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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. How unique, Thanks Nimmeh, I will look into this for you
  2. After talking to a number of people I have chosen Sunfire, Eara and dst to help me. These three will be organizing christmas along with myself. If you want a quest sponsored or anything else related to it please contact us. Thank you for everyone who contacted me here and privately. If you wish to help out please contact us.
  3. Do you remember or have a link? I can have a look
  4. >To clarify some things, it seems we have had a miscommunication somewhere Chewett. I didn't think he was saying you had permission to be king. Nor have I said it anywhere. Its quite clear what you said. What has given you the impression I had it confused?
  5. That was actually an initial idea I had. There is no real reason why we couldnt do this IMO.
  6. I think thats a very good idea to start, Which is why I shall create a new job open. Many thanks Miq
  7. I need someone to go through MD and find every piece of documentation we have. For each piece you need to write a line saying: <What it is> - <How to get to it> - <Direct link if available> Example Fighting docs - press X, then Y, then z - magicduel.com For the person that gathers the most amount pieces of information found here 1 gold coin. Please post all the information and links you can find here in this post.
  8. For anyone thinking about this the main thing is that we have many many differnt forms of docs and they are a nightmare to find information about. Ideally we need a better way although this might just be a set of easily searchable docs. Once we have a set of docs we then want to work on improving them, adding more content, and having them cross link each other. But the key thing here is for people to see if we can find at least a good starting point. Once we have that we can start the longer process of moving all the docs to the new system, whatever it is.
  9. >just take the data into one place properly labeled, categorized. You think just make a set of HTML pages or so in MD so we can easily reference them, etc?
  10. Send me a mail.
  11. How do you propose we then modify the data? Considering that Im planning on getting a lot more data. Fang I am telling you outright you are wasting your time if you are screenshotting things.
  12. Ungod you are MB right? If so I would approve your appointment. Please can someone pass him the tools. Eara if you arent anymore, I re-approve you Fang, Would need to see proof since you claim Grido has said you should be and thats the basis of your application.
  13. If you want it Ungod, you can have wookie tk christmas sponsership?
  14. If you want it Ungod, you can have wookie tk christmas sponsership?
  15. If you want it Ungod, you can have wookie tk christmas sponsership?
  16. Not a bug then right?
  17. >I've already started ???? Howso? I havent even given you what we are looking to do....
  18. I appreciate the ideas but we need someone to explicitly plan and test what we are going to do. So applications still open. I need someone "in charge" of this so we make sure we dont break any accounts or have issues.
  19. Im going to take this as your single task. The others are back open to other people.
  20. If anyone else wants to do this speak now and I will reassign it to you since Fang has taken multiple things as I explicitly asked not to.
  21. If anyone else wants to do this speak now and I will reassign it to you since Fang has taken multiple things as I explicitly asked not to.
  22. >Ill handle placing all this information in one good place under our Discord chat, ill make a new "frequently-asked-q" Fang this isnt what this job is about. We need to work out the best way for storing a variety of tutorial style documents and Im pretty sure there isnt a way to embed 10000 words of documentation and pictures about MD in discord. Since it appears you may have misunderstood this its still open for anyone to work on.
  23. > but as a heads up Chewy ill try to take more than one task The reason we only want one person to take a task at a time as it means lots more people can help out. If you want to do multiple tasks, ask for one, do one, then say you are working on the second, third, etc. If no one else wants to do them they will still be open when you have finished the first so this is actively detrimental. Im not making random decisions trying to stop people doing things, there are specific reasons why I said that Fang and I would ask you respect that. For the tasks you have claimed all at once I will ask if anyone else wants to do them.
  24. Christmas is fast approaching and we will want our newbies to experience it. Therefore we need to have a plan so they can either come to the mainland, or the mainland can come to them. I need someone to have a think about what we might want to do and talk with a variety of MD players to see what they think. I want to try and bring them christmas but we need to have a good plan. Once we have a plan you will be in charge of ensuring it goes ahead without a hiccup and the safe return of the newbies. Your reward will be open to discussion. Please apply here and I will pick someone.
  25. I am looking for someone to help coordinate the christmas quests and the rewards. You will need to work with me and keep track of the quests and what rewards they want. In addition, help me reward the questmakers. Your reward will be something special, open to discussion. Please apply here and I will pick someone.
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