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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1359325999' post='131472'] Oh noes! [/quote] dont post if you arnt going to say anything useful. Thanks MRAlyon, i will look at fixing it when i have time later. minor graphical issue that can be resolved quickly
  2. [cquote] You have until Friday night 23:59:59 ST to cast your vote.[/cquote] No more votes are valid, please stop attempting to vote, zyraex is waiting for results confirmation from council but does not want to post this in case their vote is invalidated
  3. Is there some results, i am under the impression zyraex (please forgive me for the horrible spelling) was doign some form of tallying? Liberty has already announced an unofficial results but i wondered if they tally?
  4. i agree with this idea, While it is important to remember such events, they dont really come into MD, and therefore i feel they should be replaced.
  5. 10 points Maebius - Fancy Hat - A Fez, because "Fez' are cool" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvWYw0CnuSI 9 points udgard - item creation 8 points nad - alkahest 7 points sephira - move the dead 6 points Burns - drach medlodic charm 5 points peace - scimitar 4 points mya - summon 3 points miq - spell teleport to TSB 2 points eara - mirror 1 points DD - Shadowblade
  6. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1358860890' post='131223'] This is what I had been striving to do, way back when resource system was new (back when resources were limited on stuff like planks etc). I've sent some cauldron recipes too when cauldron was the system Mur chose to go with regarding item creation, to process basic resources to some advanced resource, and finally an actual end product. It's what I'm hoping to go ahead with if my item creation stuff will be expanded on (i.e., processing mills to create planks from lumber, etc). [/quote] If you sent them to mur hopeing for them to be implemented please resend them to me on the bugs@ address
  7. closed, new thread: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13630-new-personal-request-month-voting-new/
  8. I feel that in the future such quests where someone can arbitarily choose a winner should be discouraged. Seigheart may have pmed me the answer and told me to win it, specifically choosing me as a winner, and no one would know. Who is to say it didnt happen this time? A quest where there is no skill or fun involved, shouldnt really be a quest, its not fun and its primarily a waste of time, It appears i was luck enough that i thought up only ~15 words, and got the one, out of the millions of possible valid words, which apparently some spent a lot more time, Which i would encourage sieg to reward the one who sent the most words in if he hasnt already given the award to someone deserving.
  9. [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1358634489' post='131031'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Thanks my friends!!! xoxoxo[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]((And, woah, dst actually went through and negative repped my +1's for everybody?! How low can you go? ))[/font] [/quote] Think again, First you had it at "someone" and now you change it to dst? Funny thing is that it wasnt her. Are you that biased towards her? That loses my respect really... Your obsession to blame dst for every single little thing...
  10. [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1358610007' post='131004'] popularity contest much? [/quote] Give things to people to deal with = Popularity Contest Give things to council to deal with = Biased Methinks they cant win lol
  11. All listed people below clearly didnt vote properly, vote for wishs and not people... read the post [quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1358552384' post='130953'] Unclear voting, write it like everyone else fang. [/quote] [quote name='Change' timestamp='1358555323' post='130958'] Edit: Top ten wishes? I wish I had requested more things then. >.< Back to deciding. Okay, yeah, I'm officially confused. Are we voting for the top ten wishes, or the top ten people? If it's top ten wishes, then if I wanted to grant both of Rumi's wishes, it would take two votes? [/quote] Its top 10 wishs, NOT people [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1358559880' post='130963'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]People are voting for players, and not voting on each wish individually.[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]So a vote for a player with 5+ requests is equal to a vote for someone with only 1 request?[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]edit: I read Fang's post and hence the confusion on my part...[/font] [/quote] 10 wishs, not people, read post, not people who cant read [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1358561079' post='130964'] 1 Tipu 2 Eagle Eye 3 Tal 4 Chewett 5 phantasm 6 AmberRune 7 Nimrodel 8 Menhir 9 ZenTao 10 redneck [/quote] revote nad [quote name='lashtal' timestamp='1358561737' post='130965'] The Council said: Instead of grading ALL wishes, please grade only the top 10 that you want to see granted. Therefore, I suppose it takes 2 votes to grant both of Rumi's wishes. [/quote] That makes sense, if you read the post ofc [quote name='ignnus' timestamp='1358598541' post='130996'] Assuming I can vote without wishing for wishes 10-Lazarus 10pts 9-seigheart 9pts 8-Leixer 8pts 7-Shemhazaj 7pts 6-dark demon 6pts 5-tankfans 5 p 4-no one 4 pts 3-Laphers 3 pts 2-Kellox 2 pts 1-Silence Dogood 1 pts Pm me if you are curious about points assigned and yes I don't like to see "any" of their requests granted. [/quote] Revote picking wishs
  12. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1358552190' post='130951'] ye same for 1h already and if wookie is asleep then we will wait another 8h [/quote] Right you are. Fixed.
  13. The quest was open 12 hours...
  14. For reference i have given Sieg the "reward" back and have asked him to give it out to someone who deserves it if he feels he must.
  15. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1358458452' post='130840'] Change? So, I have your vote then? Also, edited that bit. I only said perhaps because I don't want my entire request to be invalidated if MP8 is too buggy (like MP7). But if I can have it.. [/quote] Do you know what MP8 encompasses, or are you just asking for it becuase you want to be the first/whatever? Is there a specific reason of MP8, which explains why you are asking for it?
  16. I would like the ability to summon people to Angiens Shrine. It would have 4 casts (unable to be put onto a stone). Only able to cast on one person. The caster must be standing at angiens shrine for the spell to work. This is because we now have access yet we cannot yet easily bring players so that we can talk to members there. All adjustments to the spell are welcome, since it is a powerful summoning spell i have detailed the numerous limitations in an attempt to balance the item. I would ask players to vote for this idea so that we may all learn more about, and recruit some angiens to be our fighters.
  17. This is the copy of a chat i had with someone who i have a slight suspicion... was Molquert [17/01/13 09:39] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] ear tha poo Belzerker [17/01/13 09:39] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] Hell tha poo Belzerker [17/01/13 09:39] :~~Ghost~~ giggles [17/01/13 09:39] :~~Ghost~~ is a powerful spell caster [17/01/13 09:39] *Chewett*:How odd... [17/01/13 09:39] *Chewett*:Is that you Molquert? [17/01/13 09:40] :~~Ghost~~ whistles innocently.. [17/01/13 09:40] *Chewett*:Well, Since Molquert isnt here, want to discuss how we can revive him mysterious ghost? [17/01/13 09:41] ~~Ghost~~:sounds a good idea.. [17/01/13 09:41] *Chewett*:If you were Molquert, ghost who most definately isnt Molquert, would you want to be revived? [17/01/13 09:42] :~~Ghost~~ giggles once more [17/01/13 09:43] ~~Ghost~~:if I were him, I'd kinda like it as it is.. [17/01/13 09:44] *Chewett*:Thats interesting. [17/01/13 09:44] ~~Ghost~~:less work to do.. more people you can speak with.. [17/01/13 09:44] *Chewett*:And speaking sure sounds like fun. [17/01/13 09:44] ~~Ghost~~:but as you said, I'm not him [17/01/13 09:44] :~~Ghost~~ giggles [17/01/13 09:44] *Chewett*:No, most definately not. [17/01/13 09:45] *Chewett*:Ah well, he might turn up some time... Perhaps to do some speaking --------- feel free to post comments of logs of conversation/plans/discussions with molquert.
  18. [quote name='samon' timestamp='1358172485' post='130481'] I'm wishing for an item/ability to make cauldron recipes, if possible with a testing cauldron and an alchemist tag. Cauldrons are awesome. They let players make things, sadly there are only 3 recipes I know of, of which only two are freely available. Willing to keep myself to pretty much any limitations you put up. [/quote] The ability to make cauldron recipies wont be made item due to the complexity and the fact that cauldrons can be made into anything. Creation of more recipies and other items is an ongoing project so feel free to email me or council regarding them. Specifically if you want to be making multiple and are proficient enough to make correct ones.
  19. [quote name='DarkRaptor' timestamp='1358157077' post='130442'] [b]Anyone that have participate in the quest can now try the Trivia and try to outscore lashtal![/b] just go to the Gazebo of Equilibrium Hidden Orb and whisper: [b]HelpXmas[/b] Good Luck ~dark [/quote] While i didnt get time to participate in the quest as i was doing other things, i would like to try and quiz. Can you enable it for me? i only get "you have not ended the quest."
  20. There is currently an item that can make sanctuaries however this is not planned to be given out widely and currently the only owner is BFH
  21. Until people get back to seig i cant implement these things.. Does the community not want to help things? i dont have time to do it all myself.
  22. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1358116257' post='130409'] as long as this is in top of it... its not finished [/quote] added to list of fixes
  23. This got finished, however if people want to suggest changes ect ect please feel free to make new topics suggesting things.
  24. If protectors want to try and get some protector fixes again contact [bugs] and we can try and get some discussion. Last time this occured one protector was offensive and i was disinclined to continue the discussions.
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