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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. For the md titles there are several things that need paid for, i will enumerate them here for now and think based on your response how to proceed. Most if not all of the expenses i am able to cover for the first batch, the problem is that on the long term, a more flexible financing method is needed, so i start to plan one now. 1) fixed one time costs (zinc blueprint, stamp, uv ink, darkglow, etc) - covered! Thank you to the only two people that offered their financial support back long time ago when i started this 2) printing and foil processing for each batch. Currently i am thinking to make batches of 50 or 100 papers ...i don't know yet if its ok or other numbers would be better. Needs to be paid each time i issue a new batch, fixed price 3) shipping from here to the first granting authority Needs to be paid each time i send, varies depending to how many people i send and to what countries 4) shipping from the first granting authority to the final owner of the title OR shipping to the second granting authority (in case the first authority is not me) This will be a problem, some people will not want to pay or can't afford paying the shipping for all the docs they will send. Imagine kings for example, a lot of docs will go through their hands and they need to pay the shipping. I plan to offer them support through a community effort, from this budget. The costs at point 1 are covered right now for enough papers to complete the implementation of these docs and for each that deserves one to receive one. Probably soon I will need more, we shall see. For points 2 and 3 i will be able to cover the first round, but of course I won't say no to any financial support if anyone offers. For point 4, this is complicated. I think this needs to be discussed on each case independently, and we will talk based on concrete numbers once we get to that last step. This budget will be taken from the purchased credits, but because right now there is no integrated method to chose where the credits you purchase go, i will do this manually. This means that you will be able to purchase x credits "manually" by contacting me, and specify that you wish for the funds to go to the MD Titles budget. Please don't start doing this yet, i need to get organized first, and i might assign someone to deal with this soon. For now this is the plan. I hope its not needed to say that regardless how much you will help or sponsor with the budget for the titles this will not give you any advantages or priority regarding such docs. If you are not on the list to receive one, you will not receive one regardless how much you will contribute. (same way like with credits, you buy credits afterall, this is just a redirecting of the funds)
  2. People with very well established roles, can gain ability to grant a very limited number of titles too. Like any other title, these titles should be granted "below" the authority and power of the one granting it. (i keep reformulating this phrase because i still can't find the right words for it, but i guess its clear what i mean) This way, the diversity of roles and most important the diversity of their granting authorities will vary a lot and they will be a lot more collectible and interesting. Otherwise, all docs would be backed up by me and a king...and that will be boring later, for everyone. If titles can be granted by a lot more people, each in his own "branch" of activity, the roles will be slowly defining something similar to guilds..think about the people receiving a title from a "specilized" character as a sort of disciple within that branch. These are the first steps to a self organizing MD social structure. (Ivorak, please consider the above when centralizing the data i requested) All titles are and will be printed by me here, and i remain the only one to be able to send out blank titles and establish who can give titles. This means that nobody will be able to grant anyone the ability to give other titles, except myself. Each doc can and must have two granting authorities, one higher than the other (preferably). If i remove myself as one of them, there is room for a king and a specialized character to back someones elses title up. get my point? shout now if you believe something is not right
  3. i said this and will keep saying it over and over again...but each time i will try to say it from a different perspective and with different words... friendships and personal likes are good, md social structure is not and should not be "objective". Thats why there are leaders of all sorts, so that they can decide based on their own judgement who else they like in their company. In this way, even if the individual "cells" are based on favors and subjective opinions, the overall structure is balanced and reflects how people are. Ability to impose your "favors" and personal likes as official, is a right that is gained over the time through a lot of effort and dedication. The higher you get in this YET invisible hierarchy, the less strict the rules are, culminating with me that i can be as subjective as i wish with anyone i wish...but with such power comes also a gained wisdom that prevents me, or anyone that gains power in md, to abuse this power. That said, a way of balancing title granting is about to be announced, if Ivy didn't do that already. In short, all titles will be public BEFORE they will be granted, to give time to anyone to make a huge scandal and complain in case something is unfair, abuse, disproportionate, etc. (In particular, both chew and dst will receive titles, and also -limited- title granting ability, along with a lot more people than i initially thought. Details will be announced shortly) I will repeat the rules on how these titles should be issued with any occasion (announements, posts, facebook, chat, emails), perfecting the concept slowly, and summarizing this from long posts to more concise and clear guidelines. Granting titles by "highly specialized" characters will be possible! of course, as long as they are granting titles within that characters scope and below its own authority. Afterall, why not?? :)
  4. finally the first batch of docs are scheduled for printing next week..every detail is set,nd i hope sometime next week i will have them ready. I must say they look absolutely gorgeous :D I will get back with more details when i'll hold them in my hand. next thing will be to prepare the first shipping and see how to distribute them, considering they need to reach a second person/authority before they reach their final owner...but we'll get o that shortly ps. you notice i didn't say "soon" so it will be less than a couple of years till that happens :)))
  5. thats cold. lol..
  6. dst, i suppose you have a soundproof room where you go and scream your lungs out from time to time, to relax? :D inhale...exhale...inhale...exhale.. :)))) don't break your keyboard!...and no nono don't think about those warrants! ps. chewy?...what do you say to have these fixed, but set dst's account to keep them, without announcing it.. you know...just to be sure she remains like that..what fun would be a hate-less dst :))))
  7. this is beautiful... i come back like a million years after i let resources to be able to get depleated ..and hear back then everybody crying how faulty the sytem is... here i open the first topic on the subject that i find and i see people trying to discuss smart/clever solutions, not just cry about it...because..you know...just crying did not help in the past...and if mur is so stupid not to "fix" something (concept this time), we shall find our ways somehow.... thats the spirit :) So those that didn't drawn in their own tears yet, are still trying to figure out a way...this is very good news for me. Maybe now you see how such an isolated thing like resources, can make you learn about politics the sane way, in practice, not in theory.. politics was just an example because you mentioned embargos and other lands in this topic. Other learned how important is to be well syncronized just to drain out entire areas and deplete them.
  8. 1) might, but i didn't wrote it expecting a reply, i wrote it to share the info 2) this is VERY interesting what you said there, because its true somehow, i can't detail it, i don't have my words yet, but Mur is a different Mur somehow. As of who controlls him in the outer world, its also someone else, even if it has the same brain and body and name, it changed drastically 3) you named these common, i am interested to know if I, Mur, ever wrote abot them in md, or you are talking about common outer-world knowledge 4) should be applied especially to mp8, thats basically outside the borders of md. In this case md might slightly differ, because in md, its complicated to understand what the inner core might be in relation to our outer character. Is it maybe who we are In the rl? or each character developed an isolated and independent identity and has its own core and its own outer layers....this might be something to think of... maybe in md we are just the cores..or just the mantles? i do not know. The info above was written thinking on the outer-world alone, but finding an explenation in relation to md, might give additional information to what happens in rl. Sadly i will not read long posts about this, but good clues are welcome, and for sure there will be peoplethat will read your replies, i just wrote the initial one to start ..or just share.. a bit of information that i realised just recently, yet i apparently knew always.
  9. We are all broken puzzles looking with or without knowing for the missing pieces. When such a piece needs to reach us, it will penetrate all our outer layers and masks and hit the inner core, making it less solid. This causes the sentiment called pain. We are given the unconscious choice of assimilating that piece of the puzzle and make that core solid again..but if we fail to learn from it (asimilate the puzzle piece), it will cause the core to be less coherent and solid and we might start throwing away other pieces or even shatter it entirely..so it can reconstruct later more stable..or if incompatible for reconstruction..to vanish. If we fail to asimilate the knowledge that comes from pain, same series of events will happen again faster..and faster..each time harder to assimilate..till we are hopeless to use it anymore and then it destroys us. This is evolution. Who adapts and learns..survives..who doesn't.. vanishes. This is because a specimen who is unable to escape this loop is useless for the system it lives in..and is exterminated in a natural process. Revenge, for example is the feeling we feel when we throw the shattered pieces from our core in a certain direction. Revenge is harmfull when we throw away more pieces than needed, but usefull when we throw away the garbage that remains after a heavier, more significant, impact to the inner core. When this puzzle is complete... the inner core deserves a better name.. the Inner Sun. At that point all that is needed exists and is in harmony at the core..as "one"..and all that tries to hit the core will evaporate like tiny pebbles heading towards the sun. At this point ..our purpose becomes complete and we can die..this time not because of uselessness to evolution..but as a sacrifice to better the entire system. This sort of death is different.. it is not vanishing..but instead it is a sacrifice where you give out of your light to people that need it..people that have empty or missing puzzle pieces that should be filled so they can reach an other more important puzzle pieces they miss. Such places of our core can only be filled with light..light that can only come from a perfect and complete core..because light does not cause 'impact' ..instead it floods what is empty but at the same time it remains unsolid. Where our missing puzzle pieces might come from obeys no rule or pattern. Although there is something i discovered to apply in my case.. the deepest more powerful pieces of this puzzle came from most distant places wbile the pieces that where essential as a liant to other pieces, came from close distance but opposed social category of people. This however might be just my way and should not be generalized. Sometimes we have nothing at all to 'learn' from the smartest people we know..but find our missing puzzle pieces and learn from most unexpected people arround us. The key that opens the gate to receive the piece of information someone else holds for you without knowing..is RESPECT and sometimes kindness when less expected. Go and respect the less resectworthy person you know..and see what you discover. Be kind to the cruelest enemy..and this key will open the place for you to find what your inner core needed from that fight. Although this is best presented in religious terms..aimed for people better suited to understand it that way .. my explenation however, is the way i see the world..and gives me, and hopefully some of you, the possibility to use the rational part of our mind to replace the emotional part. Looking at same things from a different perspective will avoid remaining blind to certain things and will reveal things that take us further in this jurney ... but as i said..knowledge of this sort causes pain as a side effect..and can exterminate someone from inside out if given to the wrong type of person or in the wrong type of way. Who needs it, finds it, assimilates it..as long as it is there somewhere.. in a game..in a book..written on a blog or forum..or discussed at a beer with a random person.
  10. he lies! this is a 'chew' mind game, and i love it :)) i am lost in time with my mind games i am afraid what sort of mind games my new self would do in md now.. but i am so happy chew keep the ..umm...'tradition' :)) good one
  11. As chew said, you need to consider that this project started 9+ years ago, i was just starting to learn coding back then!..and the web technologies and standards changed massively since then too. There is no army of people coding here, its mostly one at a time, and each does it out of passion, no paid job or such. I HAD to follow the concepts i had in mind, more than to care for clean code. I had a vision i wanted to follow, that was my priority, and as long as code worked to achieve it, it was fine for me. AUTUMN2050 is the first major concept change in md, and even if its not seen as such yet (by the people involved in it), I strongly believe it is (will be)....sadly i am unable to do it alone. I lack the moral strength, and i need people to consult with in this..and i like to think i found them here. After A2050 will be in its first functional testing state, you will understand why md will not look the same after, but will keep its values regardless. One thing you miss to see...is that in MD things are built upon, and ancient stuff still keeps a meaning and connects with future stuff, there is very little "total restructuring". Rendril "fixed" somethign that was about to die, the combat system, in such way that it can be extended, chew does that and more with other parts, but overall, here in MD we continue to build and grow , not scrap and rebuild. The entire market is flooded by games that found a very profitable niche (travian style games), MD remains unique...even if "outdated" by the amazing graphics and effects of current games ...my purpose was never in that direction! There is NOTHING in md that will ever go "old" ..same way like BOOKS will never become obsolete in favor of movies..they will always keep their soubtle flavor, even when robots will read them for you :)) I was just thining, the background image dates over 11 years ago, and the border of the layout i still have as an actual paper with burnt edges i had to manually do and scan :)))) ..now of course it could be photoshopped easily, but back then, that was the best i could do, and is still fine. I work (mostly) as a coder/designer in my daily life, and MD is the only place where i can say i have the satisfaction that everything built gives me the feeling it will last for decades... all other projects have such a limited lifetime compared to md, and this makes me put a lot of care and attention to how these things connect and interact, mostly for future uses. Things i left "unfinished" i did so because my purpose was to let the feature be there present, MAYBE sometime in the future someone will use it. As soon as i put a mechanism in place, a concept, i moved on to other stuff, because creativity is what keeps me moving. There are hidden parts of md that still interconnect with other parts and could be used if needed. My mistake was to forget that nobody else could put them to good use exept me. Then Rendril came, and he focused on cleaning the armature of this "structure"..now Chewett fights to keep the gears of this mechanism running smooth and extend them. But its not enough. Thats why A2050 is so important, it will give players ways of doing this themselves. One single man, be it me, chew, ren, whoever, can best focus on one thing, not on thousand. Thats why delegation of responsabilities is important, otherwise people crush. Thats why Kings appeared, alliances, ..permanent roles..etc. But even that is not enough. We need a dynamic system that keeps a clear path open to anyone wishing to follow it, and then filter out those that fail, but reward those that don't. The actual "problem" of md now is that society changed, and some BRUTAL filters i put back then, are something the entire world has tainted over the past few years. Patience is no longer a virtue, its look upon as a rarity... and many many more things. A2050 will still keep these filters but will shift them one step further, in such way that md will be more to the likeing of common game playing combies and yet still detect and collect those precious minds that once where attracted by md's filters from the start. MD is a filter of people, will always be, a place to clash minds and destinies, a training ground for your own mind... but its not for anyone... like martial arts
  12. the docs will arrive to you signed in original by me and the one granting the title (king, main role, etc) not emailed/scanned. Having it as a real thing is part of all of this, i am not wasting so much effort to make them top quality just so i can send them scanned :)
  13. layouts are 99% done, just making final adjustments. I talked to the printing service today and (provided i have the money to pay them) they could be done in two weeks from now. Normally it should be a couple of days but they are busy next days with an other large order. I don't know the price per print yet, we shall see, if its not within my budget it might take longer till i find an other place to print them as i want. Everything else (almost) is ready to, You can start panning your texts :P
  14. this is the text that should appear at the bottom of the doc, someone please correct it, adjust, spellcheck it if needed or suggest better: "The authority bestowed by this title can not surpass the one of the issuing authority at the time this document was signed. Once awarded, his title can not be voided, but its applicability within MagicDuel realm may vary based on other subsequent updates to the awarded role or organizational changes" i need this asap
  15. titles need two authorities , one will be me (for a start, but not limited to me), and one will be a main role such as a king, land leader or a significant role such as chewett. .... but who will give titles to kings for example? not to mention, I WANT SOME TOO ::)) .. so i am thinking of two options, a separate type of title docs with either just one signature, mine (not much fun), or more signatures than the default two..but in that case there will be a problem to get them shipped signed and shipped again to the different people that might be needed to sign them suggestions? p.s this is simiar to international politics, inside a country the laws of that country apply, but internatonal the _opinion_ of various states or alliances matter, without being actual law.
  16. might be that quantum entaglement is a manifestation of this principle. When it comes to quantum physics many things are at the border, thats the place where abstract and concrete are interconnected. I can't say they are the same thing, but in general you can find manifestations of a principle in various forms, from physics and even to philosophy. A closer similarity would be with things like voodoo :) .. but there is the same "issue" , if you digg deeper into how it works, you will probably end up to some weird physical phenomena , maybe the one you mentioned. My point is that a principle is what governs a manifestation, not the other way around.
  17. Finally! I have the layout done..it was enormous work. Many details can't be seen in this pic..and i don't want thwm seen yet. The metal insertions and other cool stuff are not here either, this is just a first print on my home printer for the first test. This is how a title doc will look like..mostly. Each land will have a slightly different layout with different themed image and probably different colors. Idealy all you see orange in here will be golden foil when done. The the round things on the lower right are supposed to be the places where the signatures/stamps go, one by me and one by the one granting the title (two spots for two sigs). The entire page is filled with ultra fine lines just like paper money..will look just awesome You notice i totally changed the layout idea i wanted initially..this one fits a lot better with what is actually on the doc and is much more elegant in my opinion. Needless to say i did all in vectorized form so i will be able to print it at very high resolutions..just for the fun of having a top quality doc. I will update you soon when i hve more news about the progress of all this. Let me know your honest opinion on this first sample Ps. Pic is done with the phone.. i wont bother providing any clearer images at this point but i might one some final papers will be done. Ps. The big big stamp will come on the back of the paper and on the envelope probably
  18. No you got me wrong. I do believe they are your.. i just don't want to take them for free from the db as you said. I want to trade silver for gold, ingame, not db... and i know you had only good intentions, it just sounded as if you told me to spawn some more gold.. missunderstanding. Whoever i get to contact first ingame i will do this. Apparently so far i didn't manage to contact Miq yet.
  19. Chew..i'll pretend i didn't see that Miq. ok, i'll find you (and rob you :)) )
  20. I need some more gold coins..i just realized i have only two left. So, i am exchanging silver for gold 15 silver for 1 gold negociable (more silver per coin) if you have more than 3 gold coins...simply because if i find someone to provide all the gold i need it will be more simple for me than buying one by one. I have both silver coins and notes. post here the number of gold you are willing to trade and i will find you. Thanks
  21. For my own reference, Azull, Intrigue, and Yoshi ..i should pick one of you .. but not sure who deserves the most - Azull came closest to what i asked, but a fast cut is debate-able - Intrigue found an unexpected way to do it, nothing about grinding the blade however - Yoshi worked a lot to grind his blades himself, but not so great results correct me if i see it wrong
  22. cmon.. it was a good joke :)) why hide it :))
  23. the answers for the research are not right or wrong, they come in shades, but eventually if you put together all the info available in different corners of md, or shall i say minds of md people, some info becomes impossible and other info becomes obvious. Reaching deep on an obvious path could get you very high and very fast, so yes, knowledge is currency, and for the others is like Endleg said "You can search but the only thing you will find is sharper mind." both cases are fine. The wors case are the research done secretly without any kind of attempt to compare the results with others and to see if you are in a fictive world within a virtual one, or if you are still following the concepts of the world you are in. This could easily be compared to madness...same way genius could be at the border of madness..so be careful
  24. hand drawings are like books its why i made md like this you don't remember or dream "letters"..you remember what your mind reconstructs..and that holds much more interesting info than what a colored realistic picture could offer. The relation between md and dreams..thats a complicated story and i want to keep this short,..but there IS something there :) thats also a reason why md played outside md will never be md
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