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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. 3 imps 9 silver
  2. [quote name='ansouinc' timestamp='1282923999' post='67165'] I have so much to say.. but we are talking about professionals here.. so I have great expectations in peoples capability to look on things through different perspective.. and capability of understanding.. and capability of asking things.. not like this.. judgment first before discussion.. please.. I don't want to comment anymore.. yeah I love MD.. I free to be MEhe can't comment the forum says.. " you can't comment on this topic"It's feb here typing.. what ansouinc said is what I have to say.. [/quote] He cannot post because he has not validated his email address. Hardly a great excuse because its not like a pm to me will take a long time to send.
  3. [quote name='ansouinc' timestamp='1282923681' post='67162'] feb can't comment so I'll comment for him *bows* [/quote] He cant comment? I would like to see him comment. See it from his own mouth.
  4. Topic closed
  5. And please do ignore his rather large ve. I will repeat. he is a grinder
  6. [quote name='ansouinc' timestamp='1282914065' post='67137'] A little info for everyone.. Feb is not a stat grinder.. [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_regeneration.gif[/img] Regeneration: [b]49[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]9[/color] + [color="#00ccff"]0.18[/color] + [color="#3355ff"]40[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_energeticimmun.gif[/img] Energetic immunity: [b]94[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]14.71[/color] + [color="#3355ff"]80[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_tradesense.gif[/img] Trade sense: [b]10[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]10.09[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_briskness.gif[/img] Briskness: [b]14[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]10.69[/color] + [color="#00ccff"]0.53[/color] + [color="#99cc00"]3[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_initiative.gif[/img] Initiative: [b]9[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]-0.5[/color] + [color="#3355ff"]10[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_defence.gif[/img] Defence: [b]27[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]8.18[/color] + [color="#00ccff"]0.9[/color] + [color="#99cc00"]18[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_attack.gif[/img] Attack: [b]50[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]24.02[/color] + [color="#00ccff"]2.4[/color] + [color="#99cc00"]24[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_power.gif[/img] Power: [b]3[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]3.45[/color])[/left] [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_luck.gif[/img] Luck: [b]21[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]1.64[/color] + [color="#3355ff"]20[/color])[/left] [/quote] Purposely being stupid? Do you realise how many wins angiens need? tell me he isnt a GRINDER. and have you seen his Ve? Last time i checked Ve was a stat.
  7. Happy Birthday Aelis!
  8. Chewett

    Storing Troubles

    Its a good job you dont have a drac to bet. If you actually look at his code, thats only the name of the index you are entering the variable into. as long as its mis-spelt throughout the entire program then it will still work.
  9. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1282845473' post='67079'] Tip: Get a better fan. I shudder at the thought of your comp overheating due to MD already..Or, if you lack cash, open the frame of it, and take one part out. DO NOT DRINK around the tower if you do so. I play with that, and my prior overheats are gone now. [/quote] I dont like to contradict you. but this is a pretty BAD thing to do. A entire computer is built so that airflow is tightly controlled. So that it specifically blows in cooler air. if its open then the general direction of the cooler air isnt so controlled, and instead of trying to cool a small inclosed space, its also trying to cool the entire room.
  10. [quote name='Letholdus' timestamp='1282853652' post='67084'] Younger players? Creatures being spoilers? Man PEOPLE it's a GAME. LOL! If they want to spoil they will. U can't even see the pictures their so small.Oh BTW. Great job february! [/quote] we obviously havent met. because you would have got my full lecture on spoilers. Here however there are moderators. And spoilers can be enforced. Nad, do you like hatred? do you like people thinking you are a stuck up person? because thats what we all think from your topics. You foget to mention the countless times your one attack doesnt work on these guys rituals.
  11. Chewett

    Storing Troubles

    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1282793883' post='67060'] I'm willing to bet drachorns on that script, it has been running properly in MD for months now [/quote] it works, but it shouldnt work. Considering all variables are preceeded by @ and that is a function. Seems like luck or random name made it work for you.
  12. Chewett

    Storing Troubles

    I would merely suggest another array is used to store the numbers on each clickable. So the structure would be [player ID] > Array( 'name', Array(clicky numbers) 'time started?/anything else") then a total can be worked out by using a for loop. and by changing the range of the for loop, it would increase. decrease the amount of clickies. Where you would only need to add the data to the clickies, and the viewing script would just need a var changed
  13. I had a massively long post about Geek Being bad and Nerd being good and such, but then Internet Explorer decide to commit suicide... then again i had been using it for almost 5 minutes... All in all i dont think the balance has changed. I think there are less but the balance hasnt changed
  14. There are two things you Could be talking about Are you Refereing to: A) armor. This is bought at shops around the world. These cannot be sold and therefore will stay with your character. These will not be limited B) Items. These are made using a Wishpoint by the Item crafters. You can sell these to other people for Silver and gold. It is most likely A because B is much harder to attain as a new player.
  15. 10 Silver for Angien 1
  16. sadly as i learnt with many of the songs i enjoy in japanease, the rhyming does never translate. But its a very nice poem mur.
  17. Issue found, Problem reported to Mur. Topic Closed
  18. Apart from your code having multiple errors each rather basic. I see nothing wrong as you described on yim. I believe the issues you are having, is with the storages and such. Perhaps you can explain the issue better?
  19. [quote name='Sharpwind' timestamp='1282581129' post='66908'] Could there be a check before applying the tokens if there is such an aura, or simply applying this specific aura before the tokens ? [/quote] Well, there could be any number of changes to the game. But that sounds like quite a lot larger change than just another new ability. [quote name='Sharpwind' timestamp='1282581129' post='66908'] A creature that would nulify (yes ALL) the effects of tokens of a few random creatures in the ritual sounds quite intriguing to me I don't want to undermine tokens or their importance to the game, that's why I only put multiple targets on it's highest level But if you think this is also too powerfull, then perhaps there should only be 1-2 in a ritual restricted by species ? (i believe it would be more tricky to nulify some token effects in all creatures than all token effects in a few creatures, but I could be wrong) How does that sound? Would you prefer it only had dispel magic ? [/quote] No matter how much i despise tokens if someone has wasted 20$ per crit on tokens, they really should be able to use them. Tokens are a noobs weapon, but sadly i must defend them saying nullifiying all tokens on a crit would just be harsh to people who did waste their money. Nullifying any tokens on any creature is hard enough, all is probably harder as you have to find each effect and reverse it. Or add a check to disable them before. Eitherway i dont like the ability because it means people wasted their money even more than just normally having the tokens.
  20. You obviously mistake what i can and cannot do on the forum. I cannot View your Personal Messages I cannot View your Passwords And i have no idea what you are talking about. Nor do i really care at this point. Common sense dictates being able to access Drachorns cave is wrong...
  21. An aura wont help because tokens are applied BEFORE Auras'. Are you suggesting that this aura then undoe's what the token effect has previously done? Sounds tricky to me. How powerful will the aura be? will it nullify all tokens? if so that seems a bit much to remove all the things people have paid for.
  22. 1. Contact every single person that attacks you, and ask them not to. Even Dmik said he wont hit me for me nearing Skilldamage. And he was one of the biggest problems. 2. Ask your friends for Victories, Everyone so far that i have asked for a victory gave me one, or tried to after i explained my situation. 3. If you have enough friends you can easily get 40+ wins each day with little to no effort on your part. As no one pointed out. Some of you guys feel its a "dishonor" to ask for some easy vic's. Dont complain about the fight system when i being so close to Skilldamage am slowly getting out of my losses hole. And thats with me sitting places like MDP Idle so people can contact me. I dont see why some people have all these issues, wheras i just contact and talk with people and get all these people offering to help. Its crazy.
  23. Manda was not a noob. And for a noob a but like this wont happen. But really, getting tons of creatures that he knew were very rare. He should have talked to someone. If unsure, ask a lho, but just think about "should i be able to do this"
  24. Chewett


    [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1282533151' post='66844'] @rhaegar: special interface for messaging Mur on this matter is easily doable, I think. But I guess simply emailing/PM-ing him would do the trick. [/quote] Everyone can already contact mur with his email adrress. He will ignore what doesnt bother him like any other means to contact him. I dont see where you have the issues in contacting him. So what if i dont get a reply. If its important like some bug then i will email him again. Its no point wasting his time With stuff that he considers doesnt matter, so many a time i dont get a reply but at least i know he has the information if he needs it.
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