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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. "it" being, awiiya resigning? If so can you link the post you made
  2. Surely you have a scolarly role and such, don't you do more than just hand out wiiya?
  3. delegation is an important part of running a team. You cant and shouldnt do everything, if you gave everyone in the TK's some WPRC's and such, then all you need to do is ask X to give reward Y out which doesnt take long at all. If you personally give all the rewards out, then TK's become much more pointless and a one man band.
  4. [quote name='Shemhazaj' timestamp='1343828312' post='118905'] [color=#808080][i]-GotR leadership is quite clear. Mya and me are co-leaders. We both can make decisions, if we'd happen to disagree on something we resolve it before presenting a common decision/reply.[/i][/color] [/quote] Its interesting that you feel this way, i was under the impression that Mya was the sole leader. In addition, i would have said GoTR and GG alliances are both largely hidden in their organisation, i would have said their structure is the same, confusing. To me, in both alliances i see a leader (mya, burns, which is apparently incorrect already ) with various members dotted around. Said member are only differentiated by me in terms of how "powerful" they are. I couldn't name any one person that would most likely suceed the current leaders because i dont know more about the structure
  5. Never click the portal if you don't know where it leads. Failing that, ask friendly Lho'S for help
  6. Its BFH's fault lol
  7. once you next login it will break
  8. Clear bug, geoip is broked no need to confirm.
  9. If you doublepress the login button, you will attempt to login twice, This means that the "second time" you just logged in and therefore you need to wait 14 minutes. If you visit magicduel.com/layout.php you will probably be able to play if you experience this problem.
  10. Not if the armour pins you down and makes you much weaker, harder to move and easier to kill because you are practically immobile
  11. [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1343288993' post='118215'] Also can someone get me back to my spot? Stuck at the GoE. Awi [/quote] Send a pm to Bfh, he has a shedload of spells
  12. forward dating weather seems rather pointless as then when that time comes and no weather did occur, you cant really tell if it was a real report, or someone forward dated it for a laugh. being able to add weather for the past 24hrs might be good
  13. didnt understand battle system - include more battling in the storyline, it needs a change didnt understand what i was supposed to do - have you recently done the tutorial? the first "new" page is a good one mur started to redo, i would propose this is continued
  14. We are still very close to the limits, i encourage everyone to go through and delete any images that they do not need. Scanning the forum there are a number of massive files that look like avatar scans, please dont send them through the forum and delete them, send them to the artist people or via email or upload on other websites. I dont want to have to block all galleries and limit upload space massively, but if people dont remove useless images i will have to.
  15. [quote name='Tom Pouce' timestamp='1342820171' post='117840'] I would suggest, that another time those concern be notify of the rules ... keeping me in dark had made me react to the apparences and its include Fyrd to have keept me in dark ... Note: Its not my fault if i stand for my team mates and friends as for my way of acting [/quote] You cant be told everything, dont expect to ever be told everything... just next time, before taking a cause, actually see if you need to... There is no point telling everyone everything, then it becomes a boring scripted event... let things play out as they do.
  16. A word of advice, as Rheagar points out, ask the person actually involved instead of taking up a cause they dont want someone to take up.
  17. [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1342687741' post='117751'] But that's less "automatic" and prone to fall into idleness at times. Hmm.... [/quote] See Dojo -> Sparring Grounds If peolpe dont want it, then it wont be sustained, as is MagicDuel. If it does not have public opinion and voice working for it, it wont live.
  18. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1342664121' post='117741'] Second idea, we need a social structure that gives 24 hour attention to weather logs. This seems like a daunting task. The only group I can think of that has guaranteed 24 hour availability is LHO. I wonder if LHO could record the weather for us and post a log on a clickie in the Paper Cabin as part of their duties. Community Garden can pay for this service from our treasury. Grido, you asked what garden treasury would be used for. Would LHO be willing to take an additional task? Would you be willing to negotiate a contract on behalf of LHO team outlining services and payment? Any other ideas? I can record the weather when I change it, but I'm not really online all that much. We need logs of all weather events. [/quote] You are the gardeners, why dont you organise your group to do it yourselves... Its not hard work but all you need is a large group of people to send in weather reports... its not exactly a hard job, so just ask lots of people to do it. LHO doing it? lol no, i doubt grido will agree to this. They shouldnt have to worry about paying attention to something as minor as the weather. As for scripting it... possible, will it trigger you to be banned immediately, possibly, i havent tried the trigger box.
  19. its quite hard to do if you do the maths... its unlikely you are going to have 6 creatures with a similar difference to anyone else due to the large amount of creatures bought. The only way someone is going to win easily is to actually go and buy 6 crits now, and most of the people i spoke to had no space.
  20. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1342559083' post='117679'] [center]Still trying to understand darkraptor submission...[/center] [/quote] Its a simple code a - 1 b - 2 ... y - 25 z - 26
  21. Have a great birthday Magistra!
  22. [quote name='samon' timestamp='1342468830' post='117630'] If you really want to show the total amount of heat donated you can add up the amounts of heat donated by each player (after subtracting the heat from previous votes.) If I'm right that doesn't drop over time. [/quote] indeed, my clickable displays current and total heat, along with all the heat donated by all the voters, and calculates it based on the method you suggested.
  23. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1342446129' post='117622'] That shouldn't happen to heat vote then.. It's a voting method and I think it's stupid to lose somehow a vote casted? So there's no funtion to prevent the loss at all? However, I believe losing heat should happen to scripted items since somehow can be... abused, but that's not the case of heat for vote. [/quote] The amount one has given is stored, but the active heat drops, as Valldore says, its not how much was given, its a continual effort.
  24. For heat votes, you can use a simple one line piece of code to sort heat voters into heat given in desending order [CODE] @vb = mdsi_item_heat(); arsort(@vb['players']); [/CODE] This assumes that your heat variable has been assigned to @vb as in the example. When printing the information out with this format, it will produce it in an ordered format [code] foreach(@vb['players'] as @vk => @vh){ echo @vk . ': ' . @vh . '<br />'; } [/code] its nicer to show those who have given the most heat at the top than rather the first people who visited the clicky Comments and questions can go on this post
  25. This is the basis of a dynamic driven clickable, buttons! sample code: html: <form method='post'> <input type="submit" name='button' value="Go!"/> </form> MDScript: (locations [Whatever location the clicky is in]) echo @content[0]; if (@input['button'] == 'Go!') { echo "you pressed the button"; }else{ echo "You havent yet pressed the button!"; } Here you have a button and a form, when you press this the "data" is sent to the page again. This data is a associative value, meaning that you have a name that is associated with a value. In this case, all the "name"'s of the objects are associated with their value. For my simple example, The button name is called "button" and its associated value is "Go!" This value is only sent to the page when the button is clicked, This means on the first page load, it isnt sent. When the data is sent to the page, it is stored in the @input variable, so in my example when i press the button @input['button'] will be equal to "Go!" I can do a check to see if @input['button'] == "Go!" to see if it has been pressed or not. This will allow you to respond to user input and do different things. Remember to change the name of each button or input field, so that they are different. More advanced information is available: comments and questions can go on this post
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