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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. [quote name='Apocrypha Aquila' timestamp='1350438073' post='124126'] Ok...well, it would be a lot easier if one did not have to use a third medium to upload a picture through an external domain or website..but if that's what I have to do till some features unlock depending on the no. of posts....btw whats with this facebook story? I know I'm not the only one mentioning in relation to this but they've been monitering vigorously...just wondering if it's actually backend security/checks/whatever technical reason OR they simply lack originality? [/quote] Learn to search?: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12296-facebook-is-reading-my-private-forum/
  2. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1350434323' post='124123'] Whilst I can, in that I see that he appears to be collecting herbs, when the location doesn't list them as an available resource. Do not make bug reports a guessing game. State the bug, provide appropriate screenshots if necessary, it helps things get fixed faster if people don't first have to figure out what you're actually chatting about. [/quote] How the hell can you know the bug? it looks like there could be multiple things here! The only obvious thing is that there is some bug here.
  3. There are lots of other ways to send images on the forum. If you are just sending it, use any one of the millions of online storage websites. You cannot do many things on the forum until you have reached the appropiate amount of posts, being 20 currently. This ensures that spammers do not have access to large amount of more devious spamming tools as they previously did.
  4. I was working under the assumption that as a new player he would not have installed the toolbar... Since you have to be able to be playing the game to see the toolbar link.
  5. There are two types of coded items. Hardcoded and mdscripted Hardcore items are made by Mur and can do anyhing. Examples are the kill, revive and other ones. Mdscripted items normally cannot edit any db vars or players vars as maeb said. In other words, everything you described needs you a coder. But why shouldn't we do stuff? Mur has always said community action makes stuff, I see no reason why that has changed. Dst raises a valid point though. To balance really strong items they are made so the cool down is long. How do you balance them?
  6. and i havent seen either used properly... ever
  7. Thats odd i have just tested and have been able to login properly. What is your browser/Operating system? have you disabled javascript or cookies?
  8. to devolop a html5 mobile interface would require rewriting a large chunk of code that is essentially the core of magicduel (flash interacting with ajax to produce functionality)
  9. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1350130416' post='123923'] How are you supposed to see what I have been doing the past two weeks if you are stuck in your high chair Chew? [/quote] You seemed to have not read my post where i state i have been internetless as clearly documented on the forum and therefore stating that i might have missed something
  10. I wasn't aware you and sieg were trying to do anything, admittedly I have had no Internet for the pAst month but have only noticed sieg selling credits and pointing out the lack of lho"s Action means more than words perhaps?
  11. the quick solution is to set all those scenes to -40 AP needed, the probably better solution is to remove viscosity from people who are in tutorial mode. Personally i think that viscosity needs a change from distinct and definate values to be more percentage based, based on entire realm footfall.meaning that instead of everywhere getting loads, some places gain viscosity while others lose it depeneding on the percentage of global traffic. ofc that sounds like a nightmare to code lol
  12. Chewett

    Daily Fruit

    specifically targeting your login daily stat gains was put forward before...
  13. should be mostly back now. FIBRE OPTIC!!!
  14. Which means Cloudflare is incorrectly classing it as down and serving an error message that wouldnt occur if we werent using cloudlflare.
  15. yes BFH this error is caused by cloudflare saying it cannot connect to MD... the webpage is loading the chat and expecting javascript, cloudflare feels that MD is down and therefore serves the "error" page in the "javascript" page. Then MD tries to parse the "javascript" which is actually an error page and goes boom.
  16. See Murs points on social punishment versis interface punishment.
  17. Forum cannot be modified as its invisionzone, create a mod for it
  18. Thought you had already left, sure I could remember a topic like this before, oh well have a nice time Sasha! It was fun.
  19. closed then
  20. down from here, UK
  21. Hmm, I can't remember going there without being ported, I was under the impression that it took a lot of time and required a large amount of ap. But feel free to ignore the above if incorrect as I can't exactly check now
  22. Since its near impossible to actually get there surely a surrogate location would need to be picked?
  23. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1349429041' post='123154'] But current rate is 5 creds per gold coin... [/quote] There is no current rate, if you like the price, accept it. Admittedly its a lot lower than what everyone else has traded, but if you are happy for the price it doesnt matter.
  24. Name tribs or mdas capital lol We would need to decide on them first surely?
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