well as for looks trooper legings isnt displayed on that thing... how ever it is called armor statue or wot ever also some combinations of armor (the one i usually weared becoz of looks) doesnt displays as well while separately they do
as for values nothing new, just bigger importance, it will be all used as before, damagers will use sun gold armor, if they want more attack they will use lizards flail if they want init they will use medusa sword, players that need power will use medusa medusa set, this set will come to more use when angiens will hatch but even after then ppl will still favorize drachs and not many ppl have significiant amount of power skill, tokens can cover much more so boost of 100 power skill due to armor wont matter much
with all those armor pieces, 3 sets will be used overall, i didnt count some ppl that have some egzotic pieces of armor since they are very rare, all in all, situation didnt change and it wont, 90% of ppl will use sun god armor and lizards flail, only thing that is new is that ya got bigger boost from it, i personally think there should be even bigger boost so they can "compete" with tokens, it would be especially nice to balance defense with armor according to high attack from tokens, but for now ya got a bit forced to use strongest set of armor ya can ya cant allow yourself anymore to wear armor ya think is nicest