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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. WTB Paper Crown

    1. Pipstickz



  2. Cauldron type item only available to MP6 to create an item that gives temporary creature shield (I had forgotten about this feature), that is then only usable by a worshipper of that protector. Thanks to Syrian for suggesting creature shield, couldn't think of an item or effect.
  3. Assuming requirements to reach it stay the same, MP6 should be given similar powers to RPCs back in the day: spell doc, WP, interesting spells.
  4. Perhaps the age of a creature could be clickable and store a log that says something like "This aramor was traded at age 300 and ended with 100 age". Also I forget how age works in trading.
  5. Congratulations, armpit high fives
  6. Pipstickz 2228 AD 100.04 Volition Did I win?
  7. This could be turned around into an interesting feature.
  8. Sure, I'll give it a try.
  9. I love you, Mur

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tipu


      I love Mur too only when he gives freebies hehe

    3. Muratus del Mur

      Muratus del Mur

      this scares me |

    4. Rophs


      only mur smiles when scared >:D

  10. My escape attempt consisted of wandering around until I got stuck in a cell without enough AP to get out. The means with which to gather heat are very limited. So far the only thing that has actually given me some is upgrading a creature, since I have no items that I could use. Taking steps gave me negative heat, which is due to the viscosity and this change, which I'd forgotten about: http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/1914 To summarize, the only way I can think to break out is if I had prepared with certain items, or fighting if that's possible.
  11. I'll volunteer to test with No one, under the condition that I am removed from jail or given the means to remove myself, at the very latest, seven days from this post. I think my input will be valuable, as someone who doesn't necessarily have lots of time to give MD, nor am I someone who is entirely active even when I do have the time. We can call it the lazy vet control group.
  12. This is both intended to explain to Mur how people feel about "favours" and to try to convince people not to feel that way. I feel qualified to explain the issue because I've felt the same jealousy, and I've mostly left it behind now. Mur often gives "favours" to younger players who have involved themselves in the community, often vocally. In this, he is similar to a big business trying to fill a middle manager's position: As a big boss, you want the young, excited people who are full of energy and who will hopefully serve your company for years and years to come. Mur gets excited, thinking that this person could possibly change the face of MD permanently in a way that he couldn't himself, or that they'll solve a puzzle that he imbedded and probably forgot about. Generally what happens next is everybody else sees the "favour", gets angry, and pushes the person who received it to do less with it. This is in no way directed at Seig nor is it intended to villainize him, as it's really a natural thing to feel this jealousy and most if not all players here feel it or have felt it, but it's misguided. Seig is simply what triggered my memories of the same feeling. When somebody gets a "favour", most of the time it seems to have been easily gained. In Lone Wolf's case, for example, he did almost nothing but show up to the public meeting where it was decided that he would get a memory stone collector. This is the first trigger of the jealous feeling, the idea that "I could have had that". The second trigger is the lack of openness surrounding the "favours". In Fang's case for example, I don't know why he became MP7, and I never asked. This is because often the recipients of the "favours" lack social skill or are difficult to talk to (Lone Wolf, DD, Seig, Fang, dst, and even Mur himself, all similar in this aspect), and so people who aren't connected to them somehow or haven't spoken with them in the past probably won't ask about anything when they actually want to know. TLDR: If you want to know about something, just ask someone. If you want to get something, work toward it. Sorry for being an idealist.
  13. You feel a sharp divide between your intuitive side and your logical side, perhaps you believe that one of them doesn't really belong to you.
  14. Why not just have certain permissions (invitations) only available if the leader allows it for that person? That way an alliance can invite new members without the paralyzing fear that they might be an alt or a plant.
  15. I fell into a depression during/shortly after this quest, and I did abandon it. All participants will be rewarded from my personal stock in due time.
  16. I'm not super active anymore, but I still hang around. Don't really do anything, though.
  17. Is MD self-destructing?

    1. Rophs


      Partially how I feel. This seems blown out of proportion. I'm jaded by sleep deprive. I hope Chew finds a random magical error and we have to experience downtime until december here and on forum. pfft as if that will solve anything. If only it were so easy as to fork MD... rable rabmle

    2. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      NO. It is finally adapting. Big difference.

    3. Krioni


      I hope to see it adapt. It is at a crossroads, where it was once one thing, but has possibly been developing towards another. Where will it end up? It won't be the same, I think

  18. Dst, please tone down the drama. It's quite tiresome.

  19. Loreroot is seemingly active in their private forum (based on Mya's frequent mood panel posts linking topics I can't read), but that activity apparently didn't translate into in-game action. Everybody thinks Loreroot should show activity to "earn" GotR back, so run a team contest (TC?) and see if they can band together to beat anyone who opposes them. Trust points were obsolete the day they were invented, not a good way to trade for the alliance, or anything really. If someone had a valid claim to be Role Leader, it would be different, but I don't see anyone who could be considered as such. Personally, I think the way alliances work needs to be changed completely. Do something totally different like randomly seeding alliances with players, not just leaders but regular members too: Imagine you go to sleep a Necrovion Sentinel and wake up a Knight of the Bell. You could make leadership based on who wins a fight, that way leadership is passed around like a head ball during HC. Make an incentive for being a leader, associate spells or illusions with alliances, give people more power just to see what they do.
  20. Six days left. There are currently very few entries, so you'll have a high chance of a reward if you submit something.
  21. Through forum PM please. They will all be posted publicly in the end.
  22. To the theme of Red, your assignment for today is to plan an invasion or war that will make MD run red with blood :D Entries can be in whatever form you would like: You could write a summary of your plans, or you could set up a diagram and take a video, or whatever you'd like really, as long as it makes sense. Judging will be based on a few different criteria such as creativity (do you have an interesting plan and a cool way of telling it?), feasibility (could your plan work?), and goals (do you have a reason for your war?) Entries are due by Day 272, rewards will depend on how many and the quality of entries we get, but may include a WP.
  23. They had to collect specific items for KC, and if I remember correctly, it was because they did collect these things that the Tribunal was temporarily closed off. I don't remember much else about it though.
  24. You should do what allows you to have the most fun, as enjoying yourself will fuel activity. If you think it's hard for you to decide about yourself, why would you ever allow anyone else to decide for you? If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. That being said, I'd hate to see another wordplay name fade away. No one knows how to Change.
  25. Another high ranking citizen could sign, to show that the land supports their king.
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