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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. should be better now I wished it to be so, to be harder to see someone in a crowd...but whatever, hope you like it now
  2. this was fixed, bump if still not
  3. This has been resolved.
  4. Oh come on..am i the only one to see the funny part of this?
  5. I could rename heads to toilet paper and change their icon, would be the perfect system for this..and i am sure the joke stands valid also in times when there is no pandemic
  6. would it be to cruel or disrespectful to add a resource or a heads-like thing called "toilet paper"? ... Maybe make enough toilet paper make you immune from death ? .... :)))
  7. Thanks Ailith for digging up that topic, i totally forgot about it I would like to add that consuming resources in stacks is something i still support and the only thing i am willing to do is to better integrate it in the interface or explain it if needed. A more intuitive view of this could be to understand it in stages like this: 1) 1 to few = you have discovered that resource 2) few to many = this is where it still matters if you have enough or not for whatever the resources are used for 3) enough to insane amounts = you simply "have" that resource, any use of it stands in your power, but not infinite uses, as you consume them all when you will use them. Does this approach make things more clear or is more confusing?
  8. Woaahaa awesome dude!
  9. The problem is that i can't find anyone to read a 800 words text, ...could you write one around 100 or max 250 words? I think with a well written text i could get a voice to read it nicely and put over any video we do after. Of course it wouldn't be the sort of review i was dreaming for, but it will come out nice too. A real review done by someone here and not by a "professional" voice, is much more effective than one that will sound as a TV advertising, but as i said this could be a good backup plan. Thanks
  10. This is actually could be very helpful too. I can find someone to read the script and put over a screen capture! I am not sure what will come out...but if nothing else works this is a backup solution. My spoken english and accent are terrible so i can't do it, but maybe i can find someone to read/record it. I wonder if i do that, how difficult it would be to sync it with a screen capture video...
  11. Have you considered the fact that longer timers means longer time you can keep stats over max?
  12. Considering the actual change was not by far proportionate with your "enthusiasm" against this...i think the isaue must be somewhere else and not with the announced change. I would understand this repky to the 6 hour regen proposal, but not to what i announce. Maybe i am wrong, idk, but for now i stand to my decision. If anyone has better arguments why to make ap back to being virtually unlimited (because with the old regen they never actually got to zero in a normal exploring session) Let me know
  13. yeah, but at least we can try
  14. you can reply here or forum pm, as you prefer
  15. I am not sure how this should come out, i never did such things, so i guess anything you consider good, is good. Basically it should be a screen video capture of how the gameplay flows, or what things md has to offer, with a voice overlay describing goods and bads (obviously made in a favorable way mostly, as we need it to convince other games to try it, but not give them false expectations either) I would underline the fact that it is a "open world adventure", or "sandbox adventure" ..i think thats what should come out very clear. Thank you so much ps if you to navigating around, just be sure you don;t both do same area, so it shows some diversity. Otherwise people might think the couple of scenes you will travel around are everything
  16. depends on player. If curiosity to see what else is there is not a main driving factor, probably not...but i am counting on this because without this curiosity, the players are not the type of people i am looking for. I never intended to make md a casual candycrush game. There are things to return for daily, what we are missing are constant activities, but again, i am counting on the npc fights to fill this game. The plan is to have npc fights fill this gap when there are not enough people, and revive the heads and torch to make real events. I am also preparing seo and advertising, and really doing desperate things like giving inactive people credits or wp via email, just to get out of this collapse. With more people online, activities start to show up. The entire range of things i am doing towards this goal, are in a way shifting the activity balance. There are less attractors and important aims right now, because i moved some of them (like wp), more "in" the middle area of this balance, and this is good. The new attractors that will cause motion will be to perform activities to obtain new creatures. If only i could keep up this volume of work 2-3 more months, and things will get back on a functional track. I am doing my best. This is something that i should have done years ago, to not let MD crash into this state. Now its harder to bring it back up from nearly zero...but not impossible. The people currenlty having the A25 tools are the last standing core of what md is, and i am counting on them to help in this process, because anything i could do, is not enough if the tools are not used right. @Aia del Mana the above answers you also what my plans are regarding everything, AP value included. ..i hope
  17. Is there anyone out there that can help with a video game review? This is not a task i could give to an outsider, as MD is too complex to explain to someone new, and even if i provide a test account with access to stuff, someone that is not part of this community would not understand what do say about it. I thought to ask...maybe there is someone of you that could do it? I need it for sending to game review sites and for advertising, so we can get some more players Thanks P.s rewards as usual, obviously
  18. i don't have stats yet, its a lot of work to get them done right, but i intend to work on this Please keep in mind that unlike mobile games, AP in here are restricting just a small part of activities, such as exploring. Solving puzzles for example is not affected by this at all, or fighting...plus a lot of activity evolves around player interactions that has nothing to do with ap also
  19. I find that actually a good thing, let me explain why Lets anayze the extremes...If you offer too much freedom, lets say unlimited AP.. you get a burst of activity, that could last even a couple of days, but then as this takes up too much of your time, you will leave for longer period anyway. If the AP limitations are set right, you will return on set intervals and turn it into a routine. I am not talking about you ancient players that stay around for other reasons than actually spending your AP, i am talking about the average new player here. Instead of having new players, spend 3 days like crazy, then leave forever or come back after a months, i prefer they spend a couple of hours a week in md, but come back recurrently for much longer periods of time.
  20. changing the AP proportional to the maxap, as percentages for example, is bad ideea. Someone with 1000 will regen 100 and someone with 100 will regen 1, while the costs are still the same for all. the max ap should mean how much can you store overall. The current solution i am planning to implement is to increase regen timers by 5min and decrease regenerated ap by half, for all houses. opinions on this? pls keep it very short, thanks
  21. sorry, i meant NPC. yes, and if we "fix" anything else right now, it might be a chaos after npc release. With the new tools to implement npc fights, and new art on the way, i think it will be a big event that will influence this a lot..so better think if this is still an issue after this event.
  22. i am sorry its too much text for my eyes and i lost track of this discussion, tried several times to read Aia post without success. @Chewett the 150-250 estimation was based on real values in the db for recently logged in players. You see this the wrong direction...the shop items are not put having a purpose in mind, they are the purpose, everything else has to change around that. Giving players shop bonuses, consecutive days bonuses and bounty boxes, all have as purpose to keep them more involved, and if something needs to change is how those values will influence their activity. I will work on the data tools to see some real stats, then i will go ahead and change things as i think best. I work better by first doing then explaining waht i did, than making a clar plan ahead..sorry, but you will have to read my decision once its done ..but don't worry nothing is set in stone, and you hopefully got used of how things change in md already worst case scenario is that i mess things up, and you experience a couple of days of "different"
  23. this is a problem caused by the current situation, not by an overall unbalance. Given enough people, this wouldn;t be a problem, so whatever we could do to "fix" this, must consider also what would happen with enough players. I think the npc fighting i am planning next could solve a bit of this problem..i might be wrong, we shall see. We could allow just mp4 to be able to repeat noc chained fights at some interval maybe?
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