warning long post ahead.
alright, its more clear for me now that i have a very unusual concept of how md should be .. because most of the things described as issues are planned to be so.
I know how a game should be, the cursive flow of solvable quests that keep you active, spiced with optional increased difficulty stages. The character classes with selectable sets of abilities ordered nicely in branches and such. etc etc ...etc
I am trying for 5 years to fight all that. MD is supposed to reach you indirectly and bring certain things in some to life, not to drag you step by step through a series of setups. Otherwise if i would have made md like that, and use the 'techniques' used in md, i would be a rich fat guy and MD would have zillions of users
I am not trying to make it more commercial. I am trying however not to scare away those that until now were attracted by md and used to stay.
I could explain each situation you describe as hindering to noobs, they are mainly the filters those that are around long enough heard of. I am not very sure i want to do that however. Its true they are not staded as such and they appear as a indirect result of how md is 'badly made' or 'unfinished'. Other things are really unfinished and will be eventually, like the full use of principles. Yet their MAIN use is the one to put players mind in motion and make him intrigued about them, wanting to digg more, and if he diggs he will find about them more than just a game means. In that aspect they act as great character attractors quite well. Obviously i cant say that in the help files.
One unexpected thing ..better said something with uncalculated effects... are the player quests. A rating could help quite a lot and its a planned feature since i implemented wishpoints. WP rating is related to quest quality, questi winner gets a wp and he can rate back depending on how valuable the quest seemed to him AFTER he solved it (to avoid frustrated people). One day will get done i hope. I can not guarantee over what players create as quests, and a new player might consider them as the game itself. I also don't plan on adding more integrated quests, md is not a series of quests, its not a series of anything..in fact everything should go in parallel not in series if you get my point.
And about /me vs ** thing.. in my opinion, which sadly is the only opinion that matters when it is about conceptual things in md, /me makes the speaker differentiate too much between in-character and out-of-character. I want a more natural behaviour of players not a theatrical one. when i started md i had no idea what role-play is (yeah)..my concept of role-play was that players will just be themselves but will obviously "fail" or better said "succeed" to be fully themselves , so the played character will be eventually different than they are in reality. By that, certain aspects of their true self will come forth and could be enhanced, trained, or changed, repaired. Interesting how rp looked for me back then when i didn't knew this thing had a name assigned to it.
So /me won;t be added to the list of rp triggers because is suited in an environement where slash is used for various other commands, not in one where i can use whatever else i consider appropriate. Keeping standards is obviously not my concern. MD defies standards in itself.
Will it do a major difference if before registration a clear message will be shown to the future player, stating very clear that MD is not a game where you have to do things in order so you get to its end, but a WORLD where you enter by doing those things but in the end you are on your own to experience it as you can.[/b]
this message could also have a 10sec delay so you cant click next just to skip it, dictatorship style, so they get used to things around here
Most..sorry, all... of the people that managed to understand what md is are those that somehow developed their so called "role" in ways that have nothing to do with a predefined quest/adventure game. Its also them that managed to stick around most because from their point of view the things achieved are out of md's range...and its just so..md is just the ground that facilitates some things, but what things...it just up to you.
I am talking about people that changed their life with things learned here, changed themselves, and most interesting for me, managed to change others. I consider the active days to be of amazing accuracy of that, since you can't stay in a place that you fail to survive. They even have the needed 'error' in them, its called Venger ..i need one day to meet that guy and figure out how is it possible to play without playing, lol. (inside joke for those that look at active vet list)
I realised only recently what the effects of a 8-fold balance systems are,..not sure if you will understand this but ... "it reaches outside its reality".
Back on topic, your comments are VERY useful, those of the noobs that replied to this topic and had under 10 posts at the time they did contact me for a little thank you/welcome gift. (pray you dont have old alts or you will die in pain, lol). i didnt counted how many you are but to make things a bit more chalanging, this is valid only for the first 4 people to contact me.
spoiler so you see how things work.
as each character should do in md, i am adding to my requirements the things that i consider valuable in someone. that is very personal and only valid for certain cases, i do realise that, but its a personal role i play here and not how md is entirely.
The real reward stated above is actually for the noobs that were involved enough to check back if it was a reply to their post and also had the patience to read all this long post i wrote here, which in itself is sort of a personality filter too. Same like the 24h waiting.
My secret Ary will be following this too i hope or i will lock her in the dungeon with some zombies .. oh, we dont have a dungeon, hmmm...and no zombies...i wonder why..lol