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Muratus del Mur

Root Admin
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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. This auction ends first, current highest bidder Ivorak 23g last call (if someone else bids higher the auction will be extended to allow all to see it)
  2. just to clarify what i said, the tickets will continue to be given out on a regular basis (in fact somethign related to this will be announced shortly)...i was just saying that i will not give spender tickets in this period, not that i won't give them at all. Just needed to clarify this.
  3. kind of difficult to make an offer...i have no clue what you are expecting for them.. (why not a public auction?) i'm interested if they are well aged...how much you want for them?
  4. I think it was well organized ...i had absolutely no involvement with any organizing so i can freely say my opinion about this :) the christmas points ideea is really an amazing one, really well fitted, GREAT :)
  5. if i understand right, the winner must get the exact numbers, right? so it might be that nobody wins , or many win, but there are just limited rewards. I was not refering to same person winning same thing, i mean if someone gets the numbers right, they should still win something... or at least thats how i see it I don;t want to flood the market with rare crits, just to sponsor a reward that is very unlikely to happen anyway
  6. i thought about it, but i think because it has limited use its fine.... plus having a mod item doesn't make you a mod in any way, in fact it can be used wisely or get in in a lot of trouble, eventually its up to you. Now that i think of it maybe that many uses is too much? I don't know... I asked chew to review my auctioned items too, if he has nothing against it , and a good reason for 'why not' , i don't intend to change this auction. I think its a fun, risky, type of experiment. ps. i BET i will be absolutely abused with this item once released :))
  7. (last one in this 'series') an other functional tool, oh wait, not one, but three! again, sold only as a pack, however don't get overexcited yet, for this one i am accepting only Top spender tickets. I have no idea what the equivalent in gold is for a ticket, or if anyone sells them, but if not, this auction is a good start. Mouth Sewing Kit (mod tool, 58 uses left) Independent Woodcutter's Axe (harvest branches, independed tool, Loreroot origin) - note to self, check settings Water Bucket (independed tool) - note to self, check settings Independent tools don't vanish from your inventory on shared item reset, they remain yours, and are your property to trade and do whatever. Settings might slightly differ from the shared item version Auction ends ..one day,...some day, but not to far, when it becomes inactive for a couple of days. I will wait enough so you can trade the tickets, make their coin equivalent and so on. You can also bid without having the tickets yet, but specify in how many days you will have them, assuming you know when you will trade for them Note: i am not releasing new spender tickets in this period (idk what chew does, or if its automated already), so the shop is not a solution to get tickets right now, you will have to trade because the weird currency i am asking does not have a clear coin equivalent as far as i am aware of, i reserve the right to close the auction without a winner if i consider the offer to low. Enjoy, good luck bidding!
  8. an other set of items, again i need _only_ gold, coins or notes the auction is for the entire package, not considering any offer for individual items of this package Decorated skull Angien cufflinks Marble Chessboard Mosaic Skull Blurry Shard of Glass Jar of fly wings Green stone all are common items (i don't remember if some are from the extinct set or not), sold as they are. auction will end when it becomes inactive for too long, or sooner if i have the time or need the gold faster.
  9. Here is a nice package of themed items, the auction is again only for gold coins/notes, and is for the entire package only, not for idividual items in the pack Muratus's Bottled emotions Muratus's engraved ring Muratus's autograph Drop of blood (might be mine's might be not, depends who gets it and for how much the auction will be) Acousticremains stone (1 use) Toxic Concoctions Book (usable cauldron instructions set, however to be considered non functional. i never got to set it up properly, but still a nice rp item, Necrovion origin) Never forget bracelet no fixed deadline for the auction, will end when it gets inactive
  10. apparently i ran out of gold, so i will put up some auctions till i 'refill' my quest sponsoring budget  auction item: Imperial Arcane Card Deck (functional item)  accepting only gold coins or notes  auction deadline: undefined, i will pop up one day and pick the highest bid, might be in a day or two or in a month, idk, probably sooner  p.s. don't overbid just because its "my item", has nothing out of ordinary to it except what it already does. checkout the other 3 auctions too
  11. if needed or you want, i can sponsor the main rewards (supplement them as needed with the same type of reward) in case it happens someone wins the big prize twice
  12. can't wait to see the results of this :D :D
  13. please put on youtube or fp vis so i can share it on md fb page..thanks (or somebody tell me how i put mp3 to fb :))
  14. witty ..please put it in such way so i can share it on md fb page please :) thanks Awesome everyone :D would be so nice to see the others sing it too not just the lyrics, thats the most fun part!!!
  15. I will double any sponsorship on this quest, have fun!
  16. Amazing work ! Thank you so much make a wise choice when picking your reward :D
  17. this is so cool way of saying so muchexplaining this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNaEBbFbvcY "events" that have no when, awesome, must see for me it is the information i needed...it means "question your reality once you cross through a gate" also related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msVuCEs8Ydo
  18. i thought to post it here too :D [attachment=4732:12140663_10206846748158745_4370462127095362032_n.jpg] now its obvious i am not changing alliances or lands ever :))
  19. There is a series of short documentaries that describe complicated physics concepts in easy to follow way. It is probably not that easy to follow, you actually have to watch it several times to understand it, but much much easier than reading thousands of pages or listening to hours of boring lessons. This is like a crash course to this stuff, in 10minutes you learn a million things, your mind will explode. MOST important is to actually watch the other movies in the series he is referring to... i just give you one to start from, but you can search the others and watch them in chronological order if you are interested in the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YycAzdtUIko&feature=iv&src_vid=D3GVVkPb3OI&annotation_id=annotation_684721481 Now...WHY do i post such a thing HERE in this topic... well.. this is the best presentation of such a thing from a geometrical point of view, and geometry means in a more mystical sense rules that govern also symbols. This is long and too deep discussion.. not the point now. Knowledge of this sort helps build a foundation of a certain sort, a foundation that can be reached in many ways, but its so far for most. In sotis i aimed towards that, but on a different route, much more subjective and role focused ofc. Just watch the movie and remember to see the related movies, even if they seem easy and obvious, actually understanding the simple and obvious things will make a huge difference when complicated stuff comes. I am so glad i found them, finally a scientific way of explaining "we just are"...and "nothing exists" ... its also first time in my life i actually understand why there is a limited speed of light, lol (different episode). You will notice he is not deviating from the scientific view, even if some conclusions are quite obvious and reach the more subjective mystical views he is not discussing them ... this is very good. Have fun
  20. Happy Birthday allmighty Wookie!! :)
  21. update: server will be down for an other hour (complete shutdown)
  22. New server hardware should be amazing really, nameserver propagation will probably last for a few more hours but theoretically all should be fine now. The speed improvements will be however visible in a day or two due to the query cache loading based on what you do most. thank you all that messaged me, i could sleep in bed not in front of the computer due to this :)) And thank you chew, today i learnt a lot from you :D:D check email and thank you for the ultra fast response as usual. PS we do not have a server admin, we have a code guardian! beware! bmmo is also up but not visible everywhere yet due to dns. ..what else...ah yes 12Ghz(!!) cpu power, 12Gb of ram ultra fast SSD storage crazy yea, totally not needed but come on, its fun to have that no? :D On a fast check google sais page speed score of 90/100 ...i thought its a joke but its real, not sure how many sites have that :))))) google itself has 95/100 :)) again, i was unable to check md because here is not loading yet but for some of you should be already fine....if you see errors , shout, sms me, etc. Enjoy :)
  23. I am migrating md to a better server, this process will take a couple hours and will probably end up with a lot of errors (lets hope not) Same process is going on for the other server with bmmo, so basically everything is down right now,and no, there is no way i could have done that without it being down during this. The problem is i am "down" too, i am almost out of the door leaving for a very long trip, in case things go really bad i am counting as usual on chew to save the situation :P I had to make this change now because due to recent activity the storage was full and we had also some persisting attacks, and this is a first step to an other change i am having in mind later on. we will find out in a couple hours if it went well, i will be probably sleeping then, anyone from ro pls don't be shy to sms me if you see md on with errors in it so i wake up, chew will see it first anyway, he is always there everywhere :P...but i want to know too. must go sleep at least an hour right now.
  24. using such scripts means three things 1) unfair advantages over people that don't want to use them 2) altering the general perception of how md is 3) encouraging possible cheating not only that i will not support such things, but i am about to stop closing an eye on the people that use them, till now silently. So the official standpoint about such scripts is NO, i will not allow their use, their promotion, or anything related to them. Using them to suggest new features, that is alright, but going on a spree to corrupt other players into altering their md experience through these scripts is something that totally disturbs me (and i am enough disturbed as i am :P) To quote chew: I respected the talent and effort of those doing such things, `No one` being the main creator of such things, but i like to speak in general because all this applies to anyone doing such "md extensions". This is why i didn't took any drastic measures against their use...but apparently my indulgence is about to be abused, and from using such scripts for personal use, you became really rude and ignore the fact that i always said NO to them, and now you are advertising them and try to corrupt players to use them, so you leave me no choice really. I have two options, to continue to stress chew or stress myself to find ways to prevent use of such scripts, or to stop wasting this time that could be used for more creative things, and simply address the source of the trouble, you. This is a friendly warning, in case you forgot i DO NOT AGREE WITH 3rd party md extentions. ps:@chew, careful what you leak..its supposed to be a surprise (for me too!, i don;t want to see it till it happens!) :D
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