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Everything posted by Burns

  1. but we don't want to scare players away just because they don't give a damn about the dojo!!!
  2. i think i should start making a new hello thread for everyday... like, a good morning threat :lol:
  3. but brute force is more fun
  4. You seem to have missed the threat dealing with all those issues... The codework would be horrible, and totally unneccesary, as you said, breaking laws can be a part of the game, too^^ delaying the dojo to another place will help a lot with players who fight at willow's (if we ever return to that place, GoE is popular currently), and bounty hunting would mess the game for most players... there are a few people in here who love the kill, and if bashing mp3-4 got openly rewarded, those poor fellows disobeying the dojo wouldn't even get time to take a deep breath before they die again *hehe* the no creatures thing is basic combat mechanics, if a random rit can't find any mobs, you can't fight, as simple as that, and scripts with buttons and stuff were discussed and discarded
  5. can i change my vote to 'not if Jesterman is running it'? =P i don't like masked superheros with capes, IMO a crazy Jester is the right person to make a fun contest =)) oh, aaaannnnnnd.... i forgot what i wanted to ask... maybe i'll find it again... *takes a walk around the block* oh, got it back: will your festivals run at the same time as Krishkas fair now? i would be very disappointed if i had to choose which of the two i'd like to attend...
  6. uhm... correct me if i'm wrong, but arabic uses different letters, doesn't it? like, not latin alphabet... so it would be kinda hard for those players to join in chat, wouldn't it? and without chatting there is no point in playing this game imo :/ this is not to say that it wouldn't be interesting, but most translation stop some time when players realize that english is the only chat language, so those who don't know english are stranded i here, no matter which language the story provides...
  7. that makes me think of another nice litlle addition... to have some nice little tactical arrangements, would it be possible to integrate a chat like ally chat where only torch-holders have access in the normal map-window? obviously every torchholder in every place could use that chat to have a more instant means of contacting other torchholders... maybe we could even get a nice little purple message 'XXX just died by an attack of YYY' in there, too see who died and therefore lost access to that chat...
  8. it's not about the 6 targets imo, it's about the single... eles can be taken with singles, that creature can't :/ and it surely could be made hard to train, but people always find ways, you know that best yourself, hanging out at dojo all the time^^
  9. but what will the upper limit be? for other stealers it's twenty... if that one would get 5 it would be ok imo, but 20 is too much on an all targeter :/
  10. life steal all is a bit strong imo... so is the demonic aura... but i like the idea
  11. 65 heal all is a bit over the top, don't you think? i think multiple would suit it better... else it would be too easy to heal weaklings... and, obviously, high age requirements from level three onward, healing shouldn't get too easy on mp3 and 4... part of the test-phase and stuff...
  12. but that has nothing to do with the 'regen' ability in combat, V... creatures who can't 'regen' regen, too, if you get what i mean :/
  13. in two weeks of testing, i couldn't find a way to make regen work the way it did before... so, you are right, apo, it works as we want it to work, but it doesn't work the way the description claims it should work
  14. Princ, i didn't talk about what you were supposed to do, i talked about your intentions... i don't say that you wanted to break that treaty, but still, there were no intentions of fighting on your side, just those of being bound to that treaty if any at all... neither were there any intentions of fighting you on our side, unless some of you felt the need to fight us, that is^^ and i'm pretty sure that the whole ally-thing was a way of getting out of that treaty unharmed, Grido took it over, there was no way of preventing that, etc.etc. oh, and don't get me wrong: that's my very personal opinion on things, NOT the point of golemus and it's allies and NOT the absolute truth [in fact, i even think there might be reasons i haven't thought about yet...]
  15. Burns

    Game reset?

    and you think a pure reset could change that, Princ?^^ factions will possibly change that, and i will definitely take some lessons from every tutor i can get a hold off to improve my shallow RPing XD atm, i'm that deep into my role that i have a totally normal every-day-job in MD when i'm not needed, which is stat-farming, i need a nice little 'i can do magic - FEAR ME!' role myself :lol:
  16. LOL, you consider the Savelites our enemies from yesterday? XD they never wanted to fight in that war on either side... and, even though they are in the LR lands, they are no sub-ally of the guardians in at least my eyes, they have an idea that's independent from the guardians, and some of us supported them all along, and Grido amongst those ;-)
  17. we are known to be stat-farmers and showing off with our 'golden penisses'? *takes a look at GG ally page* oh well, there's just MB and me stat-farming in our ally... and in the MRs, there's not that much farming, either XD the real stat-farmers are spread to all winds these days, and any ally needs some of them for times of wars imo =) and i like your spies, i was totally sure that nobody else was listening at that point... only idlers and people i trusted so far... so i must assume someone with the show-spell gave it to you :lol: giving away private chats is not exactly a nice thing to do, but oh well, there were no sensitive infos other than 1. White doesn't like Raven, 2. I didn't know that before, and 3. I was surprised on how dedicated White was about that^^ EDIT: forgot my point because of all that chat-logs... I hope that this action finishes the war before it starts, and i also hope that you won't be punished in any way... I'd love to see you at willow's again soon =D
  18. no... Yrth does not want to see Raven in that position, and there are a few [VERY few] possible successors about whom Yrth is unsure concerning their leader qualities, and he'd like to see one of the good, strong leading figures in LR high chair at this critical point. just a little side note: what makes you all think we want to get a whole population killed? there's absolutely no need for attacking civilians, the following statement might sound a bit boastful, but it's true: we have fighters [and not just one of them] on our side who can take out every single lorerootian 'fighter' within 4 minutes, considering that there might be some huge lag during the attacks... so there is absolutely no need to keep any lorerootian 'civilian' hostage or even kill some of them in order to make Raven step down... We can do whatever we want to him at this point, and even though he might be young, he knows that much... we have enough willow's experience, don't we, Raven?^^ On late evening of Thursday, there were plans to get into loreroot at once and get done with it, definitely inspired by the guy Calyx was refering to, but Yrth wanted Raven to get enough time to make decisions of his own, that's the only reason why there is still war-talking and no post-war-arrangements... EDIT: put in 'fighter' and 'civilian', as i found it confusing at a second glance...
  19. in my humble opinion, there was too much talking up to now and too little action... don't you see what happend to the Savelites? Take a look at Gridos loyalty, you can't take over an ally with 330 loyalty, he had help from inside ;-) that's to say, at least one [high-ranked] savelite chose to leave Raven (and from what rumors have, more than just one of them), and as an act of affirmation, disbanded the alliance and placed Grido as last remaining member to make sure that this ally does NOT go to war CoE have kicked all members who are not supporting Raven enough to go to war for him, and see what's left of them... when a 'leader' has only so little people who back him up, he can't be a good leader, can he? about a third of all people who were ruled by Raven up to now left him once the declaration was out, not counting inactives Obviously he got some support, too, there are those who like his ways and after all, he has the image of the noble defender while Yrth is the evil attacker XD Yrth, on the other hand, who started that war [yes, he did that, no matter what people say or do, one has to put the declaration of war out, and that was Yrth] lost two members, one of GG and one of MRs, and gained support from all around the realms, too... right NOW, with the end of the talking and threatening each other and with the first decisions made and first steps taken, one can see what's going on in people heads... up to now, people were sitting around with their hands tucked under their... thighs... and waited how things might turn out, now things HAVE turned out and sides are being chosen, and Ravens support is definitely thinner than before
  20. well, at this moment you could still call it a private war against Raven, not a war on LR in general... yrth has made his point in the first post, Raven shall step down and it's all over for good, and if he doesn't, all we want would be... well, i could say his head, but that sounds kinda brutal, so i'd better say another leader for the LR alliance and be done with it^^ DISCLAIMER: Personally, i have no matters with Raven, nor with him being leader/king of Loreroot, but i'm wholeheartedly part of the Guerilla, and if Yrth thinks that there are reasons to get rid of Raven, i trust in him as he most probably knows more facts than me. I won't attack ANY of you for fun, but if you happen to land on my list or try to protect those on my list... *sticks his thumb out and draws it across his throat in a swift movement*
  21. actually, they know yrth's point, and have known it for long... there are things which are unpublic for good reasons, because when politics are involved, one party will always lose and blame itself :lol: as long as certain things are discussed behind closed doors, each party can find reasonable explanations for their actions and sell them as wins, no matter if they won or not so don't think about that too much, guybrush, there are only about 5 people in the world who know all the facts^^ better sit back and watch teh big kids playing their game, it always turns out to be fun to watch
  22. *doesn't care for reasons... just wants blood to be shed* *veeery evil grin* anyways, fighting for reasons unknown is what i do for a living, being part of a military alliance XD and i will gladly kill or be killed in the process of this war, if that's what my king wants to be done... Lorerootians, be aware... even though i dislike fighting you til death, if that's what's needed, i will do it :aggressive:
  23. Burns

    Game reset?

    that's an insider, chewie... read the 'Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy' ;-) [spoiler]42 is the answer to 'the ultimate question about life, the universe and everything', but unfortunately, the ultimate question itself is not found yet ;-) [there is a question formed in the book, namely 'what do you get if you multiply six by seven?', but you don't consider that to be the real question, just an idea of the suoercomputer that worked on the question for 10 million years... ah well, that's too great to explain][/spoiler] :lol: [color="#0000FF"][b]I have read those books. I know all about earth and the mice and the H shaped buildings and the nanobot doors that rebuild themselves and the child of Athur Dent and Trillian Astra and the restaurant at the end of the universe and Zaphod Beable Brox and pan galatic gargle blasters and the guide... need i go on? My point is that it doesnt contribute to the post that Mur made.[/b][/color]
  24. healing was intended to take a long time, Manu wants the game to go at a slow pace in combat-development to leave more time for RP-developing^^
  25. Burns

    Game reset?

    actually, factions and a reset don't have to go hand in hand... but if Mur really wants to have his idea of factions, we might really need a reset because he is planning to have most, if not all of the gaming time in mp2 as RP level and stop most of the statgaining and creature-rising in favor of roleplaying, and that surely would be a change big enough to make a reset totally necessary... and the compromise of all that would be to implement the new faction ideas and 'being stuck with one country'-idea and leave the older players to play as we used to play... but then, we would either be stuck with one country, too, and most of us would try to stick together in one land [to keep the game as we know it up as much as possible], and nobody would be there to help the newbies who play the new system... or we were allowed to walk all lands, and that would most likely interfere with the ideas Mur is thinking about :/ at least that's what i understood so far of the faction system that's being planned, i haven't been at the meeting myself to ask question, i only read the chat-log some players provided...
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