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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Did it have it before my update?
  2. Planned planned Weird, I will see if I can replicate, To be honest I only tested on chrome but I will check others when i get a minute. Because you want to know what tools are usable?
  3. Cheers for pointing it out, as we discussed in chat I will see if I can rectify this tomorrow.
  4. That could work with a feature im planning for that. I might do that then
  5. I agree with that
  6. Does anyone like the images above the list of items? Do you use them? Mur added it to look pretty but as I remember most people felt it made the interface feel disjointed and didn't really work.
  7. If the items are tool guardians, please pass them to myself or the tool guardian person (mallos?) I am currently at the Path of Loneliness Best of luck with everything Nim, I know you wont need it but my best wishes.
  8. It would be nice to see why you think these might be revived otherwise it looks like you are collecting ideas to use rather than having your own. Then we can start to have a proper discussion
  9. Fix 2
  10. Cleaned up this post
  11. Sorry Aethon, I must apologize but I didnt see your post until someone mailed me it although its obvious why I didnt see it lol Anyway to reply to your comment, You are mistaken, I have never said the judges cannot make a comment about this so I think you are taking what you want from my messages... never a good idea!
  12. Since there appears to be some confusion about how rules work in MD I have clarified them somewhat here: http://md-archives.com/1032/a-summary-of-the-rules-in-md/ >Now., Something in relation with the topic, I thought the judges were free to pass judgement without interference of mur and chewett regarding which issue they could select and which they couldn't? I don't see dst's voice anywhere regarding the issue? Hey Nim, How are you? We havent spoken in _AGES_, got some suggestions for anime to watch (pm me). To get onto your post (for fear of those evil mods banning our offtopic discussionings) >I thought the judges were free to pass judgement without interference of mur and chewett regarding which issue they could select and which they couldn't? They can! I am assuming you are commenting that Burns decided to not post his list of bad things after I talked to him. There are a couple things here that you might have missed as burns was highly cryptic! Firstly he doesnt feel this is something the judges should do, and its partially true. Listing what is and isnt allowed in MD isnt something the judges are meant to do, that would essentially end up be deciding laws and anything he posted would end up as potentially his fault and then we would get into another situation of "He told me it was ok, ban him". Hopefully my md archives post clarifies this somewhat. Judges are to take decisions on individual cases and thereby create precedants. They can pass their judgements on conflicts but the listing of good and bad isnt a conflict. If you read his post, I didnt actually tell him not to, I asked him. Below you can see his message and the private one I sent to him. >Burns >At longer consideration, and after Chew pointing out the obvious to me, i'll have to withdraw my previous post. >My PM >I would ask and recommend you dont post that. People will start to reference it as "the list" and this is why we havent been publishing such thing. As to why I havent been replying, A combination of vaguely declining health, toxicity in the forum and a number of people I have blocked so I dont even see their messages I do however have some people who ping me when important things happen and I thank them for this. >So regardless, she (anyone) shouldn't referee situations where she is personally involved, in the form of MD judge. Isnt this the rules anyway? Its certainly something I have told a lot of people. I dont see any other questions, but if you have questions about this or the MD archives post I made, please go ahead and ask them.
  13. You are not online and therefore cannot have items traded to you. I will try again tomorrow.
  14. Hey Revan, How are you doing? Do something, get a tag? When you say "without going through the shop" what does that mean?
  15. This is actually MD's intro atm... someone wants to help clean it up?
  16. Yeah I dont like this either but Mur does...might sneak out an update
  17. If at the moment people are not having issues getting heat stones (if they want them) then for no we can keep it private. But as heat stones are used more they might need to be made public
  18. Thanks all for the feedback, I will review and rework the interface based on this this weekend
  19. Mur never talked to me, I assumed he didnt care.
  20. 3 G
  21. I have time. Why not? I doubt it. ---- Question: Are heat stones relatively easily accessible today? If I hear not, then I suggest those who have the tools work hard to ensure they are relatively easy to attain if people want them if they want to be the only holders of heat solidifies. If after a week I hear they are still not easily obtainable, and people want then, then I will make them more public. And after that week, the same. Until they are as accessible as Mur and I wanted them.
  22. Thanks for teporting, i I get this bug too so know what's up, it's because the flash is so slow to initialise and such. I will see if I can fix it sometime
  23. What top links do you use? How often do you use them? what bottom links do you use? How often do you use them? what right bar links do you use? How often do you use them? what documentation pages do you use? Could they be more easily accessible? antrhing else that you use a lot but takes a while to get to?
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