depends on player. If curiosity to see what else is there is not a main driving factor, probably not...but i am counting on this because without this curiosity, the players are not the type of people i am looking for. I never intended to make md a casual candycrush game.
There are things to return for daily, what we are missing are constant activities, but again, i am counting on the npc fights to fill this game. The plan is to have npc fights fill this gap when there are not enough people, and revive the heads and torch to make real events.
I am also preparing seo and advertising, and really doing desperate things like giving inactive people credits or wp via email, just to get out of this collapse. With more people online, activities start to show up.
The entire range of things i am doing towards this goal, are in a way shifting the activity balance. There are less attractors and important aims right now, because i moved some of them (like wp), more "in" the middle area of this balance, and this is good. The new attractors that will cause motion will be to perform activities to obtain new creatures.
If only i could keep up this volume of work 2-3 more months, and things will get back on a functional track. I am doing my best.
This is something that i should have done years ago, to not let MD crash into this state. Now its harder to bring it back up from nearly zero...but not impossible. The people currenlty having the A25 tools are the last standing core of what md is, and i am counting on them to help in this process, because anything i could do, is not enough if the tools are not used right.
@Aia del Mana the above answers you also what my plans are regarding everything, AP value included. ..i hope