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Everything posted by Burns

  1. tons of the daily players lose their defs every 5 minutes, that's the way it goes if you are out and about to roleplay, you don't need your critters anyway, so why not let bypassing killers do their jobs and destroy them? there are ways to keep your nice crits from dieing so they are available for an occassional fight, which any mp5 should know about, and your idea does totally NOT aid newcomers and mp3 cause they do need all their crits all the time so they can upgrade them i know how evil mp5 is when you are just starting, but you already got the advantage of an ally, what more do you want? lots of people come to mp5 without walking trees and with less than 100 atk, and still manage to get going, though it's admittedly WAY harder since Mur made the losses rule XD
  2. actually, if you are trying to collect AND have a few combat crits, you are facing serious space issues even with 36 slots... BUT, and this is really important imo, the moment you have creatures for any reasons, you are a valid target for the rest of the fighters, and that should stay that way! if you are afraid of losing too much, stop fighting and stick with sanctuaries, or set defences that win, and gather a few wins with hit-and-running, and if it's just about losing creatures in def which you need for attacks, hard luck, but that's the way it goes... all i can see here is a cowards idea about how to avoid fighting and make it even harder for the fighters to find a target...
  3. wouldn't it be easier to meet somebody on a professional free online platform for games that already exist? why should Mur waste time on coding chess when it's already available on the web on various sites? and about custom games... i have never been too imaginative with games, never got any further than hide-and-seek, but if you have a nice idea, come up wiht it =))
  4. lol you don't really know much about Mur yet, do you? there are lots of abuses one can use, incuding attacking oneself... Mur took the time to make something nice out of his own profile, but didn't include the attack-button in the things he did, mainly to keep the illusion up^^ you'll encounter lots of those messages, if you did nothing wrong, ignore them, if you think what you did MIGHT have been somewhat strange/wrong/abusive, take it as hint that you shouldn't be doing that
  5. i'm failing to see your issues, Shadow... doubled stats via tokens looks totally good to me... every one of the now overpowered (darksky, darkshield, kelle'tha [still? don't have one to test], claw 1-3, tokens gets changed, making each token for one specific stat... luck, power, attack, def, regen, init... NONE of them two times if possible... and capping principle charge out at... mabye 20k? 1k for 5% extra stats, 20k for 100% extra stats, 100k still just 100% extra stats... til 20k principles, you gotta do a damn lot of principle-grinding XD or have the better stats increased much less, like init and regen... just for example: claw 1: power, max charge 80%, 1% per 300 entropy claw 2: attack, max charge 60%, 1% per 100 light claw 3: init, max charge 30%, 1% per 400 balance dark shield: def, max charge 120%, 1% per 150 darkness dark sky: luck, max charge 70%, 1% per 500 time such things? that way you can still grind on and on with your principles and it pays, but it doesn't make stats completely useless... ofc the principle vs. token charge thing would have to be taken out again, else the tokens are really worthless :/
  6. i still think that those temp points should be taken off them completely, it's just WAY too easy to upgrade thigns you shouldn't have on mp3 with those... and of course people get it by buying them with their mp5 -.- i think i could give freddy (my little poor non-combat mp3) all the majestic winderwilds, full-grown trees, skill vampires etc.etc. i wanted by simply giving him an angien for each upgrade, and that can seriously not be the way it's meant to be >.< about half of the 'normal' mp3 quit after a few days because of things like Fawe and Falsh already, what would they do if EVERY alt could do such things within a month? this causes too many problems imo, way more than people raising their max VE with alt-abuse, because this hits the people at the beginning where they don't and CAN'T know how to deal with those mobs...
  7. agree with Lib on that, youa re supposed to be neutral, that does totally NOT mean you should play MD-police and fight in unjust wars on the weaker side or make sure that no wars are fought or anything the like... why do you all think that this should be a dmaned boring peaceful realm?! can't you just leave the war and combat issues to the people interested in slaughtering?
  8. before you ask: No, you will never be able to open an e-mail and put in the name of the one you want to reach (without cheating, that is), you will ALWAYS have to run about and find the person you want to speak... that's also a part of the game, just like the q-docs thing you asked earlier, Mur wants people to be active and search, and not reward the inactive ones who just click the quest list and then stay offline all week long, seeking the answers
  9. nothing new, you could also have posted there... http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/3791-heat-vanishing-bug/ if you find out why it's happening, please tell us, since nobody out there has any ideas so far XD
  10. this is part of the purpose of some quests... online RPCs can always be tracked with the RPC-tracker-feature, so it's really easy to find them most of the time, and the rest of the bunch (the inactive ones) don't feature any interesting quests anyway XD
  11. you need to find the person who wrote the paper and take a look at the golden, glowing Q-page at the right side of the other, 'normal' docs, as easy as that^^ and you can't get your own unless Mur activates it for you... which he does only for WP or for RPCs
  12. yeah, gather all the wolves... the faster the better *chuckles* oh, i could as well post something on topic... do you think you can handle to lead an ally with an alt? it's somewhat of a full time job to have a good alliance... and i have the feeling that the purpose of the caretakers is a slightly different one, though i guess that's still open for debate...
  13. i'd like to have them ONLY on the personal page and not on the avi or on a seperate new page, there are too many of those already imo... they should be published somewhere so people who like to brag with them can do it, but not on the normal game interface, that's heavily overloaded the way it already is... EDIT: to avoid confusion here: those who hide their pages don't deserve bragging rights =PP
  14. those are left-overs from mp2^^ you'll notice the changes on your quest page once you reach the mp3-relevant ones
  15. connecting roles with lands, maybe? like... you get to choose your land affiliation after day... say... 120, and after that point, people can take a look at you and, without reading your papers, see 'Oh, a lore, most probably an animal-based role' or 'Look there, a necro, gotta be one of the bad guys'... then again, i'm not sure if people would like to have such a first-glance-opinion about themselves :/ another idea could be giving people a land-tag based on their online times, to show where people are hanging out most... of course not overall, since it would lose it's sense then, but changing ever 2 weeks based on the previous 2 weeks online hours in each land problem here would be that lots of people might not like to be affiliated with loreroot just because they are staying there for saccing reasons LOL however, all of these seem rather pointless to me, since people who want to be connected with one land join one of the allies xD
  16. as i was getting up, head and bones aching from the fight, and wanted to take care of my wounds, i had to notice that, even though all of my body was a flaring pain, i found no bites, no cut, not even as little as a scratch on all my body, except for a new large, black scar on my thigh... fearing the worst, i cut it open and placed my silvery rapier in the wound, which started to smolder my flesh as if the blade was on fire, while i felt noting of such when i cut my hand with the very same blade... what's happening here?! can somebody help me??
  17. as some people already posted, i got my guts splattered all over the place by Marvolo... he was too strong for me -.- [spoiler][04/09/09 18:08] :*Burns* sits down next to the path, wethering his blade and waiting for Marv to show up... [04/09/09 18:52] :.Marvolo. Looks at Burns [04/09/09 18:52] *Burns*: *gets up and looks around* seems we are going to fight all alone... [04/09/09 18:52] :.Marvolo. Looks around [04/09/09 18:53] .Marvolo.:It seems so [04/09/09 18:53] *Burns*: *points the tip of his sword towards him* so be it... [04/09/09 18:53] :.Marvolo. removes his shirt [04/09/09 18:53] Marvolos Wolf Form:[Spell] Metamorphosis - Marvolos Wolf Form [04/09/09 18:54] :Marvolos Wolf Form growls at Burns [04/09/09 18:55] :Marvolos Wolf Form Turns to Rhaegar and growls [04/09/09 18:55] *Burns*:ahh, audience... *barks a laugh, charging at the Wolf* [04/09/09 18:55] :Marvolos Wolf Form Ducks and turns to Burns [04/09/09 18:56] :Marvolos Wolf Form Shows his teeth [04/09/09 18:56] :Marvolos Wolf Form Sniffs the air and howls [04/09/09 18:56] *Burns*:heh... pretty fast... [04/09/09 18:57] *Burns*:but not fast enough! *strikes toward his front paw* [04/09/09 18:57] :Marvolos Wolf Form Yanks and turns back [04/09/09 18:57] :Marvolos Wolf Form Shakes his paw, feeling the silver burning [04/09/09 18:58] :Marvolos Wolf Form Jumps at Burns, trying to Bite his wrist [04/09/09 18:59] :Marvolos Wolf Form Shakes his paw again and growls [04/09/09 18:59] :*Burns* turns on the spot, saving his sword hand, but getting a deep bite at his thigh [04/09/09 18:59] *Burns*:hmm... i hope that doesn't infect... :/ [04/09/09 18:59] :Marvolos Wolf Form Shows his teeth again [04/09/09 19:00] :Marvolos Wolf Form tastes Burns blood and spits [04/09/09 19:00] *Burns*:would be pretty disgusting... *hops towards Marv on one leg, mumbling some words* [04/09/09 19:00] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] Lurking in the Shadows [04/09/09 19:01] :Marvolos Wolf Form growls and looks around [04/09/09 19:01] :Marvolos Wolf Form tries to locate Burns [04/09/09 19:01] :~~Ghost~~ suddenly disappears, leaving back a sword floating in mid air [04/09/09 19:01] :Marvolos Wolf Form Smells and charges at his back [04/09/09 19:02] :Marvolos Wolf Form Tries to claw Burns sword hand [04/09/09 19:02] :~~Ghost~~ lets the wold jump right through him, slashing his tail with the sword [04/09/09 19:02] :Marvolos Wolf Form. Growls as he sees his tail-hair flying away [04/09/09 19:02] :~~Ghost~~ laughs, apparently from all sides at once [04/09/09 19:03] :.Marvolo. stands on his legs again [04/09/09 19:03] :.Marvolo. Raises two shortswords [04/09/09 19:03] :~~Ghost~~' sword glides towards Marvolo [04/09/09 19:04] :.Marvolo. Blocks with his left sword and slashed in thin air with his other [04/09/09 19:04] ~~Ghost~~: *hovers in mid air in front of him, smirking* wanna give up, wolf? [04/09/09 19:04] :.Marvolo. Curses [04/09/09 19:04] .Marvolo.:No way [04/09/09 19:04] :~~Ghost~~ strikes at his left leg [04/09/09 19:05] :.Marvolo. gets hit in his foot, while trying to jump [04/09/09 19:05] :~~Ghost~~ laughs again, echoing everywhere [04/09/09 19:06] :.Marvolo. curses again as he notices a deep cut [04/09/09 19:06] :[Spell] Dont Move! - *Burns* [04/09/09 19:06] .Marvolo.:You little bastard [04/09/09 19:07] :[Spell] Diminish - *Burns* [04/09/09 19:07] :~~Ghost~~ the sword stops to move, and Burns stops to laugh all of a sudden [04/09/09 19:07] .Marvolo.:You forget ONE thing [04/09/09 19:07] .Marvolo.:Im not only a werewolf [04/09/09 19:07] :.Marvolo. Draws a circle around him [04/09/09 19:08] *Burns*:and i'm not just a guy with a silvery sword, either... [04/09/09 19:08] :[Spell] Summon the Shades - .Marvolo. [04/09/09 19:08] :.Marvolo. Looks at the shadowy figures around him [04/09/09 19:08] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] Nightmares for - .Marvolo. [04/09/09 19:09] .Marvolo.:Charge *Points his sword at Burns* [04/09/09 19:09] :.Marvolo. Curses as he notices hes too late [04/09/09 19:09] ~~Ghost~~:try to... *laughs* [04/09/09 19:09] :[Spell] The Icey Breeze will slowly Freeze - *Burns* [04/09/09 19:09] .Marvolo.:I hope you like to have cold [04/09/09 19:11] :.Marvolo. doesn’t swing his sword at Burns [04/09/09 19:11] :*Burns* laughs over his failed attempts [04/09/09 19:12] *Burns*:the movelock will wear off before the attacklock does...=P [04/09/09 19:13] :.Marvolo. Curses [04/09/09 19:13] :*Burns* tries to swing his sword, but still fails [04/09/09 19:14] :.Marvolo. Stands in defensive position [04/09/09 19:14] .Marvolo.:I can’t attack, but I can defend [04/09/09 19:15] *Burns*: *tries to move, and falls over with weakness* damn you... [04/09/09 19:15] :.Marvolo. Grins [04/09/09 19:15] *Burns*: *lifts his sword a few inches, then falls back to the ground* this is... somewhat... bad... [04/09/09 19:16] .Marvolo.:No? Serious? [04/09/09 19:16] *Burns*:nah, just joking =P *jumps up and runs towards Marv, sweating with the effort of just moving, but WAY slower than normal* [04/09/09 19:17] :.Marvolo. parries the blow easily [04/09/09 19:17] :.Marvolo. Charges back [04/09/09 19:17] :[Spell] Summon the Shades [04/09/09 19:17] :*Burns* tries to block, but his attempts are in vain and his shoulder gets hit badly [04/09/09 19:18] Shade from Necrovion:[Spell] Metamorphosis - Shade from Necrovion [04/09/09 19:18] Shade from Necrovion:Well well [04/09/09 19:18] Shade from Necrovion:what do we have here? [04/09/09 19:18] Shade from Necrovion:Charge, my minions [04/09/09 19:18] :Shade from Necrovion Runs to Burns [04/09/09 19:18] :*Burns* whistles for the air-support, hoping for fast help [04/09/09 19:19] :Shade from Necrovion Readies his sword [04/09/09 19:20] :*Burns* crawls back from the shade [04/09/09 19:20] :Shade from Necrovion Sees his minions turning to Burns' creatures [04/09/09 19:21] :Shade from Necrovion Readies to torture Burns [04/09/09 19:21] :Shade from Necrovion Gets a curved dagger and runs it along Burns' cheek [04/09/09 19:21] :Shade from Necrovion Cuts both his arms [04/09/09 19:22] Marvolos Wolf Form:[Spell] Metamorphosis - Marvolos Wolf Form [04/09/09 19:23] :Marvolos Wolf Form Tries to Bite Burns [04/09/09 19:23] :*Burns* rolls away, back at his old strenght, but suffering from heavy injured arms... [04/09/09 19:23] :Marvolos Wolf Form Growls loudly [04/09/09 19:24] :*Burns* lifts his sword and tries to strike at the wolf, but fails [04/09/09 19:24] :Marvolos Wolf Form Claws in the cuts on Burns' arms [04/09/09 19:25] :*Burns* uses his last left limb, one leg, to jump over the claws, ignoring the pain, onto the head of the wolf [04/09/09 19:25] :Marvolos Wolf Form Growls and turns back [04/09/09 19:25] *Burns*: *clutches his left ear with one hand, sticking the sword in his mouth* draw? [04/09/09 19:26] Marvolos Wolf Form:No, a win for the Wolves [04/09/09 19:28] :Marvolos Wolf Form gets his paws to his head [04/09/09 19:28] :Marvolos Wolf Form rolls over and is on top of Burns [04/09/09 19:29] :*Burns* tries to push the sword into his throat [04/09/09 19:29] :Marvolos Wolf Form Claws his arms to the ground [04/09/09 19:29] *Burns*:that's it... i'm giving up... spare my life, i beg you! [04/09/09 19:30] :Marvolos Wolf Form sniffs [04/09/09 19:30] :Marvolos Wolf Form Brings his head closer to Burns [04/09/09 19:30] *Burns*:i guess that's no... [04/09/09 19:30] :Marvolos Wolf Form Opens his mouth to bite his troath [04/09/09 19:30] *Burns*:crap... [04/09/09 19:31] :[Spell] Vanishes [04/09/09 19:31] .Marvolo.:You're gonna die ... Human [04/09/09 19:31] :.Marvolo. Gets up and looks around [04/09/09 19:31] .Marvolo.:Little coward! [04/09/09 19:31] :.Marvolo. Curses [/spoiler] of course this had some nasty turnout for me... being bitten by wolves ain't no fun, and specially with werewolves... [spoiler][04/09/09 19:31] :*Burns* falls to the ground, bleeding from various cuts, a bit of black hair clutched in his hand [04/09/09 19:33] *Burns*: *moans, rolling around* aargh... uhhh... eeewww [04/09/09 19:34] :*Sagewoman* lands on desk chair , POOF [04/09/09 19:35] *Sagewoman* .O [04/09/09 19:35] *Sagewoman*:It wasn't me! [04/09/09 19:35] :*Sagewoman* points at Burns [04/09/09 19:35] :*Burns* rolls a bit more, bleeding all over the carpet [04/09/09 19:35] *Sagewoman*:What on No Mans Land happened to you Burns? [04/09/09 19:36] *Sagewoman*:Holy Mur! [04/09/09 19:36] :*Sagewoman* leaps off the chair, over desk, and to Burns’ side [04/09/09 19:36] *Sagewoman*:Easy guy. Let me look at you. [04/09/09 19:36] *Sagewoman*: *scrunches up nose* You are a Mess. [04/09/09 19:37] :*Burns* tries to keep still, but fails, moaning, his eyes closed [04/09/09 19:37] Assurancetourix:what happened to Burns? [04/09/09 19:37] Assurancetourix:is he alright? [04/09/09 19:37] *Sagewoman*:Wow! Did phantasm do this? [04/09/09 19:37] *Sagewoman*:I don't know Assurance. [04/09/09 19:38] *Burns* shows his hands, torn by Marvolo’s claws [04/09/09 19:38] *Sagewoman*:OOO that cut is deep. *applies pressure to a wound on Burns abdomen* [04/09/09 19:38] *Sagewoman*:Assurance! Need your help. [04/09/09 19:39] :*Burns* moans, his eyes turning bloody red [04/09/09 19:40] :*Sagewoman* applies Heat and Light to temporarily seal wound [04/09/09 19:40] *Sagewoman*:Will one of you hold his arms down PLEASE. [04/09/09 19:41] *Princ Rhaegar*:hail [04/09/09 19:41] *Sagewoman*:You sure know how to pick your fights, Burns. These wounds are from claws and teeth. [04/09/09 19:41] :*Burns*: *stops moaning, but starts twitching and twisting, uttering word-fragments through gritted teeth* wolf.... bite... moon...*howls... in pain?* [04/09/09 19:41] *Sagewoman*:Oh Thank Mur.! [04/09/09 19:42] *Sagewoman*:Oh no you don't! *hits Burns back of his head HARD* [04/09/09 19:42] *Sagewoman*:Rhaegar, a little help here [04/09/09 19:43] :*Burns* howls, this time definitely in pain [04/09/09 19:43] :*Princ Rhaegar* gets bucket of water and gives it to Sagewoman, along with a sponge [04/09/09 19:44] *Sagewoman*:We need to restrain him! [04/09/09 19:44] *Princ Rhaegar*:there's not much i can do... i don’t have the cure for lycanthropia [04/09/09 19:44] *Princ Rhaegar*:tie him somewhere, BUT NOT IN THE CHAIR [04/09/09 19:44] *Sagewoman*:Wolfs Bane! I need him restrained so I can use it. [04/09/09 19:45] *Sagewoman*:the Stairs! [04/09/09 19:45] :*Sagewoman* yanks the stairs down [04/09/09 19:45] *Sagewoman*:Quickly! Tie him down [04/09/09 19:45] :*Princ Rhaegar* ties a rope on Burns, 'round the stairs, unabling him to move [04/09/09 19:45] *Princ Rhaegar*:there's a chance those stairs wont hold... [04/09/09 19:46] :*Sagewoman* unseals the deep wound [04/09/09 19:46] :*Burns* twists and twitches, howling with his red eyes [04/09/09 19:46] :*Sagewoman* pulls wolfs bane out of her bag and stuffs it in the wound [04/09/09 19:46] *Sagewoman* Applies Heat to scab it over [04/09/09 19:46] *Burns*: HAUUUUUUUUH!! [04/09/09 19:47] *Sagewoman*:When did he get into it with Marvolo? [04/09/09 19:47] *Sagewoman*:Oh *critter speak* Haauuuuuu - Yourself. [04/09/09 19:48] zelai:he is very lucky to be alive [04/09/09 19:48] :*Sagewoman* grabs bucket that Rhaegar had and dumps it over Burns [04/09/09 19:48] :*Burns* clatters with his teeth, seemingly more than before... and pointy... [04/09/09 19:48] *Sagewoman*:Oh crap! Burns is turning! [04/09/09 19:49] :[Spell] Going Somewhere? - *Burns* [04/09/09 19:49] *Sagewoman*:That should hold him! [04/09/09 19:50] *Sagewoman*:This is a sanctuary so we dont need the attacklock. [04/09/09 19:50] :*Princ Rhaegar* nods to sage [04/09/09 19:50] :*Burns* his muscles relax, but his face keeps distorting [04/09/09 19:51] *Sagewoman*:Mya is on her way. [04/09/09 19:51] *Sagewoman*:Rhaegar, we need to make this Cabin glow as if the Sun were upon it. [04/09/09 19:52] :*Sagewoman* scrubs at the bite marks and slashes [04/09/09 19:53] *Sagewoman*:I can't wait to hear the story on this one. Marvolo was particularly vicious in his attack. [04/09/09 19:53] :Mya Celestia lands in the doorway [04/09/09 19:53] *Sagewoman*:Mya! [04/09/09 19:54] *Sagewoman*:This spell wont hold him long. You and Rhaegar need to make this Cabin glow like sunlight. [04/09/09 19:54] Mya Celestia:I came as fast as I could. What's going on? [04/09/09 19:54] *Sagewoman*:Wolf attack [04/09/09 19:54] :*Burns* howls again as he licks over his long rows of pointy teeth [04/09/09 19:54] *Sagewoman*:Burns is changing [04/09/09 19:54] *Sagewoman*:You got a hair scrungy, Mya? [04/09/09 19:55] :Mya Celestia hands Sage a hair tie [04/09/09 19:56] :*Sagewoman* slips it over her wrist [04/09/09 19:56] *Sagewoman*:Right now we got him tied to the Stairs. [04/09/09 19:56] *Sagewoman*:If his face becomes elongegated, I can muzzle him. [04/09/09 19:57] *Sagewoman*:Howls terribly. [04/09/09 19:57] Mya Celestia:Could we use the rope from the ladder? [04/09/09 19:57] *Sagewoman*:That is what he is tied with. [04/09/09 19:57] *Sagewoman*:I got Wolfs Bane stuffed in the biggest wound for now. [04/09/09 19:57] Mya Celestia:Ok [04/09/09 19:57] Mya Celestia:What do you want me to do? [04/09/09 19:58] *Sagewoman*:I always knew Burns was kinky. Got his wish to be tied up. ROFL [04/09/09 19:58] *Sagewoman*:Use Your Light. Join with Rhaegar and light up his life. [04/09/09 19:58] :*Burns* starts to twist again and pulls on the rope, which creaks under the strainment [04/09/09 19:59] *Sagewoman*:Rhaegar! [04/09/09 19:59] *Sagewoman*:Use the containment spell! [04/09/09 19:59] :*Sagewoman* sits on Burns [04/09/09 19:59] :Mya Celestia spreads her wings and begins to glow brightly [04/09/09 20:00] :*Sagewoman* pulls dried deer jerkey from pocket and wraps a sprig of wolfs bane around it [04/09/09 20:00] :[Spell] shackles - *Burns* [04/09/09 20:00] :*Burns* roars and howls [04/09/09 20:00] *Sagewoman*:Hungry boy? I got a doggie treat, Burns. [04/09/09 20:01] :*Sagewoman* stuffs Burns mouth with it, then wraps Mya’s hair scrungy around it tightly [04/09/09 20:01] :*Sagewoman* wipes forehead with an arm [04/09/09 20:01] Mya Celestia:Couldn't we purge it from him? [04/09/09 20:01] *Sagewoman*:Whew! [04/09/09 20:02] *Sagewoman*:um...no [04/09/09 20:02] *Sagewoman*:we can contain him and let the werewolfs natural healing take care of most of his wounds [04/09/09 20:02] Emerald Arcanix:hello to everyone [04/09/09 20:03] Czez:Em, good, have you brought it? [04/09/09 20:03] *Princ Rhaegar*:hello emerald [04/09/09 20:03] Czez:Give it to Sage. [04/09/09 20:03] Emerald Arcanix:yes i have [04/09/09 20:03] *Sagewoman*:Hi Emerald, Czez. [04/09/09 20:03] *Sagewoman*:Give me what? [04/09/09 20:03] Emerald Arcanix: *takes the rope from his shoulder and hands it to sage* here you go [04/09/09 20:03] :*Burns* howls as the wolfsbane touches his tongue, unable to spit it away [04/09/09 20:03] Czez:I called him as soon as I woke. [04/09/09 20:04] Czez:It's silk, so a little slippery, but if you tie a good knot, it's strong. [04/09/09 20:04] *Sagewoman*:Good. Rhaegar, your good with your seamenship. *hands over the rope* [04/09/09 20:04] Czez:I can tie knots if you need.... [04/09/09 20:05] *Sagewoman*:Tie Burns securily. Your shackles spell will wear off soon. [04/09/09 20:05] *Sagewoman*:Burns, swallow or choke. [04/09/09 20:05] Czez:So someone tell us what's happened. All I see if Burns is a mess, and needs restraining... [04/09/09 20:06] :*Burns* twitches again, his eyes moving up and down like mad, turning darker [04/09/09 20:06] *Sagewoman*:From the sistration marks on his hands and body, it looks like Burns fought off a werewolf. [04/09/09 20:06] *Princ Rhaegar*:you're telling me to tie him up or Czez? [04/09/09 20:06] *Princ Rhaegar*:Marvolo wounded him [04/09/09 20:06] *Sagewoman*:Before he started turning he managed to say the name, Marvolo. [04/09/09 20:06] *Princ Rhaegar*:no more werewolf hunt for you, Burnsy [04/09/09 20:06] *Sagewoman*:lol Burns [04/09/09 20:06] Czez:It's my rope! You'd better not, Rhaegar. [04/09/09 20:07] :Czez narrows her eyes [04/09/09 20:07] :*Princ Rhaegar* chuckles [04/09/09 20:07] *Sagewoman*:I have Wolfs bane stuffed in his stomach wound and puts deer jerky and the herb in his mouth. [04/09/09 20:07] *Princ Rhaegar*:no offense [04/09/09 20:07] *Princ Rhaegar*:you can have all the fun [04/09/09 20:08] *Sagewoman*:Mya has the room lite up with Light, but we need more of it. [04/09/09 20:08] *Sagewoman*:Those of you of the Light. Spark up. [04/09/09 20:08] :*Burns* moves his hands, noticing that his fingers turned to claws [04/09/09 20:08] :Czez binds Burns' feet and secure them to the stair, wrapping the heavy silk cords around and around, over his arms, and fastening them behind his back in a long knot [04/09/09 20:08] *Sagewoman*:If we can keep him in between change, his body will heal using the Were's abilities. [04/09/09 20:09] Mya Celestia:I can make the room so bright it'll burn your eyes, but that's a bit much. [04/09/09 20:09] Czez:Oh dear... He's becoming one of.. those? [04/09/09 20:09] *Sagewoman*:You can say it czez. [04/09/09 20:09] :*Burns* howls, tearing apart the ropes with a swift movement, and running off [04/09/09 20:09] Czez:Burns, are you going to start flying about and flipping people over with your fingers? [04/09/09 20:09] *Sagewoman*:SHOUTS: Were wolf <dun dun dun!>! [04/09/09 20:09] Czez:There he goes! [04/09/09 20:10] *Sagewoman*:After him! [04/09/09 20:10] Mya Celestia:Why didn't we knock him out? [04/09/09 20:11] Czez: *picks up the rope, and stares at the frayed ends* Well at least my knots held... [04/09/09 20:13] :*Burns* lunges over the desk, hiding underneath it [04/09/09 20:13] :*Princ Rhaegar* sits on his chair and kicks burns a bit [04/09/09 20:14] *Sagewoman*:I am sooo calling GRIDO! [04/09/09 20:14] :*Burns* bites at Rhaegar's feet [04/09/09 20:14] :*Princ Rhaegar* moves his feet quickly [04/09/09 20:14] *Princ Rhaegar*:dont you dare [04/09/09 20:14] :*Princ Rhaegar* points threating with his finger [04/09/09 20:15] *Sagewoman*:You have enough wolfs bane in you to kill a pack, you twit! [04/09/09 20:15] *Sagewoman*:Sorry about your hair scrungy, Mya. We'll go shopping later, K? [04/09/09 20:15] Mya Celestia:What if we seal the room so he can't get away? [04/09/09 20:16] Mya Celestia:Don't worry about it. [04/09/09 20:16] *Sagewoman*:I am going to have to do something I thought I would never do. [04/09/09 20:16] :*Sagewoman* turns pale [04/09/09 20:16] *Sagewoman*:I am calling upon the Silver Clan of Arachnids. [04/09/09 20:16] :*Sagewoman* raises out her hands and begins critter speak in Arachnoid [04/09/09 20:17] Mya Celestia: *cringes* Spiders? [04/09/09 20:17] *Sagewoman*: *Critter Speak* Sliver Clan! Arachnids! I need your Help! [04/09/09 20:17] :*Sagewoman* turns frightened eyes on Mya and nods [04/09/09 20:18] :*Burns* howls and throws Rhaegar’s chair over, trying to leave the cabin [04/09/09 20:18] *Sagewoman*: *critter speak* Come to My Aid, Honored Ones! [04/09/09 20:18] *Princ Rhaegar*: *jumps away from the falling chair* how dare you! [04/09/09 20:18] :*Sagewoman* A huge base ball sized Spider stands in doorway [04/09/09 20:18] *Princ Rhaegar*: *gets the chair back in place* curse you, demon! [04/09/09 20:20] :Czez flips a silver coin with her thumb [04/09/09 20:20] :*Burns* looks at the spider, afraid of it's many legs, and growls at it [04/09/09 20:21] :Mya Celestia shivers uncontrolably but tries to keep her ligh bright [04/09/09 20:21] :Czez removes her heavy coat, and drapes it over Mya's shoulders [04/09/09 20:23] :icepheonix5 gently places his hand on Mya's shoulders and brightens her light [04/09/09 20:23] :*Burns* twitches, howling and growling, under the light-spells [04/09/09 20:25] Czez:Rhaegar, quick! Grab his sword! [04/09/09 20:25] *Sagewoman*: *Critter speaking the Spider greets Sage* Healer, we recognize you and come to your aid. [04/09/09 20:25] :*Burns* falls to his knees, blinded by the light, howling in pain [04/09/09 20:26] *Sagewoman*: *critter speak* Silver Clan, spin your thread so this young werewolf cannot escape! [04/09/09 20:26] Czez:I can't believe Clock and B can sleep through all this.... [04/09/09 20:26] *Sagewoman*:..Spider: as you say, so shall we do [04/09/09 20:27] :Czez drags Assura into the corner, out of harm's way [04/09/09 20:27] *Sagewoman*:.. *Silver spider web begins to show on windows, the stairs and the door way* [04/09/09 20:28] :*Burns* jumps towards the door, more afraid of the light than of the spider now, and gets caught in the web [04/09/09 20:28] *Burns*:HAUUUUUUU [04/09/09 20:28] Mya Celestia: *trembling* S-Sage, d-did it h-have to be s-spiders? [04/09/09 20:28] :*Sagewoman* the spiders begin to crawl and spin webbing on Burns [04/09/09 20:28] *Sagewoman*: *whimpers* mmmhhhh [04/09/09 20:29] *Sagewoman*:Courage Mya....pppleasse [04/09/09 20:29] Mya Celestia:I'm still here, but I hope they hurry. [04/09/09 20:29] :*Sagewoman* soon Burns is in a cocoon [04/09/09 20:29] :*Burns* utters stuffed howls as the spiders spin their silvery web over him [04/09/09 20:30] :*Princ Rhaegar* picks up the Silver Rapier from the ground [04/09/09 20:30] *Sagewoman*: *Critter Speak* Honored Clan! You have done your task well. [04/09/09 20:30] *Sagewoman*:That shall do well. [04/09/09 20:30] :*Princ Rhaegar* moves quickly towards Burns and points it to his heart from above [04/09/09 20:30] *Sagewoman*:WAIT [04/09/09 20:30] :*Princ Rhaegar* moves it, trying to stab his heart [04/09/09 20:30] :*Burns* feels the presence of even more silver and howls louder [04/09/09 20:31] *Sagewoman*:If you kill him, I want his Drachorns. [04/09/09 20:31] *Sagewoman*:..Spider: Sagewoman, you overcame your fright on behalf of another. You Honor yourself. [04/09/09 20:31] :*Princ Rhaegar* stabs Burns’ heart, pushing the silver deep within his body [04/09/09 20:32] :*Sagewoman* spiders leave the Paper Cabin [04/09/09 20:32] Czez:Wait, are you going to kill him, or save him?! [04/09/09 20:32] :*Sagewoman* looks at sword in Burns chest [04/09/09 20:32] :Czez stares aghast at Rhaegar [04/09/09 20:32] *Sagewoman*:I think Rhaegar prefers killing. [04/09/09 20:32] :*Burns* hoooowls, and stops abprutly [04/09/09 20:32] *Sagewoman*:Was that really necessary? [04/09/09 20:32] *Sagewoman*:All he needed was silver IN him [04/09/09 20:33] *Sagewoman*:Werewolves have the right to Life too. [04/09/09 20:33] *Burns*: (the cocoon turns red) [04/09/09 20:33] Czez: *looks over Burns* Healers, what do you think? [04/09/09 20:33] *Sagewoman*:I do not believe that killing was the answer. [04/09/09 20:34] :*Princ Rhaegar* pulls out the blade, looking at Burns’ transformation [04/09/09 20:34] *Sagewoman*:I did a quick scan and the mention of Silver within did not necessarily mean killing them to get it there. [04/09/09 20:34] Mya Celestia: *frowns* If we work fast, the wolf will die and we can restore him. [04/09/09 20:34] *Princ Rhaegar*:the silver stopped the infection [04/09/09 20:34] :*Burns* rolls out of the cocoon, which dissolves, not standing the tainted blood, all human again [04/09/09 20:35] Mya Celestia:The brain lives after the heart dies. [04/09/09 20:35] *Princ Rhaegar*:now heal him *waves with the rapier sword he picked up* [04/09/09 20:35] *Sagewoman*:Healers! Become One! [04/09/09 20:35] *Sagewoman*:Join your hands quickly [04/09/09 20:35] :Mya Celestia grabs Sage's hand [04/09/09 20:35] :*Sagewoman* grasps Myas hand [04/09/09 20:36] :*Sagewoman* eyes begin to glow Gold as wind picks up out of no where [04/09/09 20:36] :*Burns* bleeds all over the carpet, twitching and moaning [04/09/09 20:37] *Sagewoman*:~Death is not the End nor Answer~ [04/09/09 20:37] :Mya Celestia glows with a white light as she opens her wings [04/09/09 20:37] :*Sagewoman* bends down taking Mya with her [04/09/09 20:37] :Czez grabs her coat as it falls to the floor [04/09/09 20:37] *Sagewoman*:~The Life Spark too is of the Light~ [04/09/09 20:37] Czez:Sory Mya. [04/09/09 20:38] *Sagewoman*:~Healers in Union, We hold this Spark~ [04/09/09 20:38] :Czez backs out of the way [04/09/09 20:38] Czez:Assura, stay back! [04/09/09 20:38] :Mya Celestia holds her hand out over Burns [04/09/09 20:38] :*Sagewoman* grasps the Floating Life Spark of Burns with both her and Myas Hand [04/09/09 20:39] Czez:Burns had a fight with Marvolo, and somehow's become infected... [04/09/09 20:39] *Sagewoman*:~Return to your Shell, Where you Became~ [04/09/09 20:39] Czez:Rhaegar stabbed him with his own rapier, and now these women are trying to heal him. [04/09/09 20:39] Assurancetourix:rum is the perfect dissinfectant, you know... [04/09/09 20:39] Czez:Shhh! [04/09/09 20:39] *Sagewoman*:~Whole Once More and Untainted by Wolf Bite~ [04/09/09 20:40] :*Sagewoman* hands holding Life Spark Glows Brightly as it is replaced in Burns [04/09/09 20:40] :*Princ Rhaegar* cleans the blood of the rapier with his white patch [04/09/09 20:40] *Princ Rhaegar*:on* [04/09/09 20:40] :*Burns* slowly stops to bleed and twitch [04/09/09 20:40] :*Sagewoman* lets go of Mya's hand and rises [04/09/09 20:41] *Sagewoman*:~Return to Life Burns~ [04/09/09 20:41] *Sagewoman*:~Continue the Circle of Magic Duel~ [04/09/09 20:41] :Mya Celestia stands beside Sage [04/09/09 20:41] :*Sagewoman* becomes quiet as her Light disipates [04/09/09 20:42] :*Burns* opens his eyes, which have lost their natural brown tone, and appear redish, gasping for air [04/09/09 20:42] :Mya Celestia closes her wings as her glow fades [04/09/09 20:42] :*Sagewoman* winds die down and all becomes as it once was [04/09/09 20:43] *Burns*: *rolls over and stumbles up* the wolf! my sword! what happend? i feel.... weak... *faints* [04/09/09 20:43] *Sagewoman*:Figures. [04/09/09 20:43] Czez:Quick, now Assura, the rum! [04/09/09 20:44] *Sagewoman*:Assurance, about that Rum. [04/09/09 20:44] :Assurancetourix brings the bottle of rum [04/09/09 20:44] *Sagewoman*:GMTA Czez [04/09/09 20:44] Czez:That should put fire in his breath again.. [04/09/09 20:44] Czez:Hm? [04/09/09 20:44] *Princ Rhaegar*:your sword? *smiles* [04/09/09 20:44] *Princ Rhaegar*:you've been infected by Marvolo, the werewolf [04/09/09 20:44] *Princ Rhaegar*:we managed to restore your former state, friend [04/09/09 20:45] Czez: *starts tugging at a locked drawer* Rhaegar, it's an emergency, can you open this please? [04/09/09 20:46] Assurancetourix:glad to have you back, Burns! [04/09/09 20:46] Czez:I don't think he can hear you.. [04/09/09 20:46] *Princ Rhaegar*: *finds a key in his pocket* sure [04/09/09 20:46] :*Princ Rhaegar* unlocks the drawer [04/09/09 20:47] *Princ Rhaegar*:i'll keep this for you Burnsy *waves amused with the silver rapier* [04/09/09 20:47] Czez: *pulls out a bottle of fine irish whiskey* It's not rum, but I think it'll do... [04/09/09 20:47] *Princ Rhaegar*:heal soon [04/09/09 20:47] *Sagewoman*:There had BETTER be some FOOD in this Cabin. *warning voice* [04/09/09 20:48] :Czez kneels next to Burns, opens the bottle, and cradling his head in one hand, gently pours the whiskey past his lips [04/09/09 20:48] Czez: *stares for a moment* You think that'll work? [04/09/09 20:48] *Sagewoman*:No but this will. [04/09/09 20:48] :*Burns* coughs out some whiskey, but swallows most of it, stirring again [04/09/09 20:48] :*Sagewoman* takes the whiskey and upends it over Burns, splashing all over his head [04/09/09 20:49] Czez:Sage! That's the good stuff! [04/09/09 20:49] *Sagewoman*:I require mass quantities of food, Rhaegar. [04/09/09 20:49] Czez:Hand it back here. [04/09/09 20:49] *Sagewoman*:As windy would say "Piss water". [04/09/09 20:49] :*Sagewoman* hands over empty bottle to czez [04/09/09 20:50] :Czez peers into the empty bottle, and pouts [04/09/09 20:50] *Sagewoman*:..Stomach: *growls loudly* [04/09/09 20:50] Czez: *slaps Burns' cheek* Wake up, man! [04/09/09 20:50] :*Princ Rhaegar* stabs a piece of meat from his supplies and passes it to Sage [04/09/09 20:50] *Burns*: *opens his eyes, still bloody, but brown again* OUCH! [04/09/09 20:51] :*Princ Rhaegar* then cleans the rapier with his patch again [04/09/09 20:51] Czez: *grins* That's better. [04/09/09 20:51] *Sagewoman*:Thank you. *takes the meat and chews on it* [04/09/09 20:51] :*Burns*: *curls, holding his belly* ARGH... what did you put in there... *howls* [04/09/09 20:51] *Sagewoman*:Now stand up and bend over so I can kick your Arse. [04/09/09 20:51] Czez:How're you feeling there Burns? [04/09/09 20:51] :Mya Celestia sits on the floor still shaking from all the spiders [04/09/09 20:51] *Sagewoman*:Wolfs Bane. [04/09/09 20:52] :*Sagewoman* rips another bite off the meat slice [04/09/09 20:52] Czez:Try to keep it down, Burns. You don't want a relapse. *she shakes her head* [04/09/09 20:52] :*Burns* twitches in pain [04/09/09 20:54] Czez:Assura, you still have that rum or not? [04/09/09 20:55] :*Burns* throws up, spitting out wolfsbane and black blood, mingled with deer, feeling better [04/09/09 20:55] Czez:Eww... I guess I know who has cleaning duty this Sunday. [04/09/09 20:55] Assurancetourix:I gave that bottle to you earlier... what did you do with it, Czez? [04/09/09 20:56] Assurancetourix:I'm going to the bassement to get another... [04/09/09 20:56] Czez:Oh? *looks about, and grabs the rum bottle off the desk* [04/09/09 20:56] :Czez takes a long drink from the bottle, and holds it out for Burns [04/09/09 20:57] Czez:Might help ease your pain there... [04/09/09 20:57] :*Princ Rhaegar* waves a bit with the silver rapier [04/09/09 20:57] *Burns*: *sweats and rolls onto his back, thankfully grabbing the bottle* thanks, Czez [04/09/09 20:57] Assurancetourix:just look into the bottle, Burns, and you'll forget all of your pain and sorrow... [04/09/09 20:58] *Princ Rhaegar*:you better hold on there, friend... you wouldnt want certain people to take the sword [04/09/09 20:58] *Burns*: *takes three large gulps from the rum, then handing it back and lieing back* Ahhh... [04/09/09 20:58] Assurancetourix:I think Marvolo is flat on his back in the Tranquil Plains... hasn't move for a while... [04/09/09 20:59] Czez: *nods* Atta boy. You'll be back fit in no time. [04/09/09 20:59] *Burns*: *sits up and gets to his feet, shaky* my sword... where's my sword? i need to kill him... now... [04/09/09 20:59] *Princ Rhaegar*:easy there lad... you need to rest [04/09/09 21:00] :Czez drinks from the bottle again herself, then set it back on the desktop [04/09/09 21:00] *Princ Rhaegar*: *looks at the sword* this wont go anywhere [04/09/09 21:00] *Burns*: *staggers and holds onto the desk* maybe... better... not now... later... [04/09/09 21:01] *Princ Rhaegar*:hmmmm... *examines the sword again, then puts it in the sheets, and throws it to Burns* [04/09/09 21:01] :*Sagewoman* licks fingers off, then wipes them off on her pants [04/09/09 21:01] *Burns*: *gets hit by a sword and notices it's his own, and tucks it into his belt* did you save it from Marvolo, Princ? i owe you a lot now... [04/09/09 21:01] *Sagewoman*:Burns, dont go wolf hunting anymore. [04/09/09 21:02] *Princ Rhaegar*:dont worry about it Burnsy... just rest, we will speak later [04/09/09 21:02] *Sagewoman*:I used up three Orbs to save your mangly, flea bitten hide. [04/09/09 21:02] *Sagewoman*:I got some sacking to do to reclaim those. [04/09/09 21:02] *Burns*: *sits down on the desk, his hands hanging loosely between his knees, head bent over* not before i grow stronger, Sagey... [/spoiler] I don't know what the evil gems of Marv's mouth will do to me... he'd better brush his teeth sometime =P EDIT: turns out to be a quite long read LOL summary: Marv slayed me, Sage saved me ^^
  18. i just found one of my smelly friends and challenged him... of course he was much too scared to do it straight away and wanted to make some preparations... i accepted to fight him on his terms tonight, between 1800 and 2000 servertime, at Tranquil Plains... i wonder if that cowardly wolf will dare to show up... don't miss the epic combat with Marvolo tonight
  19. actually, Mur is still used as a power source, i'm living next to it ;)

  20. why the heck do you all want ever more prices?!? can't we just have a contest to play? i miss head-hunting for headhunting reasons, not because of the chance to get something...
  21. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/3424-all-star-contest/ *places a link to another really old idea*
  22. i'm finished with my sword, but haven't tested it yet... and i'm pretty exhausted now, too, so i'll get rest in the Cabin and delay the start of my killing spree to tomorrow
  23. hehe, nice feedback so far ^^ @watchers comments: i know about silver, that's why i go for a silver_coated_ rapier instead of a full-silver sword, it wouldn't make me that happy... i also know about wolfsbane, but a powder of that would instantly hurt/paralyze them so badly that the fight was over before it started, and really... that's more god-modding than actual god-modding -.- i'm also not planning to get rid of them all, there are well-trained wolves like Marvolo who don't rob virgins, don't eat helpless animals, ocassionally take baths and such, those are not that much of a problem imo... about the rest... good luck, if you avoid me for 3 days you have a full moon to support you Shadow, there are no 'targets'... every wolf misbehaving is an equal target... WHY? you dare ask why after reading the initial post? those evil little jerks who think that their wolfness excuses doing the things they are doing will learn that their wolfness is just about enough reason for me to beat them up rather badly *laughs manically*
  24. Since months, we were facing a series of severe problems connected to werewolves, starting with their stench, ending with their insane godmodding, but we looked over it... maybe for too long... they spawned, and the problems with them! they stride about as if they owned the place, they create mess and havoc where-ever they are, and they insult my nose with their mere presence... In the last few days, werewolves robbed the meat supplies of the Root of the Matter Inn, caught several bunnies and ate them, and at long last, entered the Cabin and crushed a poor Vampire Girl... The werewolves need to be extinct! (or at least bathed and taught some manners, but i'd prefer extinction) i'll spend the three upcoming days at the Weapon Smith and forge a silvercoated rapier using the metal from 3 silver coins, which i hope to be pure silver, cause i'm badly screwed otherwise, and will start to get rid of the werewolves at tuesday (day 243) evening, 3 days before the next full moon... (yeah, i know that MD doesn't have no moon, but it makes more sense when they can defend themselves) I hope some people out there are willing to help me, i'm not weak, but there are tons of werewolves... [sorry werewolves out there, i'm really bored and want some blood to be shattered on a larger scale than casual killing...]
  25. awww... i thought you wanted to talk about hell... uhmm... hi there, and enjoy the game... *decides to not look into the hello/goodbye/something else-subforum ever again*
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