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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. well ya dont necessarily need pro image editing program, mine skills in paint beated shadow's skills in ps like 2 years ago exactly on this matter but yeah ps or some other editing tool that comes with scanner makes it much easier, with ps it shouldnt be any trouble, and gimp is best image editin tool out there and its free but yeah it is a bit more complicated to use idk how scanner itself would influence in bad img scan, never had any problems with mine so idk general thing ya would want to do is to play with contrast a bit, i dont think there would be anythin more to do, but if there are problems ya might want to try turnin it into grayscale and then adjustin its levels, personally me didnt had many drawings myself and didnt needed to make transparent bg for them (except that one occasion when me did it in paint), but this should be how it goes since me assumes ya will be usin adobe ps grayscale is found at [b]Image - Mode - Grayscale[/b] to adjust its levels go to [b]Image - Adjustments - Levels[/b] (moving sliders one towards another decreases span of color tones and that way it increases contrast so to speak) and contrast is also found in [b]Image - Adjustments - Brightness/Contrast[/b] although ya already got advices on drawing techniques, which aint mine field really, me still thinks that regardless of drawing technique its always possible to pull this up correctly with computer tools so play with it a bit, hope it helps
  2. k round 1 ended me will send now round 2 to all those that submitted answers me will also post questions and answer them myself and comment them a bit once me gets some more time, probably somewhere at middle of week, or maybe will post it all together with round 2 once its finished
  3. close pls
  4. and other person? in some other thread there was a problem with other person havin under -500 honor if i remember correctly... and losin heat didnt worked edit: link to that other [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11613-heat-bug/"]topic[/url]
  5. under -500 honor maybe?
  6. O.O abra got knatty?!?! and all this time me thought demon imprisoned knatty... >_>
  7. from what i see this topic will lead to removal of nightshade from game, just like it happened to sign at necro gate
  8. yeah death in war used to make ya unable to attack and bein attacked in old war mode, unsure if ya were movelocked as well but i think yes umm so... most of ppl cant gather bones but those who can would become war profiteers?
  9. i was talkin in general, so let me rephase... unless [b]one[/b] is unaware that better?
  10. guys... ya say regular hc on mp5 me says lol ya say second, third and forth place in hc everyone says bs thats teh current status of hc
  11. umm not interested anymore in normal imps... only tokened ones so me now updated first post
  12. [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1328306044' post='103340'] I actually like beeing my own doom. This means that I get to decide what, when and where. [/quote] thats true, unless ya are unaware of bein your own doom
  13. me kinda not in possition anymore to do more than one test since that one happened 20 secs before spell counters reset so me can test it again once me is able to spend mine spells again and hc starts again... which is in other month but yeah if it combines more than one error message about castin ya will get to see some of the code as i posted
  14. [quote name='Krioni' timestamp='1328305948' post='103338'] Cool! That clarifies the spell for me. I didn't know before, and now I know more ^^ As for fighting, I generally would like to, with people that are in the competition. That seems hard to accomplish though, especially looking at the locations. And like I said, by the contest page, shouldn't other people in the competition be trying to come after me? Especially if I am winning and have the most heads. But the people in the competition aren't, it is just other people messing. [/quote] if nobody is commin after you then ya dont have to worry ya win anyway no matter who messes up and what, since they aint able to get rewards
  15. using random ritual option uses one random of rituals ya have in your list, so if ya still have ritual that involved that immortalized creature then that would be the issue, unbind that ritual and try again, and use random rit option creats random ritual.... only if there isnt already one to pick from your list
  16. [CODE]Error: SyntaxError Err description: undefined Err number: undefined Err message: unterminated string literal Ajax response: alert("The memory of this spell is too fainted to be reproduced. No more available casts. This spell does not work during HEAD CONTEST"); document.chatmsgform.msg.value=''; do_refreshchat(); [/CODE] k so this is wut i get when i type mine spell words in chat accidentally (since mine spell words matched wut me was typin in sentance anyways) so me had no heat, it is hc, and all charges are used this aint a big thing but it shouldnt say all that code thingy, it should just say this [quote]The memory of this spell is too fainted to be reproduced. No more available casts. This spell does not work during HEAD CONTEST[/quote] and ofc that i didnt had heat that one wasnt said in error message once again not a big thing but its still there
  17. sendtogazebo spell was made with main goal to be used exactly for that as for heads bein taken by ppl not in competition, that shouldnt be happenin as for eon takin heads he has heads control, and i think he is allowed to mess with them, as for others idk... all i know that could be the case is that there is some bug with head ball gettin lost in thin air, nobody knows whuts that bug actually about
  18. me thinks right term would be double edge blade.... now figure out meanin of it
  19. peace got tw back.....
  20. well it does influence neutrality in some way, thats what grido pointed out but on other hand more troublin thing should be that candidate who has biggest chances to win, put forth this idea in first place heh but it really doesnt matter that much, since they actually asked everyone to express their opinion, whilst mb council has power to put up anyone they see fit as regent without askin or answerin to anyone, but they didnt do that, they did quite opposite and initiated votin
  21. middle one looks like a face of tiger/lion totally deadly lookin me really loves that pict, its epic makes me wanna join necro
  22. whats your honor status? and wut does it means -500+ honor XD me guess ya want to say he is under -500 honor? afaik allied balanced status shouldnt affect heat loss, at least it didnt back then, me was always balanced and in ally never had those problems back then, and honor status of other player shouldnt matter imo if ya ask me only thing that could be case is that ya are under -500 honor as well
  23. ya know that shadow have been on md too much when he tells ya dstop instead of stop
  24. at least me can move although me bein fat but your point is ... umm obvious... ya wont be slave your master will be slave cuz he will have to pull ya around as for me... me is already sold on priv8 auction
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