MagicDuel is ran, developed and played by the community. Without you we couldn't do half as much as we do, and all of these things that people do take time. Sadly because we rely on the time given by others to complete things many items, especially coding, take a lot longer than planned. From time to time i will post up jobs on the forum, none of these jobs are mission critical but jobs that can be done by the community and any time that we dont spend fixing grammar, spellings, or cleaning up ingame text is time we can spend programming/planning the next feature.
To this aim the council and I shall post jobs here that we feel the community can help with. All jobs will be in the format:
Job Details: Short information about the job
Job Contact: The person you should contact to help with the job or for more information
Job Status: [Starting,In progress, finished] , [not looking for more people, looking for more people]
Members: <any comments about who is working on what part>
Other comments: Misc comments
if you want to help with a job, contact the person who is listed as the contact. They should update the topics as jobs are done and fulfilled.
Some jobs will require more specialized skills, To that end i will keep a list of people who have any special talents or have stated they dont mind helping out.
If you want to be added to the list, send to bugs@
Email address you can be contacted on
Special talents (anything you think might be helpful)
Anything you have worked on bugs with previous