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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. because i saw an opportunity in your question, i just made some changes: deadoralive=onlydead mean crit has to die in that combat to get the mark deadoralive=all mean all crits get the mark deadoralive=onlyliving
  2. [UPDATE] Generator available , please use just this way, as it has latest parameters and format. GENERATOR FOR MarkForCritAbilities It also shows already implemented ones ---- I decided to create each new ability as a fully configurable thing, so it can be used to a lot more other creature abilities that require same mechanism. For example, the one i tested recently called "BadluckToHealers" is not a general ability with several parameters. I will post on forum each new ability kind, and i would very much like to receive from you suggestions for abilities that could use it. Several from the suggestions you posted on the previous topic might fit here, see if you can tweak the parameters yourself to create a new ability based on same mechanism. As i code new kind of abilities, i will post each on its own topic. So here it goes: MarkForCritAbilities info: gives one of the existing marks to creatures in combat. You can select : - how many rounds that mark lasts (duration), - what intensity it has if its a mark that requires it (power) - if the target creature must die in combat to receive the mark, and/or is immune to this if it survives (deadoralive=onlydead / all / onlyliving) - who is affected by this ability and receives the marks, you the attacker (a), or the enemy (e), or both (a,e) - creatures with what attack ability will be affected by this (target_abilities) I will make a top of the people that provide the most interesting, implementable, and well configured shard abilities that make it to the combat forever, and there will be rewards for the top contributors. Example what i need from you: Have fun! Looking forward to see amazing suggestions but also simple obvious ones.
  3. Well i don't. Name is something that represents someone not just in his own eyes but also in others eyes. Since i don't see a real reason to consider this name change other than a mood swing, and i don't see it in any way related to who you are, what role you play, or how others know you, i can't approve it. (Not to mention the other name sounds terrible, but thats irrelevant right now) I approved just very very few name changes over these 16 years and they all had a reason. Imagine people talking about Fang, but refering to mchickenwhatever , its just not you. (Btw, impressive you got people to vote and support you, this method might have actually worked, too bad just 3)
  4. You know what i am not seeing here? abilities that could head to real "mayhem". For example "Your ranged attacks get multiplied by the number of marks of each creature" And an other ability that gives like 3-4 marks on each crit. Maybe its a bad "set" example, but i hope you get the ideea. Using one or more ability to boost a single other ability, thats the strategy i am hoping to get eventually. Especially things that could count up exponentially and are exponentially difficult to get...but without making them too overpowered. for example get a multiplier for each winged crit, then by an other ability an other multiplier for each ability you have on each crit, then an other for each mark, and finally a forth ability that can use these multipliers to do really wild things, for a limited ime (limited number of fights) 6(crits)*3(abil each)*4(marks each) could be 72x to your stats or just some...or to make it even more interesting, do that based on enemy creatures not yours, meaning that the stronger the opponent, the more advantage you get for your next fight. Thats what i am hoping for at least.
  5. this could actually be great, but overpowered. Might be ok if it will add a mark that prevents future combats or curses initial user or something. Must come with a trade-off. Combat wise, the trade-off is natural as both are affected, but because it voids other abilities entirely, this is overpowered. (no need to reply i wont be able to keep a conversation, i was just making remarks. If i implement it i will implement as i consider best, thanks for a good suggestion)
  6. ohooo so many for now i made 1 that is functional "ranged inhibitor" that lowers attack of creatures that have the mark "ranged". Of course this can be used them with minimal effort to build other that modify a crit stat based on a mark, and there could be plenty. For now i am focusing on creating more distinct functionalities so i can use them later to make similar but different abilities. The next one is "bad luck to healers", while i don't know how useful it is, its useful as a template for other future abilities. I am thinking to do this an other way. Later as i have more abilities done, i will post whats possible so to say, and you can adapt your suggestions to that. For now go wild with your suggestions because even if i wont do most, they will inspire me to create features that will make those abilities possible eventually. Thanks
  7. pls consider all the words i used to describe a color, not all purple is death, some should be viewed as end , end of the line for something, or "ultimate" thing.
  8. pimped has this yes, as i am not intending to make anything more fancy on the grasan branch other than the pimped. Anniv crits might use this color as they are close to the end of the line for their presence as anniv crit, ...its possible, i dont really know as i never checked or made it intentional. let me know if you discover anything interesting. Also some have symbols on them, that speak about changed i made in that period or shortly after. Its an interesting subject if you wish to digg deeper into it.
  9. thats a good remark
  10. There is something that i consider obvious, but obviously its not obvious to most Colors, in MD, have a very clear symbolistic and purpose from my point of view. I thought to share these things so they are said, for those of you that are curious about the subject, or people that contribute to md various stuff, as it would be amazing if they could follow the same color guidelines, even if i consider it is something very personal to each person. My language will become more "intuitive" in the next part, as i am trying to describe what i feel more than what i think. I hope its clear enough. The background colors, are soft beige, mixed with dark brown and the obvious black&white of the drawings. Shiny Gold is the symbolic contour, or underline, of some things. For me, the goldish+beige+dark brown+black+occasional sharp/dark red, are the md color theme. They build together a certain feeling. This feeling changed from the old md interface a lot, and in the new you have more red, and brighter gold shine. Together with the colors, my attitude towards md development changed too. As a random fun fact, the pale brown background that i kept from the old interface, is a tree bark photo of a tree i was standing under while planning md stuff, and i will probably keep that background a long time. The page edges, are made back when i had no clue how to make them "artificially" on computer, so i actually crumbled a paper and burned the edges then scanned it (i still have the paper). Ok back to the colors.. Colors are strictly under control, its like a color mafia, only some things are allowed to benefit from "color". The more color something has, the more unusual it is. You noticed avatars are black, and color means just 'gold'. However, highly wild feautures such as illusions, bring color even to avatars. The anniv creatures, up to the latest one that was colored by Aia, have also some of the color codes and symbolistic that hide info about how md dev is going in that period. Now a subject for research. For me purple/violet/indigo, in md, means "end of the line", "death", "all powerful and unusual" . Something that is this color should not have anything above it, that is more powerful, cool, or that exceeds that particular functionality. This is how i feel about this color, and when i work on md i do just what i feel, i don't even check if its the same with what it should be according to my own guidelines. So, i think its interesting to double check this, and see if i used purple/violet/indigo in any palce that doesn't fit with what i said above. Let me know of your findigs! Shapes and colors Colors and numbers for me are one and the same. It is only natural that shapes should follow colors too, as shapes are just pairs of numbers. I am 101% aware of sizes and numbers i use for sizes in md, but like i said i just follow a feeling. It could be interesting to check these proportions and see if they mean anything from an other perspective. At first glance they don't seem to follow golden ratio that is so obsessively praised by some. Again let me know if you find something, it might be worth a wp. ok i will stop here, its weird to write about such things without face2face feedback, but if you have questions, or are curious about something, i will answer. I hope you enjoyed it.
  11. keep posting. When thinking of a new ability think also how it could be mixed with other abilities or marks too
  12. For those interested only, here is a dump of the current plans for shard abilities. Each ability can be activated be the creature at the start of the round, at the end, or at the beginning of the combat once. If you have ideeas for other cool creature abilities (that may use or set creature marks for example), write here , and i will pick some and implement them. Keep in mind that each ability must come with a trade-off, and not be overpowered. ps. sorry for the ugly format "table head" # id, code, name, description, active, principiul_ciclicitatii, principiul_echilibrului, principiul_elementelor, principiul_entropiei, principiul_imaginatiei, principiul_intunericului, principiul_luminii, principiul_sintropiei, principiul_timpului, principiul_transpunerii "records" 1, rangedinhibitor, Ranged Inhibitor, Partially ignores atacks from ranged attacks and lowers power of all ranged creatures, 0, 0, 30, 0, 50, 50, 0, 50, 30, 10, 0 2, badlucktomartirs, Bad luck to martirs, Marks creatures capable of martirism and makes them unlucky, 0, 20, 40, 0, 60, 30, 60, 0, 0, 10, 20 3, goodlucktothedead, Good Luck to the dead, Marks creartures that died so they are more lucky next time., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 4, woundcursed, Wound all cursed, Less attack power and and higher received damage to all cursed creatures., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 5, braceoffire, Brace of fire, Heals your creature in slot 1 but damages for an equal amount creatures in slots 1 and 3., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 6, reversedperception, Reversed Perception, Reverses attack with defence of attacker and attacked, after each attack. , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 7, angienscare, Angienscare, Lowers the initiative of angiens, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 8, lonelygetweaker, The lonely get weaker, Creatures that have no been attacked during the round, get their vitality halved, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 9, waitforit, Wait for it, Postpones the attack of this creature for a number of rounds, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 10, disolveandheal, Disolve and heal, Creature loses all vitality, but this vitality gets distributed to the other friendly creatures, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 11, vitalitybomb, Vitality bomb, At a certain round, creature consumes all its vitality and dies, but damages enemy creatures for that amount., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 12, healtheinactive, Heal the inactive, Heals each turn, those creatures that where unable to do anything, both friends or foes., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 13, clensefoe, Clense Foe, Remove all marks from all enemy creatures, eventually the default marks will come back next fight, but other marks remain gone., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 14, wingsupremacy, Wings Supremacy, Gets damage only from ranged attacks, initiative gets multiplied by the number of winged allies., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 15, suicidesect, Suicide Sect, Martirism effects get multiplied by the number of allied martir creatures, health gets divided by the same number., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
  13. As i said, i will change it as this vote goes, so the main image now takes you to the crit page, and the vitality bar, a a plus sign there, heal the creature, as requested. (I still think it was better the other way, but its probably because i intend to heal individual creatures more than i need to check creature detail page)
  14. i am using valuable time fixing things that are ok afterall. I will be checking the results of the vote tomorow and change accordingly, till then i will focus on giving you new reasons to argue by working on the creature abilities.
  15. Am i wrong in thinking that the heal creature action is more used than the open creature page?
  16. I can not use the entire creature "card" for any additional link than whatever it is doing, and below the card, if i put a "heal" text, its too big. please consider this when voting, there is no space for a clear heal button, unless maybe if i make it really small and maybe as an icon.
  17. English, google translated version.... consider it was written just before the pandemic started, there was no hint of the current situation back then, ..let me know what you think. ====== The madness of an actor - Scenario 1 The character is an actor, he plays a play on a campus. Slowly he realizes that he can't leave campus, but that doesn't bother him too much because every failure to leave is apparently justified. Every day he finds his relaxation in the same pleasant place in the garden, Slowly the scenes he plays at more and more visibly regular intervals, become an obligation, and if before they were spontaneous activities, now they start to have a program of what increasingly fixed and imposed. From a fun activity everything becomes an absolute stress with an enormous pressure, and the campus starts to look like a prison or a madhouse. The clothes he wears become more and more simple and less colorful. The uniform becomes mandatory, but not as a personal punishment. Gradually he begins to be a simple voluntary prisoner, due to certain mandatory activities, but essentially useless, which are carefully observed by those who until recently seemed to be the public. The theater where until now he played as an actor is constantly renovated and undergoes changes from one show to another, elements from past plays remain fixed or abandoned in the setting, apparently negligently, but begin to outline a very cold and suspicious setting, increasingly restrictive with each new representation. Resigned, the character begins to believe that what he is doing is still good, or at least he no longer cares about the situation he has reached, as long as he manages to fit into the daily routine, not to be sanctioned by the guards, and to and receive the daily portion of sleep and food. The audience disappears one by one from one day to the next. The scenery kept changing, starting to look like a prison or hospital. He is left alone with his activities, the guards who until recently were directors disappear, and he ends up living a seemingly normal life, but haunted by thoughts and doubts about what actually happened to him and what is true and what is false in his life. . The transition must be gradual and uniform, and at every stage it must give the impression that that is the real version ... a madman living an illusion, who realizes that he is just a prisoner who has gone a little crazy but returns to the harsh reality , to finally show signs of madness and misperception of reality.
  18. English text follows after this (Ro version) Nebunia unui actor - Scenariu 1 Personajul este actor, joacă o piesa de teatru într-un campus. Incet-incet își da seama ca nu poate sa plece din campus, dar asta nu-l deranjează prea tare pt ca fiecare eșec de a pleca de acolo este aparent justificat. Zi de zi isi gaseste relaxarea in acelasi loc placut in gradina, Incet-incet scenetele pe care le joacă la intervale din ce în ce mai vizibil regulate, devin o obligație, și dacă înainte erau activități spontane, acum încep să aibă un program din ce în ce mai fix și impus. Dintr-o activitate distractiva totul devine un stres absolut cu o presiune enorma, iar campusul incepe sa semene a puscarie sau spital de nebuni. Hainele cu care se imbraca devin tot mai simple și puțin colorate. Uniforma devine obligatorie, dar nu ca o pedeapsa personala. Treptat începe sa fie un simplu pușcăriaș voluntar, dator cu anumite activități obligatorii, dar in esenta inutile, care sunt atent observate de cei ce până nu demult păreau sa fie publicul. Teatrul unde pana acum juca ca actor este în permanentă renovare și suferă schimbări de la un spectacol la altul, elemente din piese trecute raman fixate sau abandonate în decor, aparent din neglijență, dar încep sa contureze un decor foarte rece și suspect, tot mai restrictiv cu fiecare reprezentație nouă. Resemnat , personajul începe sa creada ca ceea ce face este totuși bine, sau cel puțin nu-i mai pasa de situația în care s-a ajuns, atata timp cat reuseste sa se incadreze in rutina zilnică, sa nu fie sancționat de paznici, și să-și primească portia zilnica de somn și mancare. Publicul dispare pe rand de la o zi la alta. Decorul se tot schimba, incepand sa semene a pușcărie sau spital. Ramane singur cu activitățile sale, gardienii care până nu demult erau regizori dispar, iar el ajunge sa traiasca o viata aparent normala, dar bantuit de ganduri și îndoieli despre ce s-a intamplat de fapt cu el și ce este adevărat și ce este fals în viața lui. Trecerea trebuie sa fie treptata so uniforma, iar in fiecare stadiu trebuie sa dea impresia ca aceea este varianta reala..un nebun traind o iluzie, care isi da seama ca e doar un puscarias care a luat-o putin razna dar revine la realitatea dura, ca in final sa arate iar semne de nebunie si perceptie gresita a realitatii.
  19. I wrote this a while back as a note for something i was planning at Mad Man's Trial , and transcribed it at the end of october 2019, but forgot abkut it, like i do with many many things i start but never finish. However, now i stumbled upon it and i realize it was a sort of a premonition for the current world situation. I decided to share it with you, but the text is google translated. I will include the original here too, just for historic reasons. I am on phone now so i will just add the text in separate posts to this. Have a look at the english text! Waiting for your feedback, thabk you
  20. thats a bug then, thanks for letting me know
  21. Looks super bad without artwork...damn.... maybe someone can help with this? would be so nice
  22. Thanks Aia for fixing it, what was the issue? I fixed the error text, now it sais the number of consecutive days not the active days.
  23. new acvhievemnts are available for consecutive days. Each gives a wp also. More wps are good nowdays, makes md more 'fluid'. there might be bugs. i don't want to alter my actrive days to test this properly, please check and let me know ..i intend to get my achievemts for real if possible. thank you
  24. now don't get mad on me, i have a few others here i wish to award this, not necessarily for the consecutive days, thats an other thing i will deal shortly
  25. oh yes, thank you for the reminder. and i feel i did not award you something suitable for this remarcable achievement, so i grant you "Mark of History", ..because i don't know of anyone else to achieve this, and such loyalty, even if it stopped at some point (nobody can be "perfect" with this), is worth awarding one of the rarest achievemnt in MD world. Congratulations
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