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Everything posted by Burns

  1. modification: tough job, might get us lots of new bugs in the combat system and delay RP improvements again taking it out in one place: i guess impossible, but at least connected to some really hard work... and not a case for bug reports, rather a new idea once you develope it a bit further
  2. there are spots, like lore manor interior... and you can't be serious with 'a couple thousand at a time' :S we gain about 2k in a VERY low fight, so a couple of thousand of lost xp per battle is next to nothing -.- a losing rit needs very special arrangements, like regeners, which are not exactly what you call a common defence... soo... well, we need a way to lose xp on a good rate, even if that means that some mp4 have to suffer when another mp4 goes mad at them =P EDIT:E lost: 49456vit; A lost: 23847vit; <--- that's a 'normal' battle, are you still saying that a couple of thousand xp per fight should be enough when losing xp? That reminds me of Bill Gates, who once claimed that '64kb RAM should be more than enough for the normal user' XD
  3. WE don't need reason to party... but society wants us to tell a reason why we drink so much alcohol ;-) we can party all week long without any reason at all, but people would claim we have nothing to do and that we are useless booze-hounds... so we invent reasons, like birthdays, deathdays, christmas, easter, school out, school in, summer festivals, fridays, saturdays... you know, there's always something that's worth a good party :lol:
  4. hell, it is... ask dst, light, cless, even me... we would be at cap within a week, and with the fighting over, i'm sure some, if not most, of us would leave in the long run... and stealer v healers?? the xp you lose in such a battle are close to zero :/ but a well-used regen rit... good lord, 1m per fight is possible
  5. well, that's what we call 'known glitches'^^ regen does actually heal your creatures, BUT there are ways to bug that healing... one of them is exactly the thing that happend in your battle with the defend-ability and the xp sucking... yeah, it's kind of bugged because of the 'let's heal that creature, but not give it the vit'-system that's coming into place when one party uses the right tactics, but Manu can't take that bug out of the game until the stages after mp5 are finished, because til then we need that glitch to keep the game running Edit: took spoilers out as far as possible with keeping the explanation there...
  6. how do you win against a good def, then? vitality is the key to take out serious defences, if defs get combo, some people will get totally invincible :/ on the other hand, it would give a better use to life-stealers in attacks...
  7. place a 'space' somewhere in between and tell the person to use the code without 'space' ;-)
  8. Loreroot needs a new leader since Nelya is gone, and Raven serves that better than most others... Democracy sounds clever, but after all, it's a conservative system which hardly ever allows any changes to happen, and if Loreroot doesn't change, it will be left as 'the forest where you can buy water daimons' instead of getting the honor it deserves. still, i'm not serving anybody, not even yrth =P but i can easily be convinced to help, no matter if the person in need of help is Raven or a newbie^^
  9. I wonder if it's the right time now to take over savelite's and make it a wing of Guerilla... Nah, i guess yrth wouldn't like that XD
  10. you will see the point of martirism later ;-)
  11. maybe it did back then, but atm it surely stacks up endlessly... ask dst or LS, they are battling over the highest one-hit damage [currently about 40k from dst^^]
  12. you consider that a bug? weaken does the same, it stacks up all fight long, so i think defend is meant to do what it does... the explanation might be a bit misleading in those matters ;-)
  13. YAY, minotaur^^ and it's not THAT hard to keep track of where you are
  14. Burns

    quest fund

    totally NO, don't you see what happened to HC when money started being involved? People will cheat, bribe, threaten and loath each other when quests start to be about money... defintely NO, WP are already one step too far in that direction imo...
  15. k, then i'll only kick your sterns in willows, and only those of the MP5s, and keep away from your cannons in your own territories
  16. was about time some riot starts... it's been too quiet for too long d'ya mind if we start attacking you and your crew til death?^^
  17. to revive the topic: The Knight Obviously, that creature is designed to get rid of drachorns, that's why it should be a golemus creature^^ Buy: vit: 500 ap: 40 value: 1000 lvl1: Spearman ability: damage targets: strong vitality: 200 attack 40 defence 10 init 3 This Mercenary is a strong attack entity, but even given his plating of steel, he often loses a combat because he can't attack his enemies when the close in on him... He will not fight against weaklings, but save his power for the biggest opponent he can find and slay him if he can. Requirements: xp: 1000 wins: 70 age: 7 Upgrade: vit: 800 ap: 50 value: 1500 lvl2: Swordman ability: damage targets: strong vit 400 attack 70 defence 12 init 4 After perfectioning his skills with the spear, he decides to go for the sword and slay opponent from close range. He loves how the hot blood of his enemies covers his new shiny plating, but often gets in trouble when his opponents outnumber him. Requirements: xp: 8.000 wins: 120 age: 20 Upgrade: vit: 1800 ap: 60 value: 2000 lvl3: Knight ability: damage targets: strong vit 1000 attack 120 defence 15 init 1 Given a new plating and a new sword, he slays his opponents with his harsh blows. He is better protected now, but this protection comes with a high price: he is very slow. Requirements: xp: 30.000 wins: 200 age: 40 Upgrade: vit: 2000 ap: 70 value: 4000 lvl4: Rider ability: damage targets: strong vit 1200 attack 150 defence 9 init 7 With the new horse he bought from his earnings as mercenary, he grows even more powerful. Unfortunately, he had to sell most parts of his protective armor to afford the horse, but his attacks got stronger and faster with the horse. Requirements: xp: 100.000 wins: 350 age: 80 Upgrade: vit: 3000 ap: 90 value: 6000 lvl5: Hero ability: damage targets: strong vit 600 attack 200 defence 4 init 15 aura: focus attack [on his first strike, he kills the creature he targets. That ability works ONLY for the first attack and will NOT come into effect when the target has less than 4000 vitality], anti-freeze Bored from his usual enemies, he decides to for the big ones and learns how to deal with the strongest creatures in the realms. He knows the weak spots of each and every creature, but only uses his skills on those which seem worthy to him. He doesn't need any armor now, as he is not fighting for his master anymore, but for the pleasure of destroying, and doesn't mind what his master wants as long as he gets the honor of slaying the one opponent he wanted to kill. As i've said, a drachorn-killer... And I'm definitely no good with artworks, sorry -.-
  18. tree, the newspaper subforum is not public XD i agree with chewett on that matter, MD needs money, and rusty is a way to raise funds but i would prefer it if there was some creature to kill it... we know that rusty is _really_ overpowered, with that attack-stat and its auras... i would really like to see some creature that opens a way to kill it easily, like an anti-anti-freeze aura, if you get the idea... that wouldn't make the rusty weaker, but give players a realistic chance to deal with it... a rusty in a good rit is almost invincible these days :/
  19. UP, i don't know how many alts you play, but on UP, you won HC, don't forget that ;-) personally, i had huge troubles with my vit when i started mp5, and i considered myself a good fighter even back then... The stats of a casual gamer were simply too little to compete with ANY other mp5 back then... and with (relatively) little attack, it's really hard to win on low vit -.- getschi is going through that troubles right now, the moment he faces something else than a dummy-def [eg randoms], he needs all the vit he can get to get a win...
  20. that often?... i only get it about once each 15-20 mins browser: Firefox 3.whatever, the latest os (hope that means what i think that means): vista 32-bit connection: differs due to traffic, between 500KBit/s and 4MBit/s (i mostly play at night when it's a bit faster)
  21. UP, i fully support everything you wrote, but you will also have to look at the point of mp5-freshmen... they need their vit to win a fight, that's why they set a single tree 0%^^ also, there's only a few people with over 30 slots, and wasting 6 of them on trees is not an option if your inventory is full with 16... people will rather have a second combat set than a bunch of 'worthless' trees, and that's what they are as long as you are still strugling to win at all... you won't need to lose xp as long as you have a hard time gaining them ;-)
  22. I guess most people who play at willow's or the dojo have already heard about it, but there is no biug report about it: The Ally Flu has caught us, and even some non-allied people suffer from it!! Some people, most of them in allies, just don't show in willow's or the dojo, and can't be attacked by the same mp in these locations... that makes going idle a bit pointless :/ ghosts can still attack people, and even invisible people from another MP, and nobody seems to know why that happens... It's the problem Stormrunner already described some days ago, but it has spread out since then -.-
  23. Oi, light plays a role and i don't ?!?! :cray: nah, i wouldn't choose me for a RP-quest either xD but you can place bets that i pop in at some point =P
  24. have you ever thought of refreshing _after_ doing the Free Credits? Your VE and VP don't update every 5 seconds by default, they only do it on certain intervals when you are changing them (eg. by fighting, walking around...), so if you are standing in a sanc an doing free creds, you don't neccessarily notice them once you are done, so try and refresh right after you did them, that way you will make the boni show up^^
  25. Burns

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