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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. it was actually designed like this initially...i think the filter is still there but inactive. I noticed that the realm would look quite confusing due to high viscosity if i put this filter... to bad , its a good idea...mayne one time i find a better way to do it
  2. Oh wow you must see this :))) so, winners of this contest... apparently you finished the contest in the wrong place, a couple of years earlier you could have won 5000$ (at that time was A LOT) http://blog.modernmechanix.com/5000-for-proving-the-earth-is-a-globe/
  3. Speaking of that, having a round earth makes more sense than a flat one...from a concept point of view, not a physical one... spherical is superior and more complete to circular. In flat earth theory the earth was circular/disk while the universe was spherical. Nowdays we just shifted the complexity one level up. The earth became spherical and the universe..well idk the name, but one complexity level up (hypersphere? multidimentional universe thing) The NEED to see it flat comes from an inside fear, and a much much deeper need for having something above us (from all points of view). Imagining a flat earth gives a fast and clear explenation to what is above, and where the earth ends, surrounded by fear, mystery, gods, and so on. Flat earth theory comes from the hunger of people to have an explenation for everything, one that will fit with what they see imediately, and that will also encapsulate all other beliefs they have. Back long ago there where other reasons than now, for a flat earth explenation, ...today its mostly the need to find a place for extraterestrials using our world as a lab. it is very interesting to observe that the flat earth theories are not that flat at all, and they are at the edge of concept and fact. Look how this flat earth was presented in alchemy for example.... but remember it is also described in the bible as such...making it very interesting to understand WHY. I personally believe that the flat earth representation, even if totally wrong from a geographic point of view, holds much more beauty and symbolises the interior of our mind and..soul actually..much better than the round version. [attachment=4754:firmament-alchemy.jpg] [attachment=4755:firmament-alchemy.jpg] It is funny that at some point it was the hollow earth current, so similar to the flat earth one but it was admitting its round. Now ...to throw a nuclear bomb here.....do you realise that if you make the earth like a dome, partial sphere, most of your explenations to prove its round will be useless? :)) Most but not all...its round alright:)) but people get so excited, angry and sometimes violent, if you question their obvious beliefs, thats what this contest was about!
  4. @Nim ok, good we clarified that. Yes i am and always be a fan of non-md themed quests...i can't see how this is new to you all, i think all my quests are like this, nobody noticed??!? lol About the 'edge' of a flat earth, 'flat-earthers' found a trick explenation to this, namely that the edge is ice, ..and if you look at it, flying to antarctica is kind of out of limits. I saw there is a company that does fly over antarctica, but its not crossing it.... so for now that territory is indeed off limits. so any path you take to go south on a round earth you reach antarctica, and any path you would take to go south on a flat earth will take you to antarctica also, not to an edge... its a very entertaining mind teasing story. The round earth theory is quite new, very new actually compared to the thousands of years before when the world was seen like placed into a dome. I am pretty sure that nobody here actually asked themselves if the earth is round or not, they just took the answer by default, so it is an interesting thought process to make people find their own explenations. The contest was never about confirming or infirming my own beliefs, was about 'questioning the obvious'...i hjad to be impartial to both theories. @menhir: my own experiences and discoveries yes (thats actually a much longer story), but also you can find this in alchemy, christianity, buddhism, and probably in other. in fact this idea i put in just a few words is so deep and full of mind opening surprises. Understanding the world around you helps one to understand himself, and understanding yourself will help you understand the world around you. Its not about "up" and "down", but its about "small" and "big", "inner" and "outer", and so on... the universe mirrors itself into us
  5. transaction will be done through Junior, i think you will find him at Meeting of the Roads
  6. SOLD to Syrian for 15TST meet me ingame for the transfer Congratulations
  7. I always did quests about things not directly md related... and i see no problem with it at all..and i am not the only one doing it either. A quest unrelated to md is not the same thing with a fake quest, idk what the problem is. Thinking outside the box, having personal opinions and being creative in finding solutions are and always will be "related" to md, therefore the quests is along those lines. The only real judge of quest quality are you those that participate in it , and the level of involvement you show...speaking of that, this topic starts to derail
  8. drop of blood - 8 silver (one time bid, i will not overbid if someone gives more)
  9. if its a "lol-thread" as you call it then it should not have a wp reward ...if it has such a reward and the reward goes to a joke, i will consider this contest a fraud and Nim will get a private tour to the jail. Simple as that. The part of this being an insult i leave behind yeah i don't think historic things should be part of any 'question the obvious' kind of contest, but anyone can do what contests they like as long as its a real contest. For now this contest is valid..not the smartest choice of the subject but it can lead to a valid debate even so. The fact that someone takes for granted such a thing ..enough to make a joke out of it, as if its 'absolutely impossible not to be true' ..makes it even more suitable as a 'question the obvious' contest.
  10. Its a nice contest, i can supplement the rewards next time if needed How many participants? just a thought, i think there could be a way to connect land treasury to this somehow Also note..don't roll the dice with me in the scene as the results might be not so random, i won't go into details now, just don't :) I don't know if its pure luck or you did an actual estimation of the chances, but the way the rewards got distributed is perfect. No first winner is fine, makes it so much more special for when one will be, and just one second prize. I am still not sure if this is because you picked just one or there was just one
  11. Current highest bidder is Syrian with 15TST last call will close the auction within a day if last bid
  12. @lazarus, area 51-lizard-whatever is harder to prove than a flat 'universe' @powle: you start to ruin your own theory lol
  13. Junior is highest bidder with 3gc last call will close auction within a day if no more biids
  14. Nimrodel, highest bidder with 5gc last call will close auction within a day if no reply
  15. current highest bidder, Shadowseeker 35gc I will end the auction within a day if no other bid. (whhaaatt insane amounts,lol)
  16. I made up my mind... powle gets the last wp. Jubaris answer was valid one but so similar to the one where observing distant objects can prove that, miq and amber also pointed to a decent evidence, according to the contest rules (civilian satelites) I could have picked any of these but i made a personal decision picking powle's answer because even if not fully do-able in reality (underwater laser would not probably go straight line over very long distance, just in theory).. i admire personal attempts to find a solution more than a googled one. so..current contest status: Ary Endleg 1wp - for pointing out that in the way i presented the contest there are too many limitations to give a valid answer. Well this is not entirely true, because as you can see there where more than decent answers, but i appreciate the fact that someone actually analized the contest premises powle 1wp - for daring to come with an original solution to check this..that can actually work (you need a pointer and a rope between two floating objects to see if the water level goes above the laser line or not) Jubaris Miq, The warrior and Aeoshattr all made valid entries previously, here they are Aeoshattr: - objects at horizon beyond a certain distance are not observable - lunar eclipse shows a round shadow of the earth regardless of position (instead of oval or variable size like it should do on a flat model) jubaris: - stars look different from south and north, they should look the same in a flat model. Its difficult to test in one person but easy to test through communication, a feature we can fully enjoy nowdays Miq: - civilian sattelite made pcitures. Impossible to check yourself but quite plausible. Amber brought some more similar proof The warrior - applying geometry to check this, the angles of a triangle on a sphere should be different than for the same triangle on a plane. It is also a valid and smart method, but very difficult to put in practice to actually check because you would need to do a very large triangle and measure it very accurately. Tracing lines at such distance could be done only by laser, but laser would follow straight lines. I am sorry if i missed to comment on any replies, i tried to but maybe i missed some..idk. It is hard to pick just a few winning answers when multiple are correct... but i can't reward more than what i said on this contest. I will pick Aeoshattr for this last wp because his entry is easier to do in practice than the other ones. Aeoshattr 1wp - objects at horizon and lunar eclipse ...the contest ends here, but feel free to reply more if you wish , i will read all. Thank you for participating and thank you for keeping an open mind even to most outrageos things :)
  17. the actual footage of the first moon landing GOT LOST/ERASED http://www.reuters.com/article/us-nasa-tapes-idUSTRE56F5MK20090720 same way 9/11 investigation files got deleted by 'accident' (if you still think a mistake of such a magnitude is even possible, and a historic event got simply erased by the most technologically advance instutution, you are quite brainwashed, congrats.) So all the pictures you see now about that landing are technically speaking a fake, by definition. If the moon landing was a fake or not, its a lot harder to prove, because its not something you can "check" on your own. There was enormous pressure on the US to claim the "first man on the moon" thing, however the technology back then was not enough for this. Even current nasa news talks about problems in crossing the Van Allen radiation belt with living things on bord ...so if NOW its a problem, how did they do it back then?? One way to check if the moon landings took place is to point a telescope at the moon and LOOK AT IT, you should be able to see the landing sites...but however this does not proves a date or a human presence there at that date. Yes, the landing sites are visible from earth, but not enough details to make a difference between shooting a bullet to the moon and stepping on the moon. @nim you are making this contest as a mockery to mine, ...thats sad ..and its even more sad to see others participating in this frustration when it comes to question the obvious things around you. I was hoping you people where more open minded than the general crowds however, anyone that has wp to give can give them for whatever contest they can think of thats actually a contest and not a way to cover personal rewards.... so be careful to run this fake contest as a real contest if you intend to give wishpoints for it. have fun.
  18. @Miq & Amber: thats very very nice info.. but i am sorry it doesn't fit really with the purpose of the contest, to be able to prove yourself that the earth is round @Nim & Ivorak & No one: i am ignoring comments made like a joke, mockery or random or poorly thought replies the fact that you don't see the relevance of such a contest, or you feel outraged by the question itself, means nothing to me. The contest is to make people think, to QUESTION the obvious, and avoid assumptions @@DD & Fang: i am not considering your last answers part of the contest, just observations and comments, so no answer to that @Jubaris: the point about the visible sky is valid, constelations change depending from where you are looking at it, i am considering this a valid answer but will have to pick a single winner for the last wp @powle: thats a brave attempt to make your own method of checking it ..did you find the experiment anywhere or just imagined it yourself? i am considering this a valid answer but will have to pick a single winner for the last wp about the sun movement, it doesn't make any sense to me why it would move in the opposite direction while in the south hemisphere.... plus its further away from a 'do-able' test so ..for now...unless i see , more answers to compete for the last wp, i will pick between jubaris and powle
  19. and Ary Endleg get one wp for a clever answer. one wp to either Miq or Aeo,....undecided yet.....if miq can prove the method is "do-able" gets it, if not Aeo One more wp left
  20. wow so many answers, i will have to skip answering some. @Aeoshattr:p points 6 and 7 , about the horizon and the lunar eclipse, i like them ..both valid proof (the rest are not so strong because they imply laws of physics on a spherical object, but if its not , then it might have different forces that keep it in place also, and timezone is related to the sun, can work on a flat surface also. "visible" curvature is also no proof because its actually not visible unless very high altitude, its optical illusion most of the time..like when you watch the horizon at sea) @Miq finnaly an other source for such pics! i never herd of them before. Please tell me...who/what did the pictures of the sattelite considering the satelite itself is tiny. ...and why in these pictures is FULL of stars while in others is none, yet the earth has about the same luminosity.... http://g4.nh.ee/images/pix/900x585/5YSjUJLP3Qs/ce3d95188cc6c7cd66-66087412.jpg (i am not saying they are fake, these, but explain me the above) @The warrior: yesss...one of the things i wanted to hear :)) ... that would prove the shape of the earth ..and if measured acurately it could also say if it is spherical, dome, flat, whatever. I think this is a very valid method to test...but can it be done in practice? you would need vast spaces...maybe at sea? Maybe using lasers for the lines? or that wouldn't work because of the curvature? @Menhir: but whats inside mirrors what is outside, and vice versa. "As above so below"... @Dark Demon: orbiting things can be explained on the flat earth model as well, you just go outside the reach of gravity and you're 'floating' The sunlight, the way you describe it, makes no sense, as you would see different tempreture levels from a radial heat source just the same on a flat surface as on a spherical one, I challanged the earth shape, never said the sun becomes "flat" too. Check out minute 1:18 of this movie so you understand what i mean about sunlight explained on a flat model https://youtu.be/GDaiw-G1VGE?list=LLPazc0hA-FeE0eRigtzDoEQ Btw, i will give out 3 wishpoints for the smartest three answers, if there will be 3 (for either theory if the case). by smart i mean if its simple enough to do by anyone and is unquestionable proof. (one per person) (now i switch to the next page and answer those as well)
  21. look a very interesting discussion i found with both pro and contra well done arguments..check the videos too. http://www.debate.org/debates/Scientific-evidence-overwellmingly-supports-a-flat-earth/1/
  22. @amber: you noticed that flight costs £380,000 ?? kind of prohibitive, i reallly wonder if it ever took place. there should be social media pics of such an event, i doubt anyone paying almost half a million dollar on a flight with a view , would not flood his facebook with selfies :))...check that maybe? Also notice that the curvature in the second picture on that page is SIGNIFICANTLY different from the one in pic 5 ... idk what it means, it could mean they are generated from other pics or 3d model.. or different altitude...but the difference is too big. the pictures from that plane are very interesting. I still have a problem with the lack of stars in such pictures, i saw various explenations, like the normal camera is not sensitive like the eye, or that light BENDS around the earth... nothing i heard so far really makes sense to me.... a professional photographer ...flying on such an awesome ride on a military jet...would bring best camera and make pics to exactly what his eyes are seeing.. so please explain me why there are no stars in such pics done by a professional with good equipment (and why just a couple of pics and not a full gallery). I am not saying they are fake, but i need more proof in such an "investigation" :) what about the jetstreams? i don't get it why they could not work on a disk/flat surface Btw, i did't see any evidence that its flat either, just theories that fit, saying it could be flat....same way it could be round... based on forged pics or questionable sources. Anyone can please find a theory or method of testing/proving earth "roundness" in your own backyard so to speak? There is one i know of so i am not sending you to chase ghosts.... but if you find other that will convince me, its a lot better. So prove me in a way i can verify with my own abilities/tools that the earth round, or flat, or whatever.
  23. ok first of all, this IS A VERY SERIOUS TOPIC. It is a challange for you to think with your own mind, not to take things for granted just because you heard them so. Alien conspiracy theories and such are equally worthless like space images, because none of them you can prove or double check yourself. I will try to fight all your answers, not because i want to fight for one of the answers but because i want to eliminate all theories that make no verifiable sense, regardless if they are saying the world is spheriucal, flat or even cubic or whatever. ...and btw @Ary, yeah ALL those pics are a rude fake...a very bad one also (i can detail more if you like, from my own perspective, but here is an interesting read http://gizmodo.com/5854771/the-secrets-behind-the-most-famous-earth-image-of-all-time ) Erastostene assumed the earth to be round, thats how he could calculate its possible radius..only if he assumed it was round not by proving it is. It is like if i would give you a distance..but instead of calling it a line i call it radius, implying its circle, you will know its diameter, but all you had to start with was a fixed size and an idea that it might be a circle. Thats how earth size was calculated. ps. i found a couple of very strong evidence...but funny enough they are for both the round earth model and for the flat earth theory.... i won't discuss them here unless one of you opens the discussion, i will just "fight" your answers, regardless in what "favor" they are. Its not about my own view of the world, its about you learning to actually thing with your own mind. One good way to do this is to start comparing all other info you know from OWN experience and see if they could make sense with either of the two world models (like MRF did above with the flying from one point to the other question)
  24. @mrf : works just the same on a flat world. On a spherical world you would fly/drive in a circle around the surface, in a flat one it will be also on a circle...very very large one, so it looks like a straight line. In fact such a path would appear like a circle on the azimuthal equidistant projection used in navigation
  25. disclaimer: before going wild and into denial mode, keep in mind that all i am asking is for proof that the earth is round, not that it is flat .. if it is ..why not know how you know it is, right? When i was little i had this "mad scientist" old inventor living in the same building, that told me once, that the earth is FLAT..and he was very convinced and convincing about it.... but i was a little kid and over the years i ignored it and forgot it. Today i wanted to find a single proof that the earth is round... sometimes i like to question "the obvious" and know such "basic" things. ...but guess what... instead of finding some solid proof that the earth is a globe, i found lots and lots of info about how it is not.. ok...i kept digging... to find an actual proof that the earth is "round" ..because most "documentaries" about a flat earth that i stumbled upon where mixed with incomplete ideas and made by visibly disturbed individuals....so i wanted to find my own proof... there is a LOT to say about the subject, much more than i expected to be .. first i want to say that there is NO ACTUAL IMAGE OF THE EARTH FROM SPACE. All images present editing and even nasa admits its like that because they generated the image from multiple satelites...you can see no stars around the earth in such images btw. Someone please give me a solid undeniable evidence that the earth is round. ...and no ...a "science" book does not represent valid evidence. ---------- some notes: - the rising of the sun and moon can be _perfectly_ explained on a flat surface - old maps..actually not that old... are showing the earth as flat with the north in the center, the UN logo and military earth maps are still the same - over 20 generations people used the globe earth model based on theory and absolutely no evidence - then nasa presented the famous picture of the earth from space, that turns out to be computer generated afterall, and all pictures since then - commercial routes between very close points in the southern 'hemisphere' look to be incredible long on a globe model, but a direct route on the flat map they use for navigating. - acurved horizon line is curved because of optical properties of the observer, like your eyes, or photo lens. You can see a different curvature depending on the camera for example only thing i found so far as evidence for a round earth is this: - at long distance, you can notice tall objects partially obscured by the horizon (idk if this effect can be explained over a wide flat surface too) So.... hit me... i want solid observable or verifiable evidence that the earth is round :) sorry but a picture from space i can not verify myself... but i would consider it a decent evidence if such a picture would be produced by a civilian good luck digging! [attachment=4752:Antarctica Perimeter.jpg]
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