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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Chewett

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='apophys' date='28 June 2010 - 05:36 PM' timestamp='1277742971' post='62868'] P.S. I hear that the method for an mp5 to attack mp4s is a bug... you're not abusing bugs, are you, Burnsy?... EDIT: Ah, wonderful, the -rep is coming to this post. Why? Have I made invalid points? If so, correct me. Don't -rep just because you don't like the content. [/quote] I agree with most of your points, However i dont like how you put them across, it was a touch more than rude. And accusing him of abusing bugs because you dont know HOW he does something is more than childish. For that you get a -rep for me. Just so you dont complain about hidden people -repping you i have told you.
  2. In the history of the forum, no topic has been calling out to be closed this much
  3. If you want to make it fair, Close the topic, ask for nominations, and wait a week. Otherwise it just looks like you are trying to get a reason to reward a certain member or members. Which is exatly how it looks from here.
  4. [quote name='Shadow(mcvities)' date='27 June 2010 - 06:18 PM' timestamp='1277659082' post='62765'] Oh well I added that if they wished to be added then they can post here or pm me [/quote] You dont understand do you? i cant vote for A, so i vote for B A asks to be on the list, A is put on the list Then i cant change my vote to A and B gets a vote wheras he shouldnt. It just biases the people who are already on the list. This isnt fair, and seems like another attempt to reward a certain person or people.
  5. What the F? Really, you have missed some of the obvious quest creators, and also included people that i am sure are NOT great quest creators. What you need to do is ask people who are the best quest creators, THEN create a poll. That means that people have a choice out of all the suggested people so they dont want to change their vote later.
  6. Chewett


    There are many things that needs to be fixed in this game, And many features that needs to be implemented. This is one of the minor features that would make it a little nicer, but wouldnt actually improve the game like so many other things that should be done.
  7. So where does the commision and raw materials go once you have attained them? i know that the crafters dispose of them correctly and fund quests with any profits, But what about yourself?
  8. Bump, Added last line, just in case anyone is having this issue.
  9. An avatar of quality for 2 silver! Tis a scandle. I will offer at least 5.
  10. IU agree with Dst, Its a lot of BS that i have seen many others "try" Perhaps if you told someone that could confirm this? [quote name='Yrthilian' date='26 June 2010 - 08:30 AM' timestamp='1277537439' post='62687'] I already knew this would happen Just as i know how mur is agenst the LIB army beeing used in this fashion that i got when i was over there. You think i would go agenst Mur and create something like this? [/quote] Well, you let people like lifeline farm the alts, So letting your alliance members also do it makes a lot of sense. You asked dst if she thought you would actually do it. I will answer for myself. Yes i am positive you would do something like that, You already do it so why not make the abuse offical. Whether it was a test or you just backtracking, You have lost a lot of respect in my eyes.
  11. As usual, Bilingual people have a better grasp of English than people whose first language is English. Welcome to MD! If there is anything anyone can do for you, Ask!
  12. added Total signiture width's/hights for people who want everything spelt out...
  13. Closed. Spam like this should go in offtopic. The rules are clear, if unsure ASK someone and not make a pointless topic when the rules are so clear.
  14. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='24 June 2010 - 05:33 AM' timestamp='1277354029' post='62543'] PS: There's already a "null vote" button, there's no point in having it as an option. [/quote] Actually i like having it as an option because you can see how many people have voted. There may be a few votes for each, but the majority may have voted cant decide, and you wouldnt know because they nulled the votes.
  15. All members have the option of "Locking" their status posts (moderators can unlock and lock any members Messages). What this does is disable the ability for people to reply to your message with a comment. This is entirely at your choice and although moderators will still be able to comment they will usually not comment if you have locked it.
  16. [quote name='Laphers' date='23 June 2010 - 05:38 PM' timestamp='1277311123' post='62498'] Personally, I think that every mp3 should be made a citizen of No Man's Land when they join the game so that everyone is using a land affiliation from day one. [/quote] How many times do i have to say it. the clue is in the name "[b]NO[/b] mans land" no one belongs it, its just the land between the other lands. You can be neutral, but then you wouldnt be part of no mands land, you just wouldnt be a part of any land.
  17. Mur has Stated that GGG can only have one person there at a time, No alts, and that he would ban alts at GGG - FACT Mur has stated that people can train off his alts because it is his role - FACT This is a mixture of the two, Liberty isnt here, But his alts are being used to "train". The suggested format Is a GGG style type which therefore if the same GGG principle was applied, they could not be used. Iv always opposed the use of Libs alts to train, And have disagreed with Mur on the fact that he allowed them. But i cannot argue with someone who has created the game, And because it is so blurred between libs "role of abuse" and a GGG training ground i think he is the only person who will put an end to this abuse, Or allow it...
  18. I think i know what Awiiya is talking about, Please pm me so i can further help you in this issue, Otherwise i shall talk to you on yim.
  19. I dont see how this is different to alts in GGG, I would like to see Murs opinion on how this differs from GGG
  20. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='20 June 2010 - 11:01 AM' timestamp='1277028108' post='62318'] The libs have a legacy to follow and they will follow it If you have a problem with that well i dont care. [/quote] The Libs have a history of abuse, But this was always allowed because "it was lib" Previously when someone set up similar in the Maze it was banned, But dont worry since this abuse is by a king so thats [i]Obviously[/i] ok... [i]And again with GGG alts training isnt allowed, But here because its yrth its fine...[/i] Alt abuse has always been punished severely, But i have always been peeved that Libs have been allowed to be abused wheras people who did exactly the same got banned.
  21. So, GGG was banned from having alts, wheras a king is making something so similar... With even more alts... Nice equality
  22. [quote name='VertuHonagan' date='19 June 2010 - 12:25 PM' timestamp='1276946711' post='62242'] [color="#006400"]Hello everyone. I'm Vertu Honagan in game and I am finaly back to play after almost a 3 year absence. I don't think there was a forum back then so I just joined the forums today and thought I'd leave a nice little hello to you all. [/color] [/quote] as grido said, there were forums before the game, and i can personally assure you of that Welcome back, i like to see oldies coming back to MD
  23. Voting abuse by alts will lead to serious punishments Thats all i have to say
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