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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. This will never happen because i suggested the idea of turning on the chat on this forum and he told me in no uncertain terms that MD will never have global chat.
  2. This should now be fixed. Open a new topic if it isnt.
  3. there is currently an issue with fighting all NPC's. Rendril is currently looking at this and it should be fixed... sometime
  4. Happy Birthday your Pample-le-ness
  5. for your reputations sake, i recommend planning ideas out and talking with good fighters (dst, no one, Burns, ect) rather than just putting raw ideas "out there" and seeing how they go
  6. [quote name='pipster' timestamp='1286647418' post='69975'] chewett it seems you jump to conclusions just like someone else around here. that is whats wrong! i didn't ever try to cheat mur, i don't think a lot of people have tried to. if they have then he should look at how he sets things up not just come out and say i am being cheated so i am removing this! i have morals and i have apparently more brains then you as i think accusing anyone of anything is wrong without proof! (note: writing a check knowing you have no money in your account isn't the same, unless you are simpleminded/chewett. so try again with a better analogy next time) as for your other thing about making the game pay, it is a very simple solution to murs problems of people trying to get free credits to buy things. if you remove the whole chance of them and make the game pay only then no one can ever cheat him. will there be a ton less players? sure. will you lose out on people trying it then maybe paying? you bet you will. but this is a very simple solution to this problem. this is based not only off the free credits link being removed but the current events in the game. [/quote] please read my post. Where did i accuse you? I merely made a point about your idea of people and i quote you "make the most out of their money worth?" using a method that is clearly wrong. If you had paid attention to any of the announcments mur has made you would know that your "help" by suggesting it being pay to play is both a very stupid statement and never going to happen. I would recommend you pay attention to the announcements so you may not appear so foolish.
  7. said poll has been closed for numerous reasons
  8. Because of the lunacy of the poll it has been closed. If you want to know how to make a better poll please contact me Pashweetie
  9. [quote name='pipster' timestamp='1286572389' post='69942'] i can remember a time when mur made it so if you became a supporter you got an increase in in your amount of credits for that month alone, but then people would cancel and resubscribe. he called this cheating him? well, maybe it was but maybe it wasn't? point is that's how it was set up and why wouldn't someone want to make the most out of their money worth? [/quote] Did you know if you write a check, then spend all the money in your bank you can use more money than you have? Your excuse is "that's how it was set up and why wouldn't someone want to make the most out of their money worth" Yet you will still go to jail for fraud. Do you have no morals/brains? [quote name='pipster' timestamp='1286572389' post='69942'] bottom line here is if mur thinks everyone is out to cheat him in one form or another just make the game pay to play. then those of us who don't have means to pay or can't pay will move on and no one will be "cheating him"! [/quote] Are you stupid? You are complaining how something has been removed to aid you to play without paying, yet your suggested solution is to make everyone pay? You can still play without paying, its still very possible.
  10. this looks cut and paste? Have you installed a Skype application/addon into your firefox browser?
  11. Welcome, i see you found the forums I hope you find Magicduel an interesting place
  12. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1286401800' post='69782'] -Akasha, Grido, Zleiphneir, Chewett (all those who have jail/teleport to GoE spell, or any moderating spell) [/quote] Akasha and grido have GOE and Jail, i have GOE and Z as he said only has acoustic remains. Wow i can teleport you, the only times iv used said spell was during HC when some people had obvious advantage and to make it a little more intresting and if some noob decided to come and annoy me while i was doing something (hence my spell name). The ability to jail is so rarely used it can hardly be called a privilage. When someone someone called <something>feet arrives, grido or another person with ban will come and ban them. Said member could be an alt of mur and he would still be banned for offensive (funny) playernames. Its not that they can actually choose who they want to use it on. Most of the time when some kind of ban go ahead Mur does it. The people with jail merely do the simple obvious ones. I dont really get your point Rheagar, that everyone should have the same powers? Is that really wise giving IAB the ban spell and such? (ok a little dramatic but you get my point)
  13. If your idea is merely for aesthetic values then its no real point. There should be a decent reason why there should have premium creatures. And strategy is merely one side of the coin, if you only have aramors your strategy is limited by them. You know the best ritual in MD, but unless you can make that ritual it is pointless. That is what these new mp5's are having, they havent leveled their creatures up enough to beat them currently. Coloring for you sake is merely fancy and doesnt fit in with the general schema. Changing the army for a specific reason like X is too hard is much more likely to happen.
  14. nope, all it will do is make it harder to win against the monsters when weaker mp5's get out of story mode. Already there is a group of people that arrive at mp5 and cannot enter Loreroot or Willows shop because of the increased strength of the people. With aura's and other such bonuses it will merely be made harder. If it Aint broke, Dont fix it.
  15. If you are giving out 4 per year backdated, then that mains im going to gain 11 WP... thats way too much, i can prettymuch buy the entire shop with no work whatsoever.
  16. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1286288139' post='69704'] I also think only alliance from the land should be only allowed to gather their own torch and not others. [/quote] One small issue with that. Loreroot for exampls sake has more alliances (4?) than for example underground which only has one. this is rather unfair if the fight is limited to alliances. Some people might want to fight for their land but are not eligible for an alliance.
  17. [quote name='lightsage' timestamp='1286230934' post='69657'] My guess is we're seeing (or maybe that's my imagination) object oriented errors rather than the old kind due to what rendril (I think we already had/have a ren...) has done. [/quote] Assuming you know that OOP is merely another paradigm of programming what in specifc are "OOP Errors"? since they are a paradigm they would just be called errors...
  18. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1286174370' post='69607'] B. If they continue to harrass/violate, then you tell an LHO with specifics and proof. [/quote] Do not do B. Lhos do not guard the SG, they are to help new players but this is not the help we are meant to give. We are not affliated with the SG and therefore cannot stop people attacking there.
  19. noob, ban him
  20. It would be intresting to see the stats catagorized into Gained no wishpoints Gained a couple of wishpoints Gained a lot of wishpoints Because im betting the people who have gained little or no wishpoints are wanting as many as possible.
  21. If you could trade across max level creatures then suddenly imagine a new mp3 gainined however many rusties and such? its like it for a reason
  22. You didnt read what he was asking Throm. i will post this for anyone else who is wondering. trading creatures is a method for you to gain something that you may have not been able to get. For the angiens for example its that you might not have the requirements to purchase one. The only stat that is kept is the age, and as throm said thats 60% of before transfer. Age is the hardest and easiest stat to attain because you cant make it go quicker. So normally people buy aged critures so that they can train a max level creature faster (elemental takes ages to train, if you want one quick buy one with age) You cannot get max level crits from trades, but it is easier to train them because they will already have a lot of the age required.
  23. no no no no no no no thats like free wishpoints for whoever its a stupid idea because its so easy, AND its total wishpoint Devaulation. Its not even hard! If this quest ever goes ahead, i will complain as much as i can that it was "fixed" so that certain people will get wishpoints. Quests like these are so simple to rig and i feelt that most of these 5 minute quests are just used to give friends WP's
  24. <removed, lifeline feels that he should be doing this, so he said he will investigate all MB quests each month and award one, i wouldnt hold your breath thou>
  25. Each month we will be giving the quest creators of Marind Bell the chance to attain a wishpoint for their quests. If your quest if good enough you may get a wishpoint for the time and effort you put into making this. These wishpoints will be funded by Lifeline, as he holds the MB wishpoint repository. If you see a good quest then please tell me so we can look at their quest
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