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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pipstickz in Petition to replace an awarded ability   
    If you really want to suggest a solution, suggest a solution, otherwise this topic won't amount to much. All you've suggested is something in return; what do you want to give him? Will he accept it? Will the Council or Mur allow it?

    In regards to this bit:
    [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1318816560' post='94222']
    People like to be able to sit in a scene and shouldn't have to worry about their stats being diminished.
    Other than sanctuaries, I'm sure there are many places Eon won't bother you; MDA, for example, is full of viscosity, but if you're going to be sitting in one place talking with other people, your AP will fix itself over time. Five steps or so into the Tribunal, you can also find 5 different places where almost nobody goes normally. Not to mention, of course, I'm sure people would also like to have a million defense stat, but that's not how the game is.

    MD changes, you need to change with it, sometimes.

    Just FYI.
  2. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Udgard in Story Mode Options   
    As far as my understanding goes in the years I've been playing, sharing (and even trading) of information (including secrets and classifieds) were never disallowed. Posting them in publicly accessible places are not allowed, but when it goes to personal level exchange of information, people are always allowed to use whatever resources (be it other valuable information, social connections, and things of trade value) they have at their disposal to gain access to information.

  3. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yrthilian in Land Tools Of Golemus   
    Why the hell are you assuming war????
    where the hell did you even get that idea?????

    I dont care as to whom did what.
    So i make an assumption. you are a forum mod whom can check that
    I am not so it does not matter if i am right or wrong.

    It is stupid to even mention the war BULL(finish the rest yourself). when there was no mention of it in the first place.
    this is just being childish and then to even go and neg rep more just because you make an assumption or
    decide because i made on to neg rep me for it. Get over it.

    change the word C**P because chewy took offence to it for some stupid reason.
    and decided to tell me to remove it or he will do it for me.
    This is so unfitting of a forum mod esp one such as him.

    I dont see why that word is so offensive in anyway but he has decided it is
  4. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Action points Bug   
    this has been reported before, please use the search button.
  5. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to phantasm in Grido's Actions   
    i meant what i meant, no need for clarification. Sexual harassment in MD is only allowed if the person allows it. NO different then slanderous/foul language. This is a game, away from people, all it is is text. If you don't like it, leave the scene. If you are sent pms, turn them in. For any of this to get to such explosive drama levels, she was a participant, not a victem. Sorry if this makes me look cruel or uncaring. Any that deal with me would know better. This is the truth, you are only as far in as you are willing to let yourself be. Thats why there is a plug. Goodbye to those that do, time moves forward.
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tarquinus in Grido's Actions   
    [quote name='Pothos' timestamp='1318520803' post='94031']
    As for her 'sexualy harased being punished'. Get used to it. That's the way life works, You fought back, so you are getting punished. Truly it sucks, yes it's unfair, no that isn't how it should be, yes it's unjust. But that's how it is.
    And what does it say of us if we accept that logic? That's just how MD is? Even though the restrictions [u]explicitly[/u] forbid harassment of any kind, we'll just turn a blind eye to it because nothing matters?

    Jester has been accused of this kind of behavior before. That he is able to continue acting like this casts grave doubts in my mind about the action and inaction of persons in positions of authority in MD.

    To stay in this community when such things are possible and go ignored or only lightly punished is to condone this kind of behavior. Remember Shoeps, anyone? To dismiss the legitimate grievance of a victimized person is to become an accessory to the crime(s) committed against him/her.* And to willfully ignore evidence of harassment because it falls beyond the scope of MD is legally sensible but [u]morally hollow[/u] - I call it irresponsible. My outrage at this verdict from the council goes far beyond Grido. The council's published opinion reveals a system-wide defect in the MD community and its leadership.

    It's too early for me to say I am taking my toys and leaving - or not - but I can't just sit by and remain silent at injustice of such monstrous proportions.

    *Jester's assertion that Poe is a man pretending to be a woman in no way exonerates his words or actions. The sex of the victim is totally irrelevant.
  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yrthilian in Land Tools Of Golemus   
    Ok so i have taken a look and some tools are marked as other land not just Necrovian.

    So i have had to take a look and think about how this would work or how to view the tools
    Just because a tool has the "TAG" Loreroot or necrovian does not mean that tool Belongs to that land
    It just shows where the tool may have been created.

    The tools that are in the Golemus Lab belong to Golemus. That is their location of storage and that is where they
    are marked to go to. So taking that into account the tools are Golemus property regardless of the tag that is on them.
    So they come under Golemus jurisdiction and fall under the Golemus tool policy.

    So in this case to answer you peace. No the tools will not be given out to Necrovians for free. The tool currently is located
    in Golemus lab and land and will fall under the Policy outlined above.
  8. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to lone wolf pup in Land Tools Of Golemus   
    What about lands with 1/1 with no kingship, for example NML? Would those area be harvest able as well. Also, where would the treasury be? Resources stack and it is impossible (for now) to seperate resources to give 1 out of every 5th harvest when there is no known location to deposit it at. Or maybe I did not pay attention to where the treasury is at.
  9. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Sand Melters, oficial suppliers of Glass   
    Whilst I agree this has gone a bit odd and it is a semantic issue - neither party is a native english speaker and the word donation is incorrectly used if the request is in fact being enforced as a fee, im not saying nobody does it. In terms of large corporations, if you use incorrect wording that makes people think one thing when it is in fact another then the consumer can haul you in front of the ombudsman and have you fined. In most of the larger corporations you get a fine just for it reaching the ombudsman in the first place and then fined again whatever they decide to fine you, and of course you are told to change the wording. Yes small companies can mess you around with tricksy wording, that doesnt make it right, and it doesn't mean they won't get a legal battle on thier hands at some point.

  10. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Grido's Actions   
    Phantom, I would like to suggest that you carry this forward with the Council, and ONLY the Council. This is a matter for them to resolve, where the community will only become more and more bitter with each other.

    I know you are frustrated that such a serious offense has gone unattended for so long, but you should also know that some matters should be dealt with discretely. I see that you tried at first, but bringing attention to this matter like this is not appropriate.

    I think we should all make it a habit of not naming people when starting threads of such nature. It's really getting to the point where every single one of these threads cause a Witch Hunt. The public scream, push, and shove each other until someone gets punished. ( I know I've been a part of that crowd several times, but this is me trying to get things to change so please be patient)
  11. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Phantom Orchid in Grido's Actions   
    [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1318234563' post='93704']
    I dont know why you waited that long and decided to use this as a fight agents Grido.

    The point is that I -trusted- Grido to effectively handle matters, or point me in the right direction if it was not something he could not help me with. Given his position, I thought that's what would happen.

    Yrth, your post is full of assumptions about the reasons for my actions, and as with most assumptions, they are predicated on your judgment, what you -think- my reasoning was. If you have questions I'm happy to answer them in a PM, please don't publicly make assumptions about me or tell me what I -should- have done in your opinion. If I want your opinion I will ask for it.

    I thought you were better than that...
  12. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pothos in That's Enough.   
    In the past couple week, I have heard more bitching, moaning, and fighting on the forums, that I would have had I spend the same amount of time among a group of emo's being tortured.

    If you don't know what that means i'll explain, It means that all you nice little girls and boys are -worse- than a group of posers who act like they are going to kill themselves but never do.

    So, to put this very simply.. This is October.. Starting December 1st, every time I see a pair fighting, complaining, accusing, harassing, and otherwise drawing things out, I will track them down, in game, to slap them.

    Yea yea, Cr*ppy(edited because "it is considered a swear by some") punishment, but what the frick am I supposed to do? I'm just a player with less than a year under my belt.

    The reason for my saying this is twofold.. this gives you the rest of this month, and one more, to get everything wraped up and neatly delt with. The second reason, is that -December is a special month-.

    Yea, I'm talking christmass, i'm talking winter solstice, I'm talking huanika, robotica, and any other damned reason to celibrate that you can possibly think of, Hell, my birthday is even in there!

    So.. all i'm saying.. is for one month.. Just one.. Stop your bickering, and be nice. Pipsticks should be shaking hands with grido, DST should run around huging everyone, Windy should have her sisterhood go out in force to smooch all and pass good cheer like it's a pluague. Passant and the other glass makers should hold a contest for a glass sculpture design, or just simply make one. The woodcutter should be everywhere with a pair of branches to arm every snowman. The water dousers should Poke a hole in the lake, and ice down Marind bell park for skating. Let MDA light a few fires so that Everyone can take shelter inside, talking like family and reading book. Let Windy Fill the air with the smell of Mulled wine, Hard and soft Cider, and munchies. Let Golemus put that magic and technology they are famed for to good use, to string lights anywhere they can to light up the night, and may Necrovion, being closed, spread holiday tales of what things could possibly Emerge from these hidden lands, to frighten or amuse the young and old alike!

    If that's to much good cheer for you.. Well MDA has a basement you can go be antisocial in. Everyone else, be happy, of good cheer, do not fight! Because if you fight, I will come after you.. And slap you.. With a chainmail scarf.. Or whatever's handy.

  13. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shadowseeker in Sand Melters, oficial suppliers of Glass   
    And I again, repeat. What you demand is by your own admission not a donation anymore, because it becomes mandatory.

    I asked other people myself: A donation is voluntary.

    You seem hellbent on the fact that i will try to cheat you out of your tool usage and then resell the glass. For..what? It isn't as if there is a market for glass aside from collecting them yet.

    You are the one who misreads my words, then declaring my intention utterly different- if you misunderstood okay, I explained and you still refuse to see the point I was making there. If my usage of the anguage was too subtle for you to understand, I apologize. But where are the words of:

    "This time I would not donate (if you do make glass- we were talking about that earlier.)"

    The following parts were exactly as I summarized above.

    The fact that you so easily get angry at me, refuse to listen to my arguments AND take drastic measure makes me wonder why I am currently even bothering to discuss this.

    "Use so often?" I have, as far as I can recall, used your services exactly 3 times. The first time I did not realize I needed to provide heat, my bad. The second time I decided since you were so nice the 1st time I would donate an enchanted memory stone. The third time resulted in this mess. I simply found your repeated asking for a donation (note: I still consider this utterly voluntary and not something you keep pursuing, which makes it more like a forced fee), of which at least most of the process has been put onto this topic by now.

    My conclusion is simply that you apparently easily distrust me, get angry easily and in the end refuse to read my arguments, turning it all into a rant against the richer and explain it all with your principles, ignoring any kind of opinion I have. So be it.

    And before you forget it: A donation is voluntary. Not. Forced. That would be a fee.

    Edit: I added the bigger part in case I omitted some background info lacked: I gave you heat+sand, said I would not donate- and you have the gall to demand it still.


    [09/10/11 10:48] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]Well, I would like to get some glass melted as well. I was going to donate heat.
    [09/10/11 10:48] [b]Passant the weak:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color] I need 15K
    [09/10/11 10:48] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]That I could provide.
    [09/10/11 10:48] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Passant the weak passed Raw Glass to lone wolf[/i][/color]
    [09/10/11 10:48] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]Actually..let me fill the 18k jar. easier.
    [09/10/11 10:48] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]brb.
    [09/10/11 10:49] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]LW, better wait 5 minutes before next batch
    [09/10/11 10:50] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]I fear shado gives me sand that would mix with yours
    [09/10/11 10:50] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]rightie.
    [09/10/11 10:52] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Nimrodel huggles Shem[/i][/color]
    [09/10/11 10:52] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]hello shem
    [09/10/11 10:52] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*Shemhazaj* huggles Nim back[/i][/color]
    [09/10/11 10:53] [b]*Shemhazaj*:[/b]hi MoM
    [09/10/11 10:53] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]pokes LW[/i]*[/color] so the caogulator business didn't go as well as you'd have hoped, eh ?
    [09/10/11 10:53] [b]Nimrodel:[/b]momy!
    [09/10/11 10:54] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]also looking for losses =) and coins !
    [09/10/11 10:54] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]-.-
    [09/10/11 10:56] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]Je me demande si quelqu'un aurait acheter la bouteille de liquide française de moi ...
    [09/10/11 10:56] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]qui s'est avéré faux = S
    [09/10/11 10:56] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]c'est sacrément -.-
    [09/10/11 10:56] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]lalalala: P
    [09/10/11 10:56] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]wow qui n'a pas changé
    [09/10/11 10:56] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Master Of Magic passed Flask of Liquid French to shemhazaj[/i][/color]
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]enjoyyy
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Passant the weak looks at the flask suspiciously[/i][/color]
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]Someone drank the wrong potion..
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]Orr ssi you'dd ratherr Inn Frenchh: profiter
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]*Shemhazaj*:[/b]I don't want it!
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]genuine French?
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]Coagulator business?
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]*Shemhazaj*:[/b]I've been speaking italian a lot yesterday...
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]yess Passant
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]ittt passss Backk Okayy thenn
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]Where did passant go to?
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]= S
    [09/10/11 10:57] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]I am here
    [09/10/11 10:58] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]Passant, can you melt my sand now?
    [09/10/11 10:58] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]roundabout
    [09/10/11 10:58] [b]*Shemhazaj*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]brb, food[/i][/color])
    [09/10/11 10:58] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]Yes I can
    [09/10/11 10:58] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]*Shadowseeker* passed Sand to Passant the weak[/i][/color]
    [09/10/11 10:58] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]*Shadowseeker* passed Heat storing Jar 18K to Passant the weak[/i][/color]
    [09/10/11 10:58] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]The heat inside is the donation.
    [09/10/11 10:59] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]Haha, that won't work SS
    [09/10/11 10:59] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]Huh?
    [09/10/11 10:59] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]The donation is in addition to heat
    [09/10/11 10:59] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]This is crystal clear in our terms and conditions
    [09/10/11 10:59] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]Shouls I process anyway?
    [09/10/11 10:59] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]No hurry for the donation
    [09/10/11 11:00] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]II thoughtt Thatt Sandd meltingg outils areee Inn GM ...
    [09/10/11 11:00] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]* toolllls
    [09/10/11 11:00] [b]Master Of Magic:[/b]* Golemus
    [09/10/11 11:00] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]Hm..well, you do get double the glass I would get out of it..
    [09/10/11 11:00] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]We have kept our independant superior tools MoM
    [09/10/11 11:00] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]True SS
    [09/10/11 11:01] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]Please let me know if I process before the heat leaks
    [09/10/11 11:01] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]I'm not too happy that I'm asked to donate every time you melt for me- I'd prefer one time payments for a longer amount of time.
    [09/10/11 11:02] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]Why not do that then. >>
    [09/10/11 11:02] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]We are open to bulk arrangements
    [09/10/11 11:02] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]Well, I'd prefer to see 8 glass instead of 4- but this time, I wouldn't be donating then.
    [09/10/11 11:03] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]I'd be supplying sand in return for your melting services.
    [09/10/11 11:03] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]Sand is a donation. [color=#305681]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color] It is accepytable
    [09/10/11 11:04] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]Aye, but it wouldn't be one sand every time I ask you to melt.
    [09/10/11 11:04] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]If I were to do that, I could melt it myself.
    [09/10/11 11:04] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Passant the weak melted Sand and created Raw Glass[/i][/color]
    [09/10/11 11:05] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]For long term or bulk agreement, I suggest we discuss on forum PM or ingame PM
    [09/10/11 11:05] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]Forum PM..less bulky than here.
    [09/10/11 11:05] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]Make an offer and we shall discuss it
    [09/10/11 11:06] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Passant the weak passed Raw Glass to Shadowseeker[/i][/color]
    [09/10/11 11:06] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]Please send ITC for your donated sand when you get it *smiles
    [09/10/11 11:08] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Passant the weak passed Heat storing Jar 18K to shadowseeker[/i][/color]
    [09/10/11 11:11] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]So, are you ready Passant?
    [09/10/11 11:12] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]yes LW
    [09/10/11 11:12] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]I've sent the PM, passant.
    [09/10/11 11:12] [b]*Shadowseeker*:[/b]I'd suggest a refresh to see it.
    [09/10/11 11:13] [b]:[/b][color=#1D6D94][i]Lone Wolf passed Sand to Passant the weak[/i][/color]
    [09/10/11 11:14] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]LW, want the jar?
    [09/10/11 11:14] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]Sure.
    [09/10/11 11:14] [b]Passant the weak:[/b]SS, give me time to answer please

    Edit edit: All I wanted for you to do is to stop claiming it is a donation. Which I already did in my first post. When I give the reasons, etc, you turn it into a grudge. You ban me from your tool. You start a discussion with very insultive undertones.

    Where am I in the wrong, after your treatment, to demand that you stop calling it a donation when it isn't?
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Mori in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    Eh well I'm not that upset about these things, but there's a few things I've found annoying.

    1. The mechanical sphere quest. Pretty much for a beginner this will be the first puzzle they find. All the hints people seem to give are about solving the puzzle, (use a pen and paper and the number 6) but the problem I had was that I couldn't activate the sphere to start with. You know how you have to find the "clue" to access the puzzle...? That's actually the harder thing to figure out in my opinion, the actual sphere was easy... consider for the begineer, who hasn't explored probably much there's a whole world to search for potential clues. And then the person goes to explore, perhaps out of out interest in exploring (as was the case for me) or maybe because they really want to find the clue.
    So then they search all of Marind Bell, Lands of the East, MDA and still find nothing... I thought "do I have to go back and explore all these places again? or is there something else first like figuring out the Gazebo of Equilibrium..."

    The only hint I needed was that the clue was a scroll... which someone told me, eventually (THANKYOU!)

    2. CHAT COMMANDS, DEAR GOD CHAT COMMANDS. How do you emote? After looking through the help archives, submitting a live help request, asking in the beginner's cottage, and in Wind's Sanctuary, I still haven't been told or found out any information. I've tried all the obvious commands like /me /emote : and even typing my own name e.g. Mori jumps... just appears as Mori: Mori jumps. Yes please leave a message if you know. I still don't. EDIT: Huzzah! Someone helped me! I know now.
    If your a noob how to emote is by *text* with the askerisks!

    3. RPing... it's hard to "start a conversation", say in Marble Dale park there's lots of people talking or nobody is active. On the other hand the one time I've had a good opportunity, in the Lands of the East bar/coffee shop/whatsit with an ideal number of 4-5 people (the situation was one of them was telling about how she arrived in MD), I waited for her to finish but -since I didn't know how to emote- there was no way to indicate I'm activate without interupting mid-story. Then when the story was finished, the teller logged out (which is fair enough since presumably the player had stayed up late to tell the story) but the other people immediately left also...

    4. Orientation. It's really easy to waste action points if you don't know which arrows face which way (sometimes the hottip telling which way the arrow goes doesnt appear).
    An even worse example: I carried a torch into Golemius to explore and got rid of the torch once inside. While im exploring Golemius I click into the maze. Now I'd already gone into MDA lands and read the sign about the maze on the way so I know I -really really really dont want to get lost- but guess what, there's three possible options to click from the first (accidental step) inside the maze... and you have no way of knowing which way you are "facing". So yes, I did misclick given I had a 2/3 chance to do so, and almost got lost IN THE MAZE! Luckily I found my way back after another 2-3 moves by figuring out which way the pictures were oriented...

    That said I'm having fun with MD and props to Mur and all the other people who've contributed.
  15. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Grido's Actions   
    Personally, my main annoyance at the way Grido handled this is that he used the triggers instead of the Mood Panel.

    I don't like what happened, but aside from the use of the trigger box, as a player, disregarding his role, it is fully within his rights to have handled it the way he did.
    However, useing the Trigger box to advertise this matter, when generaly not disclosing the terms of other punishments, seems very unfair to me.

    That said, What Grido does is his, the councils, Mur, and the other parties matter, not mine.
    I don't need to know the details of a punishment, because I trust him to handle it correctly. If he doesn't, then it will be on his head.

    To use the example everyone else does, the dst matter. Why does his lack of disclosure not bother me on this matter, even a tiny bit?[list]
    [*]This matter was HIGHLY publicized.
    [*]The council/Mur involved themselves (as displayed by the announcements)
    [*]Grido needed to act in a formal capacity, not as a friend
    [*]While some people disagree, I personally feel dst is EASILY mature enough to understand the difference between what someone does as a personal choice, and what they do as an official choice. I am also very certain Grido feels the same, so he wouldn't be worried that what he did would be interpreted as a personal attack instead of a formal reprimand.
    Basically, because The Powers That Be where paying clear attention to the matter, if they are okay with what ever punishment Grido put on dst, I trust it was the right one.

    Because I trust Mur.
    I trust the council.
    I trust Grido.
    And I definitely trust dst.
  16. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Indyra in Letter to RJ   
    Dear RJ,

    As the leader of the Lair Keepers and the Guardian of the Lair i would like to inform you that the Lair is still closed for everybody. Being inside the Lair is an insult to the LK and to Golemus. No matter how you've entered it again it's still against the rules. i would like to remember you that that specific location has the following[b] Tags: [/b] dwelling, Sanctuary, No jump, No transfers, Item collecting so as a Lair Keeper it is my personal right to dwell or rest there .Even more changing the location name is an offense.
    Insulting me for being there as part of my role only proves that you are not the SmartAss you think you are. You are only frustrated from loosing your role as a consequence to your own actions.
    Please refrain from insults or any actions of this type or i will take it personaly
    If you want to prove your self , act accordingly not as a lame player who doesn;t know how to loose. You only manage to make things worse for yourself.

    This is the second time you offend me and Golemus.

  17. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Maebius in Forum Search   
    I've found that myself, and that unless you go into the "advanced Search" little gear-icon, the default search does not seem to like phrases of words at all.

    An example, wanting to know the prices for Heat Stones, I type in "[i]Heat Stones[/i]" and press enter. [u]Zero results.[/u]

    Searching for the word "[i]Heat[/i]" by itself brings up a longer list of forum threads. Luckily the one on Stones is near the top

    I found it pretty non-intuitive that the default search, even using quotes, would not locate this link from the search term "heat stones" since the words searched for appears directly in the title and also inthe content itself.

    So now I just add that extra click to fill out advanced search options, or limit my searching to single words.
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in For Future Sponsored Quests, and Events   
    By Mur.

    I know who is in this org and who isn't. There is no need to question me.
  19. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Grido   
    I haven't had time to read through the entire thread but I will say my piece here.

    Grido has done a great job through out the years he has been LHO Inquisitor.

    There is absolutely no doubt about that.

    The issue here, I believe, is if he has made the right decisions concerning the LHO Tool abuse, or the Phantom Orchid case.

    I do not think he has, but that is not the question of the Poll.

    I don't want to see Grido get punished because of these mistakes. He's human after all.


    I would like to see him learn from these mistakes, or at least admit to them.
  20. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Granos in Law Advisors   
    If nobody else is interested, since I somewhat do it already, I can be the "law advisor" for the Tribunal, Charging for advice is a silly notion though, the only way I could see people charging for this being viable is if they were going to be directly responsible for any bad advice they give and/or being able to make bribes to bend the legalities under certain circumstances. Which to my understanding would kind of undermine the whole point of this....

    If this is needed? Not really people already are doing this to begin with, if anything it might help direct them to them quicker, but in the end it may lead to more unnecessary buracracy which will just distract people more-so from day to day things (IE - lead to people trying to get more laws, for the grey areas).

    Maybe it will be a good thing though to help enforce the illusion of power over people or make others feel more rebellious (at least sooner in a "non-damaging" way)

    The aspect of law replacement, is a dangerous notion and will really depend on the people involved--I mean imagine if I was allowed to do that?!

    It will be interesting to see what happens with this--but I still think its not really needed, as it is geared towards vets rather than giving newer people roles...

    Just my rambling opinion, take as you want...
  21. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pothos in Demotion of Phantom Orchid   
    I do Beleive this has all been blown out of preportions again.

    Grido or DST, simply state what the punishment was. {edit} This will solve the problem of people complaining about it {edit}

    Everyone else, please stay on topic, and the topic is the punishment of Phantom orchid, which can include wether or not it is apropriate for the crime. Personally, I say she should have warning, and have this happen the next time, but that's just me. I tend to be more leinient that some others.

    As for the ENTIRE dst conversation.. Make a topic for it, and hash it out there.

    For the ENTIRE Grido conflict, including the hate page of Pipstick, again I say to make a forum for it, and hash it out there.
  22. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Grido in Demotion of Phantom Orchid   
    Seig, The objective nature of the rule means that it would take a few people to discuss the intricacies of it, and the effects of her actions. In other words, it's not for me to judge on the harassment front there was a punishment for that announced though. My private punishment is completely separate from this and was for the use of the chat ban item.


    Pip, in a dictionary, don't be dense. Actually yes, on the info for applying to LHO page on the attic cord it states under requirements; "A thorough knowledge of the game and its rules." Bugs and exploits would fall into this category. I would expect them to be aware of such, so I tend not to ask them.

    I didn't say that, you misread me.

    Well it's a bad comparison.

    You seem to misunderstand me. You asked for an official reference, I gave you one. LHOs are meant to realise what bugs and exploits are, and not to sell them.

    And now you ignore my inclusion of LHOs in the people I'd listen to about stepping down - I'd personally say they have less power than me, but because of my role in relation to them, if they think I've been acting wrongly I would listen to them.
    I was replying to your comment about your hate page...


    Curi, to be as polite as possible, what the hell do the other cases have to do with this?
    I've responded patiently to the comments about dst, fine she's an LHO, she did something wrong, etc etc. But now you're bringing other people into this that really have nothing at all to do with Phantom Orchid.
    This thread is NOT about dst, it's about Phantom Orchid.

    I'm sorry, but please shut up. My dealing with Phantom Orchid would be the same had it been any other LHO. My dealing with dst (the punishment) would have been the same had it been any other LHO, the thread by seig said he didn't need to know what it was, so I didn't say.
    Do not think to know me or how my mind works, from your post, you clearly do not.

    Dst's situation had, and has, nothing to do with Phantom Orchid's.
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tipu in Fugitive status not resolved   
    Also need to fix two things

    A)When i grabbed Katt it reads " Grab Him". MD is filled with more bad girls than good boys hehe


    1) We can add '0' at the end of the players ID to identify as female and '1' for male.
    2) Or just 'Grab' no need him/her.

    B) The fugitives tags have spelling mistakes


    We need to edit "Reabilitated " to " Rehabilitated "

    Funny part is even Tipu is able to find spelling and Grammar mistakes in MD hehe.
  24. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Auctioning 50 memory stones   
    I know Mur. That's why I bid it. LOL
  25. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Fyrd Argentus in First MDA Festival - Aug 24th   
    Announcing the first MagicDuel Archives Festival!
    [Note: Organized by Innocence, I'm just posting - Fyrd].

    Starting at 0:00 on the 24th of August, a Day of Tranquility, come explore the Archives to meet others, play games, and have FUN!

    The theme for this celebration is “Fun with the Adventure Log.” As such, there will be several events and games that touch upon this theme. The Adventure Log has been a part of MagicDuel since its beginnings and embodies its soul. Though the AL lies dormant for the time being, it’s important to know where we’ve been and how we’ve ended up where we are now, but that doesn’t mean that we have to be all dour and studious about it…
    So let’s have some FUN!!

    Scheduled Events:
    To start the celebration, Awiiya will be hosting a Story Night. Using the theme, bring your best parody or satire of a portion of the AL!
    Would you like to see an expanded version of the epic struggle between Bootes and MRD? Have you wondered what other books were available for RJ to read when he was in the Drachorn Lair? Perhaps you want to tell the story of the shades who were on the other side of the gate from Khalazdad? Now is your chance to inject a little humor or a different perspective into a part of our history.

    Everyone has questions. Everyone has answers. But… what if the two really don’t have anything to do with each other? That must mean it’s time for… Silly Questions and Sillier Answers!!
    A simple event that requires no real preparation, join Innocence in the Indexed Room of Memories for what is certain to be a lot of laughs! The catch, of course, is that you must prepare your answer before the question is asked by stealing a line from the AL. Who knows what questions might come up? Innocence might ask about anything from your favorite color or food, to advice on handling knators, to what sort of guidance helped you most when you first arrived in this land. The only way to know is to show up. One this is certain, though, it’s going to be a lot of fun!

    You have what it takes, you have what it makes to be a poet? Then come and show it!
    Keith Moon will be hosting a Poetry Slam in the Great Hall of the Sun, so bring your best meter, rhythms, and rhymes! Free form? Couplets? Sonnets? Perhaps some rambling epic? Everyone is encouraged to attend and to participate. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover that the soul of an artist lies within you and is looking for a chance to let the world see!

    What would a [noun] be without a bit of [adjective] fun? Come and join Innocence in the Great Hall of the [noun] to [verb] to a different style of Adventure Log that you’ll help create! Take a seat or [verb] against the wall and toss out all sorts of [adjective] words! Then all you’ll have to do is [verb] while Innocence [verb ending in –s] the tale. While [verb ending in –ing] and laughing, try to keep your [plural noun] about you so newcomers don’t stare at you too [adverb.]

    Do you think you’re smart enough to be able to track Burns? Do you think you’re clever enough to catch him? But, most importantly, do you think you’re good enough to keep him? Welcome to Burn’s Grand Chase!
    Two events—back to back—will feature Burns running around the Archive lands while others are welcome to try to stop him. Will you dig a pit? Will you drop a cage? Can either really hold someone like Burns for long? It’s time to find out in an exciting mix of tag and capture the flag… only… this flag can move and outwit you!
    Note: Lower viscosity leads to a better event.
    (The MDA guilds and their membership cannot be held responsible for singed eyebrows, ripped clothing, busted armor, bloody noses, broken bones, hurt feelings, or anything else that might be inflicted during the course of this event. Thank you.)

    Non-scheduled Events:

    —Registration Pairings and Riddles, “Door Prizes”—
    As the celebration begins, and throughout the day, contact either Je Suis Oeufs Fous or Kyphis (schedule still to be determined) to receive a “name tag,” that will be part of a pair, along with half a riddle. Your goal is to seek out the match to your tag, put the two halves together, and to solve the riddle. Those who succeed will receive a small prize.
    Also, as people register with Je Suis Oeufs Fous and Kyphis, random “door prizes” will be given away. Who knows what you could get?

    —MD-Style Clue, Multiplayer—
    With a mood of celebration sweeping through the Archives, one of the members of the MDA lands got a little too excited and snatched something and hid it away for others to find. Did Curiose take a Jar of Pickles and hide it at the MDA Main Gates? Or perhaps Marind hid a Watering Can at the Gazebo of Silence? It’s up to you and your group to figure out who took what and where it was hidden. Contact Innocence to get started on this mystery and play as many times as you want!
    Minimum group of two required. Further details will be available from Innocence.

    —MD-Style Clue, Single Player—
    With a mood of celebration sweeping through the Archives, many members of the Archive Lands got a little too excited and decided to play pranks on each other. Who hid the Sealed Diary in the Indexed Room of Memories? Rendril Revant left behind a Green Cube as a calling card, but what did he take? Tackle a maddening logic-style problem to match up the thieves to their loot, their hiding place, and their calling card! Contact Innocence to get started on these mysteries!

    —MagicDuel Archive Mud Race—
    Words are popping out all over the MDA grounds – perhaps it is a message from the spirits hereabouts. See if you can collect them all and bring them as a sentence to the Fountain of the Lost Path, faster than any other team. And yes, due to all the mud (viscosity), this is a team event. Score is based on time lapse between when the first word is found to when the last team member reports in at the fountain. Try as many times as you wish to better the previous scores – it should get easier as the mud is trampled throughout the day. Prizes, of course. More details will be found on the 3 tiles around the Lost Path Fountain - begin and play any time on the 24th..
    [During the event, one clickie was incapacitated by the powers that be. Another will be substituted and the Mud Race will be allowed to continue later. Please watch for an annoucement in the Quests folder.]

    —Words within Words—
    “Rain,” “enable,” “baritone”—those are just three words that can be made using the letters within the word “celebration.” Do you think you have what it takes to find more? To begin this game, simply contact Innocence to receive your word or words. Then stretch that brain of yours as you have 15 minutes to come up with as many words as you can! Keep your pencil sharp and your mind sharper!
    Further details will be available from Innocence.

    Vendor and Artisan Booths:
    If you’d like to set up a space and time to sell your services or wares, please contact any of the Archivists to secure a spot. Times and places will be based on “first come, first serve.” Several areas will be set aside—mostly the Study Room and its West Wing, unnamed counterpart, but may expand, dependent upon interest—for those who want to take the opportunity to vend to the people visiting the Archives during the celebration.
    If you have wares or a service to sell, please contact an Archivist with your name, type of merchandise or service, and a preferred time frame in Server Time. IE: Carl Marks, Power to the People-service, 10:30 to 12:00
    Please respect the time slot you are given and wrap up any pitches or deals before the end of your time. Failure to do so may limit an individual’s participation in future events.

    Now a word from our sponsors…
    That could be YOU!
    While the goal of this celebration is to bring people together in the name of fun, it’s nice to be able to award various people for their efforts in participating in the games and events planned herein. However, the “Archives Fund” is limited and would welcome any and all donations for prizes. If you are able to offer up anything as a prize—creatures, material resources, WPs, memory stones, credits, Avatar or Item artwork, anything at all—it would be greatly appreciated.
    Again, the goal of the celebration is to CELEBRATE and to have FUN and that is what’s most important here, not any potential prizes. MagicDuel is a community that should look for every opportunity and any excuse to come together to have a good time.

    More events may be scheduled at a later point in time, especially if you—yes YOU!—approach either Fyrd Argentus or Innocence to discuss your event or game. Games or events that can incorporate the theme will be given preference over those that don’t, but every effort will be made to include as many as possible.
    The success of this celebration is directly linked to the number of people participating, so bring your friends and have them bring their friends for an awesome time! After all, if the more the merrier, then the MOST the MERRIEST!

    Your Comments and Suggestions are welcomed. Also, please post ideas for events or games or if you are able to supply a potential prize. Thank you for your time and we hope to see the Archives packed on the 24th!

    P.S. Any who might be interested in performing a dramatic or comedic sketch of a scene from the Adventure Log, please contact Innocence to discuss the scene a performance time. Thank you.
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