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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1320841367' post='95526'] So if you are going to start picking on this sort of thing then bring every one into it that is abusing and not just the one guild or player. But all of them and i mean ALL of them. It is funny how you lot decided to gang up on one player until they give up and not bother others whom have been abusing the system for a much longer time. [/quote] If a 'fool' like me can start this, Yrth, then surely you can do the same. If you think somebody else is abusing tools, bring it to light.
  2. I suggest Yrth gets a penalty point for condoning such abuse, and MP gets off with a warning. Anyone else?
  3. They went to an empty aramor, Shem, not an alt, not an actual player, not at all the intended use of aramors OR heat jars. Ignnus: Exactly my thoughts. I'm just wondering whether to blame the whole guild or just him. Perhaps Yrth knew of this as well, I don't know.
  4. I could open a court case instead of asking if you'd prefer.
  5. [quote name='Falronn' timestamp='1320822297' post='95498'] If you really want to find out who did it, try to find who's ID is 169283. Watch the triggers box, or just start casting spells on all the Golemus citizens until the right one comes up. Or try to use other clues, like how do the logs get to be like that (with the blanked out info)? Is there anyone clearing the chat in Tempest Fort? Or look at the times it was done then see who was around there next time if they do it again. [/quote] Good point, happens to be Mighty Pirate's ID. Mighty Pirate: Care to explain yourself further than your blatant advertising?
  6. So, I believe it's been three weeks in a row now, almost all of the heat jars from Kelle'tha have gone to an empty aramor. Considering the time span it was accomplished in (18:50:19 - 19:16:59), it could not be somebody who took 40 AP to move, so in my eyes it can either be somebody with shiny powers, which would explain the lack of names in the item logs, or one or more GG citizens trying to keep public items from the public, which would explain why one single jar found its way into Kiley's inventory, while the rest went to this aramor. Either way, the one(s) partaking in such action is in the very least morally reprehensible, if not blatantly breaking 'rules' pertaining to shared items as stated here: [quote] [b]All shared items have been returned to their original place.[/b] Go grab your favorite tool and engoy it till the next regroup. Try avoiding cauldron type items just before this regrouping takes place as they will regroup even if they are in use. Item keep some of the modified values on regrouping. [u]You should not use alts to store multiple shared items and you should not hoard them, these items are meant to be used by many people not hoarded by a few.[/u] Item regrouping happens on every Tuesday, 04:15 on odd dates and 16:15 on even dates of the month, Server Time[/quote] I am asking whoever is doing this to step forward and tell me and the community, and if that does not happen, then we'll just see. Here's a screenshot of the logs themselves, if anybody's curious. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3403"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3403[/url] Might as well mention that if this were a GG citizen, they would be violating at least two of the land laws: [quote][size=3][size=3][b]To respect and return the property of the land[/b][/size][/size][/quote] This is, in fact, doing the exact opposite, it is making the 'property' of the land useless. [quote][size=3][b][size=3]To be an ambassador for the land[/size][/b][/size][/quote] In doing this you basically give anyone who makes the arduous trek through GG or the maze with the one purpose of obtaining an item that there should be more than enough of a big old slap in the face.
  7. [quote][font="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"][size="2"][color="#663300"][b]Congratulations, you filled 10k of your heat tolerance by fighting. Visit your quest page to continue. [/b][/color][/size][/font][/quote] This notice should probably be changed. Filling 10000 heat tolerance doesn't do anything in the quest page anymore.
  8. What if it were always usable at MP3, only on Tranquility days at MP4 and not at all at MP5?
  9. <3 love and hugs and fire
  10. Sent three
  11. Where can you be found?
  12. We've got mood panel, and can re-post the logs over and over again until the mods pull out their hair << Not like they can complain, they have to stay anonymous.
  13. What if, before they delete the entries, they sent anonymous/system messages that say "Your log on x is y, it will be deleted if it is not changed." Doesn't keep them from deleting meaningful things that they don't understand, but at least you'd know if they were messing with your stuff.
  14. Some of my PL entries were deleted as well. I would explain them, but that just ruins the purpose.
  15. So, it's fine to delete my PL entries on people, just because you think they don't mean anything?

    1. Chewett


      i guess thats the PL mods for you...

  16. That was a bug.
  17. [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1320451500' post='95285'] Who do I have to thank for such a blatant abuse of power...? [/quote] Perhaps somebody is extra picky about it and decided to make you wait until 16:29:58. That is the only reason I can think of, myself, but then that's what asking is for. My suggestion is to PM Grido asking for an unban.
  18. You could also brew tea, buy tea, or buy lighthouse stones. You do bring up a valid point, though, should heads contest competitors be allowed to use memory stone casts of GoE?
  19. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10223-heat-gain/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10223-heat-gain/[/url] Just sayin'
  20. [quote name='Sunfire' timestamp='1320251582' post='95143'] closest to equal 67.776382% vs 67.801508% [/quote] Actually that one goes to everyone who ever used GGG 0% vs 0%
  21. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1320251051' post='95142'] Firstly Pip, Darigan was the only one to shout loud enough to attract the attention of people like you. You'd prolly understand the extent of spread of the humongous number of 'whiners' If you HAD spent one busy day in MDP. But oh wait. You NEVER EVER did that. Niether are you amongst those who want to train their stats. SO QUIT BEING A MEGA JERK who Clearly despises anyone and anything to do with Loreroot and stop pretending like you understand how hard it is to fight stat damage. [/quote] I've replied to some of other Eon complaining topics, it just so happens Darigan kept on complaining. Buy day in MDP? Has nothing to do with my role, why should I? I don't want to train my stats? Flat out lie. I despise Loreroot? No, if I really did, then I wouldn't have bothered offering to help Firs, which he seems to have ignored in favour of arguing with Rhaegar. I don't know anything about stat damage? On the contrary. Eon attacks me just like everybody else, other than those who he actively targets. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1320251051' post='95142'] How many times Has loreroot solved its problems without asking Mur? Lol... When Firs excommunicated Rhaegar out of loreroot for declaring himself as a rebel there was such a hue and cry. You, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YOUR LIFE, supported Rhaegar after that. Following the Rhaegar episode, Loreroot has been stable. Peaceful. No matter what or who is responsible for that, credit partly goes to the King as well. I would say Loreroot solved its own problem without begging Mur. [/quote] Loreroot did not solve its own problems in the Rhaegar incident, Rhaegar didn't just walk to jail, Firs sent him with the brand new excommunication tool that he got while the argument was happening. And yeah, I supported Rhaegar, because I believed Firs was acting unfairly, is there something wrong with that? I also supported Seig in the dst thing, even though I rather dislike the guy. Are you going to tell me that I don't really care for justice, and that all I want is to make my "enemies" look bad? [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1320251051' post='95142'] You havent seen a lorerootian disagree with Firs? Why Should we? And Why should we show YOU out of all people that we've had a disagreement? You are no one to loreroot. Or anyone who is not concerned as a matter of fact. [/quote] It's nice that you speak for all of Loreroot, but I assure you that I'm not No one. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1320251051' post='95142'] The Joke is... You made such a scene about the Grido issue... Wierd how you can change when it comes to Loreroot. [/quote] How have I changed since then? [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1320251051' post='95142'] To summarise Pip in short: - Loud mouth. - Severely demented and narrow minded when it comes to anything associated with Loreroot/ Yrthilian. - Wants people to take him seriously for once in their lives. [/quote] And this is a perfect example of another reason I dislike Loreroot: you make everything personal, you can't just keep the arguments on topic. Oh well, I have thick skin.
  22. [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1320185087' post='95075'] [i][color=#008000]Ditto! Whenever someone brings up a point of contention, everyone goes down of them like bag of bricks. "Oh they are being irrational!" "Oh! They just need to man up!!" "She's just pmsing!" and my personal favourite "They just love to whine!" Does anyone listen to the message that was being conveyed or are we the players in the game, supposed to sit back and accept EVERYTHING that is dished out to us?! I tip my hat to those who have the balls to stand up and say: "Hey we have had enough of this! I want change" [/color][/i] [color=#008000][i]Things need to change and the roots of the problem needs to be addressed. Treating the symptom does not treat the cause! Perhaps the kings and queen, the council and the other powers that be (Mur? Akasha? Dst? Grido? chewett? dunno who ever you are) need to sit down over a few bottles whiskey or whatever and sort out these huge problems like bullying; because honestly an anti bullying coallition is going to have as much of an effect as the anti abortionists have protesting outside a an abortion clinic. Thats pretty much the same of any "protection" group formed within MD, its really useless without an authoritative stamp of approval or the tools to deal out punishment for that matter.[/i][/color] [/quote] So, first you say you support people who speak up for themselves, and then you say that it's useless to try to act. At least that's how I'm reading it. Perhaps you're trying to say that people who talk about problems should be commended for it, but people who act are wasting their time? I do agree that the anti-bullying thing probably won't amount to much, but that's not because they don't have the tools to punish people. They have the community. The only problem with community punishment is that the community has to agree with you: You need to be right, and hopefully, fair. If they fail, they have themselves to blame, nobody else. [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1320185087' post='95075'] [i][color=#008000]Has no complaining and adaptation worked? NO! Instead Criminal activities are on the increase. [/color][/i][i][color=#008000]Is that what you want? to favour the malicious? [/color][/i][i][color=#008000] People want to feel like they are being heard!!! [/color][/i] [/quote] I don't know about you, but I feel heard. With the whole Grido case, even though the majority did not agree with me, I believe that I opened some eyes, and the future will tell if I changed Grido himself, and that's what it's about: believing in yourself. [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1320185087' post='95075'] [i][color=#008000]I havent been much out to other lands, those who know me know why, so I cant really speak for other kings. I can tell you this however. Firs looks after Loreroot and does a lot for the land, and looks after it the best he can given the limitations. Why shouldn't he get the help he asked for?[/color][/i] [/quote] Limitations. Hm. I'll try and put it into perspective: Necrovion has no (proper) king, and they seem to be functioning just fine, don't you think? Tell me what Firs wants (in short, please) and I can probably tell you how to do it without Mur, or at least why Mur shouldn't do it. And finally, I saved the best one for last: [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1320185087' post='95075'] [i][color=#008000]I still dont know why there is still so much animosity between some players and LR, all that shyte went down ages ago and I for one hate being called a tree-hugger or whiny Lorerootian just because the forest is the place that suits my character best! I ask you,[b] how is that different to racism or sexism[/b]?![/color][/i] [/quote] I can't speak for others, but personally, I have nothing against any of the Lorerootian citizens on your own, it's the way you act as a group that bothers me. The loudest voice is heard the most, and Loreroot is sure good at shouting. I'll give a few examples, first, an obvious one: Darigan vs. Eon. Darigan has been complaining non-stop about Eon for a while now, and there are plenty of people who sympathize with him (or rather, they dislike Eon), but did he actually try and do anything with that community support? No. I tracked him down and tried to explain, he still didn't do anything. Chewett blatantly told him what to do to fix the problem he had with GoE stones, and still, he just said "that'd be nice". Not "Ok, I'll get started" or "Can somebody help me make a list of who's got the spell?" Nothing. Now, look back into Loreroot history: how many times has there been talk about something, but never anything done? How many times has Loreroot solved its own problems, without even asking Mur? Example two happens to be from a personal conversation: It was during the 2010 festival (I believe), when Mur was handing out vet medals at DQ. You, Sharazhad, came up for a vote, and I voted no. A Lorerootian asked me "Why did you vote no? She's your friend. You could've just not voted at all." Is that sort of thing the way of Loreroot? If your opinion isn't the same as ours, don't say it? It honestly seems that way, because I don't recall any time I've seen a Lorerootian disagree with Firs since he became king. In very short: 1. Lots of talk but no action 2. Hivemind opinions, no diversity
  23. I'd just like to reply to one comment in your conversation that particularly bothered me. [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1320211590' post='95090'] 1. problem is community is useless when shes only after me [/quote] There are [b]lots[/b] of people who want to fight Eon's skilldamage. All you have to do is ask for help, take the initiative, and those people will follow. It doesn't even have to be you, I'm sure there are a couple people who would gladly organize such a thing with you: again, just take the initiative. Even now that Manda's taken that initiative, you haven't joined in with him. The community is a strong tool, you just need to try and use it. What do you have to lose by just asking for help?
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