so where does this fit in with the new armour thingy? I dont think one skill fits in with all the possible recipe types.
max(ingredient types) + 1(guy holding recipe) can make the cake, maybe even max(ingredient number) + 1 if they dont have enough of each ingredient
i was under the impression you should nominate people twice so that if there is a tie and people need to removed then the number of nominations are influenced?
The server had a major hickup around 1:49 ST according to me.
Anyone know what was happening around this? all i know is curi asking me to log in to see if molly ported me, then CF saying MD was broken, then seeing everyone being kicked out the game.
I am waiting for you to contact me for my sponsership once you have agreed to my terms since you have not contacted me i can only assume you want to take all the items for yourself.