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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. education i think. what is lazy about buying the one bag or the other? its a matter of choice. its the same effort to throw the package at home in the right place than on the street. Its not lazy its lack of education and the simple fact we do not care and that we think it wont matter anyway..... well i say it does matter, even the smalles act. Multiply it by millions or billions of people and see how important is then.
  2. "supposed to be civilised" is what brought us in the situation of almost depleting natures resources. I think a more practival approuch is better. True we don;t have many options to help with this but if you think from the start we hate the environment just because we cant help it a lot, it will be much worse. I think that even the smallest steps matter a lot, and even if we do tiny things in this regard, it will still matter. dst, you should know that better than all. In our country, civilisation is an issue because of these small things i am talking about. If each person would think just a second that not throwing the biscuits packing behind that parked car would help greatly with the overall civilisation level of the entire country, we would live in a much cleaner city with a lot less garbage and such things....but its in our bad nature that we think that small things do not matter so we keep doing them and complain its a bad situation overall and that nobody does, or can do, anything about it. We are like ants comparing to the situation, but ants are strong because they work together. For example a small gesture like using recycled paper which is almost the same white and quality overall, will matter quite a lot. Just by picking between biodegradable things and non bio degradable things, like the plastic vs paper bag in the shopping center, matters a lot. I am not talking about using environement friendly houses, doing our own electricity, consuming bio food, and such things...thats science fiction for most....but i think its more important that 1000.000 people buy a biodegradable bag instead of just one to build a environement friendly house. "My humble opinion."
  3. I don't think you could go more generaly offtopic with any other subject...lol i can't imagine myself doing something as offtopic as this entire topic ..but its funny. anyway, speaking about environemen, i proudly announce that MD is hosted on servers with low carbon signature / friendly to nature. I put a link on the bottom of the interface. Its not advertising to hosting, its just that i am very into this 'green' things, from recycled paper to nature friendly server, its a small thing, but big things are done from lots of such small things.
  4. hehe i never ment for the fighting system to be clear and mathematical (even if it is at its base). I ment it to be used and understood at a more intuitive level. You fight, you get the desired results, you learn that is "good". Its much more relaxing, and i bet the results are afterall the same on the long run as when you try to calculate all the odds. My "test" for the fighting system is to create a character and attack randomly just adjusting/healing from time to time creatures but not for a purpose and looking 70% of the time to honor just not to destroy it entirely. Last time i checked like that was indeed long ago, but it worked like a charm. While most of you complained something is wrong and they cant get enough won , or lost, fights, my test account passed through the nightmares any noob passes but then it became stable and quite usable. The new fighting system is even more abstract because of its nature. I don't think i will make public any values like with the creatures. Overall it will be simpler to master than the creatures system. The fights will be slowmotion events that you can train yourself into before doing. I plan to put more focus on the results achieving than on understanding the mechanism behind the fight itself. but i talked enough, so far its damn comlicated and i think i got stuck again. The little crits won't breed whatever i do to them ... grrr..and they wont kill either..they just move around and group in gangs.
  5. Archivists sent me the calendar for this month , its entirely my fault is not up. sorry
  6. movies about md , i hope ok, let me explain it differently, i am putting a rustgold , with one token...so what are you waiting for. p.s. yes i said rustgold, not drachorn.
  7. there will be one more round of questions, i will read my "question pms" soon and post them here, then, i will read the forum pms, even if i told you NOT to send me by forum pm, but lets see if its something interesting in there. So no, i will not reply or post your questions as you send them, but all at once at the end. one , or two more days.
  8. whatever the reward for this contest is, i will double it
  9. yes anyone can initiate a debate BUT that person must also hold it, organise the even by getting an archivist to document it, establish time and day, make a plan for himself about what will be discussed (if needed) etc. Not just ask a question in chat and think that was a lecture. The reward is not disclosed because it will be tailored based on the final winning question(s).
  10. Debates can start , it will not affect (actualy will help) the contest itself. So..who wants to do this, contact me with the hours when the debate should be sheduled..and lets do this. I will provide free drinks and chairs for everybody
  11. life can not stay "in ballance" by not beeing cycle...that will simply mean its in ballance because its zero, not because its actualy ballanced. What happens after we die ... well have you ever thought that our brain protects us from the idea of a permanent death and simply puts in theories with despair just not to accept DEATH itself? We need explanations so bad, just to make sure there is SOMETHING after we die. When you turn off a computer, what is it left in its ram? nothing. What remains is in its HDD, same with living things, what remains is in their DNA memmory, or other types of collective memmories , why not, but our "ram" might simply just vanish in favor of others to appear.....might
  12. Liberty is suicidal. *checks ebay*
  13. [url="http://magicduel.com/ipt"]http://magicduel.com/ipt[/url] just the chat, you don't think i miss it on the iphone/ipod touch, do you ... the rest is not possible because safari does not support flash and MD uses lots of chat, but you could try with opera if you have a device that runs it WITH flash.
  14. Oh, did i forget to mention the reward is not given just like that? I surely hope that too, it would be most interesting to hold debates on matters you reasly seek answers too not just want to tell others about them. We could hold a competition after this, who runs the longest debate, meaning who can hold people the longest time interested in whats talked. (i managed 9 hours yupyyyyyy .. no, i am not competing!)
  15. ME? i was hoping i caused enough "movement" in the realm in the last few days to keep you moving for a while. What stops you from organising debates, organised debates/lectures about the opened questions? What, you feel now like little children waiting for grownups to say START? hmmmm .... i thought age is calculated in activedays O.o
  16. wow, nice one
  17. [b]===================================== NEXT WAVE OF QUESTIONS GOES HERE ===================================== [/b] .Grido. (ID:7251) What is sanity? i mean in general, the insane person denys their insanity, and so does a sane person, if someone says they're insane it means that they aren't as it shows rational thought, yet it's also said there's a fine line between insanity and genius, and geniuses show rational thought. so what is it? Mur: round 2 -------------------- .Ailith. (ID:80963) What is the answer? Mur: Its that place where we decide to stop the question (not necessarly its end). Questions have no end, just places where we pick as beeing the general accepted end. 2+2=4 only because we agree on a coordinate system, but it could be the same also 5 or 1 or so on.. round 2 -------------------- MRV (ID:103641) does life (or human life, if you'd prefer to differentiate) have any value in itself? - why? which, if any, consequences do you derive from that thought? Mur: this question had two versions, the other vesion was personal and was replied by pm. round 2 ------------- Lifeline (ID:102239) what is death to u? (a constant companion who keeps reminding u how precious ur time is, something that challenges u? or something to avoid and to fear, something that simly ends it? or perhaps even see death as the stripping away of everything u ARE not, as a chance to really awaken. or maybe something completely different?) Mur: death is that end of the question that marks the border between serial and cyclic. Death is an answer in its nature, but not the answer we seek, its just the last answer that hppens after we collected all the answers we could. Death is a border that differentiates life from beeing a circle and life beeing a cycle. The one alive is life itself not each individual. THe speecies survives , its individuals follow a cyclic pattern and have to die and born to fullfill the cyclicity principle of the bigger "organism" thats life itself. Life never dies. Open to debate ----------------- Azrael Dark (ID:18615) If everything in the universe is made of atoms, and people are made of atoms, and atoms behave probabilistically, is there truly such thing as free will? Mur: free willl is a concept that has meaning only between two complexity planes or more. You can have free will inside the decision scheme of a system but this will not change the general direction of the system (the higher complexity plane). See random numbers for example, output a generated list of random numbers, why is it that you never get for example "999999999999999999999999" in a row, and why is it that the overall analysed numbers will have an almost equal distribution of each number from 0-9? They are random inside their own complexity level , but seen from above their "free will" is not relevant to anything. Open to debate ---------- .Metal Bunny. (ID:11799) Knowing you do not believe in god, do you think there is an absolute morality? Regardless of having absolute or relative morality, is getting caught the only sin? Hypothetically speaking; if you said yes to the 2nd question, does that mean you have no conscience? Does that imply you are not fully human? Mur: "knowing i do not believe in god" let me enlighten you a bit: my understanding of what god is (not who) made me decide that what most people agree on is not what i agree on so when someone asks me if i believe in god i must say no because what i believe in has nothing to do with thei image of what god is. Its not about religion its about self discovery. To understand god you must understand he does not exist. That sounds blsfamous, but for me god is an answer to a question that should never be answer in oder to fully understand it and without understanding the question fully any answer is false, anything you name that that its at the end of the question its wrong because its named. DO you think its a concidence both islam and christianity give 1000 names to God and Allah? Because one would be false, the less you name the more accurate you are. there is absolute morality because we as beeings are very much alike at the base. Moral guidelines have a purpose that affect the species not the indiidual. Its an art to combine personal interes and species survival. Life is interested in evolution not survival and for that animals have well established instincts and way of life, our way of life as humans is called or guided by moral. ---------------------- Liberty (ID:83289) what is liberty, peace and justice? are those 3 terms together as a total freedom? and then what is total freedom? is it something to let/allow us achieve anything? and then why to achieve something? at one point we pass out from this world, so why we want to achieve things, why we want to leave something for others that will come after we die? Mur: round2 ----------------------- *Princ Rhaegar* (ID:62639) if God is perfect being, allpowerful why he makes mistakes? according to bible (i am atheist btw) why he created life? why wants people to worship him? cause he's egoistic maniac? does God support ThE Bunny empire? Mur: what god, should we start and offend any religion by claiming one or the other god is the most powerful one? Should we consider all are right and then gods are just obsessed beeings playing around with humans? Or should we ignore thousands of years of polytheism and think one or two RECENT religions are the right ones? ..So what god is that? I am not even starting to explain my view on god and most beleivers get stuck in basic questions. And yes, i am sure that god supports the Bunny empire, but then we go to first issue again ) ------------ .Metal Bunny. (ID:11799) What is happiness? Mur: Try to see life as a bigger organism that is composed by all the individual living beeings. Happiness is same as pleasure, the the indication that we do what life wants us to do. We get wealthy or in love, means we perpetuate the species, means "life" is happy. Problem comes when humans cheat life to get pleasure for destructive things, thats the question, but you asked something else. Open for debate ------------------------------- .Zleiphneir. (ID:77300) Is evolution, survival of the fittest/best disguised etc, actually a demonstration of the process of extinction of any and all of an entire species and not the opposite as it claims? Mur: round 2 / debate -------------------------- .Zleiphneir. (ID:77300) Do we use objects, or do objects use us? Mur: if we were to be used by objects it would mean we would be only reacting to inevitable and we obviouly are not, o i think we are using objects now the opposite. But maybe i do not understand the quetion? ---------------------------- Cless (ID:45711) Do our dreams define us? Mur: debate, round 2 ------------------------------ phantasm (ID:137291) 1. In the beginning there was nothing, in the end there will be nothing. What lies in the middle? Mur: assuming your saying is correct, then obviously in the middle would be everything. My version is that this should not be seen as a linear thing, such as then now in the future...and to support this afirmation i ask you something ...if "in the middle" is everything, wouldnt that means that everything includes also "nothing", its "everything" afterall. ..so if it does, wouldnt that be a paradox? Its hard to understand time staticaly, i tried to do that with the shades but ... debate ---------------------------------- Beril (ID:88062) Does someone/something has to be intelligent in order to be a fool or act like stupid? Extremes allways touch, thats my motto. I have to see your question in a more obvious context to avoid considering it incomplete..so i would ask if its required to be intelligent to play a stupid (liek an actor) ..because otherwise anyone can behave foolish by mistake. Yes, you act as a fool by beeing one truly, or by having the mental power to imitate it perfectly. --------------------------------- .Cryxus. (ID:91129) Why are wars so profitable? with the loss of life, ammunition, and other gear it would be counter-productive. Mur: just like you said, because of consumption. What is consumption? one part gaining losses and one part counterbalancing by getting profit. In war those that fight are one part , those that supply weapons and goods are the other part, they get the profit. Expenses means money, money menas debt, debt is the only true value that big people controll. ---------------------------- StrongWilled Legna (ID:74199) Who am i? (reformulated) Mur: seen as a general question and not one addressed to ME....i am still seeking this answer. round 2 -------------------------- The Witch Doctor (ID:128472) If God ia Allmighty and He can do ANYTHING, can He create a rock so big and heavy so that He can't lift it? Mur: speaking about a theoretical all mighty force (because my view of god might stop this queston before it starts), i guess you answered your question alone... anything that is everything must also be nothing, as nothing is part of everything, so in the end it will be nothing. If something is not powerfull enough to be nothing then its not absolute. If god can create a rock so heavy so will vanish as a concept, if he cant he will dissapear from the start .... i am sory to be so pessimistic ) ------------- Jtz Champion (ID:79270) Would morality exist without religions? Mur: let me ask you this...would religions exist without morality? my guess your question answer is yes, this question answer is no, so there is something wrong in here. round 2 --------------- .Pamplemousse. (ID:91984) Do you think that there is any such thing as a truly unselfish act? Sure people help others all the time, but it makes them feel good, so they get something out of it. Even if someone were to do something that hurt them, if they got even the slightest bit of pleasure out of it or satisfaction in knowing that they did something right, would it make it a selfish act? Is there anything purely selfless in this world? (Not MD, but Earth.) Mur: i dont think so, but its a personal opinion and i am not 100% sure of it debate round 2 ------------- Done sory for the questions i did not post, but i only picked those that made me think most.
  18. [b]Here are the most AWSOME questions i heard so far, yet i tried to answer them, keep trying. Those marked with round 2 will be considered for reward in the next stage. [/b] Ledah (ID:5305) IF a tree falls, and nothing is around, will it, does it make a sound? Mur: if NOTHING is arround, the tree will never move. Movement is relative. ----------- .MRD. (ID:38385) As we know everything has two sides. If you look at a door, you know there is another side. If you look at your computer, it has another side correct? So I ask you this question.... Where is the end of space, the universe type? and if there is an end..........what is on the other side? and if it does have something on the other side, then does it really end? Mur: The universe sides are infinity and nothingness. THats why its gets apparently inifinite if you walk towards the edges, space dilates untill it gets to nothing and therefore you will alter the perception of space, speed and time and walk forever, because you can not touch nothingness...its not like void. (see my lecture about space and time) Infinity and nothingness are both concepts that are not native to our mind and we all understand just a part of them fully. Of course, the usual disclaimer, thats just a theory <img src="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=" " border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> ------------------ MRWander (ID:85143) Why are dragons known to every culture around the world yet are 'mythical beasts' ? Mur: Each creature has a so called Energy print. Some energy prints that manage to be stable, cause manifestations in matter and are in the animals around us. But energy prints are actualy sort of "conclusions" when energy groups together , and some prints are too complex to be manifestated into matter beeings, because of that they are not, but humans can still get in touch with them, see them, or even become them if trained properly (see asia) . Dragons, as well as many other, are such creatures. We feel and know they are there, we talk and write about them, yet none sees them, because we do not look in the right direction. -------------------- Windy (ID:86324) If a tree falls in the woods, and no one hears it, does it make a sound? Mur: Yes, for itself, plant sense sound too -------------------- King Daimon (ID:146189) Who are YOU? Mur: round 2 -------------------- I am Bored (ID:38621) What is Boredom? Mur: round 2 --------------------- Liberty (ID:83289) we live, then at one moment we die, why do we have to die, whats purpose of death and what after we die? Mur: Living beeings are self containing mini universes, the principle ballances within us is perfect or tends to be. I believe we are manifestation of information fields that by nature seek to adapt to the principle ballance of the universe we live in. Life and death are the ballance between syntropy and entropy in our mini universe that we mirror. Based on this theory, cyclicity as well as other principles should be "satisfied" so it could be an explanation why life is cyclic. All the things we do , from filling our neurons with info to the gene that cause death (yup) is programmed by nature to fulfill and keep the principles stable. If one principle goes wrong the entire ballance is lost and the information fields causing all this can not manifest themselves anymore. This is just a theory, suited to fit with religious beliefs of many cultures as well with my own researches on the matter in cause. It could be tottaly wrong. Selected for public debate, but not for round 2 because of the popularity of the question. -------------------- Fenrir Greycloth (ID:86191) Is the human race essentially good, or evil? What makes us good, or evil? What is Good? What is evil? How did we come to a conclusion that these are a way of behaving? Mur: only a third observer can observe the line of good or evil and understand the situation, not someone "inside" the issue bad/good. In humanity situation, i believe the observer is the world around us, what supports life and what brought us in the first place to existance. Considering that our impact on the nature around us, the earth and the rest of the life on earth is not at all good, i consider humanity overall can be considered BAD. We are the only animal to kill for pleasure, thats a luxury that no living beeing affords. We can, but chose not to do things to keep the ballance , we can but chose to be evil, or good, but over all i think the results of humanity over the nature, and i do not talk of ecosystem only, is i essance bad. animals are not good or evil, they are neutral, they do not chose to be evil, they do not chose to be good. We are tehnicaly capable to do better yet we dont, and its not about survival also. thats my personal opinion, and i wait for arguments against, if you think i am wrong. Selected for public debate, but not for round 2 because of the popularity of the question. ------------------------------- stormrunner (ID:47728) how do you get the perfect woman? Mur: By imagining that what you are is "the perfect man" and see what fits with you <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=" " border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> ------------------------- Talos Salvitore (ID:152987) Did the feminist movement end up destroying a woman's right to choose between working and staying home? Mur: Selected for public debate, i don't consider the question interesting enough for round 2 but i am not sure if its answerable without documentation or not ------------------------- Talos Salvitore (ID:152987) Why do you think that more people are born during periods of depression than periods of prosperity? Mur: answerable by psyhology explenation yet it could hold more info to it, goes to round 2 and public debate ------------------------ Shadowseeker (ID:50659) What is the definition of success, if that exists at all? And I mean not only saying when things go the right way, I mean an abstract idea, always within every successful event, even if it's only a pyrrhic victory or a complete win. Or even a loss, if the greater goal is achieved that way. So success is something depending on the point of view...what is it without that, seen in abstract? Mur: round 2, public debate ----------------------- *Princ Rhaegar* (ID:62639) if at beginning there was nothing, how from nothing was created something? time actually doesn't have a beginning? Mur: Things are limited or unlimed only when you are inside them. Looking at the universe wont make any sense and such questions will allways remain unanswered. Try to understand how both infinity and nothingness can be one yet still different and you will see what experience are just effects. I consider the universe as something spreading, also in a physical sense, from "everything" to "nothing". The concept of infinity and nothing are usuay wrong in our head because we compare them with things we know and they cand actualy be infinite or non existant. Look for example at a fractal <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal</a> and understand how an infinite shape can actualy have a finite form at the same time. Someone "inside" that shape, walking on its edge, will never understand that there is a shape or that the shape is defineable by a very short formula (sample formula to generate endless fractal shape: z = z^2 + c THATS ALL!!). I strongly believe infinity is achievable within a limited space , if compared from one complexity level to an other. Selected for public debate, but not for round 2 because of the popularity of the question. -------------------------- *Princ Rhaegar* (ID:62639) and why life was created? with what purpose? Mur: I belive life appeared as a manifestation of something that is allready there, probably caused by the planet itself, probably by the universe itself (NO i do not believe in god created the world!!) Life can be sensed and can exist also without matter, and to keep its stability it requires matter. Living beeings manifest a mirror of the universe in their principles ballance, i consider them like mini universes from a principle point of view. They could be the counterballance for the excessive entropy in the universe, sort of self ballancing of the universe by creating syntropy. Syntropy happens in the core of stars and in life, no wonder stars and living things are so connected. Selected for public debate, but not for round 2 because of the popularity of the question. ------------------------- King Bull (ID:67761) the Question..... is not............. do you believe in God? this i know the answer too already... i have seen you actknowledge God many times... so this automatically tells me the answer... now for the question. Genesis 1st book of the bible chapter 1, 2, 3, chapter 4 verse 16 and 17 the question: in the beginning god created heaven and earth. then he created adam and eve, they had children cain and abel.... Genesis verse 16 : then Cain went out from the presents of the Lord and dewlt in the land of Nod on the east of eden, Genesis Verse 17: And Cain knew his wife, and she concieved and bore Enoch....... the question is where Cains come wife come from? at this point there was only Adam and Eve and thier children..... Where did Cains wife come from? Mur: It came from the absurdity in the logic used to create those stories. People can't simply understand complex things, they need examples, mostly from their lives. The church needed a full monopoly over the creation of man and the universe and man needed an answe above all ..who care if it makes sense? it did for over thousand years. i can't believe in those child stories, but because its a book full of wisdom, and absurdities (or missunderstand sacrated knowledge how some prefer to call them, oops, just ignore my opinion on religion....) i think its awsome for public debate. round 2 (i might give an answer in round 2) ------------------------- Tzaroth747 (ID:101892) Why do you seek knowledge? Mur: round 2 p.s by you i understand you in general. ------------------------- Guybrush Threepwood (ID:140626) So, is the natural state of things ordered or disordered? In the beginning was there chaos or order? (Everything or nothing?) Mur: round 2 -------------------------- Kafuuka (ID:114145) What is a principle? Mur: round 2 --------------------------- Lightsage (ID:63991) Why do electrons effect each other if they're shot in different directions and one is monitored? (electrons do different things when monitored then when they're simply "shot" from an electron canon and it is only reviewed afterwards what they have done) Mur the process of observing is in its fact an intrusive process, you "receive" something in order to observe, be it light from the objects, sounds, movement, etc .. in case of a single particle , it has nothing to offer, the observation process will interfere with its nature and affect the observed particle my opinion Lightsage RE:Yes but in this case 2 electrons where shot each in a different direction, only 1 was observed but the other was effected by this as well even through it was meters away. public debate ------------------------------- .simplyzero. (ID:13313) What is....? Mur: round 2 -------------------------------
  19. [color="#FF0000"]<b>QUESTION COLLECTING ENDED, RESULTS WILL BE DECIDED BASED ON ..What you do (read the rest of the topic). ====================================</b>[/color] I am putting up a Bounty , a ROYAL bounty, for who sends me the most interesting question i ever heard. The questions can be from well known questions about life universe or such to the simples apparently insignificat ones. The question must puzzle me. If i feel i can answer it or that the answer is achievable in a boring (documenting) way, i wont select the question. The question must make someone realy think and not require other documentation to solve it other than your own mind. Except that, there is no guide or limit to what kind of question you can ask. I will make the selected questions public and i will pic one, or more for the final prize. Also i will invite those that put the questions that get selected, to hold a public depate based on them , if they agree to do so. How do you send them to me? by PM only, and only from your account you compete with, dont send via someone else. Finding a way to do so is also a challange like allways and shows you care to find one not simply throw in a random question. DISCLAIMER: THE ANSWERS I WILL GIVE BELOW ARE MY PERSONAL VISION OF HOW THINGS ARE, I DO NOT CLAIM THEM AS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH BUT IS THE BEST TRUTH I COULD FIND ON THAT MATTER. BECAUSE THIS IS A PERSONAL COMPETITION BETWEEN ME MUR AND YOU, AND NOT A GENERAL MD COMPETITON, I WILL JUDGE THINGS IN A SELFISH WAY AND DECIDE IF THE QUESTION IS INTERESTING OR NOT WITHOUT PUTTING UP FOR A VOTE <img src="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=" " border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> Note: i am doing this with the hope it will be regarded as a great source for future lectures/debates not only by me but most of all by those placing the questions! Also, answering your questions helps me better understand things. Archivists, feel free to take info from here for the archives. CURRENT REWARD LIST: winners get to pick one from the list in order . 1st place picks first, 2nd place pick second etc.. - 5 tokens focused on a creature of your choice (random tokens) - a rustgold - 2 wispoints (yes i am making an exception by giving 2 at one time, dont do the same ever) - a tainted angien, with some decent age (wtf is that?! O.o) - a b/w joker (the rare one not the shop one) - a tag and description, if you don't have one allready - 10 extra creature slots - a wind dragon, ONLY IF YOU OWN A DRACHORN (it will get mutated) - 3 custom items of your choice (not overpowered)
  20. Its a lot game-related. All logan actions and amorans brought attention BECAUSE they were game related. It concernes the enitre MD and me personaly when the rumors they spread are paranoid and make people run away. THis issue had to be talked through and public to stop the nonsense that was going on behind the curtains, because that was realy affecting the game. The scandal caused is a small price to pay for clearing out the paranoid opinions that many were brainwashed into believing.
  21. fine tuned theory: the avy that you buy and hold (no more) you can send to an other player that has the avy feature active and at least 2 credits (cost will be 2 credits for that player). In return you do not get those two credits so you will have to negociate a trading value for the avy. The 2 credits go to MD. In the case that this will build a market of avys and for example when i post 50 avys they vanish in the hands of traders, this will raise the value of avys and if they do not get sold they will be put at risk by the new avys next time i put an avy pack up. That way the avy price will be according to the market demand.
  22. so what? thats the point of trade please note a character can hold only one avy at a time and the one that wants to get it must have the avy shop item activated
  23. once you reach the avatar item in the shop, even if you payed a lot to get there, you can buy any avy for 1$ anytime and you can change it for as many times you want. It wont be fair to give each time more than 1$ because that will easily get abused and create a avatar shopping source of income. i think also the 100 days one plus the permanents that remain, but also tradeable avys could be an option because trade will allways adapt to the importance and real value of the avys. If the shop will have new avys for 1 $ the trade will stop, if the shop will have none, the trade will grow.
  24. feel free to split this if its too offtopic what if the avys could be set up for auction once bought and the owner to get half of the sum. Still you can get multiple accounts to start auctions or if avys get taken by force once you exceed 100 consecutive inactive days..because currently there are over 400 avys and yet only a few get used actively. In this case what happens with characters that are legends in their own way and even if not active , they should not lose the avy. avys are worth far more than you pay for so if you are given less when putting them back up you wont do that but if you get more you will abuse it with multiple accounts or by repeating it. i don't have an issue with turning avys into tradable goods
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