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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Thats fair, Thank you for being so generous
  2. What services can I perform for it?
  3. Chewett

    Ann 4268

    There are a number of perma quests for about 3 or 4. I assume you have missed them?
  4. Rusty could go to treasury for quest rewards if no one else has a good use for it
  5. I will be around for most of sunday and some of saturday to do any final medals. If you want any specific times please PM me or post here
  6. Tonight although my company has released another exciting press release so wait and see if I have a job lol... might mean I have more time for md
  7. Game decision, we wont be doing this for now. Maybe soon, not now atm. Slightly unethical. Not precisely sure what you mean here EE Too privacy invasive so Im going to reject this idea. If you want to find out when people are online, ask
  8. This is something planned for much more longer term so isnt applicable here.
  9. Already planned but I hope to do this in the future/soon.
  10. Can you expand on how this would work? I dont really see an idea I can implement quickly without a much larger framework.
  11. This one is rejected since we dont want to reset, but I am open to ideas how to even the playing field, I have been considering logs to solve all the problems (stats scaling logarithmicly)
  12. The first ceremony will start at 21:00 ST today.
  13. On Monday I plan to be around to hand out some medals, Do people have any specific times they will be available?
  14. I have been unable to meet Lin, so If its too late to battle tomorrow (and she isnt available) then she by default wins.
  15. As a note, this is in my opinion is the downside of forum reputation voting. Its very fickle and can easily lead to popularity votes. Its something people should consider for the future. Something which can help, is saying that only positive reputation counts, this can stop some of the "removing enemies and adding friends reputation"
  16. Tomorrow sounds good. If there is a free space, Sunfire join!
  17. > and there is a rumour about anniv True perhaps. Chewett ID: 1619
  18. Ah yes I forgot to mention. You can have as many entries as you want.
  19. This quest is about a change that you personally want. Describe in 200 words or less something that would improve your MD by changing it in some way. This item must be something code/organisational related which must also take less than 8 hours to implement (judged by me). Voting will be done half by forum reputation (negatives dont count) and half by my own personal opinion. Note, ideas which I have personally postulated to you wont be eligible (considering I have already planned/considered them) If you are reiterating someone elses ideas it needs to be significantly different to count as a new idea. Rewards: The winners idea will be implemented in MD in the next month and will be given a Anni creature. All good ideas that I will implement in the coming months will be given an Anni creature.
  20. To quote the announcement > As this is an offical birthday quest it some of the top participants will be given an anni creature including a selection of gold, silver, creatures and Kake!
  21. > If Chewett or the Treasure keepers can be so gracious* as to give a 12th anni creature this year for rewarding purposes, It'd be great. Will reward it to the 7/10 won quests category. Yes, And maybe not just one
  22. I replied to you all via email... Let me copy the email: I dont see there is any reason to, If you read the announcement: > In case i am no longer here, for whatever reason that might be (maybe i decide to go plant coconuts on some deserted island, >Don't panic, i am fully functional, but..just in case. I picked the one person that has both my trust and the capability to do this difficult task...trust me it IS more difficult than it looks like. As you can see, Mur isnt leaving, he hasnt gone, its merely naming me as the offical owner if Mur is go to AWOL. If that happens, we can deal with what we need to, and hopefully that never happens.
  23. What about now?
  24. Found the bugger, Thanks MRA, It appears the browsers have decided to distrust our root CA meaning that some browsers show us as untrusted. However this is different from the issue with your mobile browser.
  25. To answer some of the other questions, it is important to note what Mur said: > In case i am no longer here, for whatever reason that might be (maybe i decide to go plant coconuts on some deserted island, >Don't panic, i am fully functional, but..just in case. I picked the one person that has both my trust and the capability to do this difficult task...trust me it IS more difficult than it looks like. The reasoning to announce it, is so that you guys know, Mur has handed over the spare key as it were. He is still around, but in the hopefully unlikely event he disappears from the internet, MD isnt going to disappear into an unpayed server farm.
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