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  1. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Manda in The Grasan Replacement!   
    Just gave it a try (draft)... I know the face sucks big time compared to other parts .......will work on it. The basic idea that I used here is, the level one was tied to stone and masked his face and on level 2 he grows and breaks his chains and mask :-)


    Updated with new image...changed to straight pose...face becomes nasty on other poses he he

  2. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Jubaris in Tipu vs. Grasan   
    Nasty he he
  3. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Tarquinus in Tipu vs. Grasan   
    Nasty he he
  4. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Tipu in Tipu vs. Grasan   

    [color=#0000ff]Unrelated to Grasan replacement-contest, split.[/color]
  5. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in The Grasan Replacement!   
    Just gave it a try (draft)... I know the face sucks big time compared to other parts .......will work on it. The basic idea that I used here is, the level one was tied to stone and masked his face and on level 2 he grows and breaks his chains and mask :-)


    Updated with new image...changed to straight pose...face becomes nasty on other poses he he

  6. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to smartalekrj in Letter to RJ   
    1: adding things to your post AFTER I posted is stupid, you could reply afterwards instead of making a retarded scene. 2: you chose to make this public vs the council keeping it private. 3: I did not make it public about the area after i had changed it. 4: the only person that has made this public is the topic starter. Do not try to attack me based on biased assumptions. Come up with something real. btw I sent tothe council the messages in the DracHorn Lair before this topic started based on the facts i already knew. Yrth, nothing to do with you other than i am curious how i "bragged" about it and would like to see proof.(I do get drunk and forget things, but don't remember bragging about a thing that I meant to keep privvy). And again I would rather refrain from this being public as it's not in a public area and the only person to make it public is someone who and I quote said "i would like to inform you that the Lair is still closed for everybody." Appartently not everybody.

    btw chewett.. i can understand changing a post before someone else posts, but afterwards makes the forum useless for this type of thing. i request this topic be closed based on inadequate information and multiple changes to posts to try to better oneself.
  7. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Kaya in The Grasan Replacement!   
    Just gave it a try (draft)... I know the face sucks big time compared to other parts .......will work on it. The basic idea that I used here is, the level one was tied to stone and masked his face and on level 2 he grows and breaks his chains and mask :-)


    Updated with new image...changed to straight pose...face becomes nasty on other poses he he

  8. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Ravenstrider in Ravenstrider's Wall   
    Two new avatars and a tree avy I drew earlier:

    And new ones:


    An image for an item maybe...

    WP for days design:

    Scene-ish drawing... Corner.
  9. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from nadrolski in The Grasan Replacement!   
    Just gave it a try (draft)... I know the face sucks big time compared to other parts .......will work on it. The basic idea that I used here is, the level one was tied to stone and masked his face and on level 2 he grows and breaks his chains and mask :-)


    Updated with new image...changed to straight pose...face becomes nasty on other poses he he

  10. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to smartalekrj in Letter to RJ   
    not that I want to respond to this, but the no jump tag was there before one of your alliance members "accidentally" jumped there before... So it doesn't prevent people from jumping TO you. It prevents people from jumping FROM the location.
  11. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from MRAlyon in The Grasan Replacement!   
    Just gave it a try (draft)... I know the face sucks big time compared to other parts .......will work on it. The basic idea that I used here is, the level one was tied to stone and masked his face and on level 2 he grows and breaks his chains and mask :-)


    Updated with new image...changed to straight pose...face becomes nasty on other poses he he

  12. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Path of the dragonrider never ends, I was walking dejected, looking up in the skies..."where are you my Wind Dachron??"........I suddenly saw someone near Berzeker's way.....a Swami......I sat near by him....amazingly he told everything about me with his divine powers, I asked him whether I will get a Wind Dachron...he said I will and soon, he promised me that he will conduct a small ritual to satisfy the Gods for me a thousand thanks to him....here is he

  13. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from VonUngernSternberg in The Grasan Replacement!   
    Just gave it a try (draft)... I know the face sucks big time compared to other parts .......will work on it. The basic idea that I used here is, the level one was tied to stone and masked his face and on level 2 he grows and breaks his chains and mask :-)


    Updated with new image...changed to straight pose...face becomes nasty on other poses he he

  14. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Path of the dragonrider never ends, I was walking dejected, looking up in the skies..."where are you my Wind Dachron??"........I suddenly saw someone near Berzeker's way.....a Swami......I sat near by him....amazingly he told everything about me with his divine powers, I asked him whether I will get a Wind Dachron...he said I will and soon, he promised me that he will conduct a small ritual to satisfy the Gods for me a thousand thanks to him....here is he

  15. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in The Grasan Replacement!   
    [size=2]Edit: I think my scanner ate his toes. I'll have to fix that.
    Edit #2: Fixed! The image is now affectionately named 'grassytoes'.[/size]
  16. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Muratus del Mur in The Grasan Replacement!   


    I told you i will upload it ))
  17. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Grido in Demotion of Phantom Orchid   
    I have tonight been informed of something which saddens me. In the steps leading up to Phantom Orchid being promoted to LHO (Promoted 18-Sep-2011) she sold an exploit to a player (for a rip-off price as well) - this happened in the period of time between my enquiring opinions from current LHOs for the basis of her promotion, and the act of promoting itself.

    The exploit/bug itself isn't overly serious, it's been known about for a while and not so much abusable, the issue stands that she was at the time trying out to be an LHO, and then became one. Selling bugs or exploits, of any sort, is NOT lho behaviour.

    She has now been demoted after the short period of 9 days as an LHO. She will not have the opportunity to become an LHO for a period of at least 1 year from this date and should express a cease of any such actions from now onwards.

    I would ask her to privately tell me how she found out about it in the first place - if clarification on what exploit and the player I'm referring to is needed(I really hope not), then I can provide such.

    It should be noted that I have not banned her, however this does not necessarily mean that Mur of the council will not decide otherwise.

    The exploit/bug is not to be listed here, that is to prevent enquiring minds looking for how to do it.
    The player involved is not to be listed here, unless they choose to make themselves public.
  18. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Seigheart in Demotion of Phantom Orchid   
    Quick question:

    It's not becoming of an LHO to sell an exploit, but it's perfectly okay for LHOs to mock, harass, and bully other players?

    A simple yes or no would suffice.

    Thanks Grido!
  19. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Tipu in Boast Credits Bar   
    Boast Credits Bar

    So what it does ?
    Simple whenever credits bought from MD shop reaches 100$ credits every players who r online recvs 5$ credits each.

    Advantages :

    1) Non- supporters would be happy.
    2) Online players will be rewarded.
    3) Many players will prefer clicking Idle instead of Logout button.
    4) Negative Viewing of the game supporters will be changed. Infact players will be rooting for supporter to purchase more credits.
    5) Even the supporters will get their share if they r online when the boast bar touches its limit.
    6) The Cap between supporters and non supporters will even reduce further.
    7) MD will not loose its supporter just cos' of 5 $ hehe. nor it will lower MD economy $$$.
    8) Yeah i agree MD do give a lot of free cookies but only at certain dates and time. People do gather a lot during that time but vanishes soon after that. But this Boast credits bar will rewards those players who r really loyal to this game not just during 'free cookies time '.
    9) There r many player who do play a lot but be absent during those 'free cookies time' due to RL issue. This will sort out that problem too.
    10) Conclusion : Boast credits bar = More players online = more fun = free cookies = more players = balance = More players for Tipu to destroy muwahahahum.
  20. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Blood Prince in skill increase for defending   
    Not a good idea for the exact reason Lone Wolf said. Better or much plausible solution would be to take off skill damage when one defending against such players. Skill damage to apply only when the player defending wins. That simple adjustment could make a lot of MP5's come out of hiding.
  21. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to juntaozhu15 in WTS/WTT 3 rustys 1 reindrach   
    I would like to sell/trade my extra rustys and reindrach

    here are the relavent stats
    Rusty 1
    id 585212
    4.4 mill heat
    667 age
    claw 1, claw 2, stardust, antifreeze, goldbelt, darksheild

    Rusty 2
    id 424208
    7.7 mill heat
    893 age
    claw 1, claw 2, kelletha fire, emeral glare, antifreeze, oynx fangs, dark shield, dark sky, gold belt, purpurmoon

    Rusty 3
    id 605166
    2.9 mill heat
    616 age
    claw 1, claw 2, claw 3, starsut, antifreeze, darksheild, fire drop

    id 605141
    2 mill heat
    616 age
    dark sheild, oynx fangs, jewel shards

    I am not interested in silver/gold, I am looking for rare creatures (shades, anniversary aramors, wind drachs, tainted angiens, morphs, etc.)
    I may also be interested in md credits and unique items

    My current active account is jtz champion, you can pm me there or on the forums for more information

    I will only trade if I get a interesting offer as I am in no hurry to get rid of my drachorns
  22. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Manda in WTS/WTT 3 rustys 1 reindrach   
    Rusty 2 --------------------------------------------------------- 2 allow pass

    coloerless joker no tokens 40 age
    [b]7 Aromatic herbs[/b]
    [b]Flowers [/b]

    [b]4 Mineral Water [/b]

    [b]Sawdust [/b]

    [b]4 Tea leaves [/b]

    [b]17 Toxic plants [/b]

    [b]8 Unidentified plants [/b]
  23. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Chewett in Pothos Rep Spamming   
    [b]Pothos[/b] decided it was a good idea to give one member -49 reputation yesterday, and he was only stopped from continuing this by the fact that he had also given another member -1 which means he most likely hit the maximum amount of negative reputation in a day.

    For this he has been given a minimum 1 week banning from the reputation system, and if he continues this once the ban is lifted the time period will be substantially more.

    Using the reputation system to show your dislike is fine, Going through someone posts and specifically marking + or - on them is not fine and will be punished.
  24. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Pothos in Pothos Rep Spamming   
    Fair enough. I'll consider myself warned.
  25. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Hedge Munos in Looking for a specific avatar   
    Got some free time today.....tried drawing one......feel free to edit this and use it ...
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