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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Viscosity Thread   
    East lands are not for newbies.
    Labyrint should be a death trap.
    Team work can be in many ways, traveling in teams is defenetly one.
    Viscosity/name tooltips will be added whenever i have work to do in a place without and i consider it needs some. It is not priority. Eventualy in this way all will get their flags.
    Eventualy the team work will stop and only some paths will be kept "fluid"

    Theoretically, current popular places won't be affected in any way, while other more deep locations will be locked in a more natural way. In this way i can remove keys on certain places and let only viscosity to guard them. This means anyone could eventually enter if he manages to break the viscosity (team work again). Also visc leaves a new type of traces to see where people "migrated", longer and "different" than chat trails.
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Blackthorn in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Normal information can be copied indefinetly without being lost (xerox style). Complex thoughts, such as those for "spells" you can't multiplicate simply because you don't have either the "reading" device nor the "ink" to write a copy. Imagine to make a xerox copy of a 100$ bill...some things look similar, some things will never be similar. What happens in this case is that each copy of that sort of thought is still connected to the one that created it initially. That, in terms of MD dynamics, would mean that players mastering a permanent spell should be able to give away limited casts of it and each cast should drain them of heat as long as it exists. This will scatter the spell across multiple players but not duplicate its original power/source. This is not to far from how things are now ..but not with spells in md..with items. Items that create items, such as pickles and candy, have a limited amount that can be created, based on how many are already "uneaten". This concept was applied to candy and pickles so i could create the system for potential later use, like for now.

    I don't know how much i will be able to bring the spells concept closer to reality, i will try hard , now and for years to come, thats for sure. Sadly some things are very very hard to achieve. For example the connection between inner and outer magic, how to create spells. In the outer world this would be "managed" and limited by ones abilities to understand the surroundings, in md there are tehnical limitations and the surroundings are quite different from the outer-world. I found a solution for that, it will be acceptable in terms of "game play" and will be close enough to reality BUT..but ...my quest will remain that one day I will find a way to perfect it. One day I want players in MD to be able to "learn" a spell and do it, and not "unlock" a spell and click it. It is possible, and all the things i change now point in that direction. However you notice how md population drops as MD goes further away from "gameplay standards". I could have created a branched magic system with points to distribute and such..but nooo, i had to do it my way..this drives people away. I..dont..care..

    The priority in md development as long as i will be the one deciding it, will be to respect its concepts and to fine tune a central idea, same one for years.

    I have connectivity issues with the server so i cant upload anything at the moment. There are several changes that are done but will be uploaded probably tomorow, unless a miracle happens and i manage to do it tonight..oh wait, no miracles, oh well..later then.
  3. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Luke27 in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Normal information can be copied indefinetly without being lost (xerox style). Complex thoughts, such as those for "spells" you can't multiplicate simply because you don't have either the "reading" device nor the "ink" to write a copy. Imagine to make a xerox copy of a 100$ bill...some things look similar, some things will never be similar. What happens in this case is that each copy of that sort of thought is still connected to the one that created it initially. That, in terms of MD dynamics, would mean that players mastering a permanent spell should be able to give away limited casts of it and each cast should drain them of heat as long as it exists. This will scatter the spell across multiple players but not duplicate its original power/source. This is not to far from how things are now ..but not with spells in md..with items. Items that create items, such as pickles and candy, have a limited amount that can be created, based on how many are already "uneaten". This concept was applied to candy and pickles so i could create the system for potential later use, like for now.

    I don't know how much i will be able to bring the spells concept closer to reality, i will try hard , now and for years to come, thats for sure. Sadly some things are very very hard to achieve. For example the connection between inner and outer magic, how to create spells. In the outer world this would be "managed" and limited by ones abilities to understand the surroundings, in md there are tehnical limitations and the surroundings are quite different from the outer-world. I found a solution for that, it will be acceptable in terms of "game play" and will be close enough to reality BUT..but ...my quest will remain that one day I will find a way to perfect it. One day I want players in MD to be able to "learn" a spell and do it, and not "unlock" a spell and click it. It is possible, and all the things i change now point in that direction. However you notice how md population drops as MD goes further away from "gameplay standards". I could have created a branched magic system with points to distribute and such..but nooo, i had to do it my way..this drives people away. I..dont..care..

    The priority in md development as long as i will be the one deciding it, will be to respect its concepts and to fine tune a central idea, same one for years.

    I have connectivity issues with the server so i cant upload anything at the moment. There are several changes that are done but will be uploaded probably tomorow, unless a miracle happens and i manage to do it tonight..oh wait, no miracles, oh well..later then.
  4. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Esmaralda in Viscosity Thread   
    East lands are not for newbies.
    Labyrint should be a death trap.
    Team work can be in many ways, traveling in teams is defenetly one.
    Viscosity/name tooltips will be added whenever i have work to do in a place without and i consider it needs some. It is not priority. Eventualy in this way all will get their flags.
    Eventualy the team work will stop and only some paths will be kept "fluid"

    Theoretically, current popular places won't be affected in any way, while other more deep locations will be locked in a more natural way. In this way i can remove keys on certain places and let only viscosity to guard them. This means anyone could eventually enter if he manages to break the viscosity (team work again). Also visc leaves a new type of traces to see where people "migrated", longer and "different" than chat trails.
  5. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Normal information can be copied indefinetly without being lost (xerox style). Complex thoughts, such as those for "spells" you can't multiplicate simply because you don't have either the "reading" device nor the "ink" to write a copy. Imagine to make a xerox copy of a 100$ bill...some things look similar, some things will never be similar. What happens in this case is that each copy of that sort of thought is still connected to the one that created it initially. That, in terms of MD dynamics, would mean that players mastering a permanent spell should be able to give away limited casts of it and each cast should drain them of heat as long as it exists. This will scatter the spell across multiple players but not duplicate its original power/source. This is not to far from how things are now ..but not with spells in md..with items. Items that create items, such as pickles and candy, have a limited amount that can be created, based on how many are already "uneaten". This concept was applied to candy and pickles so i could create the system for potential later use, like for now.

    I don't know how much i will be able to bring the spells concept closer to reality, i will try hard , now and for years to come, thats for sure. Sadly some things are very very hard to achieve. For example the connection between inner and outer magic, how to create spells. In the outer world this would be "managed" and limited by ones abilities to understand the surroundings, in md there are tehnical limitations and the surroundings are quite different from the outer-world. I found a solution for that, it will be acceptable in terms of "game play" and will be close enough to reality BUT..but ...my quest will remain that one day I will find a way to perfect it. One day I want players in MD to be able to "learn" a spell and do it, and not "unlock" a spell and click it. It is possible, and all the things i change now point in that direction. However you notice how md population drops as MD goes further away from "gameplay standards". I could have created a branched magic system with points to distribute and such..but nooo, i had to do it my way..this drives people away. I..dont..care..

    The priority in md development as long as i will be the one deciding it, will be to respect its concepts and to fine tune a central idea, same one for years.

    I have connectivity issues with the server so i cant upload anything at the moment. There are several changes that are done but will be uploaded probably tomorow, unless a miracle happens and i manage to do it tonight..oh wait, no miracles, oh well..later then.
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from nadrolski in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Normal information can be copied indefinetly without being lost (xerox style). Complex thoughts, such as those for "spells" you can't multiplicate simply because you don't have either the "reading" device nor the "ink" to write a copy. Imagine to make a xerox copy of a 100$ bill...some things look similar, some things will never be similar. What happens in this case is that each copy of that sort of thought is still connected to the one that created it initially. That, in terms of MD dynamics, would mean that players mastering a permanent spell should be able to give away limited casts of it and each cast should drain them of heat as long as it exists. This will scatter the spell across multiple players but not duplicate its original power/source. This is not to far from how things are now ..but not with spells in md..with items. Items that create items, such as pickles and candy, have a limited amount that can be created, based on how many are already "uneaten". This concept was applied to candy and pickles so i could create the system for potential later use, like for now.

    I don't know how much i will be able to bring the spells concept closer to reality, i will try hard , now and for years to come, thats for sure. Sadly some things are very very hard to achieve. For example the connection between inner and outer magic, how to create spells. In the outer world this would be "managed" and limited by ones abilities to understand the surroundings, in md there are tehnical limitations and the surroundings are quite different from the outer-world. I found a solution for that, it will be acceptable in terms of "game play" and will be close enough to reality BUT..but ...my quest will remain that one day I will find a way to perfect it. One day I want players in MD to be able to "learn" a spell and do it, and not "unlock" a spell and click it. It is possible, and all the things i change now point in that direction. However you notice how md population drops as MD goes further away from "gameplay standards". I could have created a branched magic system with points to distribute and such..but nooo, i had to do it my way..this drives people away. I..dont..care..

    The priority in md development as long as i will be the one deciding it, will be to respect its concepts and to fine tune a central idea, same one for years.

    I have connectivity issues with the server so i cant upload anything at the moment. There are several changes that are done but will be uploaded probably tomorow, unless a miracle happens and i manage to do it tonight..oh wait, no miracles, oh well..later then.
  7. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from xrieg in Viscosity Thread   
    East lands are not for newbies.
    Labyrint should be a death trap.
    Team work can be in many ways, traveling in teams is defenetly one.
    Viscosity/name tooltips will be added whenever i have work to do in a place without and i consider it needs some. It is not priority. Eventualy in this way all will get their flags.
    Eventualy the team work will stop and only some paths will be kept "fluid"

    Theoretically, current popular places won't be affected in any way, while other more deep locations will be locked in a more natural way. In this way i can remove keys on certain places and let only viscosity to guard them. This means anyone could eventually enter if he manages to break the viscosity (team work again). Also visc leaves a new type of traces to see where people "migrated", longer and "different" than chat trails.
  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Viscosity Thread   
    East lands are not for newbies.
    Labyrint should be a death trap.
    Team work can be in many ways, traveling in teams is defenetly one.
    Viscosity/name tooltips will be added whenever i have work to do in a place without and i consider it needs some. It is not priority. Eventualy in this way all will get their flags.
    Eventualy the team work will stop and only some paths will be kept "fluid"

    Theoretically, current popular places won't be affected in any way, while other more deep locations will be locked in a more natural way. In this way i can remove keys on certain places and let only viscosity to guard them. This means anyone could eventually enter if he manages to break the viscosity (team work again). Also visc leaves a new type of traces to see where people "migrated", longer and "different" than chat trails.
  9. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sharazhad in For the kings   
    - As a king, threatening you will quit, regardless of reason, means you don't see your role for how important it is.
    [color="#FF0000"]It will cost you one penalty point.[/color]

    - You think kings/yourself are just a WP dispenser and nothing more?
    [color="#FF0000"]You are incompetent. Kings should use their limited resources in a creative but also [b]proactive way[/b], meaning sponsorships, "kingly" rewarded activities, initiative to DO things, etc, not just wait for others to ask you for the wp codes.[/color]

    - You feel like you are waiting for "Buttons" so you can do "Stuff"?
    [color="#FF0000"]Reality update, use what you have, convert authority into actions because you can do that. Ofc you can keep asking them, thats no trouble, but if you go all frustrated that you didnt receive them, when there are ways around them..not good.[/color]

    - Annoyed with your citizens?
    [color="#FF0000"]means they are annoyed with you too. You can fix that, but as you "fix" that keep in mind that a one citizen land won't be really a land in the end[/color]

    - A global..better said cubical problem bothers you, want to change concepts in MD?
    [color="#FF0000"]Highly possible, but I wont change one thing to affect all lands just when one kings asks it. If all kings/queens discuss it and agree something needs to be done, then i will consider it[/color]

    [ joke removed, also the replies to it ][/b]

    It seems my sense of humor when i am angry sounds like mockery..maybe it was..maybe it also was in the hope to be so in a constructive way. Either case, removed.
  10. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Seigheart in For the kings   
    - As a king, threatening you will quit, regardless of reason, means you don't see your role for how important it is.
    [color="#FF0000"]It will cost you one penalty point.[/color]

    - You think kings/yourself are just a WP dispenser and nothing more?
    [color="#FF0000"]You are incompetent. Kings should use their limited resources in a creative but also [b]proactive way[/b], meaning sponsorships, "kingly" rewarded activities, initiative to DO things, etc, not just wait for others to ask you for the wp codes.[/color]

    - You feel like you are waiting for "Buttons" so you can do "Stuff"?
    [color="#FF0000"]Reality update, use what you have, convert authority into actions because you can do that. Ofc you can keep asking them, thats no trouble, but if you go all frustrated that you didnt receive them, when there are ways around them..not good.[/color]

    - Annoyed with your citizens?
    [color="#FF0000"]means they are annoyed with you too. You can fix that, but as you "fix" that keep in mind that a one citizen land won't be really a land in the end[/color]

    - A global..better said cubical problem bothers you, want to change concepts in MD?
    [color="#FF0000"]Highly possible, but I wont change one thing to affect all lands just when one kings asks it. If all kings/queens discuss it and agree something needs to be done, then i will consider it[/color]

    [ joke removed, also the replies to it ][/b]

    It seems my sense of humor when i am angry sounds like mockery..maybe it was..maybe it also was in the hope to be so in a constructive way. Either case, removed.
  11. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Blackthorn in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Its time for a concept clarification. I tried to make md in a very original but also personal view on subjects such as game playe but also the concept of "magic".
    There are some traps i fell in. Because it requires a bit more "insanity" than i was prepared to have back 6 years ago to say things as they are, certain things I made them as they were "expected".

    You might think md is original as it is, but from my point of view, things like "limited number of casts" on a spell, the word "spell" itself...scratch my ears and made me think they are very ..commercial.

    I tried over time to improve things by making them more natural to how I wanted them to be, and some of the steps i did in that direction are relevant. This is one of those steps. It does not involve a tehnical change, because none is required, but it is about a clarification of concept. This clarification is so important for me that I made an announcement about it and shift other things in md tehnical or cenceptual, to fit it. I wanted to make it the milestone that will mark the end of stage X and beginning of stage XI...but i am sure you don't see it as important as I do yet so I will let the stage11 celebrate an other, more dramatic and obvious change/feature.

    Now, what is this all about.

    Spells are nothing more than "pre-compiled" memories, complex thoughts..too complex to remember as they are. Sometimes you can cast them without words, achieving the same result through your actions, sometimes you can use words to "cast" spells by bringing their memory fresh into your mind. The words offer a guide, a focus to set your mind in a defined direction.

    In games, spells became more like ..idk.. pills that you take or buttons that you press and things happen, totaly away from their actual meaning and concept. I am trying to bring this concept more to its reality with certain things like "heat" cost, keeping spells as part of the chat talk and not "buttons to press" and such things. Sadly is not enough, for my standards at least.

    Thats why i write this here and will follow this concept for the future in a more obvious way. SPELLS ARE THOUGHTS, not buttons, not words you read an do things you cant do. The words are aids to do the things you can already do.

    Currently in MD it is a huge gap between the spelldocs, that are the closest thing to spell descriptions you will probably ever find, and the "usable" spells. I am working on that part, and i am aware of this issue. At some point inner magic will unite with outer magic concepts in md, and all the development so far supports that sort of update. As i see it, it will probably happen in stage11..and if i get angry enough it will happen in one night of work because things are increasingly clearer for me as how they should go (development wise). Rendril almost finished a major feature that will also be used to reintegrate the spelldocs, so everything is comming in place nicely.

    I find it outrageous how spells can have "limited number of casts". How can that be? You run out of words? wtf is this bulshit, excuse my language.
    Regardless how angry I am on the general preconceptions that make people think a certain way, or by the need to balance powers that made me add limited number of "casts" to a unlimited thing, i need to move on and go back to what I consider accurate and real. For that I will shift MD further more on the originality path.

    There is one case when spells have indeed limited "casts"..it is when they are not yours and you just remember that thought, copied from someone else. In reality, thoughts do not "re-purify" themselves..sadly. But in RL we experience an entropic universe. In md the world is balanced, or slightly inclined towards syntropy, so what I will say next _makes perfect sense_.

    " A spell has limited uses because a memory used in such way gets slightly tainted by current thoughts and it needs time to recover its purity. Therefore, spell casts are limited, but if you master the spell (as opposed to temporary spells), their "casts" will recharge periodically."
    (This is a quote from the description added to the spell index page)

    Note: Normally in an entropic universe, any thought you repeat (i hate the word spell), becomes altered and gets further away from its original purity..but becomes also stronger.

    Following this sudden change of heart that makes me improve concepts and alter feature just to follow those concepts, I will do different changes to the spell system. Nothing will be drastic, no functionality will be broken. What is now implemented is fine..just some of the words are too standard and i hate it.

    For example, part of this concept will be a new sort of temporary spells..thoughts that you consume till they are gone then you forget how to recall them. Words alone can only help someone recreate thoghts in their mind with their own "vocabulary" of feelings...but spells sometimes are about feelings that you never experienced and such thoughts can not be reproduced without experience..but can be copied in the presence of someone that masters them.

    Temporary spells will also change the way MD is played..mainly because now a lot more people will be able to have spells. The spells wont be abusable because they wont be rechargeable! There is a huge range of possibilities that opened up today but it is all based on the previous years of development.
    In the end I want to remind you all one thing.

    There is no magic..things might look as magic seen from one side but its knowledge seen from the other side. There is no magic for the magician.
  12. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Rasiel in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Its time for a concept clarification. I tried to make md in a very original but also personal view on subjects such as game playe but also the concept of "magic".
    There are some traps i fell in. Because it requires a bit more "insanity" than i was prepared to have back 6 years ago to say things as they are, certain things I made them as they were "expected".

    You might think md is original as it is, but from my point of view, things like "limited number of casts" on a spell, the word "spell" itself...scratch my ears and made me think they are very ..commercial.

    I tried over time to improve things by making them more natural to how I wanted them to be, and some of the steps i did in that direction are relevant. This is one of those steps. It does not involve a tehnical change, because none is required, but it is about a clarification of concept. This clarification is so important for me that I made an announcement about it and shift other things in md tehnical or cenceptual, to fit it. I wanted to make it the milestone that will mark the end of stage X and beginning of stage XI...but i am sure you don't see it as important as I do yet so I will let the stage11 celebrate an other, more dramatic and obvious change/feature.

    Now, what is this all about.

    Spells are nothing more than "pre-compiled" memories, complex thoughts..too complex to remember as they are. Sometimes you can cast them without words, achieving the same result through your actions, sometimes you can use words to "cast" spells by bringing their memory fresh into your mind. The words offer a guide, a focus to set your mind in a defined direction.

    In games, spells became more like ..idk.. pills that you take or buttons that you press and things happen, totaly away from their actual meaning and concept. I am trying to bring this concept more to its reality with certain things like "heat" cost, keeping spells as part of the chat talk and not "buttons to press" and such things. Sadly is not enough, for my standards at least.

    Thats why i write this here and will follow this concept for the future in a more obvious way. SPELLS ARE THOUGHTS, not buttons, not words you read an do things you cant do. The words are aids to do the things you can already do.

    Currently in MD it is a huge gap between the spelldocs, that are the closest thing to spell descriptions you will probably ever find, and the "usable" spells. I am working on that part, and i am aware of this issue. At some point inner magic will unite with outer magic concepts in md, and all the development so far supports that sort of update. As i see it, it will probably happen in stage11..and if i get angry enough it will happen in one night of work because things are increasingly clearer for me as how they should go (development wise). Rendril almost finished a major feature that will also be used to reintegrate the spelldocs, so everything is comming in place nicely.

    I find it outrageous how spells can have "limited number of casts". How can that be? You run out of words? wtf is this bulshit, excuse my language.
    Regardless how angry I am on the general preconceptions that make people think a certain way, or by the need to balance powers that made me add limited number of "casts" to a unlimited thing, i need to move on and go back to what I consider accurate and real. For that I will shift MD further more on the originality path.

    There is one case when spells have indeed limited "casts"..it is when they are not yours and you just remember that thought, copied from someone else. In reality, thoughts do not "re-purify" themselves..sadly. But in RL we experience an entropic universe. In md the world is balanced, or slightly inclined towards syntropy, so what I will say next _makes perfect sense_.

    " A spell has limited uses because a memory used in such way gets slightly tainted by current thoughts and it needs time to recover its purity. Therefore, spell casts are limited, but if you master the spell (as opposed to temporary spells), their "casts" will recharge periodically."
    (This is a quote from the description added to the spell index page)

    Note: Normally in an entropic universe, any thought you repeat (i hate the word spell), becomes altered and gets further away from its original purity..but becomes also stronger.

    Following this sudden change of heart that makes me improve concepts and alter feature just to follow those concepts, I will do different changes to the spell system. Nothing will be drastic, no functionality will be broken. What is now implemented is fine..just some of the words are too standard and i hate it.

    For example, part of this concept will be a new sort of temporary spells..thoughts that you consume till they are gone then you forget how to recall them. Words alone can only help someone recreate thoghts in their mind with their own "vocabulary" of feelings...but spells sometimes are about feelings that you never experienced and such thoughts can not be reproduced without experience..but can be copied in the presence of someone that masters them.

    Temporary spells will also change the way MD is played..mainly because now a lot more people will be able to have spells. The spells wont be abusable because they wont be rechargeable! There is a huge range of possibilities that opened up today but it is all based on the previous years of development.
    In the end I want to remind you all one thing.

    There is no magic..things might look as magic seen from one side but its knowledge seen from the other side. There is no magic for the magician.
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Fire Starter in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Its time for a concept clarification. I tried to make md in a very original but also personal view on subjects such as game playe but also the concept of "magic".
    There are some traps i fell in. Because it requires a bit more "insanity" than i was prepared to have back 6 years ago to say things as they are, certain things I made them as they were "expected".

    You might think md is original as it is, but from my point of view, things like "limited number of casts" on a spell, the word "spell" itself...scratch my ears and made me think they are very ..commercial.

    I tried over time to improve things by making them more natural to how I wanted them to be, and some of the steps i did in that direction are relevant. This is one of those steps. It does not involve a tehnical change, because none is required, but it is about a clarification of concept. This clarification is so important for me that I made an announcement about it and shift other things in md tehnical or cenceptual, to fit it. I wanted to make it the milestone that will mark the end of stage X and beginning of stage XI...but i am sure you don't see it as important as I do yet so I will let the stage11 celebrate an other, more dramatic and obvious change/feature.

    Now, what is this all about.

    Spells are nothing more than "pre-compiled" memories, complex thoughts..too complex to remember as they are. Sometimes you can cast them without words, achieving the same result through your actions, sometimes you can use words to "cast" spells by bringing their memory fresh into your mind. The words offer a guide, a focus to set your mind in a defined direction.

    In games, spells became more like ..idk.. pills that you take or buttons that you press and things happen, totaly away from their actual meaning and concept. I am trying to bring this concept more to its reality with certain things like "heat" cost, keeping spells as part of the chat talk and not "buttons to press" and such things. Sadly is not enough, for my standards at least.

    Thats why i write this here and will follow this concept for the future in a more obvious way. SPELLS ARE THOUGHTS, not buttons, not words you read an do things you cant do. The words are aids to do the things you can already do.

    Currently in MD it is a huge gap between the spelldocs, that are the closest thing to spell descriptions you will probably ever find, and the "usable" spells. I am working on that part, and i am aware of this issue. At some point inner magic will unite with outer magic concepts in md, and all the development so far supports that sort of update. As i see it, it will probably happen in stage11..and if i get angry enough it will happen in one night of work because things are increasingly clearer for me as how they should go (development wise). Rendril almost finished a major feature that will also be used to reintegrate the spelldocs, so everything is comming in place nicely.

    I find it outrageous how spells can have "limited number of casts". How can that be? You run out of words? wtf is this bulshit, excuse my language.
    Regardless how angry I am on the general preconceptions that make people think a certain way, or by the need to balance powers that made me add limited number of "casts" to a unlimited thing, i need to move on and go back to what I consider accurate and real. For that I will shift MD further more on the originality path.

    There is one case when spells have indeed limited "casts"..it is when they are not yours and you just remember that thought, copied from someone else. In reality, thoughts do not "re-purify" themselves..sadly. But in RL we experience an entropic universe. In md the world is balanced, or slightly inclined towards syntropy, so what I will say next _makes perfect sense_.

    " A spell has limited uses because a memory used in such way gets slightly tainted by current thoughts and it needs time to recover its purity. Therefore, spell casts are limited, but if you master the spell (as opposed to temporary spells), their "casts" will recharge periodically."
    (This is a quote from the description added to the spell index page)

    Note: Normally in an entropic universe, any thought you repeat (i hate the word spell), becomes altered and gets further away from its original purity..but becomes also stronger.

    Following this sudden change of heart that makes me improve concepts and alter feature just to follow those concepts, I will do different changes to the spell system. Nothing will be drastic, no functionality will be broken. What is now implemented is fine..just some of the words are too standard and i hate it.

    For example, part of this concept will be a new sort of temporary spells..thoughts that you consume till they are gone then you forget how to recall them. Words alone can only help someone recreate thoghts in their mind with their own "vocabulary" of feelings...but spells sometimes are about feelings that you never experienced and such thoughts can not be reproduced without experience..but can be copied in the presence of someone that masters them.

    Temporary spells will also change the way MD is played..mainly because now a lot more people will be able to have spells. The spells wont be abusable because they wont be rechargeable! There is a huge range of possibilities that opened up today but it is all based on the previous years of development.
    In the end I want to remind you all one thing.

    There is no magic..things might look as magic seen from one side but its knowledge seen from the other side. There is no magic for the magician.
  14. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Yrthilian in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Its time for a concept clarification. I tried to make md in a very original but also personal view on subjects such as game playe but also the concept of "magic".
    There are some traps i fell in. Because it requires a bit more "insanity" than i was prepared to have back 6 years ago to say things as they are, certain things I made them as they were "expected".

    You might think md is original as it is, but from my point of view, things like "limited number of casts" on a spell, the word "spell" itself...scratch my ears and made me think they are very ..commercial.

    I tried over time to improve things by making them more natural to how I wanted them to be, and some of the steps i did in that direction are relevant. This is one of those steps. It does not involve a tehnical change, because none is required, but it is about a clarification of concept. This clarification is so important for me that I made an announcement about it and shift other things in md tehnical or cenceptual, to fit it. I wanted to make it the milestone that will mark the end of stage X and beginning of stage XI...but i am sure you don't see it as important as I do yet so I will let the stage11 celebrate an other, more dramatic and obvious change/feature.

    Now, what is this all about.

    Spells are nothing more than "pre-compiled" memories, complex thoughts..too complex to remember as they are. Sometimes you can cast them without words, achieving the same result through your actions, sometimes you can use words to "cast" spells by bringing their memory fresh into your mind. The words offer a guide, a focus to set your mind in a defined direction.

    In games, spells became more like ..idk.. pills that you take or buttons that you press and things happen, totaly away from their actual meaning and concept. I am trying to bring this concept more to its reality with certain things like "heat" cost, keeping spells as part of the chat talk and not "buttons to press" and such things. Sadly is not enough, for my standards at least.

    Thats why i write this here and will follow this concept for the future in a more obvious way. SPELLS ARE THOUGHTS, not buttons, not words you read an do things you cant do. The words are aids to do the things you can already do.

    Currently in MD it is a huge gap between the spelldocs, that are the closest thing to spell descriptions you will probably ever find, and the "usable" spells. I am working on that part, and i am aware of this issue. At some point inner magic will unite with outer magic concepts in md, and all the development so far supports that sort of update. As i see it, it will probably happen in stage11..and if i get angry enough it will happen in one night of work because things are increasingly clearer for me as how they should go (development wise). Rendril almost finished a major feature that will also be used to reintegrate the spelldocs, so everything is comming in place nicely.

    I find it outrageous how spells can have "limited number of casts". How can that be? You run out of words? wtf is this bulshit, excuse my language.
    Regardless how angry I am on the general preconceptions that make people think a certain way, or by the need to balance powers that made me add limited number of "casts" to a unlimited thing, i need to move on and go back to what I consider accurate and real. For that I will shift MD further more on the originality path.

    There is one case when spells have indeed limited "casts"..it is when they are not yours and you just remember that thought, copied from someone else. In reality, thoughts do not "re-purify" themselves..sadly. But in RL we experience an entropic universe. In md the world is balanced, or slightly inclined towards syntropy, so what I will say next _makes perfect sense_.

    " A spell has limited uses because a memory used in such way gets slightly tainted by current thoughts and it needs time to recover its purity. Therefore, spell casts are limited, but if you master the spell (as opposed to temporary spells), their "casts" will recharge periodically."
    (This is a quote from the description added to the spell index page)

    Note: Normally in an entropic universe, any thought you repeat (i hate the word spell), becomes altered and gets further away from its original purity..but becomes also stronger.

    Following this sudden change of heart that makes me improve concepts and alter feature just to follow those concepts, I will do different changes to the spell system. Nothing will be drastic, no functionality will be broken. What is now implemented is fine..just some of the words are too standard and i hate it.

    For example, part of this concept will be a new sort of temporary spells..thoughts that you consume till they are gone then you forget how to recall them. Words alone can only help someone recreate thoghts in their mind with their own "vocabulary" of feelings...but spells sometimes are about feelings that you never experienced and such thoughts can not be reproduced without experience..but can be copied in the presence of someone that masters them.

    Temporary spells will also change the way MD is played..mainly because now a lot more people will be able to have spells. The spells wont be abusable because they wont be rechargeable! There is a huge range of possibilities that opened up today but it is all based on the previous years of development.
    In the end I want to remind you all one thing.

    There is no magic..things might look as magic seen from one side but its knowledge seen from the other side. There is no magic for the magician.
  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Its time for a concept clarification. I tried to make md in a very original but also personal view on subjects such as game playe but also the concept of "magic".
    There are some traps i fell in. Because it requires a bit more "insanity" than i was prepared to have back 6 years ago to say things as they are, certain things I made them as they were "expected".

    You might think md is original as it is, but from my point of view, things like "limited number of casts" on a spell, the word "spell" itself...scratch my ears and made me think they are very ..commercial.

    I tried over time to improve things by making them more natural to how I wanted them to be, and some of the steps i did in that direction are relevant. This is one of those steps. It does not involve a tehnical change, because none is required, but it is about a clarification of concept. This clarification is so important for me that I made an announcement about it and shift other things in md tehnical or cenceptual, to fit it. I wanted to make it the milestone that will mark the end of stage X and beginning of stage XI...but i am sure you don't see it as important as I do yet so I will let the stage11 celebrate an other, more dramatic and obvious change/feature.

    Now, what is this all about.

    Spells are nothing more than "pre-compiled" memories, complex thoughts..too complex to remember as they are. Sometimes you can cast them without words, achieving the same result through your actions, sometimes you can use words to "cast" spells by bringing their memory fresh into your mind. The words offer a guide, a focus to set your mind in a defined direction.

    In games, spells became more like ..idk.. pills that you take or buttons that you press and things happen, totaly away from their actual meaning and concept. I am trying to bring this concept more to its reality with certain things like "heat" cost, keeping spells as part of the chat talk and not "buttons to press" and such things. Sadly is not enough, for my standards at least.

    Thats why i write this here and will follow this concept for the future in a more obvious way. SPELLS ARE THOUGHTS, not buttons, not words you read an do things you cant do. The words are aids to do the things you can already do.

    Currently in MD it is a huge gap between the spelldocs, that are the closest thing to spell descriptions you will probably ever find, and the "usable" spells. I am working on that part, and i am aware of this issue. At some point inner magic will unite with outer magic concepts in md, and all the development so far supports that sort of update. As i see it, it will probably happen in stage11..and if i get angry enough it will happen in one night of work because things are increasingly clearer for me as how they should go (development wise). Rendril almost finished a major feature that will also be used to reintegrate the spelldocs, so everything is comming in place nicely.

    I find it outrageous how spells can have "limited number of casts". How can that be? You run out of words? wtf is this bulshit, excuse my language.
    Regardless how angry I am on the general preconceptions that make people think a certain way, or by the need to balance powers that made me add limited number of "casts" to a unlimited thing, i need to move on and go back to what I consider accurate and real. For that I will shift MD further more on the originality path.

    There is one case when spells have indeed limited "casts"..it is when they are not yours and you just remember that thought, copied from someone else. In reality, thoughts do not "re-purify" themselves..sadly. But in RL we experience an entropic universe. In md the world is balanced, or slightly inclined towards syntropy, so what I will say next _makes perfect sense_.

    " A spell has limited uses because a memory used in such way gets slightly tainted by current thoughts and it needs time to recover its purity. Therefore, spell casts are limited, but if you master the spell (as opposed to temporary spells), their "casts" will recharge periodically."
    (This is a quote from the description added to the spell index page)

    Note: Normally in an entropic universe, any thought you repeat (i hate the word spell), becomes altered and gets further away from its original purity..but becomes also stronger.

    Following this sudden change of heart that makes me improve concepts and alter feature just to follow those concepts, I will do different changes to the spell system. Nothing will be drastic, no functionality will be broken. What is now implemented is fine..just some of the words are too standard and i hate it.

    For example, part of this concept will be a new sort of temporary spells..thoughts that you consume till they are gone then you forget how to recall them. Words alone can only help someone recreate thoghts in their mind with their own "vocabulary" of feelings...but spells sometimes are about feelings that you never experienced and such thoughts can not be reproduced without experience..but can be copied in the presence of someone that masters them.

    Temporary spells will also change the way MD is played..mainly because now a lot more people will be able to have spells. The spells wont be abusable because they wont be rechargeable! There is a huge range of possibilities that opened up today but it is all based on the previous years of development.
    In the end I want to remind you all one thing.

    There is no magic..things might look as magic seen from one side but its knowledge seen from the other side. There is no magic for the magician.
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Mighty Pirate in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Its time for a concept clarification. I tried to make md in a very original but also personal view on subjects such as game playe but also the concept of "magic".
    There are some traps i fell in. Because it requires a bit more "insanity" than i was prepared to have back 6 years ago to say things as they are, certain things I made them as they were "expected".

    You might think md is original as it is, but from my point of view, things like "limited number of casts" on a spell, the word "spell" itself...scratch my ears and made me think they are very ..commercial.

    I tried over time to improve things by making them more natural to how I wanted them to be, and some of the steps i did in that direction are relevant. This is one of those steps. It does not involve a tehnical change, because none is required, but it is about a clarification of concept. This clarification is so important for me that I made an announcement about it and shift other things in md tehnical or cenceptual, to fit it. I wanted to make it the milestone that will mark the end of stage X and beginning of stage XI...but i am sure you don't see it as important as I do yet so I will let the stage11 celebrate an other, more dramatic and obvious change/feature.

    Now, what is this all about.

    Spells are nothing more than "pre-compiled" memories, complex thoughts..too complex to remember as they are. Sometimes you can cast them without words, achieving the same result through your actions, sometimes you can use words to "cast" spells by bringing their memory fresh into your mind. The words offer a guide, a focus to set your mind in a defined direction.

    In games, spells became more like ..idk.. pills that you take or buttons that you press and things happen, totaly away from their actual meaning and concept. I am trying to bring this concept more to its reality with certain things like "heat" cost, keeping spells as part of the chat talk and not "buttons to press" and such things. Sadly is not enough, for my standards at least.

    Thats why i write this here and will follow this concept for the future in a more obvious way. SPELLS ARE THOUGHTS, not buttons, not words you read an do things you cant do. The words are aids to do the things you can already do.

    Currently in MD it is a huge gap between the spelldocs, that are the closest thing to spell descriptions you will probably ever find, and the "usable" spells. I am working on that part, and i am aware of this issue. At some point inner magic will unite with outer magic concepts in md, and all the development so far supports that sort of update. As i see it, it will probably happen in stage11..and if i get angry enough it will happen in one night of work because things are increasingly clearer for me as how they should go (development wise). Rendril almost finished a major feature that will also be used to reintegrate the spelldocs, so everything is comming in place nicely.

    I find it outrageous how spells can have "limited number of casts". How can that be? You run out of words? wtf is this bulshit, excuse my language.
    Regardless how angry I am on the general preconceptions that make people think a certain way, or by the need to balance powers that made me add limited number of "casts" to a unlimited thing, i need to move on and go back to what I consider accurate and real. For that I will shift MD further more on the originality path.

    There is one case when spells have indeed limited "casts"..it is when they are not yours and you just remember that thought, copied from someone else. In reality, thoughts do not "re-purify" themselves..sadly. But in RL we experience an entropic universe. In md the world is balanced, or slightly inclined towards syntropy, so what I will say next _makes perfect sense_.

    " A spell has limited uses because a memory used in such way gets slightly tainted by current thoughts and it needs time to recover its purity. Therefore, spell casts are limited, but if you master the spell (as opposed to temporary spells), their "casts" will recharge periodically."
    (This is a quote from the description added to the spell index page)

    Note: Normally in an entropic universe, any thought you repeat (i hate the word spell), becomes altered and gets further away from its original purity..but becomes also stronger.

    Following this sudden change of heart that makes me improve concepts and alter feature just to follow those concepts, I will do different changes to the spell system. Nothing will be drastic, no functionality will be broken. What is now implemented is fine..just some of the words are too standard and i hate it.

    For example, part of this concept will be a new sort of temporary spells..thoughts that you consume till they are gone then you forget how to recall them. Words alone can only help someone recreate thoghts in their mind with their own "vocabulary" of feelings...but spells sometimes are about feelings that you never experienced and such thoughts can not be reproduced without experience..but can be copied in the presence of someone that masters them.

    Temporary spells will also change the way MD is played..mainly because now a lot more people will be able to have spells. The spells wont be abusable because they wont be rechargeable! There is a huge range of possibilities that opened up today but it is all based on the previous years of development.
    In the end I want to remind you all one thing.

    There is no magic..things might look as magic seen from one side but its knowledge seen from the other side. There is no magic for the magician.
  17. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Rumi in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Its time for a concept clarification. I tried to make md in a very original but also personal view on subjects such as game playe but also the concept of "magic".
    There are some traps i fell in. Because it requires a bit more "insanity" than i was prepared to have back 6 years ago to say things as they are, certain things I made them as they were "expected".

    You might think md is original as it is, but from my point of view, things like "limited number of casts" on a spell, the word "spell" itself...scratch my ears and made me think they are very ..commercial.

    I tried over time to improve things by making them more natural to how I wanted them to be, and some of the steps i did in that direction are relevant. This is one of those steps. It does not involve a tehnical change, because none is required, but it is about a clarification of concept. This clarification is so important for me that I made an announcement about it and shift other things in md tehnical or cenceptual, to fit it. I wanted to make it the milestone that will mark the end of stage X and beginning of stage XI...but i am sure you don't see it as important as I do yet so I will let the stage11 celebrate an other, more dramatic and obvious change/feature.

    Now, what is this all about.

    Spells are nothing more than "pre-compiled" memories, complex thoughts..too complex to remember as they are. Sometimes you can cast them without words, achieving the same result through your actions, sometimes you can use words to "cast" spells by bringing their memory fresh into your mind. The words offer a guide, a focus to set your mind in a defined direction.

    In games, spells became more like ..idk.. pills that you take or buttons that you press and things happen, totaly away from their actual meaning and concept. I am trying to bring this concept more to its reality with certain things like "heat" cost, keeping spells as part of the chat talk and not "buttons to press" and such things. Sadly is not enough, for my standards at least.

    Thats why i write this here and will follow this concept for the future in a more obvious way. SPELLS ARE THOUGHTS, not buttons, not words you read an do things you cant do. The words are aids to do the things you can already do.

    Currently in MD it is a huge gap between the spelldocs, that are the closest thing to spell descriptions you will probably ever find, and the "usable" spells. I am working on that part, and i am aware of this issue. At some point inner magic will unite with outer magic concepts in md, and all the development so far supports that sort of update. As i see it, it will probably happen in stage11..and if i get angry enough it will happen in one night of work because things are increasingly clearer for me as how they should go (development wise). Rendril almost finished a major feature that will also be used to reintegrate the spelldocs, so everything is comming in place nicely.

    I find it outrageous how spells can have "limited number of casts". How can that be? You run out of words? wtf is this bulshit, excuse my language.
    Regardless how angry I am on the general preconceptions that make people think a certain way, or by the need to balance powers that made me add limited number of "casts" to a unlimited thing, i need to move on and go back to what I consider accurate and real. For that I will shift MD further more on the originality path.

    There is one case when spells have indeed limited "casts"..it is when they are not yours and you just remember that thought, copied from someone else. In reality, thoughts do not "re-purify" themselves..sadly. But in RL we experience an entropic universe. In md the world is balanced, or slightly inclined towards syntropy, so what I will say next _makes perfect sense_.

    " A spell has limited uses because a memory used in such way gets slightly tainted by current thoughts and it needs time to recover its purity. Therefore, spell casts are limited, but if you master the spell (as opposed to temporary spells), their "casts" will recharge periodically."
    (This is a quote from the description added to the spell index page)

    Note: Normally in an entropic universe, any thought you repeat (i hate the word spell), becomes altered and gets further away from its original purity..but becomes also stronger.

    Following this sudden change of heart that makes me improve concepts and alter feature just to follow those concepts, I will do different changes to the spell system. Nothing will be drastic, no functionality will be broken. What is now implemented is fine..just some of the words are too standard and i hate it.

    For example, part of this concept will be a new sort of temporary spells..thoughts that you consume till they are gone then you forget how to recall them. Words alone can only help someone recreate thoghts in their mind with their own "vocabulary" of feelings...but spells sometimes are about feelings that you never experienced and such thoughts can not be reproduced without experience..but can be copied in the presence of someone that masters them.

    Temporary spells will also change the way MD is played..mainly because now a lot more people will be able to have spells. The spells wont be abusable because they wont be rechargeable! There is a huge range of possibilities that opened up today but it is all based on the previous years of development.
    In the end I want to remind you all one thing.

    There is no magic..things might look as magic seen from one side but its knowledge seen from the other side. There is no magic for the magician.
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Hedge Munos in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Its time for a concept clarification. I tried to make md in a very original but also personal view on subjects such as game playe but also the concept of "magic".
    There are some traps i fell in. Because it requires a bit more "insanity" than i was prepared to have back 6 years ago to say things as they are, certain things I made them as they were "expected".

    You might think md is original as it is, but from my point of view, things like "limited number of casts" on a spell, the word "spell" itself...scratch my ears and made me think they are very ..commercial.

    I tried over time to improve things by making them more natural to how I wanted them to be, and some of the steps i did in that direction are relevant. This is one of those steps. It does not involve a tehnical change, because none is required, but it is about a clarification of concept. This clarification is so important for me that I made an announcement about it and shift other things in md tehnical or cenceptual, to fit it. I wanted to make it the milestone that will mark the end of stage X and beginning of stage XI...but i am sure you don't see it as important as I do yet so I will let the stage11 celebrate an other, more dramatic and obvious change/feature.

    Now, what is this all about.

    Spells are nothing more than "pre-compiled" memories, complex thoughts..too complex to remember as they are. Sometimes you can cast them without words, achieving the same result through your actions, sometimes you can use words to "cast" spells by bringing their memory fresh into your mind. The words offer a guide, a focus to set your mind in a defined direction.

    In games, spells became more like ..idk.. pills that you take or buttons that you press and things happen, totaly away from their actual meaning and concept. I am trying to bring this concept more to its reality with certain things like "heat" cost, keeping spells as part of the chat talk and not "buttons to press" and such things. Sadly is not enough, for my standards at least.

    Thats why i write this here and will follow this concept for the future in a more obvious way. SPELLS ARE THOUGHTS, not buttons, not words you read an do things you cant do. The words are aids to do the things you can already do.

    Currently in MD it is a huge gap between the spelldocs, that are the closest thing to spell descriptions you will probably ever find, and the "usable" spells. I am working on that part, and i am aware of this issue. At some point inner magic will unite with outer magic concepts in md, and all the development so far supports that sort of update. As i see it, it will probably happen in stage11..and if i get angry enough it will happen in one night of work because things are increasingly clearer for me as how they should go (development wise). Rendril almost finished a major feature that will also be used to reintegrate the spelldocs, so everything is comming in place nicely.

    I find it outrageous how spells can have "limited number of casts". How can that be? You run out of words? wtf is this bulshit, excuse my language.
    Regardless how angry I am on the general preconceptions that make people think a certain way, or by the need to balance powers that made me add limited number of "casts" to a unlimited thing, i need to move on and go back to what I consider accurate and real. For that I will shift MD further more on the originality path.

    There is one case when spells have indeed limited "casts"..it is when they are not yours and you just remember that thought, copied from someone else. In reality, thoughts do not "re-purify" themselves..sadly. But in RL we experience an entropic universe. In md the world is balanced, or slightly inclined towards syntropy, so what I will say next _makes perfect sense_.

    " A spell has limited uses because a memory used in such way gets slightly tainted by current thoughts and it needs time to recover its purity. Therefore, spell casts are limited, but if you master the spell (as opposed to temporary spells), their "casts" will recharge periodically."
    (This is a quote from the description added to the spell index page)

    Note: Normally in an entropic universe, any thought you repeat (i hate the word spell), becomes altered and gets further away from its original purity..but becomes also stronger.

    Following this sudden change of heart that makes me improve concepts and alter feature just to follow those concepts, I will do different changes to the spell system. Nothing will be drastic, no functionality will be broken. What is now implemented is fine..just some of the words are too standard and i hate it.

    For example, part of this concept will be a new sort of temporary spells..thoughts that you consume till they are gone then you forget how to recall them. Words alone can only help someone recreate thoghts in their mind with their own "vocabulary" of feelings...but spells sometimes are about feelings that you never experienced and such thoughts can not be reproduced without experience..but can be copied in the presence of someone that masters them.

    Temporary spells will also change the way MD is played..mainly because now a lot more people will be able to have spells. The spells wont be abusable because they wont be rechargeable! There is a huge range of possibilities that opened up today but it is all based on the previous years of development.
    In the end I want to remind you all one thing.

    There is no magic..things might look as magic seen from one side but its knowledge seen from the other side. There is no magic for the magician.
  19. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from nadrolski in How can actual spells have "limited cast", its outrageous   
    Its time for a concept clarification. I tried to make md in a very original but also personal view on subjects such as game playe but also the concept of "magic".
    There are some traps i fell in. Because it requires a bit more "insanity" than i was prepared to have back 6 years ago to say things as they are, certain things I made them as they were "expected".

    You might think md is original as it is, but from my point of view, things like "limited number of casts" on a spell, the word "spell" itself...scratch my ears and made me think they are very ..commercial.

    I tried over time to improve things by making them more natural to how I wanted them to be, and some of the steps i did in that direction are relevant. This is one of those steps. It does not involve a tehnical change, because none is required, but it is about a clarification of concept. This clarification is so important for me that I made an announcement about it and shift other things in md tehnical or cenceptual, to fit it. I wanted to make it the milestone that will mark the end of stage X and beginning of stage XI...but i am sure you don't see it as important as I do yet so I will let the stage11 celebrate an other, more dramatic and obvious change/feature.

    Now, what is this all about.

    Spells are nothing more than "pre-compiled" memories, complex thoughts..too complex to remember as they are. Sometimes you can cast them without words, achieving the same result through your actions, sometimes you can use words to "cast" spells by bringing their memory fresh into your mind. The words offer a guide, a focus to set your mind in a defined direction.

    In games, spells became more like ..idk.. pills that you take or buttons that you press and things happen, totaly away from their actual meaning and concept. I am trying to bring this concept more to its reality with certain things like "heat" cost, keeping spells as part of the chat talk and not "buttons to press" and such things. Sadly is not enough, for my standards at least.

    Thats why i write this here and will follow this concept for the future in a more obvious way. SPELLS ARE THOUGHTS, not buttons, not words you read an do things you cant do. The words are aids to do the things you can already do.

    Currently in MD it is a huge gap between the spelldocs, that are the closest thing to spell descriptions you will probably ever find, and the "usable" spells. I am working on that part, and i am aware of this issue. At some point inner magic will unite with outer magic concepts in md, and all the development so far supports that sort of update. As i see it, it will probably happen in stage11..and if i get angry enough it will happen in one night of work because things are increasingly clearer for me as how they should go (development wise). Rendril almost finished a major feature that will also be used to reintegrate the spelldocs, so everything is comming in place nicely.

    I find it outrageous how spells can have "limited number of casts". How can that be? You run out of words? wtf is this bulshit, excuse my language.
    Regardless how angry I am on the general preconceptions that make people think a certain way, or by the need to balance powers that made me add limited number of "casts" to a unlimited thing, i need to move on and go back to what I consider accurate and real. For that I will shift MD further more on the originality path.

    There is one case when spells have indeed limited "casts"..it is when they are not yours and you just remember that thought, copied from someone else. In reality, thoughts do not "re-purify" themselves..sadly. But in RL we experience an entropic universe. In md the world is balanced, or slightly inclined towards syntropy, so what I will say next _makes perfect sense_.

    " A spell has limited uses because a memory used in such way gets slightly tainted by current thoughts and it needs time to recover its purity. Therefore, spell casts are limited, but if you master the spell (as opposed to temporary spells), their "casts" will recharge periodically."
    (This is a quote from the description added to the spell index page)

    Note: Normally in an entropic universe, any thought you repeat (i hate the word spell), becomes altered and gets further away from its original purity..but becomes also stronger.

    Following this sudden change of heart that makes me improve concepts and alter feature just to follow those concepts, I will do different changes to the spell system. Nothing will be drastic, no functionality will be broken. What is now implemented is fine..just some of the words are too standard and i hate it.

    For example, part of this concept will be a new sort of temporary spells..thoughts that you consume till they are gone then you forget how to recall them. Words alone can only help someone recreate thoghts in their mind with their own "vocabulary" of feelings...but spells sometimes are about feelings that you never experienced and such thoughts can not be reproduced without experience..but can be copied in the presence of someone that masters them.

    Temporary spells will also change the way MD is played..mainly because now a lot more people will be able to have spells. The spells wont be abusable because they wont be rechargeable! There is a huge range of possibilities that opened up today but it is all based on the previous years of development.
    In the end I want to remind you all one thing.

    There is no magic..things might look as magic seen from one side but its knowledge seen from the other side. There is no magic for the magician.
  20. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in For the kings   
    - As a king, threatening you will quit, regardless of reason, means you don't see your role for how important it is.
    [color="#FF0000"]It will cost you one penalty point.[/color]

    - You think kings/yourself are just a WP dispenser and nothing more?
    [color="#FF0000"]You are incompetent. Kings should use their limited resources in a creative but also [b]proactive way[/b], meaning sponsorships, "kingly" rewarded activities, initiative to DO things, etc, not just wait for others to ask you for the wp codes.[/color]

    - You feel like you are waiting for "Buttons" so you can do "Stuff"?
    [color="#FF0000"]Reality update, use what you have, convert authority into actions because you can do that. Ofc you can keep asking them, thats no trouble, but if you go all frustrated that you didnt receive them, when there are ways around them..not good.[/color]

    - Annoyed with your citizens?
    [color="#FF0000"]means they are annoyed with you too. You can fix that, but as you "fix" that keep in mind that a one citizen land won't be really a land in the end[/color]

    - A global..better said cubical problem bothers you, want to change concepts in MD?
    [color="#FF0000"]Highly possible, but I wont change one thing to affect all lands just when one kings asks it. If all kings/queens discuss it and agree something needs to be done, then i will consider it[/color]

    [ joke removed, also the replies to it ][/b]

    It seems my sense of humor when i am angry sounds like mockery..maybe it was..maybe it also was in the hope to be so in a constructive way. Either case, removed.
  21. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Zyrxae in A Show Of Force - Episode 5 - The Player Strikes Back   
    i can go to mp1 in under one minute..... still has nothing to do with a show of force but more with the "extreme md" topic. Even if you would write a show of force topic in the sense i started it, i would probably release a decree and banosh the attempt by "law"..or the forum would give a random error just when saving that title

    funny fact, when i saw the title today i was "omg i need to go to a comp and read it, there is a new episode up"... speaking of insanity, i just forgot i was the one writing those and i was curious myself what could be in episode 5 ... :|
  22. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Ravenstrider in For the kings   
    - As a king, threatening you will quit, regardless of reason, means you don't see your role for how important it is.
    [color="#FF0000"]It will cost you one penalty point.[/color]

    - You think kings/yourself are just a WP dispenser and nothing more?
    [color="#FF0000"]You are incompetent. Kings should use their limited resources in a creative but also [b]proactive way[/b], meaning sponsorships, "kingly" rewarded activities, initiative to DO things, etc, not just wait for others to ask you for the wp codes.[/color]

    - You feel like you are waiting for "Buttons" so you can do "Stuff"?
    [color="#FF0000"]Reality update, use what you have, convert authority into actions because you can do that. Ofc you can keep asking them, thats no trouble, but if you go all frustrated that you didnt receive them, when there are ways around them..not good.[/color]

    - Annoyed with your citizens?
    [color="#FF0000"]means they are annoyed with you too. You can fix that, but as you "fix" that keep in mind that a one citizen land won't be really a land in the end[/color]

    - A global..better said cubical problem bothers you, want to change concepts in MD?
    [color="#FF0000"]Highly possible, but I wont change one thing to affect all lands just when one kings asks it. If all kings/queens discuss it and agree something needs to be done, then i will consider it[/color]

    [ joke removed, also the replies to it ][/b]

    It seems my sense of humor when i am angry sounds like mockery..maybe it was..maybe it also was in the hope to be so in a constructive way. Either case, removed.
  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Yrthilian in For the kings   
    - As a king, threatening you will quit, regardless of reason, means you don't see your role for how important it is.
    [color="#FF0000"]It will cost you one penalty point.[/color]

    - You think kings/yourself are just a WP dispenser and nothing more?
    [color="#FF0000"]You are incompetent. Kings should use their limited resources in a creative but also [b]proactive way[/b], meaning sponsorships, "kingly" rewarded activities, initiative to DO things, etc, not just wait for others to ask you for the wp codes.[/color]

    - You feel like you are waiting for "Buttons" so you can do "Stuff"?
    [color="#FF0000"]Reality update, use what you have, convert authority into actions because you can do that. Ofc you can keep asking them, thats no trouble, but if you go all frustrated that you didnt receive them, when there are ways around them..not good.[/color]

    - Annoyed with your citizens?
    [color="#FF0000"]means they are annoyed with you too. You can fix that, but as you "fix" that keep in mind that a one citizen land won't be really a land in the end[/color]

    - A global..better said cubical problem bothers you, want to change concepts in MD?
    [color="#FF0000"]Highly possible, but I wont change one thing to affect all lands just when one kings asks it. If all kings/queens discuss it and agree something needs to be done, then i will consider it[/color]

    [ joke removed, also the replies to it ][/b]

    It seems my sense of humor when i am angry sounds like mockery..maybe it was..maybe it also was in the hope to be so in a constructive way. Either case, removed.
  24. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in For the kings   
    - As a king, threatening you will quit, regardless of reason, means you don't see your role for how important it is.
    [color="#FF0000"]It will cost you one penalty point.[/color]

    - You think kings/yourself are just a WP dispenser and nothing more?
    [color="#FF0000"]You are incompetent. Kings should use their limited resources in a creative but also [b]proactive way[/b], meaning sponsorships, "kingly" rewarded activities, initiative to DO things, etc, not just wait for others to ask you for the wp codes.[/color]

    - You feel like you are waiting for "Buttons" so you can do "Stuff"?
    [color="#FF0000"]Reality update, use what you have, convert authority into actions because you can do that. Ofc you can keep asking them, thats no trouble, but if you go all frustrated that you didnt receive them, when there are ways around them..not good.[/color]

    - Annoyed with your citizens?
    [color="#FF0000"]means they are annoyed with you too. You can fix that, but as you "fix" that keep in mind that a one citizen land won't be really a land in the end[/color]

    - A global..better said cubical problem bothers you, want to change concepts in MD?
    [color="#FF0000"]Highly possible, but I wont change one thing to affect all lands just when one kings asks it. If all kings/queens discuss it and agree something needs to be done, then i will consider it[/color]

    [ joke removed, also the replies to it ][/b]

    It seems my sense of humor when i am angry sounds like mockery..maybe it was..maybe it also was in the hope to be so in a constructive way. Either case, removed.
  25. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Chewett in For the kings   
    - As a king, threatening you will quit, regardless of reason, means you don't see your role for how important it is.
    [color="#FF0000"]It will cost you one penalty point.[/color]

    - You think kings/yourself are just a WP dispenser and nothing more?
    [color="#FF0000"]You are incompetent. Kings should use their limited resources in a creative but also [b]proactive way[/b], meaning sponsorships, "kingly" rewarded activities, initiative to DO things, etc, not just wait for others to ask you for the wp codes.[/color]

    - You feel like you are waiting for "Buttons" so you can do "Stuff"?
    [color="#FF0000"]Reality update, use what you have, convert authority into actions because you can do that. Ofc you can keep asking them, thats no trouble, but if you go all frustrated that you didnt receive them, when there are ways around them..not good.[/color]

    - Annoyed with your citizens?
    [color="#FF0000"]means they are annoyed with you too. You can fix that, but as you "fix" that keep in mind that a one citizen land won't be really a land in the end[/color]

    - A global..better said cubical problem bothers you, want to change concepts in MD?
    [color="#FF0000"]Highly possible, but I wont change one thing to affect all lands just when one kings asks it. If all kings/queens discuss it and agree something needs to be done, then i will consider it[/color]

    [ joke removed, also the replies to it ][/b]

    It seems my sense of humor when i am angry sounds like mockery..maybe it was..maybe it also was in the hope to be so in a constructive way. Either case, removed.
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