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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. @Zetsuei Having x000 ap is not a purpose, its more of a backdoor to ap locked places. Before you have x000 ap to enter a place you should find boots that give you x0000 and plan how to use those within the timer. Steno had an idea that i like, how about changing just the ap regeneration and make it slower? I still think the timers are too fast as they are, but maybe increase them just to 15 or 30min? Based on your votes but most of all on your comments, i consider this poll as a NO. This poll also convinced me that i need to do some internal use statistics to see the averages for values based on the general population, because me, chew or vets are not a good example of how things are...not at all. I think the max achievable ap for general population is around 150-250ap
  2. i am more than willing to NOT do that and learn from your experience. So far nobody complained so i can;t get an accurate picture of the situation. Please pm me your exact concernes, and i will see what changes i added make it harder for new players. I am not aware of anything that should do that at this point, but i am sure your info will help me see things i currently don;t
  3. many things do not require AP at all, so consider all the implications, good or bad
  4. maybe billions in negative VP require some other sort of "fix", i don;t see it as a norma situation to consider when reasoning all other behaviour. might bring the behaviour of "really really" active more close to that of those "less active". If you think it, the ap needed for just being around is not affected, as you don;t need hundreds or thousands of ap to walk around. You need it just when you plan to do something that involves something special, like entering a place with high AP, or high viscosity. What i am trying to achive here, is to make the total ap loaded, an important event, not a casual one as it is now.
  5. Now with all the extra sources of AP/maxAP increase, i was thinking about making a big gameplay change in the form of a small "change" ... how about changing regen timers to something several times more? Before you go wild about this, let me explain As they are now, AP are more then enough, there is no challange anymore in obtaining them. I don;t want to increase the AP limits on ap-locked locations, and i don't want to lower the amount is given out for free as bounties, or for consecutive days, or shop. If regen would reset every x hours instead of y minutes, regen time will no longer be what gives you the ap you need, shifting focus on the other ways of obtaining such things, including on the items that can give you more actionpoints. The timer set like this would also mean that people will not be able to be too active all the time, instead they will recover to full ap/ve and be able to spend all those during weekend, or when they are more available, making it more likely that will do out of this a regular routine feedback is most welcome
  6. should be fixed now
  7. Will check this today. Pls if other experience this, post here too
  8. Yeah..no luck fixing it so far....:(
  9. I remember you, glad to see you back many.. many ..things changed, but even more things remained the same btw..i rushed a bit with the email campaign, it was sent out about 2 weeks too early The cool stuff just started to show up as there is a very strong A25 team now, and they are just getting the best tools. This year will be a heavy one.
  10. In other words, A25 has become my plan to create all tools needed for a player to expand md without any need of file access or coding skills. Right now the "A25 team" is a handful of players that have these tools and that use it. From time to time i allow someone new in, and give an other player the chance to play (and keep) god-mode tools for creating quests and stuff for the others to enjoy. Unlike chew said, no i am not naming any big change "a25" but instead i do that only for the things that are related to these tools or interfaces. I flag them so in the announcements, so that people having the tools will know they have access to that, and the others to know that those things announced are in the hands of those having the tools. While i put all the tech details in the "questmakers backpack" forum section, the announcements are written so that it should be clear for everyone what possiblities any new A25 tool opens. For example, if i say in the announcement that a A25 tool was made to create borken pattern type puzzles, you can expect such puzzles comming up in the next days/weeks, done by those that use these tools. I hope its more clear now, good topic btw
  11. Yeah..thats what i am thinking currently, best option Its a bit hard to prevent people from getting it twice however, thats my issue
  12. seeing playernames on the map, with their exact coords, means you can always know where someone is regardless is that person is trying to hide. Its true you have realms without map, where you can;t see the map YET, but eventually they will have a map too. I think this is a great advantage in many situations, thats why i voted for the way it is. However, this is a very cool feature that might keep many players around, players that would not manage to get the requirements if they are that great, so thats why i am still open to suggestions. An alternate solution would be to move this feat to wishpoints instead of shop, but it will still be deep. Lets see what the votes say first.
  13. I just want to say i find it beautiful that you do this with your "weekly coin", as you called it. This is so much in the spirit of MD that you give what you earn.
  14. its fixed
  15. sounds as they are cool they can become annoying. If someone keeps md in a background window, just to hear if anyone sais something in that scene (the chat sound), it will be frustrating to have to listen to whatever song there is there, or to stop it each time they visit a scene with sound. I intend to keep just very few scenes with sound, as a reminder that there is a use of the voice spell that could speak onto someones computer without them clicking anything, great for spooky interaction for some quests over the years sound proved to be a major element in keeping player in a scene, or away from it. Having this in all scenes will make all players either decide to stay or to leave, and eventually what is too much is not good, so they will at least keep md on silent, missing important sounds such as trigger activation, pm, or why not, chat.
  16. Ok, now that you voted, i can tell you this Its done by the same person that drew most of the md scenes , he is a webdesigner now..a good one actually ...how times change
  17. Maybe it helps to picture them in terms of up and down on terrain. Water will always flow down, leaving whatever is in the opposite direction as up. Of course there could be multiple ups and downs, but in reality it can at most be equal, lower, higher. One even older thing in md, was that i always put action id 1 on items taking you deeper in a land.. not 1,2,or 3, just one. I want to keep same qay of thinking when setting heat veins, one way matters the other is just the opposite. This influence of ap cost, or if a path is closed by a gate, makes no sense for me when thinking of heatveins. You can put a dam on a river to stop the water, (water=heat analogy), and the river bed is the heat VEIN. Dont mistaken veins for the flow, what flows on the veins is sonething else than the veins itself, and here we are setting up the veins. Thats wverything i have to say on the subject unless specifically asked. Maybe its enough time to reach a decision by this weekend? I don't rush anywhere, i just need to know a plan, and if it requires voting (if you cant reach a decision) or unanimous decision (would be awesone) If you need a month to debate, also fine, just lets set a deadline to avoid stretching infinitely, i have other interesting activities for you after
  18. Any location in the realm has (at least) one way towards deathmarrow. Heat can be mapped like that, because verything else is the opposite direction. Gates being closed or open should have no influence on heat flow, on the contrary, heat should remain the same so that it can be used as alternate secret travel way to bypass normal pathways and reached locked areas. Being forced to limit veins to two options is a point you totally miss, try to understand its implications...they are at least creative. LR-DM has 2 path maybe, more, many places have more, but if you take a single location it has one path always. If you need to go somewhere you may have multiple options, but you always take one path. Heat is a permanent thing, should not be subject to decision, the decision part happened before heat emerged heat as a result is just fuel without decision. (I am still open to this debate, i just replied to what you said, maybe there are better points to argue)
  19. I got someone to do a new frontpage for MD Please share your opinion on the layout, if you like it or you don't Thanks
  20. studying heat veins should reveal this concept that liquid dust is a transformed version of heat, like a reversed polarity heat. The veins cross entire realm and reach Deathmarrow (that visually represents the emergence of liquid dust). You could set the veins towards Deathmarrow and forget about reversing them in nc, if this helps, because it still makes sense to consider the transformation to happen at the Deathmarrow and not over entire Necrovion territory. I am not even sure if liquid dust is available s a resource yet ..but i know the plan for it very well, it should be something obtainable from Deathmarrow only, with one exception in NML via a side quest. As a resource, this should be very rare, maybe with expiry date or other special properties , usable to taint creatures ...and..players. Tainting creatures is something initially tested on angiens, but could be extended to any (if we ever get the artworks done), and tainting players is something that becomes more and more possible, considering the Darvin experiment and nightmode. The are plans scattered over 15years of changes, apparently i am much better at such things than knowing what i did yesterday update: there are only 4 items with a name related to liquid dust so its not implemented yet, we can go on with the plan
  21. Like i said before, don't focus on current uses of veins, traveling was just a potential use i experimented with. Focus on the concept. If the concept is flawlessly represented, the rest will adapt to it. You have all the time you need to plan this right.
  22. You need to remember i want these in only two directions, in and out, this means that in places where you have multiple roads in and out, some will only take you there, but the location itself will also have just one way out and one way that it considers in. For example if you considers the gazebo, you need to decide what the main flow is, and where the gazebo will consider the vein to be in/out, even if all adiacent locations will consider the gazebo as in or out. I do not want multiple inputs and exists on the same location. This is a restriction that will lead to interesting things, and research possibilities. The underground, in many cases if not all, integrates great with this, as the underground belongs mostly to Necrovion. Lets allow enough time for planning. Its the most important part of this task, regardless how long it takes. Setting the veins is just a matter of writing two coords in each location, but planning is what all this is about.
  23. Thanks, i'll get them removed
  24. About the veins and how they could be set There are two conflicting ways of setting them up. Depending on what we decide about this, they will be useful for one or the other thing later. First i want to make it clear what they veins are, and i want you to follow their concept when placing them, completely disregarding any potential use. Any potential use will have to confront the way they are setup, and not the other way around, so forget about Darvin traveling them, or the needles or whatever. The first way - most practical Veins lead to a lands capitol when traveled inwards and to the lands exit when traveled outwards. Problems: This leaves some lands in confusion, as they have no capitol or a place that could be considered one. Also they might not all have an exit/entrance, mainly i am talking about NML. The second way - most beautiful This is the original concept, one i still like very much, even if not the most practical one. Veins originate at the edges of the world, and follow a path towards the Death Marrow in necrovion. On their way, heat veins transport fresh heat across the realm, and as these veins touch the realm inhabitants, they get dirty, like polluted water. In necrovion, as they reach Death Marrow, heat already has converted into liquid dust. Problems: this could mix well with the first way, if we consider them to originate in each lands capitol, and consider necrovion reversed polarity. This is probably the way i want it done, if you could plan a way to make sense. Having it done like this, also means there will be a disproportionate balance of forces between necrovion and the rest of the lands, but i am not sure what this means, if its an advantage or a disadvantage. Necrovion is closed and rule-less, so that would not be a problem, but it must make sense. You should consider veins as rivers. Some areas can only take you to the main stream and more streams would collide to take you towards the exit, or deathmarrow, or both (depending on what we decide). Again, never setup veins to support the functionality of a location from the perspective of vein aware tools, instead, they need to make sens from a concept point of view. Someone that will understand the concept first, should be able to find the right tools and "abuse" it if the concept allows, but the concept itself should be flawless. Also there are underground tunnels and very remote areas such as the prison. Consider _ALL_ places in the realm need to follow same heatvein concept...in some cases just mapping the veisn should reveal important secrets about the placement of those locations. I am glad i have all of you in this team, as you all seem fully capable people to come with good ideas.
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