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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. You know, just to mention this, i feel "best game" based on raw trafic and "votes" is such a wrong concept. Doesn't make a gam better at all if its able to send more traffic to them, it only makes it more "popular" at most. Popularity is an indirect measure of "best". Anyway, this whole bbgsite thing motivated me to do something regarding this. As you know i run other mmorpg related sites, and there will be a change. Remember i said there will be party with gifts and all that if we get a reward there? Well, I think that the amount of votes md has gathered, compared to its number of active players to other games, is _enormous_ so regardless of what you (i say 'you' yes, so 'you' get the credit for it) manage to acomplish in bbgsites "best game" competition, I believe you already deserve that party. I am impressed by the amount of motivation i saw. We might not have the swarm of players others have ...but hey... a few but good, right?
  2. since one of the numbers is not a serial representation (as in onethousandthewntyeight) but a parallel one like two.four.eight.one i am tempted to see what the difference between them actually is if size is left aside. this might be too intuitevely for a math mind but math was never my strong point so... here is what i got so far, maybe one of you can find better on same concept 2481 1028 shifted becomes 1248 1028 difference remains 24 to 02, with 24 being the result of a shift. Shifted back after the comparison, it makes 4 related to 0 somehow. This might have been obvious from the initial numbers but if placed in any other order the numbers would have been impossible to compare other than just taking out the numbers that differ. 0 in md (1028 is related to md) 4 in rl (2481 is a balance model in rl) An other possible meaning could be 2 becomes 4 while 0 becomes 2, while this is a mathematical nonesense it might be a logical deduction somehow. Comparing the numbers in other numeric bases especially 2, or xor'ing them, might show other things Again, this will probably lead nowhere, but its interesting to see
  3. if what you say its true, it is awsome. please think that if you provide false info other gamers will know and it will be very bad for my credibility/reputation after. imagine a stranger claiming on an other site he is a md king or such. prepare screenshots with date of your achievements just in case there will be some frustrated competitor to claim otherwise. I must say i didnt expected to get such replies, and you will love what i have in plan for you (all those in the above posts are acceptable for the task) waiting for more, there are plenty seats and any game is acceptable as long as you "ruled" it in some way. There will be MD representatives also but those i will name based on my own criteria.
  4. post here LE: by voluntary i mean no money, but there will be benefits offered by the respective games, gifts to share and such. The assabled team might be on long term and then things could also be different regarding the voluntary aspect.
  5. I talked a while ago about a secondary shop / permanent tombola , that will consider your total supporter status (spend plus current credits) and allow you to pick certain things from a list. The details about how this shop will function should be discussed there (or moved here by a mod maybe?), i am opening this topic to start making a list of potential items in this gift shop. I call it gift shop because you wont be spending extra on them , they are things you can pick for having credits or spending them on other things. All previous values, everything your supporter tag sais will be considered. please reply with your suggestions, and most important, vets, please warn me if any of the items in this shop hurt the concepts md is based on, i might miss some things. For example B/W creatures are never to be "sold" for money dependent things, but only WP. Active days will _NEVER_ be influenced either down or up by any spell or purchased item, and so on.. mostly you know these things, or feel how they should be. This list should contain ONLY things you cant get in the shop or wp shop. Silver and gold are the exception because they matter as ammounts not as individual items (like morphs) consider it will be a shop with limited stoc across users and not for each user so if one gets the big gift , the others wont see it anymore. 100 spent credits per item, maybe more maybe less, suggestions are welcome. Check the tombola awards , something like that i am thinking.
  6. This one is a puzzle with no end solution i aim at. Considering there were a series of shocking coincidences that happaned to me in MD, i am thinking that there might be something in this too since there is a visual similarity to it. it might be nothing also. When you look for somehting, you will find it, have no doubt about that. You tell me what you found and i will decide on my own if the discovery is a stretched answer or its indeed an interesting coincidence to consider. What could possibly be the relation (math, geometry, logic, history, anything) between the following numbers. They may be seen as a number or a series of individual numbers in that order, at most shifted, but not mixed. finding a mathematical way to shift them both to the same result using same formula is also an interesting find. (except the obvious zero multiplication and such) [b]2481 vs 1028[/b] the first is the balance model i am researching in md and the second is my id totally random selected at that time. It happend i made 1028 days with id 1028 at 28 years (accounts start at 1000 so mine is nr 28). There are other things that made me look a bit at potential funny coincidences between numbers that i run into in general. Lets see if any can find something about this particular pair.
  7. What the hell is going on over there http://www.dubai-architecture.info/DUB-GAL1.htm

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shadowseeker


      Didn't hear about how they lacked tons of cash after the financial crisis? Been cutting back.

    3. display name

      display name

      With all the fake tits around you are getting amazed by sandbanks and concrete? Go Arabs!

    4. Hedge Munos

      Hedge Munos

      That's ridiculous. But the artificial islands are...neat.

  8. its not that simple , to get free of the maze you need to be aware of its rules, beat it by its rules, otherwise you will just be a rat in denial. Its sadly fight one has to fight against the others that don't realise yet their slavery.
  9. ahhh , one of those posts i wish i had a forum alt to partiipate too, lol 2 + 2 redundancy
  10. mmm now i feel kind of bad about this but i told you to email me your address before you go wild and send me postcards or i wont be able to send one too. If you missed that part i didnt send any obviously. So many thanks to those that sent me one anyhow. I found some to be quite amazing, Nice how so much personal touch could go in an evelope. A warm thank you
  11. this topic is indeed awsome, makes me laugh every time add this: I have a cat (one of 4) that is quite dumb, i guess thinking of md too much made me think one day to ..upgrade.. it and i was confused i couldn't find the requirements. *blink* reading forums at 6am while on mobile connection at 2kb/sec is for noob md addicts to brag about, i need more heavy stuff to feel something is not right
  12. warning long post ahead. alright, its more clear for me now that i have a very unusual concept of how md should be .. because most of the things described as issues are planned to be so. I know how a game should be, the cursive flow of solvable quests that keep you active, spiced with optional increased difficulty stages. The character classes with selectable sets of abilities ordered nicely in branches and such. etc etc ...etc I am trying for 5 years to fight all that. MD is supposed to reach you indirectly and bring certain things in some to life, not to drag you step by step through a series of setups. Otherwise if i would have made md like that, and use the 'techniques' used in md, i would be a rich fat guy and MD would have zillions of users I am not trying to make it more commercial. I am trying however not to scare away those that until now were attracted by md and used to stay. I could explain each situation you describe as hindering to noobs, they are mainly the filters those that are around long enough heard of. I am not very sure i want to do that however. Its true they are not staded as such and they appear as a indirect result of how md is 'badly made' or 'unfinished'. Other things are really unfinished and will be eventually, like the full use of principles. Yet their MAIN use is the one to put players mind in motion and make him intrigued about them, wanting to digg more, and if he diggs he will find about them more than just a game means. In that aspect they act as great character attractors quite well. Obviously i cant say that in the help files. One unexpected thing ..better said something with uncalculated effects... are the player quests. A rating could help quite a lot and its a planned feature since i implemented wishpoints. WP rating is related to quest quality, questi winner gets a wp and he can rate back depending on how valuable the quest seemed to him AFTER he solved it (to avoid frustrated people). One day will get done i hope. I can not guarantee over what players create as quests, and a new player might consider them as the game itself. I also don't plan on adding more integrated quests, md is not a series of quests, its not a series of anything..in fact everything should go in parallel not in series if you get my point. And about /me vs ** thing.. in my opinion, which sadly is the only opinion that matters when it is about conceptual things in md, /me makes the speaker differentiate too much between in-character and out-of-character. I want a more natural behaviour of players not a theatrical one. when i started md i had no idea what role-play is (yeah)..my concept of role-play was that players will just be themselves but will obviously "fail" or better said "succeed" to be fully themselves , so the played character will be eventually different than they are in reality. By that, certain aspects of their true self will come forth and could be enhanced, trained, or changed, repaired. Interesting how rp looked for me back then when i didn't knew this thing had a name assigned to it. So /me won;t be added to the list of rp triggers because is suited in an environement where slash is used for various other commands, not in one where i can use whatever else i consider appropriate. Keeping standards is obviously not my concern. MD defies standards in itself. [b]Suggestion: Will it do a major difference if before registration a clear message will be shown to the future player, stating very clear that MD is not a game where you have to do things in order so you get to its end, but a WORLD where you enter by doing those things but in the end you are on your own to experience it as you can.[/b] this message could also have a 10sec delay so you cant click next just to skip it, dictatorship style, so they get used to things around here Most..sorry, all... of the people that managed to understand what md is are those that somehow developed their so called "role" in ways that have nothing to do with a predefined quest/adventure game. Its also them that managed to stick around most because from their point of view the things achieved are out of md's range...and its just so..md is just the ground that facilitates some things, but what things...it just up to you. I am talking about people that changed their life with things learned here, changed themselves, and most interesting for me, managed to change others. I consider the active days to be of amazing accuracy of that, since you can't stay in a place that you fail to survive. They even have the needed 'error' in them, its called Venger ..i need one day to meet that guy and figure out how is it possible to play without playing, lol. (inside joke for those that look at active vet list) I realised only recently what the effects of a 8-fold balance systems are,..not sure if you will understand this but ... "it reaches outside its reality". Back on topic, your comments are VERY useful, those of the noobs that replied to this topic and had under 10 posts at the time they did contact me for a little thank you/welcome gift. (pray you dont have old alts or you will die in pain, lol). i didnt counted how many you are but to make things a bit more chalanging, this is valid only for the first 4 people to contact me. spoiler so you see how things work. as each character should do in md, i am adding to my requirements the things that i consider valuable in someone. that is very personal and only valid for certain cases, i do realise that, but its a personal role i play here and not how md is entirely. The real reward stated above is actually for the noobs that were involved enough to check back if it was a reply to their post and also had the patience to read all this long post i wrote here, which in itself is sort of a personality filter too. Same like the 24h waiting. My secret Ary will be following this too i hope or i will lock her in the dungeon with some zombies .. oh, we dont have a dungeon, hmmm...and no zombies...i wonder why..lol
  13. he he .. i love it when its called abiliy not disorder [quote]"Equally important, however, is the idea that a creative person can also use his/her unique synesthetic abilities to make a living and bring significant contributions to the world. Such talents as utilized by artists and other creative individuals are highlighted within."[/quote]
  14. It is possible that not all ctc codes i sent will work as expected, if so please email me and i will unlock them. This concerns anyone that received a ctc from me that didnt work as expected. thx
  15. That is extraordinary yes indeed one can "cheat" in one art by seeing it in an other. For example someone could match colors and combine them to look nice together but in fact those are not colors but sounds, he just sees them as colors because of synesthesia.... i know that because i did it..sorry...DO..it.. very often, but not with sounds usualy. I guess its on topic to mention that the poems i wrote are actualy words put on a melodic shape for me. The poem was there before the words, its musical shape I mean and the the words were fitted on that shape. Same concept was planned for the Angien "bot" if any remembers what i am talking about. I have a feeling that the uses of such a thing are of extraordinary power if educated. I also think they can be extended to unexpected areas..not at all just art. very interesting. p.s. i made some advancements with Paganini's music , no wonder since i listen to it since then day and night. It is like a language, one that says something without fixing it into words or facts, i cant explain better for now. Also some plays have a different personality behind them .. some of his best plays actually. If it was in "talking" I could say its his voice, but the speaking style of an other person. I need to read about his life more maybe i am just hearing him over the years as he seems much much older, calmer, more sad and stable at the same time in some plays, while in other he is almost as mysterious and restless as Mozart.
  16. I will remove his ban, he will tell me on pm ip and all, thanks. no need to email council this time.
  17. my current theory is that there is one single form a message can exist in , a complex one. Our senses are adapted to reach that form from various side ways, but basically what you can say in music you can say in paintings, or write or anyhow else. It is a choice of what "channel" you pic to read that info. I feel as i am reading entire tomes, i will need weeks, maybe even month to translate the meanings in my head, but i feel like LEARNING.. not music, i have no musical talent at all, but not sure what. its pure info in there. [b]edit: some interesting ones, but you need to listen to the entire thing otherwise passages wont make sense, dont skip to see whats all about, lose a few minuts for a good cause [/b] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BQY6A3rLRY&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BQY6A3rLRY&feature=related[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2DrCKi4Jbw&feature=BF&list=PL12445CB7CECABB2F&index=32"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2DrCKi4Jbw&feature=BF&list=PL12445CB7CECABB2F&index=32[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOiZlFh7Oxs&feature=BF&list=PL12445CB7CECABB2F&index=29"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOiZlFh7Oxs&feature=BF&list=PL12445CB7CECABB2F&index=29[/url]
  18. Synesthesia is a something that makes you interpret some things with other senses. I consider its a "feature" not a "bug" because so far i had only to learn from it never to suffer. The association of colors with numbers you all had a look at it with the md dna questions. However there are lots and lots of other possible associations , depending on person. It was not very clear for me with what sound gets interpreted because i ignored one little aspect. Now, thanks to the violin master Niccolo Paganini (1782 - 1840) i realised how the connection is made, at least in my head. Sound equals shapes... but just any shapes. Four dimensional shapes. I see them, i can form them, understand their past present and future, but i couldn't possible "stop" them to be carved or drawn. I don't know if it is the right way to call them but I am opening this topic to hear your opinion. The work of this particular author exceed _everything_ I ever heard in music, also the other big masters, everyone. It is probably because of a subjective thing that i can "read" his sounds so clearly as if they were images. If anyone wishes to talk about an other author but still about sound synesthesia connections, please do. So..subject: Paganini's work and four dimensional shapes Excited to hear your replies but ready to listen to the silence. p.s topic pending to be moved in border research later
  19. It was worth being able to hear, just to discover Paganini. I dream one day I will also understand him.

    1. Prince Marvolo
    2. Muratus del Mur
    3. Sasha Lilias

      Sasha Lilias

      What is your favorite composition that he created? Mines has to be his Caprice No.24. :)

  20. Today Akasha cleaned my email, deleted about 4gb of emails, yey now i have just 2800 unread and less gbites full. I feel more relaxed :))

    1. Ravenstrider


      That's what I call utilizing your women!

      (This is a joke...)

    2. BFH


      haha, I wonder how much request no longer exists :D

    3. Pipstickz


      Spambot loading...aaaand sent. There we go, fixed up that almost empty mailbox for you ;)

  21. when designing a feature that cant be finished untill it has actual data, priority is to gather the data. Current dna is exactly that, the RAW gathered data. The fact that there are almost no matches is beyond my espectations and tells me the gathered data is quite interesting. The matching, when that part will be complete, will not look for identical dna as it doeas now (its pointless, shows maybe luck only) , but will do grouping by subgroups. For exemple the color to number association is a totally separated part of the dna string and within that part certain color associations could be also grouped together and people compared by those subgroups. The purpose is more wild than you might think. It is not to profile the person behind the player, or the player account itself, but to profile the person to player integration. There is something i can best associate with a "dictionary" that each person (not player) has, and that dictionary of perspectives applies in certain ways when someone isolates a part of himself into a player account. I might be wrong, but i think the choices in the dna questions are made as per account not per person. The later uses within the game world are wild. In a few words it *could* add options to the game engine such as : prediction of someones actions in a given situation why: a certain situation could be profiled in a similar way and then compared to player dna to see tendency of choices a certain automated sense of group cohesion why: the dna choices describe how a personality connects to its surroundings, based on that some cases are incompatible while others are likely to fit well together ability to adjust a role to an individual and achieve things otherwise impossible example: what would you say the shade sentinel could actualy make you fear it in the most real, out of game way, and without doing anything explicit in that regard... scarry but possible. the other uses i can think of i am not sure if they are..ummm.. legal, lol, so i will stop here for now. In any case, the big big problem is the rate of suitable subjects. Only some people are suited for the color association tests and only some for the symbol tests. It covers just 60% (raw) of the population , based on a survey made in md long ago. It will not be possible to create a general valid mechanism, but if the accuracy is detected then it can be used only in those cases that fit 80-90% , for role specific actions. Consider this research and not a pending feature, because there are two cases in wich i might shut it down...it works too good, or it doesn't work at all. Sadly i have no psychology background and i also couldn't find anything similar documented anywhere so i am probably stepping in the dark here and i will discover thigs that others found other better ways to discover...but... there is also a chance that a new way will discover very new things also, don't you think?
  22. in fact i did that experiment already and the outcome is depressing. As a social thing is not something wrong. A person builts up his circle of friends and reputation and they act similar to "stats". Imagine an amazing artist that just posts on this forum, but nobody knows him.. the feedback will be limited, some will not even bother to look. In the same way a person with great reputation will benefit of a much larger audience and people will dedicate more interest to the feedback based on the fact that they already tagged taht person as worthy to reply to, from previous experiences with him. The only thing that can compete with long term consolidated reputation is to do the right thing at the right moment. In that point of view, its nothing wrong with the fact that some benefit of more attention than others. I do however dislike the total ignoring of those with zero or low popularity... how could they break that "im nobody" barrier if nobody gives them a chance. Try creating an alt and do a cool role, then do the same from a known account, you will see what i mean..its as if it is an other world entirely. i need to work on that aspect but so far i don't see any possible solution to it.
  23. its true, but not my fault so to say. If i put an empty canvas and say its a paintung some people will still admire its beauty and find meaning where there is none. I cant say i dislike it, heh, who would... but it makes me curious if i would have posted this, or the poems, as an alt nobody knew its me....i really wonder. As for the current painting, i dont brag about things i am not satisfied with, so it kind of fuels my ego when i see compliments. Im proud of this one however i dont get mad on the bad comments, not at all, its interesting to see any reaction. About the price... no offence but .. lets say i cant find any reason why i would sell this for anything less that 1k, which is outrageous i know. Anyway _not for sale_ . Its weird , i would feel a lot better of doing or giving some art for free than selling it.
  24. i never sold any art ever, not the sculptures and not any painting. I didnt looked for it to be sold. Its something I create and by that I put part of myself in it. It feels strange to make something for a price, and that price would probably be overestimated by me. The things I do usualy end up deserted or damaged in some forgotten place..that would be the only reason i would sell , just to know someone else takes better care of it than i do. So basically the default answer is "not for sale", but please amuse me, what would be a decent price you were thinking of? I never understood the price of art, lol.
  25. the entire thing is about 1,5m height
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