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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. I dislike messiness, so im going to get some communtiy action and see what others think Ignoring all special links and such that LHO's have and such. i came to this as the list of links currently in the rightbar: [Wishpoints Top] [Same country] [Most Popular] [Active Veterans] [Item Owners] [Adventure Log] [Inventory] [Wishpoints] [Personal page] [Notebook] [Webcam] [Mood panel] [Public Logs] [Options] And these are the ones on the topbar: [View announcements] [Adventure Log] [Quests] [Calendar] [Challenges] [MD Court] [ Game intro] [Known issues] [Restrictions] [Active Forum Posts] [MDNP][Treasury] [Search] [MD Toolbar] [Free credits] Thats a lot of links... I feel these could be re-organised, moved and swapped around. Some of the links have little relevelence nowadays, like the Treasury and MDNP, Known issues is very old as is challanges.. Do people think that the interface could do with some cleaning up? or do they think that all these links here are a "good thing" [b]Current Summary of Suggested items (see edit time for last edited time):[/b] [Personal page] [Notebook] can be moved to your ~papers~ link under chat also Move [Wishpoints Top] [Most Popular] [Active Veterans] [Item Owners] onto one link where all are visible Challanges and Quests links can be merged into one, updating them both and doing some nice formatting
  2. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1341522983' post='116784'] Well actually we work with the interface of free credits I won't play with any other feautures. What you ask is hard for us to implement. The countdown can desynchronize (is this a word?) anyways. Extremely hard to do. They will have to check their timers before voting... [/quote] BFH is murry's new coder, he knows all. Just get the interface to update the timer instead of assuming that its always correct, the js gets out of sync and things break. In addition if some form of static timer was displayed on the free credits page, that would always be correct as each time you reload the page, it would update, or combine both ideas and get it to update the timer when you reload and vote. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1341522983' post='116784'] Only that won't fix the major problem ABUSING the links (clicking and no vote ) [/quote] [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1341523265' post='116785'] You can click and note vote, but still get the stat points?! O.o Omfg. *facepalm* [/quote] Really? you didnt know this? lol Dont some of the vote sites allow you to ensure that someone has voted, and "ping" magicduel stating it, its not entirely hard, its how the paypal and everything works, but some of the voting sites dont seem that well designed
  3. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1341522857' post='116781'] I'd say create an achievement if you vote successfully on all links for a set amount of time? [/quote] Love the idea, i would definately vote just because i like achievements
  4. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1341439848' post='116713'] button to open all at once? dunt some links go invalid if they are open too long without user interaction? [/quote] yup gimme some incentive to vote, i havent really voted in years because i dont have the time
  5. [quote name='Miq' timestamp='1341214186' post='116456'] Hei, The rule[list] [*]Use duplicate or stolen pictures for avatar submission [/list] should be more general i think something along the line:[list] [*]Use duplicate or stolen work for any artwork submission [/list] [/quote] agreed
  6. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1341213063' post='116454'] Just a pointer that for Just for this case, might be better to have an alternate place to report @magicduel email bugs.. after all, if it affects all email on the domain then the bugs email address might be bugged as well. [/quote] If council are telling people to report bugs to said address, then logically that address is up no?
  7. each team member should be able to see their own subforum, under no mans land, BFH can see all of them, Team 3 - http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/300-summer-team-3/ Since i cant see any others, i cant link em lol
  8. highlight over the arrow, you get the numbers? For most scenes it will tell you what AP it requires, some it wont
  9. 81 + 40 = 121 Which is higher than 109? assuming you are moving towards trib, if you are moving away then it indeed seems like a quirk...
  10. Go to your Profile and personal characteristics page (4th circle down) then go to the bottom and press [Upload Avatar] Remember to read all the rules before uploading, By uploading you agree that MagicDuel LLC can use the image as they want, and you transfer ownership rights to them. In addition you are not allowed to upload the image anywhere else.
  11. Actually, Adobe have said they will stop supporting and creating flash for android Source - http://blogs.adobe.com/flashplayer/2012/06/flash-player-and-android-update.html
  12. i only noticed you could actually click the blue links after viewing the source... thats not very user friendly. also, i havent really seen the colour scheme used.... anywhere in MD. Blue and red does not go together normally. definately not in MD. actually, i didnt notice you could click them because i didnt actually read the top, so partly my fault, but its still not that user friendly... The word "things" is pretty unprofessional, i suggest it be replaced with something else. [b]comments about the rules:[/b] [b]Using alts to fill the seats is not allowed if they are from the same person.[/b] - Murry said this to me, but was this discussed by public or said in an announcement? [b]Fake "Mur said so" or "Council said so" orders. Any claim of "Mur said so" or "Council said so without it being true leads to a permanent ban without any explanation or defending possible. [/b]- was this the original text + adding on the council? Personally i would like to see council state this specifically. The punishment seems exceptionally excessive, nor do i feel that Mur or council would ever inact such a punishment. I would point out, why say it if you arnt ever going to go through with it. its stupid. State something more like "extreme punishments will be applied" rather than specifically perma ban. if you then dont perma ban, you are weak... [b]If you dispute the results of an alt test, and a more in depth alt checking method still concludes you are in violation of the Alternative Accounts rules and restrictions, your punishment will be worsened. You may still continue to dispute the results, however you will face whatever the current punishment is and the same risks of worse punishment, each time until such a time as you are found to not be in violation of the Alternative Accounts rules and restrictions, you are told you are no longer allowed to appeal, or you cease disputing the results and serve your current punishment.[/b] - This paragraph is confusing, and the last sentence is massively too long. I would suggest splitting it up into more sentences and making it more readable, not to mention that although i understand what its trying to say... its odd... i can do this if you want The whole bugs section needs a rewrite. It contains really old, and wrong information. I have been forwarded to the bugs email account a couple times for abusive ones. Council arnt dealing with them. Read the most recent announcement
  13. my chewett@md email is still broked, i can only assume theirs is too.
  14. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1340830235' post='116153'] @ Magistra: I could deny all those statements with proof But I wont.. Each to their own. [/quote] I would also disagree entirely with those points. And as Nim says, believe whacha want Just because you found it on the internet, does not mean it is right. Its worrying to know i edit wikipedia, so beware!
  15. if it got denied, there was a reason for it wasnt it? or didnt it upload as shown in the image. there are two different cases.
  16. Unless no one noticed, i was revived sometime last night. I do not know if spar was revived, nor do i know who did it. I have not done anything to warrant it. So i have no clue.
  17. [quote name='samon' timestamp='1340581700' post='115971'] I think the final line in the second example should say: [CODE]echo 'In total ' . count(@vp['players']) . ' have stored heat in talisman';[/CODE] [/quote] that would make sense, i have edited the above example. Thank you.
  18. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1340547362' post='115945'] I sometimes use magicduel.com/mobile on IOS and Android, which which works fine but clearly has its limitations. [b]Flash for android does not really work for MD.[/b] [/quote] [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1340555483' post='115950'] umm no flash on android? only reason i can think of is armv6 cpu arhitecture [/quote] Learn to read posts noob
  19. I am Bored started to write a java version of MD that allowed him to do numerous things. But he didnt tell anyone about it. It was quite amusing looking at the code. Since most of the game utilises the flash backgrounds and such, do you not think this is going to be quite a large task to "move over" to a HTML5 such website? Not to mention the time needed to make some form of mobile app that allows similar function to MD. Personally, i see that a HTML5 version of the game on the /mobile/ site, and work on that to allow some movement and such. Make it more Text based and such. I dont see any benifit from spending all the time moving everything over to a HTML5 website. Not that i dont think it would be nice, but i dont see the reasoning benifits.
  20. send it to art (at) magicduel (dot) com They deal with all avatar stuff now
  21. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1340301043' post='115659'] I recall having the same issue - and Chew, unless I'm blind there's no button when viewing on a mobile (android here as well) to change theme, I looked at the time, and just checked again. It's there when you're on the mobile version to swap to full version though, just not other way round. [/quote] For some reason it was hidden in the admin after our recent forum upgrade. its now toggled and it now does have a dropdown plus a "Use Mobile Version" link at the bottom left (checked on opera on an iphone) Thanks for the reports
  22. There is a theme button at the bottom, "Change Theme" selecting this should allow you to change to the mobile version. Failing that, clearing cookies should reset the preference
  23. I am also interesting in Point 1. Essentially you are saying you dont trust the community to gather and be trustful to get it, and that therefore you(general you) want to hold the item and therefore ability to revive people. Thats not much of a "community" garden is it? Any "community" method of revival should never rely on one person using their item, all you are doing is saying its ok for you souly to hold the item because you are a "nice person". You effectively give yourself a revival item and say that you will use it for the community... [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1340251418' post='115578'] Perhaps because it's such an outrageous demand, that it is completely disgusting to even attempt to gouge someone for 20gc to play the game again [/quote] Yet you feel its perfectly fine to kill someone so they cant play the game...
  24. When signing up, do not use brackets in any of the forms, if you recieve an error such as: Illegal input <<SOME TEXT>> in ‘<<SOME WORD>>’Number of errors: 1 it means the field "SOME WORD" is incorrect. Most likely its because you entered something bad. Once you have submitted it, you will see what you entered, this will only appear once and reloading the page will show multiple errors.
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