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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. How the forum is structured is always in flux because the game is ever changing, so the forum must change to represent this. If you think that there is a better way to structure something, or that something could be merged/moved/split please feel free to contact me. If you wish to have a forum section, Either a hidden one where only certain people can view it, or a more open one for a group or guild then please contact me again. If you are asking for a forum section or sections i need [b]Name - name of the forum[/b] [b]Description - this is a small piece of text under the forum name, sometimes it isn't necessary[/b] [b]Location - where the section would be located, Such as this section is located in No Mans land -> Questions and Answers[/b] [b]Visibility - Who can view it? Is it public or hidden to certain members.[/b] [b]Second in Command - if you disappear, who has the power to request changes to the forum, or approve it being removed[/b] Just because you feel a forum would be good, it will be decided case by case whether it would be beneficial. Hidden forums are normally granted as they do not effect the layout of what others can see. Addition Notes: - When creating forums bear in mind i need one person who i can contact easily to talk about the forums or ask any questions i may have. - If you are asking for a forum to be created for a specific group (for example an alliance) i need the leader to tell me what they want. I may know you personally and absolutely trust you. But i NEED the leader of the group to confirm with me what they want and be the person who i can talk to if something happens. - moderator rights for the specific forums can be given to the "main contact" of said forum. This will only be for the specific forums and any actions that you do will be responsible to you. (any guidence for or against actions will be given on request, use your common sense) - Because of how the forum is set up i cannot give you the rights to add or remove members. Member changes must go through me.
  2. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='16 August 2010 - 01:07 AM' timestamp='1281917263' post='66275'] I was thinking about the color blind issue ... but, what should i do, make it less safe and HOPE whoever will abuse it will be so kind and think also of the color blind? Maybe try cracking only the hard to crack captchas out of kindness? Chewett, you know what i am talking about, you managed to crack the previous ones in one day and you are not a professional so to speak. i understand the color blindness is the only problem? i need to understand more about it, if i make the bg greyscle but the letters colored will there still be a problem? the contrast is the one that should be kept similar.since you are complaining about this, any o you can read the google captcha? because i can only 1 in 10 tries. I am asking seriously to understand if it is a problem of shape of letters or just the color mixing with the bg. Are the captchas that use the background with lines visible? (as opposed to those using colored squares) [/quote] Full greyscale is not needed as Mya pointed out its normally colors red/blue. I had real issues when some of the text was pinky with that colorful background. I shall email you about my other opinions.
  3. eats green cheese
  4. Although i admire this new attempt to stop robots. I am having issues filling in the Captchas. Most of the time the letters are partially off the screen (the second letter being half missing so impossible to read) and that they sometimes merge into the background really well. Basicly you are saying "if you are colorblind or dont have good eyesight we dont want you" And thats not a good message when 1 in 12 men have some form of color Blindness.
  5. Kinda seems stupid to be honest. the entire "idea" of combat is mostly to be able to plan and use your brain. This just makes it pointless as Novato said, they would only use if it they knew they couldnt win normally. As it is i dont like the randomness of the Birds because many different things can happen depending on how the birds effect happens. But then again, i kinda like a more complicated rock paper Scissors. Or if this metaphore makes more sense a "pokemon" style combat. Water is strong to fire and Weak to Grass and so on.
  6. Is it just me thinking, what is the point of getting water? How will water be implemented into the system?
  7. Topics like these are always strange. Because normally after a couple days the user finds out its all working and its forgotten. Are you 100% sure it isnt going above? have you tried a different browser? clear cache? Refreshing? timer? What have you done recently? i dont see a reason for it to not go above.
  8. [quote name='emerald arcanix' date='13 August 2010 - 02:55 PM' timestamp='1281707741' post='66035'] 65 silver [/quote] 65 silver is worth more than your 4 gold. [quote name='Mr Mystery' date='15 August 2010 - 01:30 PM' timestamp='1281875423' post='66200'] 4 gold [/quote]
  9. 2 gold 40 silver = 4 gold 10 silver
  10. 2 gold 35 silver = 4 gold 5 silver
  11. Update: Considering the fact that what i had planned is now pointless. I shall be changing the format of the Quest. Thank you for all of your offers to help, i will probably contact you closer to the time when my new quest is now Laid out. I will be replanning most of it so it can work within the new secure system. Due to my now lack of time because of an increased amount of working hours the quest will likely take a little while to be re-written. Again thanks for all the offers to help, i will probably contact you later.
  12. Actually the sentence is [b]"I am Awesomness and mighty like the bunny empire"[/b] Next Part "But because there are no rules..."
  13. As redneck decided to dish out the spoilers i will explain the issue as i believe it is. When someone activates a Burst. Several things happen, among this is all their fight logs get erased. What has happened is they have attacked you, then burst. All their attack logs have been removed. When you went to look at the log, because they burst it gave an error. For Mur/Rendril This probably needs to be fixed so it doesnt just give an error. Before it used to say "This Fight log was Forgotten"
  14. Im very sure of the reason for this. Does it happen always? or just every now and then?
  15. [quote name='cutler121' date='14 August 2010 - 03:19 PM' timestamp='1281795597' post='66136'] I thought these kinds of spam topics were against the rules after the last time. [/quote] We have rules here?
  16. [quote name='Mr Mystery' date='14 August 2010 - 12:28 PM' timestamp='1281785284' post='66126'] [size="1"][center]maybe this forum should have its own off-topic game section that doesnt increase your post count [/center][/size] [/quote] Maybe we need a program of Learning to Read in MD. Some people have issues with reading Pinned topics in the sections... http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4399-new-forum-rule/
  17. your principles have nothing to do with your trading value some parts of story mode will give you negative tradesense, you will just need to train it up so you can get it higher/into positive.
  18. Throm above Post Translated: Baiano, I have a suggestion to make, if you look at the market, has several rusty sale, but they do not want your creatures, but coins, here you have creatures, and some people willing to pay a few coins, maybe you can analyze the possibility of selling its creatures for coins for more difficult it is and try to buy a rusty after. My Offers: #1 - 5 silver #2 - 6 silver #3 - 4 silver #6 - 12 silver #8 - 5 silver
  19. this comes up again and again yet still isnt in the "read before posting" i will add it, Just refresh the page and it should fix itself, the issue is flash. closed
  20. 4 gold for the drach
  21. do you still only want creatures?
  22. I was merely saying this because i ordered a tree in for october. mainly since i dont want to buy a tree and then have it die because it was planted at the wrong time. Im very sorry if my "planting knowledge" extends to when google said you should plant trees.
  23. 50 silver
  24. Heh, It would seem a little strange if that is so because in the UK the best tree planting season is the late Autumn because the tree isnt growing or alive, its begun to hibernate for the winter.
  25. I believe its time for some Forced advancing. Oh how people like you complained last time it happened
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