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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. <posts removed due to not reading the topic>
  2. 7 silver for the imp
  3. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' date='11 August 2010 - 07:07 PM' timestamp='1281550021' post='65809'] I hope this helps a little, even if chewett does have a personal problem with me [/quote] yes, i always have issues with you mcvite, that is because i hate your guts. And is the reason i am always nice to you when i speak with you *SARCASM* I Suggest you come find me to to resolve the issues you have with me. My contact details are on my forum profile. On a more ontopic note: I have raised this topic because the recent alliance creation and this is my beliefs that have been devolping over the last couple months of slow "alt invasion" where i have seen numerous alts playing prettymuch not even playing a role, just trying to "pretend" to be affliated into the lands. If you are creating guilds that are supposedly neutral then you should at least not pick someone who has strong affiliation with other lands.
  4. I was not refereing to that in this post. I was talking about her strong and multiple loyaltys to different lands characters and alts
  5. wait a moment. No, im very sorry there, it seems she has a different alt. I take that back So, My question is, Why is Lunar Priestess in this alliance merely moments after being formed?
  6. Why is Sasha Ilias AND Lunar priestess in this alliance? Lunar Priestesss (a well known alt of Mcvite) wasnt invited into the alliance, So why is mcvite allowed TWO alts in it?
  7. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='11 August 2010 - 04:41 PM' timestamp='1281541316' post='65780'] I have only ever seen 2 account that could pull of the non interfearing of another account and keep the conflick to intrest away from each one. [/quote] And as many of my friends have so quickly pointed out i agree with you. There are one or two players who can do this VERY well. And to those players who have played several roles perfectly i take my hat off to you. But if these neutral guilds fill up with alts, and if they are to be the only suppliers of these things, then it is most definitely smart to give it to people with no affiliation.
  8. I am Currently worried about the many conflicts of interest that people are going to have if you are going to let people with multiple alts and multiple affiliations into these NEUTRAL guilds. The first point i am worried about, is that Mur Said that Sasha Ilias could be in the guild. She did not apply as lunar Priestess yet that alt seems to be in the guild? can i apply to run something and then choose my alt? The second point is that there is such a range of "characters" in Mcvites collection. I cannot believe she will be neutral in having so many roles. Having one role so closely tied to GG (being the second in command of the on the alliances once) and ofc her role in the pirates group. I do not believe she should be part of this Neutral Guild. I feel that if you want neutral guilds you need to have guilds that do not have alts of people who are already affiliated with lands. What i want to know if you feel that someone who has this many alts, and so closely tied to a land should be allowed to join a Neutral group. If you guys think that fine, then i shall be ofc enrolling all my alts in each and every new founded "neutral" guild and each alliance in the lands. Because they will be so much more neutral when i can control them as i wish.
  9. Perhaps you should contact the forum admin... i havent seen him lately, he must be hiding
  10. I would have thought you would have trusted them to sort something out, I was merely commenting saying that i felt your manner was rather aggressive and a lot akin to "i am the king, do what i say" Which i was comparing to when rheagar was complaining about your King Style. And on your "personal note" i have no idea what you are inferring from my post. I have said exactly what i mean and there is no need for you to infer anything. This giving my personal opinion, i feel no reason for you "resent" what i am saying from things that you have mistakenly implied. But if you really wanted to talk to me you know exatly how to contact me.
  11. [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='11 August 2010 - 01:58 PM' timestamp='1281531536' post='65757'] Err...wrong I am afraid. You have to have a leader and I need to have one person (or two perhaps) that I can clearly identify to deal with. If you don't, you will end up at each other's throats and all over the place. Sort out a structure ASAP. This IS NOT a request. [/quote] Surely they can run their alliance how they want? Or because their base is in Loreroot are you allowed to tell them how to do things? Im confused here. Because you said back with the Savalite thing that you dont "run all the alliances in Loreroot"
  12. 3 silver non tokened imp
  13. have you tested this? It is really unclear because you say the data is sketchy? then perhaps you should test some more and get more data?
  14. #1 - 3 silver #2 - 4 silver #3 - 6 silver #6 - 10 silver #8 - 3 silver #9 - 12 silver
  15. We all have no idea. Mur can answer this if he wants as he can reply to closed posts. There is no point keeping this, if you have a resource/axe type item, make a new topic CLOSED
  16. make another topic if you wish to ask questions Question answered, CLOSED
  17. [quote name='Novato' date='10 August 2010 - 08:04 PM' timestamp='1281467073' post='65645'] "if you attack one of the bots and win against them you will not see them again (i dont know how this affects player controlled bots like Ark)" Well, I attacked some mp2 at GG, some of them disappear, but I saw some of them again and attacked again. I sure it was the same that I attacked before because I wrote on their logs. It's a bug? [/quote] no, its because stupid people attack them, then mur needs them so has to make them healed and appeared again.
  18. yes, they are also bots, like the shades and the slime. bots otherwise known as "npc's"
  19. That character was given to... someone i cant remember. its allowed to be out and it will interact with you if you talk with it.
  20. [quote name='Rendril' date='10 August 2010 - 12:48 PM' timestamp='1281440892' post='65588'] If the problem is that the bots need to log in, remove it as a factor. Log them in manually and have the bots keep themselves online. You said they need to log in at specific times, so have them "sleep" when contacted at the wrong time for example. [/quote] Although this would fix the problem partially, there were a few parts that i actually wanted them to be not there and such due to the nature of some of the parts of it. I can see that Mur would prefere no "bots" so as i have said in my first post i shall be using people once my quest has been adapted
  21. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='10 August 2010 - 11:37 AM' timestamp='1281436647' post='65580'] how could i improve the current alliance system to better support non fighting guilds? +1000000 defence? ...guild members will NEED to get heat too, it will be a must. I am already working on heat storing recipients so a non fighting guild could comission a fighting guild to refill their heat needs. [/quote] That will merely encourage fighters into the guilds as they would be much stronger than non fighters Perhaps you make the attack cooldown much longer for them, they would be able to be attacked less, so it would mean they fight less.
  22. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='10 August 2010 - 10:41 AM' timestamp='1281433318' post='65568'] of course this change was not directed against your future quest, its just bad timing (i had no idea about your quest anyway) assuming you do realize why such a security fix was needed , you may know that logging them and keeping them on is alright because the security fix is ment to prevent fake active days gathering and not to keep player logged out. kaptcha forcing is a way, one that i will try to prevent, but i might not be able to do so untill your quest is over (or i might, which sucks). If you adventure in that direction let me know costs and i might support them. problem with captha breakers is that there are some that break very very advanced captcha and thats why its pointless to do anything more that a normal image. or..you could assign the bots to be kept on by several people, and by that enhance your quest greatly and involve a lot of people without losing any of your work....but complaining seems to be easier somehow. [/quote] Oh im not blaming you, I knew you knew nothing of it, because most people didnt. I was merely working on it to do something during a time when im a little more active. And you did tell me when i talked to you about it, that it could easily be stopped, So im not blaming you for doing it. Im very sure i can do it better with people, it will just take a little changes. Im not entirely sure about your last comment, but it seems to be a jibe at me? im not really sure where that has come from but Meh. As i will say again for you Mur. Im annoyed, but not at you or anyone else just understandablely so since i have lost quite a bit of time. I shall just try and improve it by changing its format, hence why i created this post.
  23. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='10 August 2010 - 09:25 AM' timestamp='1281428740' post='65552'] I don't normally indulge in creature or item trading, however... 9 gold for the Dark, and I can increase that. [/quote] the Dark is being bid in SILVER you have to pay silver for it. Please read the initial post
  24. Happy Birthday Phantasm!
  25. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='10 August 2010 - 01:56 AM' timestamp='1281401804' post='65517'] WARNINGS: Leader of the guild will be the one with highest loyalty score, i will not assign a leader. These guilds are tehnically respecting the rules of alliances but i refer to them as guilds because they have nothing to do with fighting. [/quote] [quote name='cutler121' date='10 August 2010 - 06:14 AM' timestamp='1281417252' post='65540'] Is that correct? I didn't see Mur mention that guilds and alliances were the same thing. The new skills addition doesn't really have anything to do with fighting. It would make much more sense if the guilds complemented the alliance system. A woodcutting legend speaker could be different than a miner legend speaker. Cutler [/quote] Its an alliance, you can infer it from that line.
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