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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. [quote]Work in progress, only few month are searchable for now ...[/quote] as long as this is in top of it... its not finished
  2. dis auction shall end friday ingame serv time 23:59
  3. hiya, me haz bunch of creats listed below for sale so let me hear yoar offers, i kinda prefer coins but if ya have some interestin offer im all ears 3 bps [spoiler] [color=#999999]ID:343801 [/color] Stored Heat 424409 Age 289 Creature Tokens [b][blackdiamonds][/b] [color=#999999]ID:748889 [/color] Stored Heat 410642 Age 236 [color=#999999]ID:763444 [/color] Stored Heat 409776 Age 230 Creature Tokens [b][blackdiamonds][/b] [/spoiler] 3 sharpies [spoiler] [color=#999999]ID:716832 [/color] Stored Heat 429368 Age 292 [color=#999999]ID:746492 [/color] Stored Heat 3360740 Age 253 [color=#999999]ID:757914 [/color] Stored Heat 535049 Age 237 Creature Tokens [b][blackdiamonds][/b] [/spoiler] 3 pimpys [spoiler] [color=#999999]ID:758733 [/color] Stored Heat 27710 Age 229 [color=#999999]ID:758734 [/color] Stored Heat 41953 Age 226 [color=#999999]ID:758744 [/color] Stored Heat 28478 Age 226 [/spoiler] 3 angys [spoiler] [color=#999999]ID:664934 [/color] Stored Heat 1177558 Age 342 [color=#999999]ID:664985 [/color] Stored Heat 1213395 Age 342 [color=#999999]ID:665132 [/color] Stored Heat 1162611 Age 342 Creature Tokens [b][goldtear][/b] [/spoiler] 3 imps [spoiler] [color=#999999]ID:748256 [/color] Stored Heat 126182 Age 361 Creature Tokens ([u][i][b]20[/b][/i][/u]) [b][darksky] [/b][b][darkshield] [/b][b][antifreeze] [/b][b][onyxfangs] [/b][b][goldbelt] [/b][b][claw3] [/b][b][blooddrop3] [/b][b][blooddrop1] [/b][b][blooddrop2][/b] [b][claw1] [/b][b][claw2][/b] [b][stardust] [/b][b][emeraldglare] [/b][b][kellethafire] [/b][b][purpurmoon] [/b][b][osirisbelt] [/b][b][blackdiamonds] [/b][b][goldtear] [/b][b][blacktear] [/b][b][sunshine][/b] [color=#999999]ID:763070 [/color] Stored Heat 49550 Age 357 Creature Tokens ([u][i][b]20[/b][/i][/u]) [b][claw2] [/b][b][claw1][/b][b][stardust][/b][b][antifreeze][/b] [b][kellethafire][/b] [b][enlightning][/b] [b][blacktear][/b] [b][onyxfangs][/b][b][darksky][/b] [b][darkshield][/b] [b][purpurmoon][/b][b][jewelshards][/b][b][blooddrop2][/b] [b][blooddrop1][/b] [b][blooddrop3][/b] [b][firedrop][/b] [b][osirisbelt][/b] [b][blackdiamonds][/b][b][goldtear][/b][b][emeraldglare][/b] [color=#999999]ID:773902 [/color] Stored Heat 43267 Age 312 Creature Tokens ([u][i][b]16[/b][/i][/u]) [b][claw1][/b][b][claw2][/b] [b][stardust][/b] [b][antifreeze][/b] [b][jewelshards][/b] [b][osirisbelt][/b] [b][[/b][b]blackdiamonds][/b] [b][goldtear][/b] [b][darkshield][/b] [b][onyxfangs][/b] [b][blacktear][/b] [b][blooddrop1][/b] [b][blooddrop2][/b] [b][blooddrop3][/b] [b][emeraldglare][/b] [b][claw3][/b] [/spoiler] 3 barrens [spoiler] [color=#999999]ID:774801 [/color] Stored Heat 53705 Age 302 Creature Tokens ([u][i][b]18[/b][/i][/u]) [b][claw1][/b][b][claw2][/b] [b][antifreeze][/b] [b][stardust][/b] [b][jewelshards][/b] [b][purpurfog][/b] [b][purpurmoon][/b] [b][firedrop][/b] [b][blackdiamonds][/b] [b][goldtear][/b] [b][onyxfangs][/b] [b][blacktear][/b] [b][darkshield][/b] [b][blooddrop1][/b] [b][blooddrop2][/b] [b][blooddrop3][/b] [b][emeraldglare][/b] [b][kellethafire][/b] [color=#999999]ID:775518 [/color] Stored Heat 92228 Age 298 Creature Tokens ([u][i][b]20[/b][/i][/u]) [b][claw2][/b][b][claw1][/b][b][stardust][/b] [b][antifreeze][/b] [b][jewelshards][/b] [b][purpurfog][/b] [b][blackdiamonds][/b] [b][goldtear][/b] [b][onyxfangs][/b] [b][darkshield][/b] [b][darksky][/b] [b][blooddrop2][/b] [b][blooddrop3][/b] [b][blooddrop1][/b] [b][enlightning][/b] [b][emeraldglare][/b] [b][kellethafire][/b] [b][claw3][/b] [b][goldbelt][/b] [b][sunshine][/b] [color=#999999]ID:775519 [/color] Stored Heat 101461 Age 298 Creature Tokens ([u][i][b]18[/b][/i][/u]) [b][claw2][/b][b][claw1][/b] [b][stardust][/b] [b][antifreeze][/b] [b][osirisbelt][/b] [b][jewelshards][/b] [b][blackdiamonds][/b] [b][goldtear][/b] [b][onyxfangs][/b] [b][darkshield][/b] [b][blacktear][/b] [b][blooddrop3][/b] [b][blooddrop2][/b] [b][blooddrop1][/b] [b][emeraldglare][/b] [b][kellethafire][/b] [b][claw3][/b] [b][goldbelt][/b] [/spoiler] water [spoiler] [color=#999999]ID:759603 [/color] Stored Heat 1173398 Age 337 Creature Tokens ([u][i][b]17[/b][/i][/u]) [b][blackdiamonds][/b] [b][kellethafire][/b] [b][claw2][/b] [b][claw1][/b] [b][stardust][/b] [b][antifreeze][/b] [b][osirisbelt][/b] [b][purpurmoon][/b] [b][goldtear][/b] [b][darkshield][/b] [b][onyxfangs][/b] [b][blooddrop3][/b] [b][blooddrop1][/b] [b][blooddrop2][/b] [b][emeraldglare][/b] [b][goldbelt][/b] [b][sunshine][/b] [/spoiler] santa [spoiler] [color=#999999]ID:757322 [/color] Stored Heat 234326 Age 337 Creature Tokens ([u][i][b]19[/b][/i][/u]) [b][claw2][/b] [b][claw1][/b] [b][stardust][/b] [b][antifreeze][/b] [b][jewelshards][/b] [b][osirisbelt][/b] [b][blackdiamonds][/b] [b][goldtear][/b] [b][darkshield][/b] [b][darksky][/b] [b][onyxfangs][/b] [b][blooddrop2][/b] [b][blooddrop1][/b] [b][blooddrop3][/b] [b][emeraldglare][/b] [b][kellethafire][/b] [b][goldbelt][/b] [b][sunshine][/b] [b][claw3][/b] [/spoiler] list of bidding status [spoiler] angy #1 2sc - rhaegar angy #2 2sc - rhaegar angy #3 2sc - rhaegar bp #1 4sc - grido bp #2 3sc - rhaegar bp #3 3sc - rhaegar sharpie #1 3sc - rhaegar sharpie #2 3sc - rhaegar sharpie #3 3sc - rhaegar santa 4gc - childofthesoul water 1gc10sc - skyarmy barren #1 1gc5sc - vornic barren #2 1gc5sc - vornic barren #3 1gc5sc - vornic imp #1 3gc10sc - darkraptor imp #2 3gc10sc - darkraptor imp #3 3gc3sc - vornic pimpy #1 1sc - tal pimpy #2 1sc - tal pimpy #3 1sc - tal [/spoiler]
  4. why not? nutty and santa are buyable only once from shop no matter how much resets you have
  5. [quote name='lightsage' timestamp='1357940536' post='130258'] The massive effort of using a regular expression to go through a dictionary? [/quote] indeed but hey nut everyone knuws wut regex is and where to find dictionary
  6. aw, that was very mean use of word "or" in prize section by fenrir
  7. when saw wut others ask for i kinda feel miniscule gimme meh seduction lvl 9 spell doc, if ya feel generous i will take lvl 10 instead
  8. should have picked 60€+ game on steam... just sayin
  9. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1357842014' post='130133'] the majority of these ideas people can do now... so whats stopping you? [/quote] ouu but chewy, you know how many/some of us are, we dont wanna do this things we wanna get others do them instead while we just sit back and enjoy them (or criticise how they didnt turned the way we wanted them to be)
  10. as much as you i have no much idea, i can only guess you did regural drill when stuff happens and that ya still cant use yoar item regardless wut ya try, maybe double check yoar code, just to make sure that nothin new that could mess it up got inserted in it due to some mysterious event
  11. [img]http://icanhascheezburger.wordpress.com/files/2009/03/funny-pictures-your-cat-is-more-fabulous-than-you.jpg[/img]
  12. if it aint bp then 2gc would i price it max
  13. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1357224950' post='129597'] [quote name='Change' timestamp='1357190883' post='129549'] When we die, Mur owns our souls for a period of time equal to our AD times a thousand. (He is a demon, right? ) [/quote]Did you read the T's&C's when you signed up? [/quote] t&c (tou) aint written
  14. yeah i know i just didnt want to point out murreys coding mistakes btw is "border research" subforum hidden for any of those above (and the ones from other topic where ya said somethin about subforums gettin closed) reasons ? i cant view topics inside of it so i wonder
  15. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1357183761' post='129543'] Do storenow links expire eventually? [/quote] nop, they dont
  16. [quote] So you mean to say they are scared to ask for payment because they can be kicked out of their position and because of that they wont reply to emails unless they want to? [/quote] no i didnt made connection with pay and reply to emails, you did and this is why they dont reply instantly, but they do read them in 24h time frame [quote] COUNCIL: [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]9)[i]"You put a group of those with the same general views ans you get a one sided council."[/i][/size][/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]If we had the same views you would get instant replies to e-mails and we could actually be removed and replaced by one of us or we would work a lot faster.[/size][/font] [/quote] [quote]Chewy did suggest a way, but not everyone is as technosavvy as him.[/quote] its not nothin super techy to add read recipient but kk read recipient is definately feature you want, or maybe if you really dont want to learn how to put it, then try askin for md-mail automatic notification mail for when council opens your mail, maybe they implement it >_> [quote]Every second or third day there is a note in the in game or forum MP requesting council to read their email which stays there for atleast 4-5 days.[/quote] no, they all know council has read their mail, they just want REAL reply urgently fast
  17. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1357100504' post='129472'] If they want to be paid for that job, let them ASK for payment. Why pretend being satisfied by doing honorary service? [/quote] i bet that askin for pay is sure way on how to lose council seat, game on financial breakdown cant afford to pay those councilors (assuming they havent been offered payment from day1 which i highly doubt) [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1357100504' post='129472'] P.S. - I am doing LHO work in the game. I was prepared to answer as many questions as possible when I took up my post. [/quote] sorry coucil receives emails 24/7, you receive pms while you are online and you arent only lho in game, council is only one and it consists from more than one person, if you only want notification about your email being read, then lookup wut chew said [quote name='Chewett'] Sounds like a good idea but have you tried attaching a read receipt to your mails? thats what i do when i want to know if they have read it? Again something we can do lol [/quote]
  18. [quote]As for your oligarchy, I wonder at the differences and similarities between OGame's playerbase and our own. After a brief wiki glance, it seems more structured than MD..[/quote] its totally different type of game, its strategic game thats based on "empire building" and "cat and mouse" hunt with no rp touch, meaning they dont really have community issues, their issues are: if player stops playin, if player changes side, if enemy player arrives in their neighboarhood, if friend gets his fleet smashed by enemy either by phalanx or ninja or if friend losses his moon but since he is speakin of oligarchy, then i guess that means that like top10 players are on the same team and that their alliances (includin wing and sister ones) control whole universum, so they are rule whole server so to speak (especially if server is old 2yrs+) meaning their main issue is to keep this alliance together as you see nothin really much of similarity, its political stuff like the ones that would be tied to one land in md, they certanly aint involved that much into game development, i stopped playin that game 5 yrs ago when i started playin md, and back then only one thing introduced into game was idea of a player, armored cruiser, that was it, but then again that game is owned by big company who owns many other online games you cant compare council to your alliance leadership on that server, but instead you should compare council with gameforge development advisors or board of directors advisors, since same level of power is in question when it comes to decision making about how game is going to be developed, or you should compare them to whole machine of GOs SGOs GAs who supervise players that they dont break rules, and each of them is supervised by higher rank, and even GA is supervised by region chief (and if i remember correctly he gets paid while others are all volunteers), and while you dont know who those "advisors" are, you know who GOs are, but they arent on the top of power like council is, this kind of machine that gameforge has for its games md cant afford edit: [quote]its strategic game thats based on "empire building" and "cat and mouse" hunt with no rp touch[/quote] with this i meant it is competative game with 0 custom content, md is more of creative game, so to speak, in ogame like in every other competative game you try to be best in given "system/rules", while in md we tailor our own "system/rules"
  19. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1356924804' post='129326'] I would like to see that the Council forum (or what ever way they communicate with each other) be revealed to the public. I want to see the decision making process between them, and how they came to such conclusions. It seems ridiculous that this anonymous group is making all these incredibly important decisions for the rest of us. Who voted them into power? Mur? I don't think that is a decision Mur should have made. It IS his game, but it goes against all that MD was. If someone in the Council steps down, how do they decide a new Council? I would like all the inner workings of the Council revealed. None of this secrecy. It just makes me feel like we are not smart enough to handle these decisions if they are being made for us. [/quote] THAT!!! exactly that is needed change, some of you already stated that you want council to have faces, in fact with that type of demand ppl want council transparency, they want to monitor council, sure np with me that members are anonymous but decision making shouldnt be we need press/judicary for council, some body that would monitor council, and what better body is there than whole community moreover public opinion voted distrust to how council deals with things, while oppinions for/against council as whole idea is divided, which means that those who voted against council are also not satisfied with it, if we make such change of council transparency then we could remove council trust problem, the same problem that also voted against council as whole idea
  20. i dont understand why is it a problem for absent votes to be counted as against? system is obviously set in same manner as voting for certain laws or constitution chages in parliament, where certain quota has to be reached of whole parliament members rather than just the ones that decide to vote, in other words absent votes are counted as against [size=1]ps: i wrote this post before few days ago, some mod deleted it without tellin me why, and it obviously didnt went against any rules, i dont want rise fuss about this, but dont such thing without notifyin me about which rule i broke; and no this aint no backset moddin this is just unofficial complaint[/size] [size=4][color=#0000ff]Edit By Chewett: Learn to press the post button, no post has been deleted from here. Please do not make accusations without proof.[/color][/size]
  21. so you refer to different value of weaken being done to each of your 2 creats?
  22. hold on buddy, in worldwidely used types of democracy that you pointed out have unvoted or null votes mean that they comply with majority that doesnt mean there actually aint other types of democracies that have it done differently, in fact democracy is wide term with lots of differences from one place to another, democracy just means that every man has right to influence things in his community, now how exactly is that influence decided depends on many factors, its no new thing to see abstained votes to count as "against", in many parliaments there has to be exact quota of "for" votes met in order for certain law to pass, which in short means that members of parliament who abstain from voting are counted as "against" and personally i dont see why is this problem? only problem i can see is inactive citizens, theres big difference between active citizens who dont wanna vote on given "subject", but indeed there is problem with citizens who are away from game on long term or stopped entierly, but real problem is how to filter out those who dont play yet still log in regulary for their AD, imo those types of inactive votes shouldnt be taken into account
  23. [quote name='Shemhazaj' timestamp='1355256558' post='128038'] [i][color=#808080]hm... just a question. Would be also allowed to sell such research for coins? Because seems to be a business offer not a research cooperation.[/color][/i] [i][color=#a9a9a9]Edit:[/color][/i] [i][color=#a9a9a9]My apologies to Rhaegar for going off original topic.[/color][/i] [/quote] it had been done all the time, trust me i know it, i encountered it way too many times for my liking
  24. [url="http://www.lolcats.com/"]http://www.lolcats.com/[/url] this whole thread is about dst i see
  25. bring back spark of md, wheres inner magic and other elements of game that kept ppl intrigued and really pinned to the game, that somethin which was beyond the game itself, md was always for me more than a game, now... now its just a game, when it comes to combat its just another click-to-grind game, when it comes to rp its awesome sandbox, althout i like chews idea of new coders, burns idea of remake of combat, seighs idea of major changes, it all falls towards improving md into better game, but at cost of its soul, i am personally not here for game, i am for somethin of higher value that stretches beyond game itself, if it were about combat no matter how good or even if i was the best, i wouldnt be playin this game more than 2 months, if it were about rp, no matter if i could become anythin my imagination ever desired, i wouldnt be playin more than 3 months, if it were about quality of player base and relationships, i wouldnt be playin more than 4 months, truely by end 08 i would quit the game, only thing that made me stay and return is the endless potential to awe and explore new things which are unseen to me ever before, finding connections about things that have never been found before by anybody and attempt to figure out how to do the "impossible", becoz exploring magic concepts made you feel that way, all of this were ideas md was based on, seein game move away from that special base spice is very hard for me to accept and i dont expect any player who havent played before start of 10 to understand the above
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