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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. the avatar belonging to rakaustan was removed (system should have sent him the spent credit back). normally i ban from further uploading those that upload copied avatars, even if they draw them. inspired is something else from almost identical copy.
  2. i think changing the colored squares bg to something else and adding a (reload) link next to it will make things a little bit better. The rotation of the letters is enough protection to increase a bit the contrast between the letters and the bg. The captcha will not revert to what it was, that version is way to abusable.
  3. What about "Hydrominers"? water will be used a lot. like i already said gardening related activities will require lots of water, or alchemy will require it for creating living water. If i will make it with freelancers, i will place the item on the market and then it will probably end up exploited by one of the hoarders. If it is a guild , it will be a niche guild. Water handling means a lot more than getting water from a lake and selling it. Now something interesting to hear but you probably know it, or some of you.. The actual resource prices will be determined based on the resource creating capacity. So if i see that water is gathered in terms of hundreds of buckets, you will need tens to water a garden. If it will be gathered in terms of 5 buckets a week for example, you will need one bucket to water a garden. Of course this is just an example. I am thinking of an automated system to auto adjust the resources value. oh and just an idea... water+heat+vegetables = soup!!!! damn i'm hungry
  4. I was thinking about the color blind issue ... but, what should i do, make it less safe and HOPE whoever will abuse it will be so kind and think also of the color blind? Maybe try cracking only the hard to crack captchas out of kindness? Chewett, you know what i am talking about, you managed to crack the previous ones in one day and you are not a professional so to speak. i understand the color blindness is the only problem? i need to understand more about it, if i make the bg greyscle but the letters colored will there still be a problem? the contrast is the one that should be kept similar. since you are complaining about this, any o you can read the google captcha? because i can only 1 in 10 tries. I am asking seriously to understand if it is a problem of shape of letters or just the color mixing with the bg. Are the captchas that use the background with lines visible? (as opposed to those using colored squares)
  5. There will be a set of water handling tools and associated skill. I am not sure if to assign them to a dedicated guild for water handling or to have them as a freelance activity. Current tools ready are: the water bucket, that will collect water resource from lakes in md, and the rain collector that will collect rain water when it rains only. The skill that determines their efficiency is waterhandling and its a common skill for all water related activities. There will be normal and large buckets and improvised and dedicated rain collecting tools. Future tools will be (but i am not sure the exact names yet), water putrefaction device, water purification device, ice generating, etc. Water will be used by the other guilds such as gardeners and alchemists If you think it should be a dedicated guild, make name suggestions. If not, tell me what you think about the number of tools to be distributed out in the open so that the water resource won't be to less but also not too much. Rainwater is NOT limited by daily regeneration, its limited only by weather.
  6. Heat from import is a very good idea. I will start working on recipients that will allow massive heat storage. The problem is how to limit this heat to be used only for guild activity and not for fights.... thats harder than it looks but i have some ideas on how to do it. forcing guild members not to fight is not so interesting idea, but giving them enough to do to keep them occupied with a steady guild activity is much more interesting.
  7. Heh... and here I am Your Type is INFP Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving Strength of the preferences % 56 62 38 33 You are: * moderately expressed introvert * distinctively expressed intuitive personality * moderately expressed feeling personality * moderately expressed perceiving personality Famous people of your particular type Immanual Kant, William Shakespeare, Ludwig Beethoven, Pearl Buck, Arthur C. Clarke This test gave me some interesting ideas. I can tell things about someone (in md) that are not similar to the things analyzed by this test, but together they could work interesting. Also, as i was answering those questions, some of them i am not so sure i know the answer myself. For example are you at ease in a crowd of people, well i am , IF nobody knows me , like a club for example, but i am not if the people in that crowd know me.... so the question is not really well put. Other questions are hard to answer because in my mind i think i am while in reality i am not. For example, the question if my desk is nicely ordered, i was thinking yes it is, but when i looked to find the mouse under a pile of papers to click yes, i realised its far far from being anything but in order on my desk, regardless how well i know what is in the apparent mess.
  8. closed closed but i still feel i need to make a clarification here. woodcutters belong to LR and YES that means it comes with citizenship and YES it means woodcutters need to respect the rules of the land and their king too. You might see this as unfair because such a big advantage of controlling the guild that gathers such a resource comes to one single land... but you are missing the big picture here. Each land will have such an advantage somehow, because each gathering guild will belong to one or the other land. This guild needs to belong to LR because the majority of this resource is located there and the purpose of the guild is not to consume it all but to understand the rules of the forest and gather it wisely. this means their interest should be with loreroot and not against it. Just imagine the guild belonging to necrovion and gathering wood resources in loreroot... When the miners guild will be assigned to golemus, you will probably have all this arguing allover again.
  9. i am currently mobile and i cant do any transfer now. i said tonight because thats when its likely i will get back to a decent computer with internet
  10. shadow 200 silver toten 31 gold unless anyone has something against, this is how the auction ends. The difference between the last bids for the morphs is small but it was not last minute bid and since yesterday when auction was supposed to end, lightsage didnt try to increase his bid. come tonight at papercabin roof. remember me to make the transfer WITHOUT AGE PENALTY. i can also transfer them as they are or reset to level 1 for you to upgrade so you see all levels. up to you. Congratulations! next auction will start shortly and it will be also for things you can't aquire in other ways.
  11. Toten: 14 gold shadow: 200 silver tomorow it ends...
  12. I am sorry i did not read all of the post yet, but i want to reply to something very important related to this: Mcvitie - no sisters, no cousins, brothers, boyfriends, uncles, hamsters, parrots or any living being related to that plays md. Considering your previous problems with this, I dont care they are different people, i will consider them your alts. So please leave the seat in the guild for someone else and don't take up the space with one of your alts. If you wish to replace sasha ilias with an other account because that one is in jail, that is fine, but then remove sasha from the guils ASAP. no alts in such guilds, this is outrageous. You have such limited seat number and it is such an important role and you people cant stop yourself from cheating the moment this is on.
  13. change of mind, i placed all selected players in the ally myself, to avoid loyalty changes in case one had higher loyalty than the leader. current leader is Necromancer Mortis i will send some tools already but more will come
  14. Here are the people accepted to start the woodcutters guild: [b]Necromancer Mortis Laphers AeonWolfX marleybob Sasha Lilias (currently in jail, woodcutters job should be considered rehabilitation work for a while ) The Warrior[/b] One of you will be made initial leader JUST SO HE CAN SEND INVITES TO ALL OTHERS. the leader will be decided among you or simply decided by the loyalty score. I will do that as soon as all the tools are done. Currently i still need to do a tool for gathering tree bark and resin, the others are done. Also, i am not sure if you create more tools or fewer tools than the guild member count. If you have in mind any map location to set your headquarters i might experiment with automated item distribution (like the test items in wasps totem!). The feature is there and it could be used nice. (not the hut outside MB please, that one i want for the gardener guild) once one of you gets in the ally please invite the rest. What i expect from you is that you will develop a strategy, an internal code of work that you will respect and a way to train and introduce new members to the guild. Woodcutters are not mindless choppers. This guild will have a slight advantage over the others because it will start gathering first but that is not a real issue. Please feel free to share your opinion about the numbers i set, like reuse interval of the tool, amount of resources in a location, number of people in the guild, stats bonus of the guild etc. please post name suggestions for other tools you might use to gather the resources described in the announcement
  15. ok, topic closed, i have enough signups. I will announce who will start this ally, i will assign one person that will invite the rest (to same me the extra work of manually inviting all) Thank you.
  16. the reason why guilds and alliances are tehnically the same thing is to reuse same interface for both and to force people into deciding on one of them and not both. MD has few people, allowing one to participate in more than one guild or alliance would be a desaster. Its enough that some of you do as ten while others have no clue what to do at all. The problem comes with the increasingly more non fighting guilds. A guild means also land affiliation, that is good, it makes people divided on lands and i want that. It comes also with alliances advantages and disadvantages, thats not so good. how to limit players to only one guild or alliance but at the same time allow them the freedom of allied or non alied play as they wish? Land affiliation is not a problem afterall. For extreme cases where neutrality is a must, there are always the neutral lands. This was kind of solved with the factions idea, but i couldnt bring that to an end due to various reasons. how could i improve the current alliance system to better support non fighting guilds? +1000000 defence? ...guild members will NEED to get heat too, it will be a must. I am already working on heat storing recipients so a non fighting guild could comission a fighting guild to refill their heat needs. this is a very serious matter, alliance concept with what it offers now is simply not what someone would like for its non fighting guild. At the same time i want them grouped in a guild and not just sharing a flag or a unwritten loyalty pact between them. Guilds need a leader, common advantages and disadvantages, members list, private chat, LOGO, name, land, etc...very similar with alliances if not identical. keep your suggestions SHORT AND CLEAR TO READ, if your idea is good i will ask you do develop it, dont write neverending novels please, i need to analyze all your suggestions.
  17. keep this topic discuss this guil, i will open a separate one to discuss land affiliation and alliance restrictions. - yes this is tehnically an alliance, you need to exit current one to join this one - yes it comes with lr citizenship, that i should have thought of and discuss it with firth firth, my mistake - woodcutters are not careless tree choppers. It should be as part of their code to protect the forest and be sure they will have what to gather later. I suggest there will be a tehnical rule that resources that are completely depleeted will not regenerate as fast as those partially depleeted. That will make woodcutters and other future guilds learn to moderate their gathering and also care about the resource provider in this case the trees. This would be a great addition to support an internal code of a gathering guild but also a vulnerability, and you know how much i love this kind of combination. by that your concern about lr turning into mindless tree choppers should be solved...right? Consider you are collecting the harvest not consuming nature. wood grows back if you are not destroying the forest. This might go well also with seed planting and watering.
  18. this is double sided situation. that announcement is from alpha8 , but its true i dont remember to state otherwise sice then. My tendency is indeed to give a sort of licence for those discovering a bug and even allow everyone to abuse it if the bug was reported. We (I, but with your help) need to check and find that part that sais about allowing bug abusing if you discover it and syncronize it with the info Ailith posted. As you all know MD is more like a country with a constitution, a constitution that sometimes gets outdated other times forgotten. This needs to be posted on the rules page for all to see and avoid such situations. The HC, most of all the BHC, is a mercyless bloodshed, complaining about bugs in it will not fix your situation but should fix the bug. Yes you can go anywhere on the map to fight it, including limited locations, excluding locations you should not be able to access. I will not punish anyone this time for using the bug but stop doing it because the rule clarification will probably state clearly, again, that you should not.
  19. of course this change was not directed against your future quest, its just bad timing (i had no idea about your quest anyway) assuming you do realize why such a security fix was needed , you may know that logging them and keeping them on is alright because the security fix is ment to prevent fake active days gathering and not to keep player logged out. kaptcha forcing is a way, one that i will try to prevent, but i might not be able to do so untill your quest is over (or i might, which sucks). If you adventure in that direction let me know costs and i might support them. problem with captha breakers is that there are some that break very very advanced captcha and thats why its pointless to do anything more that a normal image. or..you could assign the bots to be kept on by several people, and by that enhance your quest greatly and involve a lot of people without losing any of your work....but complaining seems to be easier somehow.
  20. DISCLAIMER: Not sure where to post this, mods relocate if you find better. I hope I am not offending anyone of I post the woodcutters guild under LR, if so, your king should tell me (based on your complains of course, if any). Not that I want LR peopel to chop down their own land , but it only seemed appropriate to associate wood cutting with Loreroot. RECRUITMENT: I am founding a new guild, one that will have as main activity the gathering of wood and related resources from across the land, mainly Loreroot. Anyone over 30 days can apply for it, I will select a few and then the leader of the guild can invite more based on his/her own rules. My rules for starting the guild is that you should state why you wish to join it. things that will raise your chances: current role related to similar activity, real life hobby or occupation related to woodcutting, wood carving or similar. DETAILS: The guild will receive a set of tools to distribute among its members. If you lose the tools its up to you to get them back. The tools are regular items, usable, powered with the new item features that allow you to gather wood related resources and increase your woodcutting skill. There will be apprentice tools to perfect your skill and master tools to perform more advanced operations once your skill is high enough. Wood and wood related materials will be a main resource in the realm, but remember there will be a lot more resources and similar guilds and you can only be part of one guild at a time. The resources gathered by the guild members can be stockpiled for later purposes or traded to outside parties for any price or service the holder wants. Once gathered, the resources are yours to do whatever you wish with them. Actual use of these resources will be added in time (soon) and will consist in crafting of other items , a chain of production even, creating of reusable or consumable items, etc. Most resources will condense in low quantity composite products that in turn will combine to create even more rare advanced products. For example woodcutters will be able to provide "tree bark", an essential ingredient for the alchemists guild (oh yeah). That incredient together with a lot more others comming from other sources will finnaly assamble into powerfull items but only by people that have the right skill to do that. WARNINGS: Leader of the guild will be the one with highest loyalty score, i will not assign a leader. These guilds are tehnically respecting the rules of alliances but i refer to them as guilds because they have nothing to do with fighting. The guild will offer high protection but no attack or other fighting bonuses. The skill you gain while performing guild related activities remain with your profile forever and might count to future crafting activities. I will look over this topic and pick the first members of the guild as soon as all the features are ready and the items are prepared. The leader will be given all the items and he should distribute them among the other memebers on whatever reason he pleases. I will discourage a single person to master opposite skills. Once you pick a path you should stick to it and master it. I even plan to make skill drop in case you increase an other competing skill , so don't think you will be able to master all. Good luck
  21. yes the silver cupons can be converted to gold at a 1:15 rate. did i mention already that i guarantee the morphs to morph into a version you do not currently posess? torture torture...
  22. IAB 12gold for morphs Shadowseeker 200silver for dark (the silver rewarded in the name research contest can be used already, just state clearly that you are using it. If you won it but do not wish to use it, i will give it out as silver equivalent after the auction. If you want to trade it before the auction, i will also give it as silver equivalent so you can do what you please with it).
  23. blackwoon and Z 30 the others are repetitive or irelevant.
  24. nuclear science? haha..mmhhaa...muhahahhahahahaaa ...red button, little button, cuuutte buttton...muhahaha

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. Chewett


      ah but you have come

    3. Curiose


      Sad. Our record has been tainted!

    4. Grido


      I am Grido, thus i can post here

  25. An other 30 silver for the same research of the name Camburu go go go
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