well the title was misleading to an extent but I just would like to say thank you for taking the time and actually explaining your thoughts and the direction you wish to grow your child into. I believe this to be better than simply stating A25 will do this without telling us the war plan behind it, simply wantwd to express my gratitude to your post.
I would like to file an official compliant on the activities taken here and by the individual running this known as Rophs. file:///Users/Mundo/Desktop/2014-12-22-my-entry-2.html (Not sure if the link work Kinda new to all this)
I dont understand WHY I HAVE to give ROPHS specifically the entire CTC when he doesn't NEED it for me to be counted in the pool. If the entire CTC was required in order to participate he had two full days to tell me. Added my submission on December 21 while his contest ended on December 23 at 23:59:59.
The object was to have a secret santa which by definition is:
secret Santa
a system whereby each member of a group chooses at randomanother member of the group for whom to buy a Christmas presentat an agreed cost, so that each member buys one present andreceives one present
a person chosen in this way to buy another person's Christmaspresent
The point is to give and receive a gift between a groups of friends correct? So why does Rophs need to have or feel like he needs to have the entire CTC in order to participate. The bottom line is that I don't trust him period and it wasn't until MD officially took over the thread that i decided to join. Last year I did it but because I trusted Eara.
Now today I get a pm saying that ropes need the entire CTC in order to participate well why? was my question and he said we are doing it different this year check the thread >.>...... Well I did and the thread said
"Send me a CTC or and ITC via ForumPM and that you wish to enter into the Gift Pool before 12/23/2014 (M/D/Y) at 23:59:59 ST."
It does not say full CTC and again IF the entire CTC was needed why not tell me with 2 days in advance notice when in fact he even made a joke about it after my submission. of.. "Not entire CTC :P
Smart Junior making sure I don't run away with it"
This is true I did not wish to give him the ctc because things can go south the event could fail and now what? I have a creature CTC out there that could be stolen. The bottom line is that I was denied an opportunity to participate in an event because I did not trust the host even though I was willing to comply with the CTC and guidelines and would deliver the gift to whom ever I got Just as I did last year with no problems at all. So there is my complaint I did not enjoy an event because Rophs wouldn't allow me even though the event itself no longer "belonged" to him after MD officially took over.
(mods can move this if it, this is not the place for it)
*edit* At this point I no longer wish to be included in the event as I don't feel comfortable anymore. I will see during Christmas if I decide to surprise my own secret Santa at GOE. Even if I don't receive anything because for me its about giving.
I have a great knowledge vault of the lore if you'd like you can ask me plenty. Also sorry but people tend to change things a lot. When you say Hell Hound you actually mean a dog demon?
The thing about the christmas creatures is... if you have already bought them previously they won't reappear you only get one. Have you bought these creatures in previous years?
In an attempt to be more clear here is an example
I buy a Santa Year 2012 great happy :) Junior one dollar well spent.
Come year 2013, 2014 etc etc the Santa will not reappear in the shop, boo :( sad Junior no dollar spent. (maybe you should rethink this Mur every year give all the chance to buy another of the creature spend more credits)
lmao so can someone explain why he is still allowed to be in MP7? When Clearly none of the important people agree with him having illusions? I mean I could be a better MP7 >.> just saying...
I think its time this thread got closed as its just bickering and the winners have been decided by Mur himself so there is no longer a need to prove DD was wrong and dst was right.
I didn't say they had to know it was a bug, but it was admittedly not the intended way how they passed. It still makes their complaints seem less valid.
(idk how to quote w.e.)
DD told me he was in charge of the Obelisks in the laby he should have known which issues could have arised.
Again MD has never been fair it has always sought for things to be done differently even if they were intended to do a different way. Again lets not bash on the fact that some people are smarter and more resourceful than others. Even Mur mentioned it that he was somewhat surprised and grateful to find out that there was different ways to acquire skill points and also to bypass the ghosts. After all isn't that was this was a trial run for some new feature which will be further developed down the road?
Azrafar I was there when the Aeo's ghost trapped us. What did DD do in that manner? He simply role-played that he stabbed the ghost and poof he vanished. He never even looked into from what I could tell as he simply showed up and vanquished the ghost. I thought of this as strange but I figured that was his role or his duty in this quest. Now why are we bashing on dst No one and SS? They are resourceful people they were able to find a way to get past an obstacle that was in their way. A lot of this locations took some kind of planning and strategy so when this incident happen how where they suppose to know it was a "bug" right away they simply found away to get around the problem. DD simply need to admit his short fallings and dst is right in whatever way she maneuvered to win, there is nothing "unfair" about that. I am a fossil and MD has always said not everything is fair just deal with it yes its a game but it shows how real and unfair life can be so move on.
As BFH stated he is busy and therefore won't be participating in the titles. In which case there is also no need to contact me to confirm his title nor do I wish to have a title wasted on a former tag.
Thank You, and yes Pip I am still around.
I want creatures 19,22,23,26,53,54 and 9th anni aramour digits are as specific as possible :D Also only coins will be able to be used for purchase correct?
I would go with number two. It is reminiscent of MD style by more than just the color. At first glance you see a paper with a basic color tone and overall plain pattern, but just like MD the closer you look the fact that it is a complex and detailed creation becomes much more evident, so therefore I like 2.
Well, I have a few creatures and this n ew page is definitely a lot faster. Overall it is a huge improvement. I only have one question will the Golden Maxed Ribbon be removed? ( i kinda like it but thats just me:P)