, Shame on me Everyone deserves a second chance, letting her spend a day, or a month in jail at this point will not make her learn her lesson any more or less i feel. If she does something like this again, i will not be there to suggest she is freed, and will even go as far to cite this issue, stating she has not changed, or learnt from this. I believe she has changed, and that we should let her move on. I certainly dont want to drag out the issue anymore. And if im wrong, you can come say you told me so, but in my eyes, she has wronged rophs, vertu and me. So surely we should get a say in her punishment? And if im wrong? she will likely to go jail for a lot longer, and on the even bigger plus side, you can say "i told you so"
  6. Her Crimes: For wasting my time - Mur can consider the last two announcements and related coding to them as payment for this. trying to taint the name of veteran players with made-up abusive events - Only relates to rophs, vertu and myself. for false accusations of a particularly severe type - Only relates to rophs, vertu and myself. So if mur accepts that i have paid him back in Magistra's stead, and vertu and rophs also do not wish to "press charges" then she should be freed no?
  7. Did it used to make sounds?
  8. Free Magistra. Why? She has not apologised, she claims she cannot since i have ignored her ingame pms even though there are many ways to contact me. I will not remove her from my ignore list. She has hurt me, i wished she never accused me of doing something i did not do, but i was the one to encourage her to report what was troubling her, so it is partially my fault. The logs show nothing happened to her account, no one has been on it, nor does the server show anything in the logs about it happening. So why free her if she has not apologised? Jailing her does not make it better, it cannot remove what has happened, it does not help the pain. All it does is try and stop this happening again. Having seen the community react to her, this is punishment enough. MD is a great game, but sometimes you guys on the forum are the most offensive and horrible people i have met, but also some of the people that i value knowing the most, and am happy to call friends. I am not singling out anyone, or blaming anyone, i know im rude and offensive sometimes, and have lost friends in being so. If the forums did not contain our history, i would delete it and ban everyone, But it is part of our history, our legacy. Free Magistra. Give her a chance, see what she does, Then judge her as you see fit. She has the opportunity to apologise sincerely, the opportunity to make amends, to do something amazing here. Or she can do nothing. But know this if this chance is granted, The community will be watching you Magistra. Free her, give her a second chance, and see what she does with it. Because sometimes, you guys stone someone for making a mistake, someone who could be great. Mur gave me a chance to do many things for MD, from being a mod to now coding for the game. We as a community should give Magistra a chance. Free Magistra!
  9. Monkey do as monkey told. Iv fixed it. Firstly, thanks a lot for providing item ID, makes things a load faster. Secondarily, when people provide lists of names, ID's, anything, please double and triplecheck them. I like to automate tasks as much as possible, or may be too focussed to remember who is a lho or not, or may not know how to properly spell those with obscure names. So if it gets sent to me wrong, there is a bigish chance its going to be coded wrongly. NOT pointing the finger at anyone with this, its a general lesson to help me :)
  10. Quite honestly there are way too many pieces for someone to do it, it might be fun as a real puzzle, where i could take weeks doing it, but as a quest, especially if its needed for part two, would take many hours. I agree with Rik and Dan
  11. This occurs due to loading times of flash, if flash loads slowly then resource images can appear before the text disappears. Not much to do except randomly increasing the time. Currently as its set, most of the time it wont overlap assuming you are on a semi decent connection.
  12. Does it cohabit nicely with the new GG leadership?
  13. Closed. If you want to make a public topic asking PoE why she asked the crafters to be disbanded so that everyone may know the reasons, feel free to. Or contact her via PM.
  14. Be Nice. Some people cannot control when they are awake or not, this is one area where some people advantages. This isnt really a point you can disagree. But you can think of solutions to fix them, as you are presenting Nim. Just dont present them so rudely.
  15. Thanky, rewards shall be discussed and may change depending on submissions.
  16. As many submissions as you want. Post it in this forum: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/262-personal-page-templates/ Also, i found a post which should detail some of the replacement code easier, added to the first post: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10502-personal-page-template-replacements/
  17. as a FYI im only posting this as it was sent to me instead of being posted :) but i think most people understood that.
  18. Most definately, it should be included on every page, if it doesnt work without including it send me a pm or something and i will look into it.
  19. *From: Xavax (ID:245864) *sent 4 hours and 58 minutes ago Read later Bushie at Road of Battles i read the list in lower portion and if it helps: make it so 10 or 15 people need to sign up(first 10-15 to "click list" would be slated as "allowed"to use) to tend to this plant, this will allow you to limit the number of people and retain the ability to steal from them... Yes i know it looks good on paper like that, i also realize i have no clue how you would impliment/code that feature...
  20. Im sure you will get it next time :D i shall do some talking
  21. For the link to work you need to be logged in.
  22. Also, if you are going to participate, please state so, so that i know if anyone is actually going to participate or not :)
  23. This quest is to make a personal page that fulfills some specific guidelines below. An example of a personal page that we are looking for is on my personal page here: http://magicduel.com/players/chewett (note this is outdated and havent had time to update it) The quest is so that a number of designs of personal pages can be coded so that people can freely use them. This means that by submitting your code for the competition you agree for me to put it up as a template for others to use. This also means that it should not include personal comments about you or be designed specifically for you (like mine is, and therefore wouldnt do well in the quest), but be general so anyone can use it. Including sections for people to write information about themselves however is part of the critera (see below) The quest will be rated on, and therefore your submission should be coded based on these criteria 1. Cleanness of code - nice looking code, css and javascript 2. Use of Template markings, using things on this page - http://magicduel.com/pages/help.personalpagetpl.php and this page: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10502-personal-page-template-replacements/ 3. Ability to add personal comments, having some empty sections where people can add comments, a wishlist and similar 4. A description how to use the template 5. Beauty - Does it look good? 6. Other minor criteria are not released, may be added to in the future Submission: You should make a forum post with the code, a description how to add the code to your personal page, and any special features such as places to write your own content. All code written for the quest is released to MagicDuel so that we and others may use the template freely. Quest Rewards: At least 1 Wishpoint, possibly more depending on submissions Quest Deadline: September, 17th maybe, you have at least 3 months to do it. FAQ: Q: where should i post it? A: Here http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/262-personal-page-templates/ Questions can go here or to me via PM.
  24. Sounds like an issue your end
  25. Most certainly. The planning has started tonight, someone will be collecting ideas/feedback.
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