Yes, I totally understand he may be busy with something. And patience is a virtue leaders need to possess, but dangling the carrot in front of a rabbit isn't fun after two weeks.
What does Mur have to do with the War?
Raven, MB, not a pun directed at you...
Second Post:
The Caretakers are ritualists. They thrive on their rituals, for that is what is important to them. Their rituals are based on the living, as well as the dead. For the purpose of judging them, and for remembering their feats and flaws. To remember them as they were is more important than remembering what they did. The festivals we hold in honour of the living(not necessarily people) have a hidden purpose.
To the public, the Caretaker is responsible for maintaining the monuments, as well as the graves. For taking care of the living, and the dead, and to take care of the memories. Their actions towards the Seal of Six is to act as Squires, and Advisors if they so wish.
The rituals and festivals held by the Caretakers will be held in order to bring culture to those who wish to inhabit the land. To create a tight niche. The first project the Caretakers will take on, is PR(public relations). PR is important for image. We wish to cultivate that image with these festivals and bring in those who fit with the land. After this project has been some what accomplished, the secondary nature of the Caretakers will show through. Death.
Life is important, but without Death, Life is not Life. Burials and Remembrance of those who have passed is extremely important. As Awiiya has done, we shall do as well. Remember the Legends, those who have departed, and remember what they brought to this world in the form of festivals.
The caretakers perform these rituals for the publics benefit, but they will also perform private rituals of a much Darker nature. I do not plan on explaining the purpose of these rituals as they are private, however, the caretakers are not fuzzy little chairmen of a city, but have a dualist nature.
With the festivals, fairs, and galas the Caretakers will throw to build culture and respect amongst them (the people), the Caretakers will become an essential part of the land, just as the sky and fields of grain are an essential part of the peoples happiness.
[i]The Structure of the alliance is much like the structure of a town. The Grandmaster will not take upon the role of Mayor, however. That is not the Caretakers goal![/i] [/left]
[b]The structure of the alliance is as goes:[/b]
[left]-[i]Grandmaster Caretaker[/i]:
- The Grandmaster will be responsible for the organization of the festivals, the maintaining of rituals, and will act as Judge between feuding inhabitants. Will also be responsible for the study and publication of the Tribunal lands, as well as the Tribunal's Quests. [Will be using my own Q Doc as the Alliance Quest Doc]
-[i]Master of Health[/i]:
- The Master of Health is required to have experience in herbs and remedies for the general populace, as well as knowledge of the body of both human, and animal akin.[ie healing spells]
-[i]Master of Manuscripts[/i]:
- The Master of Manuscripts is responsible for the documentation and recording of events, festivals, and special occasions during their lifetime. I will be getting the ability to edit RPC items, and edit certain items to include history.
-[i]Master of Culture[/i]:
- The Master of Culture is responsible for the general reports of the reception of different cultural events and advises the Grandmaster on the daily life of the common folk. Also responsible for the burial ceremonies of the deceased.
-[i]General Caretakers[/i]:
- The General Caretakers are the major workforce of the Caretakers, dealing with commonplace practices, hidden practices, and the training to become Master, and eventually Grandmaster.[/left]
[b]Festival and Ritual Ideas/topics[/b]:
- To celebrate the monuments in the tribunals, to bring respect to those who have died.
- Rituals to care for the graves and the mausoleums.
- Rituals to keep the dead peaceful, and the living happy. We all have a fear of death and must keep that fear at bay by making the deceased happy.
- Festivals to celebrate the memories of the dead, and the futures of the living.
I have always felt that MagicDuel lacked culture in general. We do have story night, which I always attend if I can! And then there was Handy(and Awiiyas) and their Ritual of the Seeds. I loved that. That was something special that I really enjoyed. I may be taking on something out of my league, I recognize that, but if Calyx was able to create the Dojo, if Pample could make the Story Night, and if Handy could have an Alliance idea originate from those seeds, then I am willing to add something lasting as well.
Some things I have yet to show to most of the people in MD are my leadership, and people abilities. I have them; I use them all the time in Real life, now it is time to apply these skills in MD. A project such as this would definitely help me prove my worth to the community, instead of just sharing ideas, and provoking thoughts(good or bad)!
My role as the Seeker of Lockets will not change as Leader for the alliance. If anything, my role will be incorporated and will enhance it. Artefacts are a major part of culture, and who better than the Seeker of Lockets to add those artefacts.
This is the updated version of my application. I have reorganised and smoothed out some language as well as listed the kind of rituals/festivals the Caretakers shall hold. I will keep updating it.