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  1. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Hedge Munos in Looking for a specific avatar   
    Got some free time today.....tried drawing one......feel free to edit this and use it ...
  2. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Looking for a specific avatar   
    Got some free time today.....tried drawing one......feel free to edit this and use it ...
  3. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Phinneas in Phinn's Amateur Avatar Hour   
    Hello all -

    In light of my recent misadventures with the Avatar shop, I've decided to stretch my lacking art skills into an attempt at drawing my own...

    And here's the result! The artwork is all mine. I'm not confident the concept is entirely original, however (I've got a niggling twitch at the back of my mind that I've seen something similar on MD).

    Please comment on both aspects if you will.

    (The .jpgs would show inline while editing, but I couldn't post for some reason, so I had to add them as attachments).

    dragon.jpg is a larger version, avatar.jpg is at 100x160. I'm thinking too much may be lost at that size...

    Thoughts, criticism, input all welcome!

    Thanks in advance.

    - Phinn
  4. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Junior in WTS/ WTT Windy. Anniversary, DM   
    8gc windy+gg
  5. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Seigheart in Sad news   
    Wait, so it's a cat that died?
  6. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Sad news   
    Today, a family of which I am very good friends had one of their cats pass away. This is the third pet in six weeks, and these people love their pets dearly.

    This cat has been with them for many years, longer than I have known them, and the young boy was very attached to him.

    I would like if anyone who is inclined towards prayer would pray for the three of them (mother, daughter and son), and their many remaining pets (Several chickens, some lizards, a dog, a rabbit, guinea pigs, some fish, and a lot of cats).

  7. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Tipu in Sad news   
    Everyone has to die some day.
    Rest in peace Cat.
  8. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Pipstickz in About MP 6   

    Lower EXP can be done by sacrificing creatures as well, all you need to do is buy it from somebody.

    The creatures being disabled doesn't affect MP5, only MP4 and MP3

    And I haven't seen you trying to recruit adepts, but I may just be a little blind. I will say that MP6 is achieved through effort, not time. In fact, someone who's 150 days old may have an easier time than someone who's 600, because they would be more connected with the MP3s and MP4s that they grew with whereas the 600 day old might only notice a younger player once they get to MP5, or once they're pointed out by somebody. How often do you just go to the Park and say hello to the younger players?
  9. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to baiano in About MP 6   
    Good Night for all,
    After the realease of new rule of upgrade based on MP level , i have some friend like many people here that stopped play MD for some changes tha they dont liked ....
    Have some other topics that talk about .....
    One topic say to pay 30 silvers for be Mp 6 for some time etc.... same Mp-6 are not agreeing with it cause of noble perpuse that consist in get MP-6, lot of workk that they expent for have their adept.....etc......
    Why not continue with this kind of upgrade based on MP upgrade , but giving alternative , like :

    training a creature until the costs for upgrade was reached minus MP, paying one credit for upgrade the creature that already reached others needs less Mp , example :

    Needed for upgrade... Won battles +45 Age +23 MindPower +Advance or one credit
    With this way the creature will have alternatives for upgrade , remembering that others requirements needs to be reached too....

    -With this way we are going to have two possibilities ,.... other advantages is that we will not reduce the valor of MP 6 in game , considering that 20 ~30 adepts for upgrade i dont know certain the number , but we dont have so much players to be adepts for help others, and be MP 6 only for upgrade creatures we will reduce valor of that noble Mp.... with we need 10 players(sure is more) for example maybe we need to remove from that players that aready are MP6 that have same noble reason like help others, to give it for other player that only want to have adepts for upgrade their creatures.... we need to undrstand that we dont have enough players to be adepts for players that want to upgrade cretures only........

    I want discuss it , to help MD grow..
  10. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Seigheart in Necrovion Closed - question   
    The AP is so high (666) that the only way in would be a spell.

    I am not saying the spell would allow you to enter, but that would be the only work around.
  11. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in How can resources be fixed unsplittable groups   
    I was about to suggest something, and I saw this to be the right place. I agree with items like memory, knowledge etc which cant be splitted, but items like water, branches, lumber etc can be quantified, they are measurable, so I feel it would be better if we could quantify it for example

    Water - in litres (say player has 15 water and say 10 Water makes 1 litres and then it should become 1lit Water and 5Water (2 items). Similarly other items. I am just putting a possibility here.
    Sand - In kg
    Branch - In numbers

    Another thing would be to globalize the item trade by setting up a Resource shop (similar to the armor shop), so that the collectors can dump in their collections and people can buy on their own (resources are to be consumed and hence trade is necessary) and the money goes to the treasury of the respective guilds. I know it requires a lot of effort but I would feel it is good and it will help the collectors too.

  12. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from No one in How can resources be fixed unsplittable groups   
    I was about to suggest something, and I saw this to be the right place. I agree with items like memory, knowledge etc which cant be splitted, but items like water, branches, lumber etc can be quantified, they are measurable, so I feel it would be better if we could quantify it for example

    Water - in litres (say player has 15 water and say 10 Water makes 1 litres and then it should become 1lit Water and 5Water (2 items). Similarly other items. I am just putting a possibility here.
    Sand - In kg
    Branch - In numbers

    Another thing would be to globalize the item trade by setting up a Resource shop (similar to the armor shop), so that the collectors can dump in their collections and people can buy on their own (resources are to be consumed and hence trade is necessary) and the money goes to the treasury of the respective guilds. I know it requires a lot of effort but I would feel it is good and it will help the collectors too.

  13. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from nadrolski in Selling a BP and Anniv Aramor   
    Selling a BP and Anniv Aramor and [i][b]A FRESH RUSTY (Get it from the Dragonrider )[/b][/i]

    [s][b]Rustgold Dachron - Fresh (min 4gc)[/b] - [b][i]Having a PM bid ( 3GC + highly tokened crt)[/i][/b] - Bid will end tomorrow morning or when i get a good deal [/s]
    [s]BP - Fresh - [i][b]Bid open again...price can be negotiated [/b][/i][/s]sold

    [s]Anniv Aramor - Age 113[/s]
    [s] Heat 24769[/s]
    [s] Token StarDust....... MIn (3GC)[/s]

    [size=2][i]Will be selling only if the offer is satisfactory[/i][/size]

  14. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Rasiel in Wts Gg Drach For Coins   
    Ah!! I dont have much items but I will put what I have (6SC + 1GC + 1Zircon)

  15. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Chewett in Sales of Resources   
    I personally believe that since water is a resource, freely available that it should also be similarly available. However, since some of the independent water gathers have felt it good to deplete the water to a point whereby it is hard to attain water.

    Then there is no real system to be able to distribute water out to the masses, fairly. If you want water, The Water Dowsers are here to oblige.

    Since the independent tools are being passed around relatively quickly, it is hard to predict how many resources and how fast we can collect it. So orders are harder to predict when they can be fulfilled. The smaller quantities will take longer as we wont likely have them, and will need to build them up.

    Currently the prices for water are:
    1/2 Silver for 2 Water
    1 Silver for 1 Mineral Water

    These prices are averaged over 10 pieces, if you want one water, it obviously wont be for 1/2 a silver

    If you want water, come to us first, If you are getting it for a community effort, or to help someone, Then we will offer a larger discount, to help support the community effort.

    Currently i am acting as salesman for the Water Dowsers, if you wish to buy water from them send me a pm.

    The Water Dowsers are spending their own time voluntarily to get the resources and draw no salary and expect no reward for their work. We are not focussed on getting rich, but being able to give the water that people need.

    Any trades conducted with us, will be fully protected by the land and Queen. This means that you can trade safely with us knowing that you are paying the people working to bring you water, And wont get ripped off by someone who has just bought some water to entice people.

    The coins raised will be used in good projects around Marind Bell and MD. Instead of trying to get rich quick there are much better ways of using this guild to help MD.

    Sponsorship of events will be at the discretion of the leader of the Water Dowsers and The Queen.
  16. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to jmaster in Selling Resources   
    [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1311354636' post='88603']
    Then you are a fool and you will not sell. Simple as.

    That is too stop people from continuesly pulling me away from what I am trying to do, If it doesnt work then prices will still drop but If people keep saying my prices are high and bothering me about it they will just continue to raise. I dont care if they sell fast, I am a patient Man. So please people only reply if you want something, and not bash on my business, I dont do it to your guys so I ask for at least the same respect.
  17. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Sasha Lilias in Selling Resources   
    [quote name='jmaster' timestamp='1311354181' post='88602']
    And also If I am confronted about the prices again, dont worry about them cause you will only raise them then.

    Then you are a fool and you will not sell. Simple as.
  18. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to jmaster in Selling Resources   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1311336686' post='88561']
    simularly with water. i am selling the water dowsers stock for half that price

    I get the prices are higher.... Im trying to make a profit, they will drop slowly but surely to a price that will sell, for now its a test. And also If I am confronted about the prices again, dont worry about them cause you will only raise them then.
  19. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to xrieg in Curiose   
    After last batch of Mur's announcements it's clear that there is only one magical item left in the whole realm of MD - it's Curiose the Magic Mushroom. She is widely recognized as the best secretary Mur has ever had, with quality of service so amazing that the Santa Mushroom were recently given two helping elves, by names of apophys and Seigheart, to slow her down a bit with rewards delivery. Children must wait for their Christmas gifts full year - and Curiose could always deliver them within two weeks period - to big and small.
    Well... to big first, of course.
    She is a busy person, but also devoted teacher. She can take bours off her full schedule to give a lecture to a noob about:
    1. how busy she is,
    2. how much she hates nagging about some rewards,
    3. how important is RESPECT,
    4. how perfect is each and every thing Mur ever did, finished or not.
    Unfortunately, yours and truly is a noob himself, so some information he knows only from bonfire songs and late night stories... Curiose is considered to be a very good writer; she was the main driving force of Story Night for a long time that were run regularly until a few months ago.
    I guess she must have been a great fighter of old - she often scorns people who complain about being attacked at MP5: it's an ultimate fighting level after all and those who whine about some minor attacks should probably not be there in the first place.
  20. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Aelis in Recruitment   

    If you are interested in joining us by following the Squire path to become a Knight, or if you wish to walk the Pilgrims path, contact me (I am usually at Wind’s Sanctuary or MDP/GoE. If you can’t find me, send me a forum PM).

    This topic will contain information regarding the recruitment process and my duties as recruiter.

    Aelis, Knight Recruiter of the Bell
  21. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Junior in Selling various creatures   
    I offer 3gc for santa 5gc for colorless joker
  22. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Curiose in What annoys me in MD   
    I will tell you how I got my job, or role as a secretary.

    I posted on the forums that I will work for Christmas gifts.
    My influence over the land is because I DOVE myself straight into the fires. Yes, I got burned, yes, I faced criticism and still do. Yes, I abide by the rules to the best of my judgment.

    I have no 'super' powers. All I have are my wits, my knowledge, and my friends.

    There is no 'elite,' only those who can be trusted to do the right thing, and respectively do so. They are considered 'elite' in some eyes, because they have proven that they are worthy of the things they do.

    MD is how you make it.

    If you whine and cry about it, and sit around twiddling your thumbs about how many things annoy you, then sure. You won't get far. I personally have a few qualms about a few things in the means of how MD is structured [socially], but do I often sit around, making a forum post with lists of how many things are wrong, and how I hate what certain people do? No. I suck it up, and I do what I need to do. Why? because people count on me to do the things that I need done, and for that, that gives me the drive to get up out of my bed, and help MD.

    I am not even a year old. Yet, look how far I have gone.
    You, as a player, should have known that this is no ordinary game.
    Why do you think Mur let's people make choices in story mode?
    Or why there are no ordinary 'classes' that originate in every other game?
    It is because this is MagicDuel.

    You are, what you are.
    It is, what you make of it.
  23. Downvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Grido in What annoys me in MD   
    i think Curiose(for one) is slightly a case against your point, she is a relatively new player, and yet she seems to have influence in the realm, as she is Mur's secretary, which is contrary to only old age pensioners (like me) having all the power/influence, we have a lot of freedom, but it's still available for newer players.

    If an idea is seen that has been asked before, consensus can usually judged, based from what happened previously, which is then the responce.
  24. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in WTS Various for small prices (Rusties, BPs...)   
    Poor Rusty 3....."you are not lucky enough to become the ride of the only Dragonrider in MD :-)" .

  25. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Pipstickz in WTS Various for small prices (Rusties, BPs...)   
    Poor Rusty 3....."you are not lucky enough to become the ride of the only Dragonrider in MD :-)" .

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