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  1. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Granos
    Mp: 5
    Age: Old enough
    Main Principal: Oxymoron
    Reason for applying: Because I can.
  2. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Firsanthalas in The naked truth.   
    I decided I have enough and I am going to say exactly what I think.

    In some ways this should be private between Mur and myself. But in other ways, no it deserves to be public.
    Mur says he allows free speech and this is the view of ONE person in MD. Anyone is free to agree or disagree with me, so by making this public I am opening myself up to as much insult, injury or plain old abuse as Mur is getting from me because of what I have written (or not). I will apologise for hurt I may cause, but I will not apologise for my view on things.

    Over time I have brought things up I have been unhappy with. I have written lengthy threads/emails about things. Undoubtedly some of it has been seen as stupid, wrong, preaching, longwinded, call it what you will. I am sure that at times I have not been as right as I felt. But I have always said what I believed to be true.
    Your response to this has usually taken the form of a very personal attack. You have called me a coward, stupid, naïve, lazy among other things. And yes you have actually put it quite plainly as ‘you are a coward’ ‘you are incompetent’ etc etc. And I mean plainly to me, not even when you go off calling the kings in general inept or what have you.

    You say I whine. You seem to think that all I do is whine. Well, you should look in the mirror bud. On more than one occasion you have had a good old whine about how you are fed up dealing with ‘stuff’ (I want to use a different S word here, but I will refrain even though I believe it is appropriate) and that you setup the kings and the council etc to deal with it. That you shouldn’t have to respond to things.

    Newsflash! YOU set them up. You setup the council and you complain it isn’t working or doing its job. Well, YOU appointed the council. YOU also set the council up to make decisions, to be autonomous. Yet on at least one occasion YOU personally stepped in and over-ruled the council. So YOU undermined the council. If you feel that the council is not working then YOU can change the people on it, the format of it or YOU can remove it.
    (By the way, I could tell you why they don’t work, I have tried to point out an error with at least one, but you simply ignore it as whining. But suffice it to say that simply changing the people will not actually change much if anything at all)

    In one of my last outbursts to the council YOU responded personally. And yes, your answer was VERY personal. You even went to far as to point out that you were being gracious enough to not punish me for my use of bad language. For anyone that is interested, my language was most foul, it was intended to be to stress my annoyance. It seems that this is what saved me from punishment. Now, the thing is, this was a letter sent to the council, not broadcast on the forum. As such, I view this as private. So, YOU may feel it was improper or foul or anything you like. But quite frankly it was private, not public.
    On the other hand, YOU dragged this matter onto the forums. While not obvious to anyone not privy to the private matter, YOU did this nonetheless. And your reason for doing this was for YOUR satisfaction. To be fair, when I complained you did remove it. However, I am sure that was just another example of whiny Firs and you felt you better do it rather than listen to me whine about it some more (I am being sarcastic, I would like to believe that you removed it due to sincerity, but you never apologised, so I will never really know perhaps).
    When people use certain words on the forums they have been told to change them or had them changed and even warned and told off for their language or banned etc. And we are talking about words that do not begin with F here and words that many would view as no issue at all I might add. Yet YOU have used the F word on the forums and I have not seen or heard of anything being said to you. It seems that there is a rule for everyone else and a different rule for YOU.

    YOU want people like me to use the needles to see Eon bring a case for being bullied. YOU want other people to do this. Why should I or anyone else doing something that YOU are not willing to do?
    And WHY are we seemingly ignoring any issue with anyone else being bullied because YOU want people to gang up on Eon and have Eon bring a case first?
    YOU can call me stupid or lazy or a coward or anything YOU want. But, I WILL NOT do something that YOU will not do yourself.
    It starts from the top. YOU cannot expect people to do things you are unwilling to do YOURSELF.
    Either a rule about bad language on the forums applies to everyone or it does not apply at all. YOU are not and cannot be the exception to the rule. Owners/Moderators of a forum cannot police rules they themselves do not respect. It is hypocritical and makes the rules itself void.

    You talk about respect. Well, I may have said things you didn’t like. I may have said things that were wrong. BUT, I have never disrespected you by calling you names or attacking your character. You may feel that I have and you may feel that I am doing so now. But I have never treated you with contempt and I have never ridiculed you for my own amusement. I have also had the decency to apologise to you when I have gone too far or at least felt I had. NEVER, NOT ONCE HAVE YOU APOLOGISED TO ME.
    I don’t need an apology to feel better about myself by the way. I don’t need you to tell me I am not a coward or stupid or anything else. I know exactly what I am. I know my faults and failings and I know when someone is talking through their rear end in what they are calling me.

    And for the record. There is no brainwashing going on in Loreroot that I am aware of. There may have been in the past and I was one of the people that brought it to your attention. Yet it seems that whenever you get a bit annoyed with me you role that one out. If it ain’t you that does it, somebody else does and you are happy to let it out there.
    I have not asked anyone to leave MD or to hate you or anyone else. I have not tried to create some kind of mini group within MD with some strange and pointless aim of ruining MD. People in Loreroot do not have some kind of organised hate MUR, or dst or anyone else campaign going despite what some people like to think or even insinuate on the forums. I actually find the notion mildly amusing and completely at odds with the fact that you think I just do nothing but whine.

    You can content yourself that the only people that agree with me are the whiners in Loreroot. What saddens me is that you don’t take a step back and realise that like it or no, that is a percentage of the population in MD. That it is so easy to simply write all those people off as some kind of whiner fruitcakes. We are all from different countries, different religions, ethnic groups, coulours, capabilities, attitudes, experiences, age, sex, you name it. But it all boils down to Loreroot = whiners.
    That is not an indictment of the people in Loreroot, that is an indictment of YOU. You allow this mentality to foster and it seems that you share it yourself. In fact, I would argue that it is because YOU hold this view that others share it.
    Like it or not, MD is your creation and YOU have a public that YOU can preach YOUR ideas and opinions to. And many people hold YOU up to be some kind of deity, hero, oracle, font of knowledge, whatever you like. Ironically, like a god, you seem dismayed and bewildered and angry that you have given your children such wonderful gifts and we have chosen to not use them as you expected us to. It’s hard when mere mortals cannot grasp the magnitude of the divine vision and wisdom.

    I am not saying that you want that. In fact I believe that you are uncomfortable with it and I consider that to be a good thing. But I equally feel that you sometimes forget that. Me or anyone else not agreeing with you is no bad thing either. You need to be told when you are talking rubbish (or at least when someone feels you are). I am not so sure that you handle that so well at times though. You have to realise that when you decide to put the boot in to someone you can expect a tide of people supporting you. But you have to accept that you will get that support even when you are wrong. And yes, like me there are times when you are wrong. Why? Because you are human, you make mistakes, like the rest of us (except of course dst, who is never wrong (there is an element of sarcasm there) ).

    I am far from perfect. There is always more I could do, should do even. But don’t dare to tell me to stop whining, or man up, or what have you, unless you are willing to do the same yourself. Stop blaming others, lead by example.
  3. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Sharazhad in Shameful MD   
    In MD most people are hypocrites, thats just something thats inevitable over time given how things are, that aside what people have done in the past can't we just get over it and try to move on and make changes towards making it a more suitable place for others rather than have pointless arguments. For once work together and make some changes so maybe just maybe nonsense like this won't be as common place and people wont endure what others have already?

    Maybe I'm crazy...
  4. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Shameful MD   
    In MD most people are hypocrites, thats just something thats inevitable over time given how things are, that aside what people have done in the past can't we just get over it and try to move on and make changes towards making it a more suitable place for others rather than have pointless arguments. For once work together and make some changes so maybe just maybe nonsense like this won't be as common place and people wont endure what others have already?

    Maybe I'm crazy...
  5. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Shameful MD   
    In MD most people are hypocrites, thats just something thats inevitable over time given how things are, that aside what people have done in the past can't we just get over it and try to move on and make changes towards making it a more suitable place for others rather than have pointless arguments. For once work together and make some changes so maybe just maybe nonsense like this won't be as common place and people wont endure what others have already?

    Maybe I'm crazy...
  6. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Mallos in Shameful MD   
    In MD most people are hypocrites, thats just something thats inevitable over time given how things are, that aside what people have done in the past can't we just get over it and try to move on and make changes towards making it a more suitable place for others rather than have pointless arguments. For once work together and make some changes so maybe just maybe nonsense like this won't be as common place and people wont endure what others have already?

    Maybe I'm crazy...
  7. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in Shameful MD   
    In MD most people are hypocrites, thats just something thats inevitable over time given how things are, that aside what people have done in the past can't we just get over it and try to move on and make changes towards making it a more suitable place for others rather than have pointless arguments. For once work together and make some changes so maybe just maybe nonsense like this won't be as common place and people wont endure what others have already?

    Maybe I'm crazy...
  8. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Prince Marvolo in Shameful MD   
    In MD most people are hypocrites, thats just something thats inevitable over time given how things are, that aside what people have done in the past can't we just get over it and try to move on and make changes towards making it a more suitable place for others rather than have pointless arguments. For once work together and make some changes so maybe just maybe nonsense like this won't be as common place and people wont endure what others have already?

    Maybe I'm crazy...
  9. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Watcher in Shameful MD   
    In MD most people are hypocrites, thats just something thats inevitable over time given how things are, that aside what people have done in the past can't we just get over it and try to move on and make changes towards making it a more suitable place for others rather than have pointless arguments. For once work together and make some changes so maybe just maybe nonsense like this won't be as common place and people wont endure what others have already?

    Maybe I'm crazy...
  10. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Chewett in Shameful MD   
    In MD most people are hypocrites, thats just something thats inevitable over time given how things are, that aside what people have done in the past can't we just get over it and try to move on and make changes towards making it a more suitable place for others rather than have pointless arguments. For once work together and make some changes so maybe just maybe nonsense like this won't be as common place and people wont endure what others have already?

    Maybe I'm crazy...
  11. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Kaya in Shameful MD   
    In MD most people are hypocrites, thats just something thats inevitable over time given how things are, that aside what people have done in the past can't we just get over it and try to move on and make changes towards making it a more suitable place for others rather than have pointless arguments. For once work together and make some changes so maybe just maybe nonsense like this won't be as common place and people wont endure what others have already?

    Maybe I'm crazy...
  12. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from The Great Wanderer in Shameful MD   
    In MD most people are hypocrites, thats just something thats inevitable over time given how things are, that aside what people have done in the past can't we just get over it and try to move on and make changes towards making it a more suitable place for others rather than have pointless arguments. For once work together and make some changes so maybe just maybe nonsense like this won't be as common place and people wont endure what others have already?

    Maybe I'm crazy...
  13. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Firsanthalas in accept or decline notice for teleport spells   
    I have to disagree Darigan. The real issue as I see it is memory stones. Currently only a few people actually have spells such as Send to GOE. And generally these spells have a particular reasoning and purpose. As Chewy stated, sending people hiding during TC. I myself have also used Send to GOE to help people that are stuck in the maze or some far flung part of MD that would require 5 billion Ap to get back from.
    No, as I see it the real issue is that with power stones, the number of people and number of casts of these spells has increased. There could be an argument that some spell simply shouldn't be traded perhaps. Or the trade on them be restricted somehow. On a personal note I feel that the spell trading is actually not a good thing. I feel that it cheapens the value of spells. Previously people got access to spells because of merit and/or because of WPs. Now it seems everyone can all have spells for a few coins. Mind you, you also need to point out that it is in part due to the people with these spells in the first place willing to trade them to line their pockets (or if you give the stone away as a reward or prize the recipient may well sell it on).
    Let the flaming commence.
  14. Upvote
    Granos reacted to awiiya in Rooting Day Festivity   
    Hello MD,

    Nearly a year ago, on Day 316 of last year, I rooted myself into the ground and became as you know me now, a tree.

    In celebration of the first anniversary of that date, on this next Day 316 I will be hosting a smallish celebration. Any and all are welcome.

    I'm viewing this less of a celebration of myself... and more an excuse to gather people together to have some fun and plant a seed (in all ways) or two.

    There are no conventional prizes to award, at least that I'm aware of, but if you'd like, stop by during the day, and join in.

    As per usual, there will be:
    Bizarre humor
    Bad puns
    And games.

    As an added note, I would also like it to be the first time that I bear fruit. To accomplish this, I am going to organize a ritual (details and specific time to be announced later). If you would like to participate, come in person and/or bring any of the following: water, fenths, herbs, stones, heat stones, lumber, words, phrases. Hopefully with this organic material and the dedication and words of a large group, something may take place.

    If you would like to plan anything additional, feel free. Post here, and I'll add you to this first post.

  15. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Azull in sad conclusion   
    For Necrovions downfall, Rebels made little to no real difference other than an initial push towards the fall, but it has been something a long time coming from even before Jester was king. As for Ravenstrider he is one of the few people left in the realm who could ever be considered a true Necrovion.
  16. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Jubaris in sad conclusion   
    For Necrovions downfall, Rebels made little to no real difference other than an initial push towards the fall, but it has been something a long time coming from even before Jester was king. As for Ravenstrider he is one of the few people left in the realm who could ever be considered a true Necrovion.
  17. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Watcher in sad conclusion   
    For Necrovions downfall, Rebels made little to no real difference other than an initial push towards the fall, but it has been something a long time coming from even before Jester was king. As for Ravenstrider he is one of the few people left in the realm who could ever be considered a true Necrovion.
  18. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Chewett in sad conclusion   
    For Necrovions downfall, Rebels made little to no real difference other than an initial push towards the fall, but it has been something a long time coming from even before Jester was king. As for Ravenstrider he is one of the few people left in the realm who could ever be considered a true Necrovion.
  19. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Watcher in Law Advisors   
    If nobody else is interested, since I somewhat do it already, I can be the "law advisor" for the Tribunal, Charging for advice is a silly notion though, the only way I could see people charging for this being viable is if they were going to be directly responsible for any bad advice they give and/or being able to make bribes to bend the legalities under certain circumstances. Which to my understanding would kind of undermine the whole point of this....

    If this is needed? Not really people already are doing this to begin with, if anything it might help direct them to them quicker, but in the end it may lead to more unnecessary buracracy which will just distract people more-so from day to day things (IE - lead to people trying to get more laws, for the grey areas).

    Maybe it will be a good thing though to help enforce the illusion of power over people or make others feel more rebellious (at least sooner in a "non-damaging" way)

    The aspect of law replacement, is a dangerous notion and will really depend on the people involved--I mean imagine if I was allowed to do that?!

    It will be interesting to see what happens with this--but I still think its not really needed, as it is geared towards vets rather than giving newer people roles...

    Just my rambling opinion, take as you want...
  20. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Ivorak in Law Advisors   
    If nobody else is interested, since I somewhat do it already, I can be the "law advisor" for the Tribunal, Charging for advice is a silly notion though, the only way I could see people charging for this being viable is if they were going to be directly responsible for any bad advice they give and/or being able to make bribes to bend the legalities under certain circumstances. Which to my understanding would kind of undermine the whole point of this....

    If this is needed? Not really people already are doing this to begin with, if anything it might help direct them to them quicker, but in the end it may lead to more unnecessary buracracy which will just distract people more-so from day to day things (IE - lead to people trying to get more laws, for the grey areas).

    Maybe it will be a good thing though to help enforce the illusion of power over people or make others feel more rebellious (at least sooner in a "non-damaging" way)

    The aspect of law replacement, is a dangerous notion and will really depend on the people involved--I mean imagine if I was allowed to do that?!

    It will be interesting to see what happens with this--but I still think its not really needed, as it is geared towards vets rather than giving newer people roles...

    Just my rambling opinion, take as you want...
  21. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Blood Prince in Grido Has Been Band From Golemus   
    [quote name='Liberty4life' date='27 September 2009 - 11:46 AM' timestamp='1254066402' post='42922']
    hmm dirty play from opposition i see, afaik there is no bugs left that can mess up allys, and i check it, if there is prove me that, and then i will say myself that i am shit of bug finder

    so cut down your bs, in every post somebody is exaggerating
    No Lib not opposition, as I have taken no side in this conflict, also if requested by Mur or Akasha proof will be provided as somethings really have no place on the forum. All I believe is that fair is fair, I do not approve of double standards to which this matter brings into question.
  22. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in New Head Contest Rules   
    What I did was perfectly in line with the rules of the head contest

    The real contest behind the heads contest is not getting the highest score or the most heads
  23. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Watcher in Abuse Of Silence Spell   
    I really do not think that the punishments are harsh enough.. With amounts of alts and the blatant stupidity of people the ones who would mainly be abusing the spell they shouldn't get a tour of prison, this is direct abuse of one of the systems in place in MD which has been brought up countless times, Anyone who does abuse would know they are abusing it and therefore should just jump straight away to worse punishments. Anyone whos over 100 days of activity found abusing the spell shouldnt be given a second chance.. People have been banned for less, and quite foolish reasons, the ones damaging the game through blatant abuse should be punished and not just tapped on the hand, I am quiet sick of the hypocritical attitude towards punishments. (Burn the infidels)

    But thats just my opinion..
  24. Upvote
    Granos reacted to phantasm in Sad News IRL   
    As a few know, my mother has been failing in her health these last couple of weeks. It is one of the main reasons I have been so distant from any online action. She passed away at the age of 79 last evening. She had lung cancer for 4 years, and the cancer finally overtook her. Her and my wife were two of the shining joys in my life. She never asked for anything and gave everything she could, and will truely be missed.

    Times like these make one question their actions and current state of life. I am not leaving MD, but I will not be available for most things for a while to come. I apologize for any events/plans that I am currently in the middle of that must be delayed/cancelled. I can still be reached through pms of any variety, though the time at which they will be read and responded will be hard to determine.
  25. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Brulant in Necrovions coat of arms   
    [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1313970240' post='90549']
    What about a spiral, such as the one seen by new players when they encounter the wall shades?

    I like the idea of incorporating a spiral into the coat of arms somehow, but I would suggest doing it in the form of a triskelion: three connecting spirals that posses threefold rotational symmetry.

    They can be quite simple like this:

    Or can get fairly complicated like this:

    Either way, the concept of threes seems quite important to me in regards to Necrovion, and I'd like to see it represented in the coat of arms.
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