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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. One sentence per person too
  2. Here we will nominate players for the next 7 days. If you wish to nominate someone please state the award, the playername AND a one line reason why you are nominating them. The reason will be taken into account for deciding if any categories need to close and in addition who may or may not be removed from a category. This year you MAY nominate someone from your land but again you must provide a reason. You are welcome to nominate that a category be removed, or added as well as nominating people for a category. Please do not edit your posts, it will make things confusing Any questions, please ask! Adventuring Award For the person most dedicated, or who perseveres most at quests. Not necessarily for completing, or winning the most. Best Beautification Given for the highest quality of artistic contributions given to beautify the realm, be it personification of papers, contribution to avatar gallery, or item depiction. Champion Fighter For the person considered to be the best fighter in the realm, this does not necessarily have to be the strongest fighter in the realm, but the one that uses the combat system to the best effect. Fossil of the year For the player who has been around so long they have turned into a fossil. The player must be visibly active over the past year, and on the veterans list in game. Helper of the Year For the player deemed to have been the most helpful. The area of helpfulness the player focusses on can vary. The voter should realise that even though they may not get on with, or have been helped by one of the nominees, this does not mean that the player is not indeed helpful. Most Addicted For the player who just can't leave MD for more than a minute without needing a fix. Most Improved Player - Keep? The player that the community things has grown the most in the past year. This can be a rookie who set feet on the ground quickly and got walkin' or an oldie who had been inactive but picked up a lot of momentum and did some cool things. Most PopularGiven to that most charismatic player who has attracted the largest and most consistent following. Not to be given to the most powerful or prestigious member of the realm, but rather the most well-loved. Outstanding Service to MD For the player thought to have done the most to contribute to MD over the year. This can be in any field. Pre-eminent Role Player For the player deemed to Role Play the best. The player does not have to stay in character all the time to win this award (though it may help), rather when they do role play it is to the highest standard - this does usually go in hand with remaining in character. Prime Quest For the player seen as creating the best quest over the past year. Just because a voter did not manage to complete the quest, does not mean it was a bad quest necessarily, the voter is asked to take this into account when voting. Rookie of the year For the player deemed to have made the most progress since they started their account. The player must have created their account since 1st November 2014 and have more than 20 AD at the time of voting. By progress it is meant a step towards a defined role or position (not necessarily official) within the realm, or integration within the community to a large degree. Top Techie For the person credited as creating the most popular MD-scripted event or script.
  3. Here begins the discussion of any rules for the contest. During this period all and any rules may be discussed privately and publicly with myself. I am looking for an artist to draw the medals if anyone is willing,compensation including pretty much whatever you want will be offered. Full details please contact me. ---- Rules, unshamefully stolen from last years thread The previous categories will be listed in a thread, and players can then argue for different ones to be added/removed - if players agree, then it will be so. - Certain categories have relevant restrictions on them, these can be changed/created/removed depending on players, the contest holder and various relevant factors.. - Votes will be counted using the same system as used in all years previous. - You may not nominate those who belong to the same land as yourself (this not only means hard-coded, but also those people considered part of certain lands). "This is an MD awards event, if a person deserves one of the awards, it is on the global level, not on local level, however capable the person is, which justifies the ban of the land nominations , possibly votes too". If you note nominations slipping through this, please let an organiser know. - There will be a minimum of 3 players nominated for each category, no maximum. - Past winners will be allowed to be nominated again - You may only nominate one person per category. If you nominate multiple people, none will be added. - You may not nominate yourself, or another account you play. - No editing posts in the nomination thread - purely because I'll potentially get confused. - There's no restriction on voting for those of the same land. - There will be no restriction on the amount of voters, there will however be a limited timeframe to vote in as specified in the outline. - You do not have to vote in each category (though it's preferable).- Your vote is not valid in any category you have been nominated in. This ensures fairness for those who may vote for themselves vs those who consider that wrong and dont. - If players that have voted are detected as alts of each other, all associated votes will be discounted. (If you have multiple accounts, you're fine, but only vote once per person please), they will also be disqualified from any nominations your accounts may have. - Players under 20 AD will be unable to vote. --- In a couple days the nominations will open, during this time rules may still be discussed.
  4. I plan to do something this year, but they are likely to be new years/new feburary cards since Im trying to get some special codez for christmas
  5. This shoudl have been fixed in an update
  6. Issue wasnt an issue, closed.
  7. Closed.
  8. Sorry Blackrider, I didnt actually see the TC report. As a kind suggestion, please report one issue per bug report. It means its much less likely to be lost. The torch contest thing is something that I need to rework at some point, Mur used the torch system for the dead system so it doesnt really fit at the moment. I have added this to a list of long term bugs and will "resolve" this thread. Thanks for the reports.
  9. Yeah I think its a bug, gimme a shout if you disagree?
  10. Bamp?
  11. Happy days I fixed it
  12. fixed
  13. Fixed
  14. Its likely down to a bad teleport command porting you to a "non location". Closing this for now since there isnt enough information Thanks for reporting it
  15. Closing, again this shouldnt be here anymore.
  16. I believe this was fixed.
  17. duplicate of:
  18. This appears to have been a user error so closing
  19. I have more fixes for this, Mur's coding wasnt defensive enough for the flash to actually load. I will do some tests.
  20. Bump bump bump bump bump
  21. This looks good now or still dodgey?
  22. We are looking for some images that would match the item requirements: Only hand-drawn artwork will be accepted. Item style must match the style of current MD items. Drawings may be in colour and must not cut around the edges. Drawings may have colour added to them after with the aid of a computer, but the drawing must show through as hand drawn. Work done entirely by computer will not be allowed. It is suggested you add colour with transparency so that the drawn lines show through the colour, similar to Premium coloured creatures. If unsure ask art@magicduel.com via email or post on the forum.Images must be 80x80 px, png, alpha transparency, 8-bit, max 30kbBackground should be transparent as in the sample imageDownload sample source file, edit with fireworks or photoshop, export as transparent png.
  23. We are looking for slightly higher res resource items because the current ones, while originally fine for the smaller uses dont look great when we want them larger. If anyone would like to work with me to get some new images please contact me, If you have the artistic ability, but need an incentive, we can discuss whatever you want in terms of a reward. Thanks Chewett
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